Ember Component keyboard events - ember.js

In my webapp I have a search field at the top (kinda like Facebook) which is an input field and a bootstrap dropdown for result suggestions. I would like to decouple it from the controller of its container into an Ember Component. But I don't understand how to pick up events from the input field. Right now the view picks up submit (there is no submit button) and keyUp/keyDownfor navigating the dropdown. How do I listen to these events on a Component?

You can use Component the same way as you would View.
App.SearchFieldComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
value: "",
keyUp: function (e) {
alert("You pressed key code " + e.keyCode);
Full jsbin.


Right way for conditional transition depending on where view is rendered in emberjs

Hi I have a view call AutocompleteView its job is to put google places autocomplete on landing page.There is no map rendered on this page just a textbox.
what I am try to achieve is user should just use autocomplete textbox on landing page. On entering some place of choice. I will transition the user to a specific route where the same AutocompleteView will be rendered with map so tha user can change his choice of place.
When user chang the location on the page where map is rendered no transition is needed here
the approch I am trying is I check the parent view where
{{view AutocompleteView}}
has been rendered using this.get('ParentView") and based on the parent view
say if ParentView is Application(landing page) I will transition or else no transition will occur.
I have no good experienve of javascript mvc my doubt
Is it right to rely on ParentView for just transtions or is there a better way??
App.AutocompleteAddressView = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'input',
didInsertElement: function() {
var options = {
componentRestrictions: {country: "xx"}
var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(this.$()[0], options);
It sounds like what you want is to handle the action of "entering text in the search box" differently based on which route is currently active -- the landing page or the results page.
The Ember way to do this is to trigger an action from your view using this.get('controller').send(#{actionName}). That action will bubble up from the view's controller to the current route. Then you can handle that action differently depending on which route is active, e.g.:
App.IndexRoute = Em.Route.extend({
actions: {
search: function() {
# transition to results page
App.ResultsRoute = Em.Route.extend({
actions: {
search: function() {
# update visible results
To make this easier, you might want to use a subclass of Ember.TextField for your AutocompleteAddressView. Then you can define an action property on your view that will automatically get triggered when the user types enter/return.

binding controller object to a component in ember

I am trying to build a modal box component in ember. The modal box has two standard buttons, "close" and "save". I wanted to pass controller action to this component so that when save button is clicked, it calls the controller action that was passed. I call my component as :
{{#affi-modal-box title="Test title" modalId="createNewAnalyticsRunModal" controllerBinding=controller}}some message{{/affi-modal-box}}
and my component :
AS.AffiModalBoxComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
attributeBindings: ['modelId','test'],
//this is the function that gets called when save button is clicked
onSaveButtonClick : function(){
console.log(this.get('controller'));//returns modal box component which I don't need
Any ideas how I can pass the controller object to the component??
The way Ember.Component's work is to be agnostic to other parts of your application, therefore rather then passing in a controller on which you want an action to be called on when something happens in your component, you do it more like in this way:
title="Test title"
action="actionNameOnTheController"}}some message{{/affi-modal-box}}
As you can see you set the action attribute to the action name on your controller, and then inside your component you simply call this.sendAction('action'); which will trigger whatever action name you defined earlier:
AS.AffiModalBoxComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
attributeBindings: ['modelId','test'],
//this is the function that gets called when save button is clicked
onSaveButtonClick : function(){
So now, whenever onSaveButtonClick is invoked it will send the action actionNameOnTheController to whatever controller is listening to it. And best of all, without knowing nothing about the controller. This is the kind of functionality that makes Ember.Component's reusable in any way.
Please see here a simple demo of the concept explained.
Hope it helps.

ember.js v1.0.0-rc.1 -- Using a modal outlet, how do I route out of the modal on close?

I'm attempting to render all my modals through application routing, but I'm having trouble figuring out the proper way to return to a previous state after I dismiss the modal.
Here's the basic setup:
I have an outlet in my application template which I'm using to display modal dialogs.
It looks something like:
{{ outlet modal }}
In my route mappings, I've defined hooks for the individual modal. For instance, my help dialog pops up with:
App.HelpRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
renderTemplate: function(controller, model) {
this.render({ outlet: 'modal' });
Right now, I can display my modal through the uri:
I have a hook to dismiss the modal using jQuery:
But this doesn't really help, because I'm just hiding the element. I need to update URI on dismissal. If I hit the same route again, the modal is already hidden, and doesn't display.
What methods should I be using to dismiss the modal, and route the application back to its previous state? Should I just be using history.back()?
Note, I am aware of this SO question, but the solution is not the preferred 'ember' way of doing things, as programmatically created views will not have their controllers associated properly What's the right way to enter and exit modal states with Ember router v2?
Looks like I can hook up the hidden handler to do a history.back() call in my view's didInsertElement method, a la:
didInsertElement: function() {
var $me = this.$();
$me.on('hidden', function() {

Generating forms and handling submit properly with Ember.js rc1

I'm having trouble figuring out how to properly populate and accept an update from an Ember form under RC1. I've boiled it down to the bare essentials in this jsfiddle. I've made it far enough to display the form for a particular entity (user with first and last name) and the current values populate in the fields. However, as the user types, the fields actually update with each keystroke, and clicking the back button reveals that the data has already been changed without clicking the update button. I'd prefer to keep some logic in between the updates and only confirm an update after the user clicks the update button.
{{#view App.PersonFormView}}
First name: {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="firstName"}}
Last name: {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="lastName"}}
<button {{action "updatePerson"}}>Update</button>
In the form template, I was trying to follow one of the Ember.js examples, but doing so resulted in a long delay and a monstrous deprecation warning using RC1. I think the examples are still being updated. I'd prefer a more handlebars-elegant way of coding the form if it existed.
The second problem is that I cannot capture the submit event itself, either on the form view or the controller. I don't know where this event is going.
App.PersonFormController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
updatePerson: function(params){
// this doesn't get triggered as I would have expected
console.log('controller updatePerson: '+params);
App.PersonFormView = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'form',
updatePerson: function(params){
// this doesn't get triggered either!
console.log('updatePerson params: '+params);
In summary, I need to:
populate the input fields with the values without having them linked directly back to the model's data while the user is typing
catch the submit button's (or other control would be fine) clicked event along with the fields - and the entity's id - so that I can set them back on the model's data manually
There are several things:
I cannot capture the submit event itself
Events are fired in the controller and the route, not the view. The reason why your controller PersonFormController wasn't catching the event, is because the name is wrong. The controller should be named after the route: EditPersonController.
It's generally good to pass the model along with the action:
<button {{action "updatePerson" content}}>Update</button>
Here is an updated version that catches the event: http://jsfiddle.net/teddyzeenny/L9HMm/5/
populate the input fields with the values without having them linked directly back to the model's data
It's generally good practice to bind the fields directly to the model, to avoid code duplication.
Your problem is not that the fields are bound directly to the model, it's that you have no control over what is happening (saved, not saved, left the route...)
To have solid control, it's best to put your updating logic in your route. That way you can act accordingly when the user enters/leaves the route.
To catch your events in the route:
App.EditPersonRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
events: {
updatePerson: function(record) {
record.one('didUpdate', this, function() {
To rollback changes if the user doesn't click on Update, use the deactivate callback in the route:
App.EditPersonRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
deactivate: function() {
events: {
updatePerson: function(record) {
record.one('didUpdate', this, function() {
Now these won't work in the fiddle since you are not using ember-data models.

How can I make custom events that bubble through the view hierarchy?

I have button views that are part of a set of Ember.js form helpers I wrote. E.g. MyAddressFormView has the following template:
{{textArea address}}
To handle the "Submit" button, I let the "submit" form event bubble, and handle it in the submit method of MyAddressFormView.
But how do I do the same for the "Cancel" button? For instance, is there any way I can trigger a custom "cancel form" event in a child view, let it bubble, and handle it in an ancestor view?
I would suggest triggering a jQuery special event and registering the event with a mapping on your Ember app. For example:
customEvents: {
// key is the jquery event, value is the name used in views
formcancel: 'formCancel'
And in your cancelButton view:
click: function(evt){
This will bubble in the same way that other mapped Ember DOM events do.
Ember.ActionHandler bubbles events through its "target" property. It's possible to override Ember.View's target to let events bubble through parentViews by default.
Include this mixin first:
(function() {
// Let actions bubble to parentView by default.
target: function() {
return this.get('parentView');
Then just send the event like you'd normally do:
tap: function() { this.send('someEvent'); }