Release Memory Mapped Memory - c++

I am memory mapping a large file (~200GB) into a single region/view and sequentially writing to it. Every now and then I perform a boost::interprocess::mapped_region::flush(last, current, false).
After a while the process uses up the entire system memory. Which, from what I understand, is normal as it will be releasing the memory as other process request memory.
This works well on Windows 8. However, running on Windows 7 it doesn't seem to play well with the drivers for AJA video cards and it starts affecting performance (dropping IO packets).
Is there any way I can force the Windows 7 to flush parts of the memory to disk (after the data is written it is only interesting for a few seconds, and remember I am writing sequentially through the entire file), as to not use up the entire available system memory?

Flushing has nothing to with reclamation, IYAM. It just makes sure dirty pages are written out (I think you still need a disk sync to make sure it actually /hit the disk/).
So, you're looking for a way to unmap.
Maybe you can use a function like
EmptyWorkingSet to evict as many pages as possible
SetProcessWorkingSetSize to temporarily reduce the allowed process working set.
Of course, in a more portable fashion, you might just get away with unmapping and remapping. If the access is to spinning HDD and remains sequential across remaps, there might not be a performance penalty (there might be though, if the kernel prefetched data e.g. due to madvise() or the windows equivalent thereof)


Force executable into memory?

I have a cpp executable (it contains static libraries), about 1MB in size. When I run the exe, it consumes less than 200kb memory.
From what I understand this means the computer reads the exe little by little when it's needed from the HDD.
I want to improve the performance, even a bit, so, how can I say "load the exe into memory" and don't touch the HDD? Will this bring any performance improvement?
The OS will load parts of the executable into memory as it is needed. This is where knowing more about the instruction cache might be useful. The idea is that you structure your program so that common code is grouped together. For example, you might have some functions that are getting inlined - in this case the OS would have to load the same code in multiple places which might be slow. By removing the inline you'd have the code in one chunk in memory which would get cached and thus reduce loading time.
I would agree with the others though that this type of optimization should really be reserved until after you profile and know for sure that this is the bottleneck, which is very unlikely
If you really want to do this, you need to touch the memory pages by reading from them. But forcing pages into memory once does not guarantee that they will remain in memory. An apparent alternative solution would be to VirtualLock the region, but in practice this function doesn't work the way you'd think (at least on any system where I've used it), even if you have the appropriate privilegues.
Note that the default minimum working set is only 16MB, so for larger executables, forcing pages into RAM will necessarily push others (which you need!) out of the working set, so this is in fact an anti-optimization. Unless you have the necessary privilegues to increase the working set size.
It's a bit tedious to find out where the executable's mapping starts and ends. Not that it is impossible, but it's much more complicated than just mapping the file again. Then you simply run a loop which reads one byte every 4096 bytes, and you are done. This will consume twice as much address space, but will consume the same amount of RAM (thanks to how memory mapping works).
But, realistically, you will gain absolutely nothing from doing this.
The operating system does not need to load the entire executable and does not need to keep it resident at all times. Part of your executable will be debug info or import info, which the loader will maybe look at once (or won't look at) and never need afterwards. Forcing that stuff into memory only means you purge useful pages from the working set.
The OS likely has the parts (or most of it) that are not visible to you in the buffer cache anyway, but even if that isn't the case, you will hardly ever notice a difference.
Globally, forcing all of the program into RAM will slow it down.
There are usually large parts of the code which aren't executed
in any given run, and there's no need to ever read these from
Where forcing all or parts of the program into RAM can make a difference
is latency. If you're responding in real time to external
events, having to load the code in order to respond will reduce
latency. This can only be done by using a system specific
request (e.g. mlock under Posix systems supporting the read
time extension). You'll probably have to have special rights to
be able to do it, though. In practice, it should only be used
on machines dedicated to a specific application, since it can
have a very negative impact on the total system performance.
(There's a reason that it's in the real-time extensions, and not
in the basic Posix.) Locking the addresses used by the function in memory means that there can be no page faults when it is executed.

Swapping objects out to file

My C++ application occasionally runs out of memory due to large amounts of data being retrieved from a database. It has to run on 32bit WinXP machines.
Is it possible to transparently (for most of the existing code) swap out the data objects to disk and read them into memory only on demand, so I'm not limited to the 2GB that 32bit Windows gives to the process?
I've looked at VirtualAlloc and Address Window Extensions but I'm not sure it's what I want.
I also found this SO question where the questioner creates a file mapping and wants to create objects in there. One answer suggests using placement new which sounds like it would be pretty transparent to the rest of the code.
Will this prevent my application to run out of physical memory? I'm not entirely sure of it because after all there is still the 32bit address space limit. Or is this a different kind of problem that will occur when trying to create a lot of objects?
So long as you are using a 32-bit operating system there is nothing you can do about this. There is no way to have more than 3GB (2GB in the case of Windows) of data in virtual memory, whether or not it's actually swapped out to disk.
Historically databases have always handled this problem by using read, write and seek. So rather than accessing data directly from memory, they use a fake (64-bit) pointer. Data is split into blocks (normally around 4kb), and a number of these blocks are allocated in memory. When they want to access data from a fake pointer address they check if the block is loaded into memory and if it is they access it from there. If it is not then they find an empty slot and copy it in, then return the address. If there are no slots free then a piece of data will be written back out to disk (if it's been modified) and that slot will be reused.
The real beauty of this is that if your system has enough RAM then the operating system will cache much more than 2GB of this data in RAM at any point in time, and when you feel like you are actually reading and writing from disk the operating system will probably just be copying data around in memory. This, of course, requires a 32-bit operating system that support more than 3GB of physical memory, such as Linux or Windows Server with PAE.
SQLite has a nice self-contained implementation of this, which you could probably make use of with little effort.
If you do not wish to do this then your only alternatives are to either use a 64-bit operating system or to work with less data at any given point in time.

Memory mapped files performance - memory management when working with large data sets

I have a situation where I need to work with a number (15-30) of large (several hundreds mb) data structures. They won't fit into memory all at the same time. To make things worse, the algorithms operating on them work across all those structures, i.e. not first one, then the other etc. I need to make this as fast as possible.
So I figured I'd allocate memory on disk, in files that are basically direct binary representations of the data when it's loaded into memory, and use memory mapped files to access the data. I use mmap 'views' of for example 50 megabytes (50 mb of the files are loaded into memory at a time), so when I have 15 data sets, my process uses 750 mb of memory for the data. Which was OK initially (for testing), when I have more data I adjust the 50 mb down at the cost of some speed.
However this heuristic is hard-coded for now (I know the size of the data set I will test with). 'In the wild', my software will need to be able to determine the 'right' amount of memory to allocate to maximize performance. I could say 'I will target a memory use of 500 mb' and then divide 500 by the amount of data structures to come to a mmap view size. I have found that when trying to set this 'target memory usage' too high, that the virtual memory manager disk thrashing will (almost) lock up the machine and render it unusable until the processing finishes. This is to be avoided in my 'production' solution.
So my questions, all somewhat different approaches to the problem:
What is the 'best' target size for a single process? Should I just try to max out the 2gb that I have (assuming 32 bit Win XP and up, non-/3GB for now) or try to keep my process size smaller so that my software won't hog the machine? When I have 2 Visual Studio's, Outlook and a Firefox open on my machine, those use 1/2 gb of virtual memory easily by themselves - if I let my software use 2 gb of virtual memory the swapping will severely slow down the machine. But then how do I determine the 'best' process size.
What can I do to keep performance of the machine in check when working with memory-mapped files? My application does fairly simple numerical operations on the data, which basically means that it zips over hundreds of megabytes of data real quick, causing the whole memory-mapped files (several gigabytes) to be loaded into memory and swapped out again very quickly, again and again (think Monte Carlo style simulation).
Is there any chance that not using memory-mapped files and just using fseek/fgets is going to be faster or less intrusive than using memory mapped files?
Any articles, papers or books I can read about this? Either with 'cookbook' style solutions or fundamental concepts.
It occurs to me that you could set some predefined threshold for "too darn slow" and use the computer's wall-clock to make your alterations on the fly.
Start conservatively low. If this is below your "too darn slow" threshold, bump the size up a little bit for the next file. do this iteratively. When you go above the threshold, slowly back the size off iteratively.
I think it's a good place to try Address Windowing Extensions:
It will allow to use more than 4GB of memory by providing a sliding window. The drawback is that not all versions of windows have it.
I probably wouldn't use a memory-mapped file for this app. Memory-mapped files work best when you have a large virtual address space (at least relative to the size of the data you're processing). You map the entire file, and let the OS decide which pieces remain resident.
However, if you're repeatedly mapping and unmapping segments of the file (rather than the entire file), you'll probably end up doing just as well by reading chunks via fseek and fread -- note, however, that you do not want to read individual pieces of data this way (ie, do one large read rather than a lot of small reads).
The one way that manually segmented memory-mapped files might win is if you have sparse reads: if you'll only be touching, say 10% of a given file. In this case, memory mapping means the OS will read only those pages that are touched, whereas explicit reads will load the entire file.
Oh, and I would definitely not spend time trying to control my resource consumption. The OS will do that better than you can, because it knows about all competing processes.
It will probably be best to fix the size of the memory mapped file to be a some percentage of the total system memory with probably a set minimum.
Remember that the operating system will effectively load a whole memory page when you access a single byte, this may well happen in the background but will only be fast if sequential data accesses tend to be close together.
You should therefore try to keep sequential accesses to your data as close together in memory/the file as possible. You can also look a preloading strategies access your data speculatively before actually requiring the data. These are the same considerations that you will need when optimizing for memory cache efficiency.
If sequential data accesses are scattered widely in your file, you may be better off using fseek and fread to access the data since this will give you better fine-grain control of what data is written to memory when.
Also remember that there are no hard and fast rules. Optimizations can sometimes be counter-intuitive so try a whole bunch of different things and see which works best on the platform that this will need to operate on.
Perhaps you can use /LARGEADDRESSAWARE for you linker of Visual Studio, and use bcdedit for your process to use memory larger than 2GB.

How to avoid HDD thrashing

I am developing a large program which uses a lot of memory. The program is quite experimental and I add and remove big chunks of code all the time. Sometimes I will add a routine that is rather too memory hungry and the HDD drive will start thrashing and the program (and the whole system) will slow to a snails pace. It can easily take 5 mins to shut it down!
What I would like is a mechanism for avoiding this scenario. Either a run time procedure or even something to be done before running the program, which can say something like "If you run this program there is a risk of HDD thrashing - aborting now to avoid slowing to a snails pace".
Any ideas?
EDIT: Forgot to mention, my program uses multiple threads.
You could consider using SetProcessWorkingSetSize . This would be useful in debugging, because your app will crash with a fatal exception when it runs out of memory instead of dragging your machine into a thrashing situation.
Similar SO question
Set Windows process (or user) memory limit
Windows XP is terrible when there are multiple threads or processes accessing the disk at the same time. This is effectively what you experience when your application begins to swap, as the OS is writing out some pages while reading in others. Windows XP (and Server 2003 for that matter) is utterly trash for this. This is a real shame, as it means that swapping is almost synonymous with thrashing on these systems.
Your options:
Microsoft fixed this problem in Vista and Server 2008. So stop using a 9 year old OS. :)
Use unbuffered I/O to read/write data to a file, and implement your own paging inside your application. Implementing your own "swap" like this enables you to avoid thrashing.
See here many more details of this problem: How to obtain good concurrent read performance from disk
I'm not familiar with Windows programming, but under Unix you can limit the amount of memory that a program can use with setrlimit(). Maybe there is something similar. The goal is to get the program to abort once it uses to much memory, rather than thrashing. The limit would be a bit less than the total physical memory on the machine. I would guess somewhere between 75% and 90%, but some experimentation would be necessary to find the optimal setting.
Chances are your program could use some memory management. While there are a few programs that do need to hold everything in memory at once, odds are good that with a little bit of foresight you might be able to rework your program to reuse or discard a lot of the memory you need.
Your program will run much faster too. If you are using that much memory, then basically all of your built-in first and second level caches are likely overflowing, meaning the CPU is mostly waiting on memory loads instead of processing your code's instructions.
I'd rather determine reasonable minimum requirements for the computer your program is supposed to run on, and during installation either warn the user if there's not enough memory available, or refuse to install.
Telling him each time he's starting the program is nonsensical.

How best to manage Linux's buffering behavior when writing a high-bandwidth data stream?

My problem is this: I have a C/C++ app that runs under Linux, and this app receives a constant-rate high-bandwith (~27MB/sec) stream of data that it needs to stream to a file (or files). The computer it runs on is a quad-core 2GHz Xeon running Linux. The filesystem is ext4, and the disk is a solid state E-SATA drive which should be plenty fast for this purpose.
The problem is Linux's too-clever buffering behavior. Specifically, instead of writing the data to disk immediately, or soon after I call write(), Linux will store the "written" data in RAM, and then at some later time (I suspect when the 2GB of RAM starts to get full) it will suddenly try to write out several hundred megabytes of cached data to the disk, all at once. The problem is that this cache-flush is large, and holds off the data-acquisition code for a significant period of time, causing some of the current incoming data to be lost.
My question is: is there any reasonable way to "tune" Linux's caching behavior, so that either it doesn't cache the outgoing data at all, or if it must cache, it caches only a smaller amount at a time, thus smoothing out the bandwidth usage of the drive and improving the performance of the code?
I'm aware of O_DIRECT, and will use that I have to, but it does place some behavioral restrictions on the program (e.g. buffers must be aligned and a multiple of the disk sector size, etc) that I'd rather avoid if I can.
You can use the posix_fadvise() with the POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED advice (possibly combined with calls to fdatasync()) to make the system flush the data and evict it from the cache.
See this article for a practical example.
If you have latency requirements that the OS cache can't meet on its own (the default IO scheduler is usually optimized for bandwidth, not latency), you are probably going to have to manage your own memory buffering. Are you writing out the incoming data immediately? If you are, I'd suggest dropping that architecture and going with something like a ring buffer, where one thread (or multiplexed I/O handler) is writing from one side of the buffer while the reads are being copied into the other side.
At some size, this will be large enough to handle the latency required by a pessimal OS cache flush. Or not, in which case you're actually bandwidth limited and no amount of software tuning will help you until you get faster storage.
You can adjust the page cache settings in /proc/sys/vm, (see /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio, /proc/sys/vm/swappiness specifically) to tune the page cache to your liking.
If we are talking about std::fstream (or any C++ stream object)
You can specify your own buffer using:
streambuf* ios::rdbuf ( streambuf* streambuffer);
By defining your own buffer you can customize the behavior of the stream.
Alternatively you can always flush the buffer manually at pre-set intervals.
Note: there is a reson for having a buffer. It is quicker than writting to a disk directly (every 10 bytes). There is very little reason to write to a disk in chunks smaller than the disk block size. If you write too frquently the disk controler will become your bottle neck.
But I have an issue with you using the same thread in the write proccess needing to block the read processes.
While the data is being written there is no reason why another thread can not continue to read data from your stream (you may need to some fancy footwork to make sure they are reading/writting to different areas of the buffer). But I don't see any real potential issue with this as the IO system will go off and do its work asyncroniously (potentially stalling your write thread (depending on your use of the IO system) but not nesacerily your application).
I know this question is old, but we know a few things now we didn't know when this question was first asked.
Part of the problem is that the default values for /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio and /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio are not appropriate for newer machines with lots of memory. Linux begins the flush when dirty_background_ratio is reached, and blocks all I/O when dirty_ratio is reached. Lower dirty_background_ratio to start flushing sooner, and raise dirty_ratio to start blocking I/O later. On very large memory systems, (32GB or more) you may even want to use dirty_bytes and dirty_background_bytes, since the minimum increment of 1% for the _ratio settings is too coarse. Read for a more detailed explanation.
Also, if you know you won't need to read the data again, call posix_fadvise with FADV_DONTNEED to ensure cache pages can be reused sooner. This has to be done after linux has flushed the page to disk, otherwise the flush will move the page back to the active list (effectively negating the effect of fadvise).
To ensure you can still read incoming data in the cases where Linux does block on the call to write(), do file writing in a different thread than the one where you are reading.
Well, try this ten pound hammer solution that might prove useful to see if i/o system caching contributes to the problem: every 100 MB or so, call sync().
You could use a multithreaded approach—have one thread simply read data packets and added them to a fifo, and the other thread remove packets from the fifo and write them to disk. This way, even if the write to disk stalls, the program can continue to read incoming data and buffer it in RAM.