I'm making a socket factory. I want every external application to use the interface of the Socket class that is the parent of a few classes (ServerSocketTCP, ClientSocketTCP, ServerSocketUDP and so on) because eventually socket will be use to read and write independently of the type, simplifying the use of them. So sockets will be only constructed by a socket static member (The factory). That why children constructors are protected in order to avoid users to create them.
Here is where I got the error:
class A{
static A* createClass(int _type){
case 0:
return new B();
case 1:
return new C();
return nullptr;
class B: public A{
class C: public A{
Then the compiler says that the constructors of B and C are not accessible from A. Is there any way to do what I want? I thought that it was possible to access children protected member but now I see that not because the access inheritance...
There are problems with your code. Except for missing ; after the class definition you are also implementing the factory in a wrong way.
In general you have a Producer that produces products. The products all share a base class that normal users should not be able to instantiate (e.g. pure virtual or protected ctor). According to what the client chooses, the Producer creates an instance of the product and delivers it back. So if your product ctors are private you need to declare the producer as a friend in order to be able to access the respective ctors.
Now the producer delivers some pointer to a base product which can be downcasted to the type you need. So an compiling example (picked yours and modified it accordingly) would read like this:
class Producer;
class BaseProduct {
BaseProduct() {}
class Product_B : public BaseProduct {
friend class Producer;
class Product_C : public BaseProduct {
friend class Producer;
class Producer{
static BaseProduct* createProduct_Class(int _type){
case 0:
return new Product_B;
case 1:
return new Product_C;
return nullptr;
Please be aware that using the factory pattern wrongly can result quickly in anti-patterns.
EDIT: Plus you should not forget to extend your producer class to manage deletion etc. There are many books and websites that handle all kinds of patterns. One good book is "Object-oriented Software Engineering from Bernd Brügge", but of course there are a lot more of them.
In the code you've given, the factory method can't even see the B and C class definitions, so it can't possibly use them, no matter whether a parent can access a child's protected members or not (it can't, as noted by Marco A.).
You need to move the implementation of the factory method to a cpp file where it can see all of the class defintions. Then you'll get errors about the constructors being protected, and you can deal with those appropriately (presumably by making friends).
Yes, th compiler is complaining because B and C constructors and `protected, and no friendship exists. So A cannot call those constructors.
The correct design is to separate the Factory type from the class hierarchy, not to put it in the base class.
I have created two classes A and B where B inherits from class A. As you can see, I have a vector in class A that is currently under the protected section of the class. I am unsure if using protected is bad practice?
#include <vector>
class A
public :
std::vector <std::string> a;
class B : A
public :
void accessVector()
When A makes a data member a protected, it is offering the following guarantee to all classes that derive from it:
"You may do anything you like to a without telling me. This includes appending to it, modifying its contents, removing items, sorting it, moving from it, moving to it and otherwise making its state undefined and/or unknowable to me".
Remember that anyone may create a class that derives from A.
For this reason, to all intents and purposes, a protected member is a public member, since a derived class may simply say the following:
using A::a;
Starting here and working forward, you'll find that there are only two sensible use-cases for protected:
When a base class defines a virtual member function that may need to be called from an overridden version of the same function in a derived class.
When the base class wants to expose 'data as interface' to a derived class, but not to the world.
A situation I often come up against is having a set of classes, Base and Derived, where the Base class has ownership of a base-class member BaseMember, and the Derived class has a reference or pointer to the same object, but as a DerivedMember.
For example, a UI panel class that contains a specific instance of a certain type of control with some special-control functions, inheriting from a general class that contains a general control and has general-control functions.
First, say that BaseMember is inherited by DerivedMemeber.
Without using smart pointers, I might do something like this:
class Base
// receive ownership but only because we say so,
// someone else can still try to delete as it's "just a pointer"
Base(BaseMember* _bmember):
virtual ~Base()
// perform an owner's duty
delete bmember;
// functions that might be based on BaseMember + other base state
void SetMemberId(....)
int baz;
BaseMember* bmember; //owned, but not smartly
class Derived: public Base
Derived(DerivedMember* _dmember):
// functions that only make sense for Derived + Derived/Base state
void SetDerivedFrobulation()
// only a DerivedMember has frobulation, so only
// Derived allows users to access it
int foo; // some state
DerivedMember* dmember; // no ownership here
With smart pointers (C++11 and up, specifically, I don't really care about older C++ in this case), I am tempted to do something like this and never let the Base/DerivedMember object out into dumb-pointer-land where it could leak if there was an exception somewhere inconvenient.
class Base
// receive ownership
Base(std::unique_ptr<BaseMember> _member):
virtual ~Base()
// public access functions here as before
std::unique_ptr<BaseMember> member;
class Derived: public Base
// pass the ownership down by unique_ptr
Derived(std::unique_ptr<DerivedMember> _dmember):
dmember(_dmember.get()) // _dmember is moved! SEGFAULT if access dmember later!
// public access functions here as before
// handy handle to the derived class so we don't need to downcast the base (or even access it!)
DerivedClass* dmember
As I noted there, you can't "steal a peek" at the DerivedMember class as it comes in to the Derived constructor, because the unique_ptr is moved away before Derived gets a look in.
I can see a solution in providing a protected access to the BaseMember and static_casting back to DerivedMember in the Derived constructor (i.e. after the Base constructor is done), but this seems an ugly way to get access back to a variable we let slip though our fingers!
Another way could be each inheritor of Base owns the pointer, and base just gets a dumb pointer. In this case, the Base destructor doesn't get access to the member, as it's already gone. Also it would duplicate the ownership logic needlessly.
I think either:
This is symptomatic of an anti-pattern and the design of the whole Base/Derived/BaseMember/DerivedMember system is not good practice.
I'm missing a trick and there is a clean way to do this without fumbling a smart pointer and making a leak possible or adding functions and exposing interfaces or casting too much.
Is this a good pattern for re-use, or should I look elsewhere?
Expanding on the use case (EDIT)
In a core library, I have a class DataInterpreter which shows "some interpretation" of data - could be a string, an image, etc. This is then inherited by, amongst others, TextInterpreter which presents a string.
I then have a DataDisplayPanel class which represents a piece of UI for displaying in an abstract sense. Exactly what is in this panel will depend on the interpreter used: a TextInterpreter should get a text entry field and say a button to set some text display option, and that is handled in TextDisplayPanel, which has "special" knowledge of the text aspect of the interpreter.
There is then a DataAggregatePanel which combines a number of DataDisplayPanels and provides some global settings that affect all displays (via virtual functions), and manages the panels in a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DataDisplayPanel> >. This aggregate class doesn't deal with any of the derived classes at all, any functions would be polymorphic and defined in the base.
In the application (which depends on the core library), these classes are extended (by inheritance or composition, whichever makes more sense). For example, if the application is a WX GUI, I might have wxDataAggregatePanel which contains wxTextDisplayPanel (and others), all of which are wxPanels. In this case, wxTextDisplayPanel might own a wxTextEntry and either own or inherit TextInterpreter and use its knowledge of the TextInterpreter's specific methods to fill the text box with a string.
You may use delegating constructor:
class Derived: public Base
Derived(std::unique_ptr<DerivedMember> _dmember):
Derived(_dmember, _dmember.get())
// public access functions here as before
Derived(std::unique_ptr<DerivedMember>& _dmember, DerivedMember* ptr):
// handy handle to the derived class so we don't need to downcast the base (or even access it!)
DerivedClass* dmember
I am writing a C++ library and I would like to hide the name of a base class, i.e. I do not want the user to be able to use a base class pointer (or reference) to refer to the derived classes.
Let's say I have a class
class Message
and two derived classes:
class SpecialMessage : public Message
class NeatMessage : public Message
How to make it so the user can't do something like:
SpecialMessage specialMessage{};
Message* baseHandle = &specialMessage;
One reason I want to preclude this behavior is I do not want to declare the Message's destructor to be virtual.
I thought about hiding the Message in a detail namespace:
namespace detail
class Message
but this is kinda weird and the user could still get to the Message class if the are so inclined.
Private inheritance will not work for me as I still want the user to be able to access the Message's methods (thru the derived class's object). Neither will composition -- because in order to make the Message's methods accessible to the user I would have to write wrapper code in the derived classes.
Declaring the base class's destructor as protected (as suggested by Sebastian Redl), although an interesting idea, also will not work for me as it still allows the user to get a base class handle.
You could inherit privately, or you could embed a Message object inside SpecialMessage instead of deriving.
Or if you never actually need raw Message objects, you could make Messages destructor protected.
Use protected or private inheritance instead of public:
class SpecialMessage : private Message {};
Or, to solve your real problem of not having a virtual destructor, just make Message's destructor protected. Then even though they can make a base class pointer, they can't non-polymorphically destroy the object through it.
I have to ask you to consider your design though: Why do you want a Message interface at all? If the base class is completely non-polymorphic you should absolutely use composition or private inheritance instead of public inheritance. Public inheritance is to be used only for substitution, not implementation.
Favor composition over inheritance. If you inherit from Message, there is no way I can think of to hide its declaration from the user. Of course you could obscure it, like you suggested, but the declaration has to be there - period.
If you use Message as a private member and don't ship the source code of your library, the user will not see the declaration. For your users to be able to access functions of Message, use the facade pattern.
There's probably a better way to provide the semantics you require with a different architecture. However, to work around this issue you can always do some gross template magic like this:
#include <iostream>
class Message
void Foo() {}
int Bar(int i) {return i + 10;}
class SpecialMessage
Message message;
template<typename T, typename... Args>
auto MessageCall(T t, Args... args) -> decltype((message.*t)(args...))
return (message.*t)(args...);
int main()
SpecialMessage m;
std::cout << "\n test: " << m.MessageCall(&Message::Bar, 10);
return 0;
A little bit dirty, yeah...
Good day to you all...
I'm working on a complex project on my company which I use some wringled Factory Design pattern in the project. Omiting the details; I have some classes (I call them "Devices") which can only be created by "Readers":
class DeviceBase // this is a virtual base class
//some stuff
friend class ReaderBase; // this is OK and necessary I guess?
DeviceBase(); // cannot create a device directly
//some more stuff
class Device1: public DeviceBase // some extended device
//some stuff
//some more stuff
class Device2: public DeviceBase // some other extended device
//some stuff
//some more stuff
Now the "Reader", which happens to be factory for devices:
class ReaderBase
DeviceBase[] _devices; // to keep track of devices currently "latched"
// some other methods, getters-setters etc ...
// this method will create the "Devices" :
virtual bool PollforDevice ( DeviceType, timeout) = 0;
Now, this is my factory class; but it's (as you can see) pure virtual. I have special Readers inherit from this one:
class InternalReader: public ReaderBase
// define other inherited methods by specifics of this reader
bool PollforDevice( DeviceType dt, timeout ms)
case Device1: { /* create new device1 and attach to this reader */ } break;
case Device2: { /* create new device2 and attach to this reader */ } break;
// show goes on and on...
class ExternalReader: public Reader
// define other inherited methods by specifics of this reader
bool PollforDevice( DeviceType dt, timeout ms)
case Device1: { /* create new device1 and attach to this reader */ } break;
case Device2: { /* create new device2 and attach to this reader */ } break;
// show goes on and on...
The reason I use this pattern is: I'm writing for a system that can have multiple of these "readers" attached at the same time and I must use them all at the same time.
And these "Devices": I can make theirs constructor public too, and everyone would be happy; but I want to make sure that they are not created by the code writers themselves (to make sure other coders of it)
Now the questions:
Should I explicitly declare in every "Device" that ReaderBase is a friend? Or just declaring at the base "DeviceBase" should be enough?
Should I explicitly put in every "Device" that the "Readers" inherited from the "ReaderBase" are also friends of these devices, or just putting ReaderBase is enough?
Instead of making whole "ReaderBase" class a friend, can I (and should I) just make the member method "PollforDevice" a friend? Knowing that it's a pure virtual method, would that make inherited copies friends as well?
I'm sorry that the question is a very long one, but I just want to make it clear.
Thanks in advance...
Why bother about constructability of pure abstract base classes like DeviceBase? It can't be constructed anyway if it is a properly designed contract or abstract base class. Unless you have to fit into some kind of framework which you didn't mention, just do the opposite of hiding, e.g.:
struct DeviceBase {
virtual void Foo() = 0;
virtual void Bar() = 0;
virtual ~DeviceBase() = default;
By the way, declaring the constructors or destructors private will very effectively make your class "sealed". If for some reason DeviceBase is not abstract (which were a serious design flaw in my eyes) make constructors protected not private. Where you need to bother, is the constructor accessibility of the concrete Device classes. Assuming that you are going to "publish" these implementation classes (i.e. their definitions are accessible to users of your library) and you wish to stress that direct construction is prohibited, use the "access idiom" (my invented name for this):
namespace impl_detail {
class DeviceAccess;
class ConcreteDevice1 : public DeviceBase {
friend class impl_detail::DeviceAccess;
// implementation of DeviceBase and all other stuff go
// into the "private" section
namespace impl_detail {
class DeviceAccess {
template< class TDevice >
static DeviceBase* Create()
return new TDevice;
In your Reader classes use impl_detail::DeviceAccess::Create to construct Device instances, e.g.:
// Your ExternalReader::PollForDevice...
switch (dt) {
case Device1:
return impl_detail::DeviceAccess::Create<ConcreteDevice1>();
case Device2:
// etc...
Long story short, best solution is to not publish concrete implementation classes at all, second best some kind of "psychological barrier" which restricts construction, e.g. of the above kind...
Should I explicitly declare in every "Device" that ReaderBase is a friend? Or just declaring at the base "DeviceBase" should be enough?
Should I explicitly put in every "Device" that the "Readers" inherited from the "ReaderBase" are also friends of these devices, or just putting ReaderBase is enough?
As friendship is not inherited (at either side of the friendship relation), the only way your scheme will work is when you declare friendship of every derived Reader in every derived Device. This creates a tight coupling between the Reader classes and the Device classes that is not a nice design.
3) Instead of making whole "ReaderBase" class a friend, can I (and should I) just make the member method "PollforDevice" a friend? Knowing that it's a pure virtual method, would that make inherited copies friends as well?
You could make ReaderX::PollforDevice a friend instead of the entire ReaderX class, but it won't help you much and only opens the door for hard to resolve circular dependencies.
Actually, it is quite hard to create a design where classes of hierarchy X can only be created by classes of hierarchy Y and no one else, without creating a tight coupling between the classes in both hierarchies.
My approach would be
First and foremost, educate your coworkers that if they want a DeviceX, then they can obtain it from a ReaderY and in no other way. Make sure this is enforced in code reviews.
All the other steps are just damage control.
Make sure only the BaseDevice class gets exposed to code outside the Reader's implementation.
Make the destructor of all Device classes protected. This ensures that Device classes can only be cleaned up by derived classes or friends (and automatically rules out stack allocation by non-friends). Should get someone to think twice if they accidentally try to use a Device class directly.
Make the ReaderBase a friend of DeviceBase and give ReaderBase a function to do the actual cleanup of a Device. This is needed to ensure Devices can be cleaned up.
I'm having trouble deciding on a way to model this type of relationship...
All bosses can do certain things and have certain things (velocities, health, etc.) so these are part of the "main" abstract boss class.
class Boss // An abstract base class
//Stuff that all Bosses can do/have and pure virtual functions
Now I want to specify a few more pure virtual functions and members for bosses that can shoot. I'm wondering how I should model this? I've considered deriving a ShootingBoss Class from the Boss class, but specific bosses are classes in themselves (with Boss just being an abstract base class that they are derived from.) Thus if ShootingBoss is derived from Boss, and a specific boss derives from ShootingBoss, that boss won't be able to access the protected data in the Boss class.
Boss(ABC) -> ShootingBoss(ABC) -> SomeSpecificBoss(can't access protected data from Boss?)
Basically, I'm wondering what the recommended way to model this is. Any help is appreciated. If more information is needed, I'd be happy to offer.
I think you need to look into Mixin classes.
For example, you could create the following classes:
class Boss {
// Here you will include all (pure virtual) methods which are common
// to all bosses, and all bosses MUST implement.
class Shooter {
// This is a mixin class which defines shooting capabilities
// Here you will include all (pure virtual) methods which are common
// to all shooters, and all shooters MUST implement.
class ShootingBoss : public Boss, public Shooter
// A boss who shoots!
// This is where you implement the correct behaviour.
Mixins require multiple inheritance to be used, and there are many pitfalls and complexities to doing so. I suggest you look at answers to questions like this one to ensure that you avoid these pitfalls.
Why not start using interfaces? So, rather than simply uber base class, you spread out your things into capabilities.
struct IBoss : public IObject
struct ICanShoot : public IObject
Generally to implement this you derive your interfaces from another interface which allows you to query for an interface.
struct IObject
int getId(); // returns a unique ID for this interface.
int addRef();
int release();
bool queryInterface(int id, void** pp);
That way, you implement your Boss more easily:
class Boss : public IBoss, public ICanShoot
It might be overkill for some, but if your class heirachy is all screwed up, this is the best way out of the mess.
Have a look at M$'s IUnknown interface.
There are two different ways of doing this:
1) Mixin classes (already explained)
2) Role playing classes.
Role playing has it's advantages and disadvantages. Roles, that object can play (boss, shooter, whatever) are implemented using containment. They must be derived from the common base interface class, which will have to be downcasted dynamicaly (argh..). Caller will ask object of your class for the role pointer (this is where downcast will come in) and if object can play the role (returned non-NULL pointer) client will call appropriate function of the role.
Main advantage of role playing approach (appart from avoiding multiple inheritance) - it is dynamic. Object can accept new roles at runtime, as opposed to mixin that has to be defined at compile time.
Also it is scalable. In multiple inheritance (mixin) approach if you decide to expand your hierarchy with "Protector" and say that boss can be simple Boss, ShootingBoss, ProtectingBoss, ShootingProtectingBoss, and later expand it ufrther with Сoward (Boss, ShootingBoss, ProtectingBoss, ShootingProtectingBoss, CowardBoss, CowardShootingBoss, CowardProtectingBoss, CowardShootingProtectingBoss) - you see your hierarchy explodes. This is when you need to switch to role playing model, where object will simply have to accept new role Coward. But until you are sure that you need it - stick with mixin classes.
Below is hierarchy sketch for role playing lcases:
class IRole
// some very basic common interface here
virtual ~IRole() {}
class IBoss : public IRole
class IShooter : public IRole
class IProtector : public IRole
class MultifunctionalPerson
bool AcceptRole(IRole* pRole); // pass some concrete role here
IRole* GetRole(int roleID);
// your clinet will be using it like that
MultifunctionalPerson& clPerson = ... (coming from somewhere);
// dynamic_cast below may be replaced with static_cast if you are sure
// that role at PROTECTOR_ROLE location is guaranteed to be of IProtector type or NULL
IProtector* pProtector = dynamic_cast<IProtector*>(clPerson.GetRole(PROTECTOR_ROLE));
if( 0 != pProtector )