Array of tuples in Swift - nsarray

I have a function:
func parseJSON3(inputData: NSData) -> NSArray {
var tempDict: (id:Int, ccomments:Int, post_date:String, post_title:String, url:String) = (id: 0, ccomments: 0, post_date: "null", post_title: "null", url: "null")
var resultArray: (id:Int, ccomments:Int, post_date:String, post_title:String, url:String)[] = []
var error: NSError?
var jsonDictionary: NSDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(inputData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: &error) as NSDictionary
var firstArray = jsonDictionary.objectForKey("locations") as NSArray
for dict in firstArray { = dict.valueForKey("ID") as Int
tempDict.ccomments = dict.valueForKey("ccomments") as Int
tempDict.post_date = dict.valueForKey("post_date") as String
tempDict.post_title = dict.valueForKey("post_title") as String
tempDict.url = dict.valueForKey("url") as String
return resultArray
In line
I have an error:
Missing argument for parameter 'ccomments' in call
Why? Help please....

It looks to me like resultArray.append() is treating the tuple a little bit like a variadic parameter, and trying to expand the tuple to match its own arguments. It's complaining about your second parameter because it's only expecting one. I haven't seen this behavior for Array.append() documented anywhere, so I would say it's a bug in Swift.
Using the appending operator += doesn't seem to have that issue:
resultArray += tempDict

So this is pretty wild - not sure if I would qualify it as a bug or as undocumented behavior, but it's definitely something that should be on the radar for a fix / clarification!
The situation is that append is treating your argument tempDict (which we would expect to be the only argument to an Array method that takes a single member and adds it to the collection) as the first argument in a signature where it is looking for 5 arguments (!), one for each member of the Tuple type that the Array holds.
See the following for some interesting behavior (including assigning a label to the single member of a 1-member 'Tuple' ??) ->
var arrayOne: Array<String> = []
println(arrayOne[0]) // hi
var arrayTwo: Array<(String)> = [] // where (String) is a single-member Tuple
println(arrayTwo[0]) // hi
println(arrayTwo[0].0) // hi -> using .0 subscript to access the first member of the Tuple
// wanna see something crazy? remember arrayOne, that holds members of type String?
println(arrayOne[0].0) // hi -> this Array does not hold Tuples, but it looks like we can still treat its members like "single-member Tuples"?
var arrayThree: Array<(str: String)> = [] // members of the Array are single-member Tuples with the label 'str' for their member
arrayThree.append(str: "hi") // now we can't use append without providing the label 'str', acting as what looks like an argument label?
var byeString = "bye"
var byeTuple = ("bye")
arrayThree += byeString // += doesn't care about the label, and will take either a String or a single-member Tuple holding a String
arrayThree += byeTuple
println(arrayThree[0]) // hi
println(arrayThree[0].0) // hi
println(arrayThree[0].str) // hi -> accessing the single member of the Tuple by its label in your case, where you are seeing the error with append what it wants you to do is (using the labels you used to declare the Tuple as something that looks like argument labels):
var resultArray: (id:Int, ccomments:Int, post_date:String, post_title:String, url:String)[] = []
resultArray.append(id: someIntValue, ccomments: someOtherIntValue, post_date: someStringValue, post_title: someOtherStringValue, url: someAnotherStringValue)
...and of course, as discussed, you can avoid doing that by just using += instead
Crazy stuff! could be by design to serve some purpose, could be a consequence of protocol inheritance that wasn't meant to have this effect... would be interesting to know the answer!

resultArray.append() seems to be taking tempDict as the first tuple element (id).
Changing it to :
resultArray += tempDict
seems to compile and work.
I'm not sure why append() doesn't behave the same way, maybe you can file a bug!


Adding to list from hashmap key kotlin

I'm practicing leetcode problems to perfect my kotlin syntax and am wondering why this code doesn't work. My question specifically is why doesn't my courses hashmap populate with this code.
Prerequisites is an array in this form [[0,1][0,3][4,5][6,7]] and if I print my variables for pre and post they print what I expect
But I'm trying to turn courses into an adjacency matrix like this {0: [1,3], 4: [5], 6: [7]}
and instead it just prints an empty set every time
class Solution {
fun canFinish(numCourses: Int, prerequisites: Array<IntArray>): Boolean {
val courses = HashMap<Int, MutableList<Int>>().withDefault{ mutableListOf<Int>() }
for ((pre, post) in prerequisites){
return false
stdout: {}
[] does not give you the default value
From the docs of withDefault:
This implicit default value is used when the original map doesn't contain a value for the key specified and a value is obtained with Map.getValue function
If you want to get the default value, you need to use getValue instead of the index operator.
Using the index operator, you would just get null and because of the the null-safe operator, the add operation would not even be executed.
If you take a look at the relevant source code, you can see that the funxtionality get is not changed when using .withDefault but only getOrImplicitDefault returns the default value.
Getting the default does not set anything
Furthermore, when accessing courses.getValue(pre) in the loop, the Map will be empty. Because of the withDefault, it will return a MutableList where you can add elements but getting such a list and adding elements to it will not add the list to the Map. Reading and accessing an element does not insert it.
Simple solution
If you want to make sure the element is present in the Map, you can use courses[pre]=course.getValue(pre) before reading courses[pre]?:
class Solution {
fun canFinish(numCourses: Int, prerequisites: Array<IntArray>): Boolean {
val courses = HashMap<Int, MutableList<Int>>().withDefault{ mutableListOf<Int>() }
for ((pre, post) in prerequisites){
courses[pre] = courses.getValue(pre)
return false
If the entry is set already, it will be set to itself (no change) and if it isn't set, it will be set to the default value (empty list).
dan1st's answer covers it - your default list is just returned, not put and returned, so it's not part of the map - but here's a different take to get that functionality:
val courses = HashMap<Int, MutableList<Int>>().run {
withDefault{ key ->
mutableListOf<Int>().also { put(key, it) }
So basically using the withDefault wrapper, using run so the map is this in the default value function, so you can add your list to the map before returning it. Then when you call courses.getValue(69) you'll get back a list that's already been inserted into the map
If you like, there's also a function that'll do this grouping for you, groupBy
val nums = arrayOf(
val groups = nums.groupBy(keySelector = { it[0] }, valueTransform = { it[1] })
>> {0=[1, 3], 4=[5], 6=[7]}

Flutter: List deprecated? [duplicate]

Why List() constructor is not accessible after Dart's null safety?
// Compile time error: 'List' is deprecated and shouldn't be used.
// The default 'List' constructor isn't available when null safety is enabled.
// Try using a list literal, 'List.filled' or 'List.generate'.
List<int> foo = List();
However, you can still do:
List<int> foo = []; // No error
So, what's the difference between the two? Either both of them should show the error or none of them.
Short answer:
Instead of the pre-null-safety operations
var foo = List<int>(); // Now error
var bar = List<int>(n); // Now error
var baz = List<int>(0); // Now error
use the following:
var foo = <int>[]; // Always the recommended way.
var bar = List.filled(1, 0); // Not filled with `null`s.
var baz = List<int>.empty();
Long answer:
The List constructor had two uses:
new List() to create an empty growable list, equivalent to [].
new List(n) to create a fixed-length list of length n filled with null values
With null safety, the second use was unsound most of the time, and there was no good way to fix it. It's possible to force a type argument to be non-nullable, but List<T>(4) only works when T is nullable. There is no way to enforce that.
So, the List(n) mode needed to go (replaced by List.filled(n, value) which forces you to provide a fill-value).
That left List(), which doesn't really carry its own weight. You can just use [] instead (and you should!), so it was decided to remove the constructor entirely - all uses of it was either unsafe or useless.
(Also, it was a weird constructor already, because if we wanted to properly make it null safe, it would have an optional parameter with a non-nullable type and no default value.)
By removing it completely, it makes it possible to, potentially, introduce a new List constructor in the future, perhaps as a shorter alias for List.filled. One can hope.
Apart from what #lrn sir mentioned, you can also create a list using:
List<int> foo = List<int>.empty(growable: true); // []
This is because the the default List() element was deprecated how about you try using List.filled() element as shown below
void display() {
var fixedList = new List<int>.filled(5, 0, growable: false);
fixedList[0] = 0;
fixedList[1] = 10;
fixedList[2] = 20;
fixedList[3] = 30;
fixedList[4] = 40;
print('Elements in the list are as follows: $fixedList');
While for the Growable Length List you can try doing as shown below:
void main() {
var growableList = new List<int>.filled(0,0, growable:true);
growableList = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90];
print('The elements in the growable list include: $growableList');
_items = List<DropdownMenuItem<String>>(); can be written in null safty as
_items = List<DropdownMenuItem<String>>.from(<DropdownMenuItem<String>>[]);

Does not conform to String protocol SwiftUI Picker View

I have a simple struct that I will build upon. Right now it has one field, an Int.
struct Card: CustomStringConvertible {
let value: Int
init(value: Int) {
self.value = value
var description: String {
return "\(String(value))"
If I do this, I get the Card to print it's value
let c = Card(value: 1)
Now if I put an array of Cards in a CardController like this:
class CardController: ObservableObject {
var cards: [Card] = [
Card(value: 1),
Card(value: 2),
Card(value: 3)
Picker(selection: $selectedCardValue, label: Text("Choose a card")) {
ForEach(0..< {
Text("You selected \(selectedCardValue)")
I'll get the error Initializer 'init(_:)' requires that 'Card' conform to StringProtocol. I'm not sure why I get this error. If I instead just change the cards to a type of [String] and values ["1", "2", "3"], the code works fine.
Any idea what's wrong here?
As E.Coms noted, the solution is to use one of the following:
Here's an explanation of why you have to do this inside the Text initializer, but not print().
Look at the two initializers for Text:
init(verbatim content: String) (docs)
init<S>(_ content: S) where S : StringProtocol (docs)
You must pass either a String or a Substring, the only two types conforming to StringProtocol. In this case, even though your type conforms to CustomStringConvertible, you are still passing a Card.
Contrast this with something like the print function:
func print(_ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n") (docs)
Notice that the print function's arguments are denoted by Any, which is explained as
Any can represent an instance of any type at all, including function types.
The print function then converts whatever you passed it to a String:
The textual representation for each item is the same as that obtained by calling String(item).
String has an initializer which takes a type conforming to CustomStringConvertible and returns the description property.
So the reason you can write print(Card()) and not Text(Card() is because the print function has an intermediate step through String that can understand your conformance to CustomStringConvertible, but Text does not. If Text allowed you to pass it any type, it would be both more ambiguous ("What is the text representation of this type?" is not necessarily immediately apparent, as it depends on a hierarchical set of protocols), and more work for the SwiftUI system, which is already doing a lot.
You may miss the description by chance.
ForEach(0..< {

More idiomatic way to initialize this kotlin list?

I want to have an immutable list, since I don't really need the mutability so it likely to just cause bugs. However, the list is a lateinit var declared at the class level.
I want to initially populate the list with values from a loop somewhat like this:
for (items in someOtherCollection) {
val itemToAdd = doSomeProcessingOnThisData()
However, since the list is immutable, I can't call add(). Is there a better way to init a list such as this without simply adding all the values to a second, mutable list and then assigning it to an immutable list?
My current solution is this, but it just seems inefficient:
val tmpList = mutableListOf<Data>()
foos.forEach() {
val itemToAdd = doSomeProcessing()
this.list = tmpList
If you want to make a new list processing some data in another collection, try this:
this.list = {
Give this a read for a better understanding:

Swift3 - how to call class or struct functions by name

As I come from a JS background this is how I'd call a function by name stored in a variable:
var obj = {
foobar: function(param) {
// do something
var key = "foobar";
Now I would like to recreate this in Swift, for example:
struct obj = {
func foobar(param) {
// do something
let key:String = "foobar"
The above code unfortunately gives Type 'obj.Type' has no subscript members
Is there any way to call functions by names in a Struct, Class or a Dictionary (if it's even possible to store functions in Dicts?)
I have a user-supplied array of things say:
let arr = ["apples", "oranges", "pears"]
but this array can be as long as 20 items. Based on each item of the array I need to perform certain action. So I iterate over the array:
for (key, _) in arr {
if (key == "apples") {
if (key == "oranges") {
// and so on...
Sure, I can have a function with a simple switch that would consist of 20 cases but that's far from ideal. What if my array grows to say 100 items?
I was hoping to achieve something similar to this:
for (key, _) in arr {
Is there any way to call functions by names in a Struct, Class or a Dictionary (if it's even possible to store functions in Dicts?)
Yes you can store a function into a dictionary
Let's define a function type
typealias FuncType = () -> ()
and 2 functions
func func0() {
func func1() {
Now we can create a dictionary where the key is String and the value is FuncType
let dict : [String:FuncType] = [
"Apples" : func0,
"Oranges" : func1
And of course we can invoke a function stored into the dictionary
dict["Apples"]?() // prints "Apples"
I think this might be what you're looking for:
var obj: [String: Int] = {
// do something, like call foobar(param) that's defined outside of the variable
// or just manipulate data directly in here
return ["foobar": 123]
// or whatever dictionary you want that matches the type you defined for obj
Kind of tough to give you a better answer without you posting the kind of output or behavior you're looking for.