How to publish web service on internet - web-services

I have written a web service and deployed in Apache Tomcat in localhost:8080.
It works perfectly on localhost:8080.
I just need to know how to make it available to others over internet (not only localhost) just like the webservice written for temperature convert in w3schools website. I can access that anywhere if I am connected to internet.

You can use Amazon's EC2 Service for hosting a webservice..


How can a beginner use AWS services to host a public server and create endpoints for a web application

I have been in the front end development before, but this is my first time researching how to use AWS services to host a public server for our web application. Currently, I have trouble understanding how does EC2 and API gateway work with each other. And I also have some trouble understanding how does public server host a web application in this case. I have reads a number of tutorials, but I have trouble understanding where does this API endpoint generate in this case. I saw that API gateway could generate an endpoint, but in this case, do I still use EC2 to host the web application? And how can the url from these 2 connect to each other? Yeah, I think I got messy on understanding this web app structure especially on server side. Coud someone help me on breif explain on these 2 services and maybe some useful tutorial that I could reference? As a beginner, everything is so confusing to me. Thank you so much!!
The simple approach is deploy your web/app server in EC2 instance and check on which port yours service is running e.g. 8080 , go to attached securty group of that EC2 instance and open port for 8080, you can also attach the elastic IP so that even after restart EC2 instance your IP will never change and then access your application publically using http;//<elastic-ip>:8080/<>
btw best approach is to use ELB on ECS/EKS and then use API gateway deploy your static content in S3 and use cloudfront.

IIS 10 server hosted on AWS will not serve aspx

Have an app that has been running for years using on-premise and virtual systems. It's an ASP.NET application. Stood up a VM on AWS running server 2019 configured identical to another VM running on different provider. The instance of IIS running on AWS VM will not serve up the site. The non AWS server was running server 2016 so i created a new VM on AWS using server 2016. Get the same identical problem.
If i load a dummy html page (typical hello world) the page comes up fine, so i know it's not a DNS issue or anything like that.
when I looked at the logs in IIS i see a 302 status code. for the life of me I can't figure out why this thing won't serve up the site. I check all the extensibility, etc. I have configured the IIS on both systems identically. AWS says it's an IIS issue. How is that possible if it is configured exactly the same?
If it was an application issue wouldn't we see a 500 error?
Looking for any ideas.
thanks.. FYI this is critical at this point. Trying to migrate a customer on AWS.
Turns out that AWS has https turned off by default, so you have to add a rule to the lightsail firewall to allow https traffic to get through. who would have thunk it?

Static outbound IP for Azure Web Apps

Is there a 'quick and dirty' way of funnelling calls to a web service via a certain IP address? Possibly in code (C#)?
I'm working on this Azure website (PaaS no VM) that's got it's own domain secured by SSL.
e.g. ->
The system is using a 3rd party web service that uses whitelisted IPs for access control. Unfortunately they are not happy whitelisting the standard Azure egress IPs.
So what I need to do is find a way to call that web service via our own IP address (the one that came with the domain name package).
If possible, only that traffic, not all outgoing.
I've come across several solutions but I’d rather not want to compromise the stability of the production website by experimenting with App Service Environment.
I think the scenario being asked about is outbound calls from an app running on Azure App Service (aka Azure Websites), to an external endpoint.
In that scenario, the outbound calls from the web app are NAT'd using a pool of IP addresses allocated for the App Service scale unit that is running your app.
Using the "preview" portal (, drill into the website blade for your app and click through "All settings" --> "Properties". In the properties blade that appears, there is a textbox called "OUTBOUND IP ADDRESSES". Those are the values you need to give to the third party provider to whitelist.

how to call web service deployed in a VPS

I have deployed a restful web service in a godaddy vps.
this VPS can be connected via ipaddress:port(port provided to me).
i.e. 108.XX.XX.XX:43XX
Now, i have installed tomcat 7 in VPS, and i have deployed a RESTful web service in tomcat on port 8080.
i can call the web service from inside the VPS as ipaddress:8080/webServiceName but not able to call it from any other system(other than my VPS).
How can i fix this issue ??
I have checked many places for fixing this issue, but the only thing i find is how to deploy web service in tomcat.
Please Help..!!
This might be an issue with Firewall on your server. Try allowing the required port and it should be able to connect.

Can we connect an Azure mobile service to an on premise web service?

Does anyone know whether it is possible to route network traffic from an azure mobile service through a VPN to an on premise web service? None of the documentation I have read precludes that, but neither does it say we can. So far we have had no success though we can access the web service using a web browser VM in the same subscription. We can't run any new software at the site hosting the web service, so it would seem like Service Bus Relay cant be used and the web service can't have a publicly exposed ip address.
have a look at Mobile Services with an Azure Hybrid Connection. The walkthrough talks about exposing an on-premise database, but i think you can use the same steps to expose a different TCP port for your on-premise web service