Stata: Capture p-value from ranksum test - stata

When I run return list, all after running a ranksum test, the count and z-score are available, but not the p-value. Is there any way of picking it up?
input eventtime prefflag winner stakechange
1 1 1 10
1 2 1 5
2 1 0 50
2 2 0 31
2 1 1 51
2 2 1 20
1 1 0 10
2 2 1 10
2 1 0 5
3 2 0 8
4 2 0 8
5 2 0 8
5 2 1 8
3 1 1 8
4 1 1 8
5 1 1 8
5 1 1 8
bysort eventtime winner: tabstat stakechange, stat(mean median n) columns(statistics)
ranksum stakechange if inlist(eventtime, 1, 2) & inlist(winner, 0, .), by (eventtime)
return list, all

Try computing it after ranksum:
scalar pval = 2 * normprob(-abs(r(z)))
display pval
The answer is by #NickCox:
The Statalist archive is a valuable resource.


Identify and delete observations that do not meet conditions in Stata

I need help identifying and removing observations that meet certain conditions. My data looks like this:
ID caseID set Var1 Var2
1 1 1 1 0
1 2 1 2 0
1 3 1 3 1
1 4 2 1 0
1 5 2 2 0
1 6 2 3 1
2 7 3 1 0
2 8 3 2 0
2 9 3 3 1
2 10 4 1 0
2 11 4 2 0
2 12 4 3 0
For every set, I want to have one observation in which Var2=1 and two observations in which Var2=0. If they do not meet this condition, I want to delete all observations from the set. For example, I would delete set=4 because Var2=0 for all observations. How can I do this in Stata?
Consider the following new variables:
egen count1 = total(Var2 == 1), by(set)
egen count0 = total(Var2 == 0), by(set)
egen total = total(Var2), by(set)
A literal reading of your question implies that you want to
keep if count1 == 1 & count0 == 2
But if sets are always of size 3 and no values other than 0 or 1 are possible, then you need only count1 == 1 OR count0 == 2 OR total == 1 as a condition.

Creating variables based on other variables in SAS

I'm looking to create a variable based on this data sample:
Video Subject Pre_post Pre_Post_ID
1 1 0 1
1 2 0 1
1 2 0 1
1 3 0 1
1 3 0 1
2 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 1
2 3 1 1
4 1 0 2
4 2 0 2
4 2 0 2
4 3 0 2
4 3 0 2
5 1 1 2
5 1 1 2
5 2 1 2
5 2 1 2
5 3 1 2
The goal of the variable will be to create an ID that links the pre_post variable to the subject on the condition that the pre_post_id is the same:
Video Subject Pre_post Pre_Post_ID Subject_P_P_ID
1 1 0 1 1
1 2 0 1 2
1 2 0 1 2
1 3 0 1 3
1 3 0 1 3
2 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1
2 2 1 1 2
2 2 1 1 2
2 3 1 1 3
4 1 0 2 4
4 2 0 2 5
4 2 0 2 5
4 3 0 2 6
4 3 0 2 6
5 1 1 2 4
5 1 1 2 4
5 2 1 2 5
5 2 1 2 5
5 3 1 2 6
Thank you in advance for the help!
You will want to track the pairs (<pre_post_id>,<subject>) as a composite key and increment the Subject_P_P_ID every time a new pair (or key) is encountered.
To simplify the discussion, call the two items in the pair item1 and item2
Here are two ways:
Sort by item1 item2, step through BY item1 item2 and track pair count using logic based on an automatic first. variable -- pair_id + (first.item2), or
Track pairs as keys of a hash and assign new id as <hash>.num_items + 1 when key lookup fails.
Sort + Data Step + Revert Sort
proc sort data=have out=have_sorted;
by item1 item2;
data have_sequenced;
set have_sorted;
by item1 item2;
item1_item2_pair_id + (first.item2);
proc sort data=have_sequenced out=want;
by video subject pre_post pre_post_id item1_item2_pair_id;
data want;
set have;
if _n_=1 then do;
declare hash lookup();
lookup.defineKeys('item1', 'item2');
if lookup.find() ne 0 then do;
item1_item2_pair_id = lookup.num_items+1;

Pandas: count when condition is met in subgroups

I have a dataframe that looks like:
subgroup value
0 1 0
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 0
4 2 0
5 2 0
6 2 0
7 3 0
8 3 1
9 3 0
10 3 0
I need to add a column that add 1 whenever there is at least one value different than 0 in the different subgroups. Please, note that if the value 1 is repeated more than once in the same subgroup, it doesn't affect the count.
The result should be:
subgroup value count
0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
4 2 0 1
5 2 0 1
6 2 0 1
7 3 0 2
8 3 1 2
9 3 0 2
10 3 0 2
Thank you in advance for your help!
Using shift with -1 and 1 and cumsum the result
0 1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 2
9 2
10 2
Name: value, dtype: int32
Using merge and groupby
subgroup value out
0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 0 1
4 2 0 1
5 2 0 1
6 2 0 1
7 3 0 2
8 3 1 2
9 3 0 2
10 3 0 2

Create a dummy variable for the last rows based on on another variable

I would like to create a dummy variable that will look at the variable "count" and label the rows as 1 starting from the last row of each id. As an example ID 1 has count of 3 and the last three rows of this id will have such pattern: 0,0,1,1,1 Similarly, ID 4 which has a count of 1 will have 0,0,0,1. The IDs have different number of rows. The variable "wish" shows what I want to obtain as a final output.
input byte id count wish str9 date
1 3 0 22sep2006
1 3 0 23sep2006
1 3 1 24sep2006
1 3 1 25sep2006
1 3 1 26sep2006
2 4 1 22mar2004
2 4 1 23mar2004
2 4 1 24mar2004
2 4 1 25mar2004
3 2 0 28jan2003
3 2 0 29jan2003
3 2 1 30jan2003
3 2 1 31jan2003
4 1 0 02dec1993
4 1 0 03dec1993
4 1 0 04dec1993
4 1 1 05dec1993
5 1 0 08feb2005
5 1 0 09feb2005
5 1 0 10feb2005
5 1 1 11feb2005
6 3 0 15jan1999
6 3 0 16jan1999
6 3 1 17jan1999
6 3 1 18jan1999
6 3 1 19jan1999
For future questions, you should provide your failed attempts. This shows that you have done your part, namely, research your problem.
One way is:
set more off
*----- example data -----
input ///
byte id count wish str9 date
1 3 0 22sep2006
1 3 0 23sep2006
1 3 1 24sep2006
1 3 1 25sep2006
1 3 1 26sep2006
2 4 1 22mar2004
2 4 1 23mar2004
2 4 1 24mar2004
2 4 1 25mar2004
3 2 0 28jan2003
3 2 0 29jan2003
3 2 1 30jan2003
3 2 1 31jan2003
4 1 0 02dec1993
4 1 0 03dec1993
4 1 0 04dec1993
4 1 1 05dec1993
5 1 0 08feb2005
5 1 0 09feb2005
5 1 0 10feb2005
5 1 1 11feb2005
6 3 0 15jan1999
6 3 0 16jan1999
6 3 1 17jan1999
6 3 1 18jan1999
6 3 1 19jan1999
list, sepby(id)
*----- what you want -----
bysort id: gen wish2 = _n > (_N - count)
list, sepby(id)
I assume you already sorted your date variable within ids.
One way to accomplish this would be to use within-group row numbers using 'bysort'-type logic:
***Create variable of within-group row numbers.
bysort id: gen obsnum = _n
***Calculate total number of rows within each group.
by id: egen max_obsnum = max(obsnum)
***Subtract the count variable from the group row count.
***This is the number of rows where we want the dummy to equal zero.
gen max_obsnum_less_count = max_obsnum - count
***Create the dummy to equal one when the row number is
***greater than this last variable.
gen dummy = (obsnum > max_obsnum_less_count)
***Clean up.
drop obsnum max_obsnum max_obsnum_less_count

if condition is intended to be fulfilled for observation but for value of another variable

At the moment my code reads: gen lateFirms = 1 if firmage0 != .
So at the moment the dataset which I get looks like this:
firm_id lateFirms firmage0
6 1 110
8 1 90
But what I want is this:
firm_id lateFirms firmage0
6 1 110
6 1
6 1
6 1
6 1
8 1 90
8 1
8 1
8 1
8 1
NOTE: All blank entries are missing values!
So "lateFirms" should equal 1 if, regarding a "firm_id", there exists one observation for which firmage0 is not a missing value.
bysort firm_id : egen present = count(firmage0)
replace lateFirms = present > 0
The count() function of egen counts non-missings and assigns the count to all values for each firm.
Maybe this helps:
bysort firm_id: gen dum = 1 if sum(firmage0) != 0
To get exactly what you want, you can use replace instead of generate:
bysort firm_id: replace lateFirms = 1 if sum(firmage0) != 0
As #NickCox pointed out, this solution is specific to the example dataset you provided.