Unable to parse XML after writing it Code Synthesis - c++

After writing a XML using my project when i try to parse it using Codesynthesis
simulation_results sim_results;
QString result_xml= "..\\XML\\My.xml";
sim_results =*simulation_results_(result_xml.toStdString(), xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_validate);
catch (const xml_schema::exception& e)
std::ostringstream os;
os << e;
std::string s = os.str ();
This parse fails,but if i try to parse this XML without changing it first everything is fine.
Bottom lines , when i first create it and then parse it fails.It is like is still open or need to be refreshed?


Saving the output from Lua in C++ with SOL3 to an std::string

I'm trying to implement a lua interpreter to my C++ code. I have implemented a small editor for my project using ImGui and I'm saving the output from the editor to an std::vector.
My attempted implementation of my lua interpeter looks like so;
// header
std::string ExecuteLua();
std::vector<char> m_luaEditorData;
// cpp
std::string Proxy::ExecuteLua()
// Load the Lua code from the string
std::string luaCode(m_luaEditorData.data());
// Create a Lua state
sol::state lua;
// Load standard Lua libraries
lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base, sol::lib::package, sol::lib::string, sol::lib::table);
// Execute the Lua code and store the result
sol::protected_function_result result = lua.script(luaCode);
// Check for errors
if (!result.valid())
sol::error error = result;
std::string errorMsg = error.what();
return "Lua error: " + errorMsg;
// Get the result as a string
std::string output = lua["tostring"](result.get<sol::object>());
// Return the output
return output;
if (m_luaEditorData.empty())
auto luaEditorFlags = ImGuiInputTextFlags_AllowTabInput | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize;
ImGui::InputTextMultiline("##LuaEditor", m_luaEditorData.data(), m_luaEditorData.size(), ImVec2(ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth(), ImGui::GetWindowHeight() - (ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() * 16)), luaEditorFlags, ResizeInputTextCallback, &m_luaEditorData);
When I run this code, I only get nil in my output, the correct output to stdout (don't really want it to output here, but to my std::string and when I put in bad code, it throws an exception in sol.hpp. I didn't really find any examples on how I can do this and I'm therefore am trying to figure this out on my own.

How to use Xerces to parse XML in a string [duplicate]

I know how to create a complete dom from an xml file just using XercesDOMParser:
xercesc::XercesDOMParser parser = new xercesc::XercesDOMParser();
parser->getDocument(); // From here on I can access all nodes and do whatever i want
Well, that works... but what if I'd want to parse a string? Something like
std::string myxml = "<root>...</root>";
xercesc::XercesDOMParser parser = new xercesc::XercesDOMParser();
parser->getDocument(); // From here on I can access all nodes and do whatever i want
I'm using version 3. Looking inside the AbstractDOMParser I see that parse method and its overloaded versions, only parse files.
How can I parse from a string?
Create a MemBufInputSource and parse that:
xercesc::MemBufInputSource myxml_buf(myxml.c_str(), myxml.size(),
"myxml (in memory)");
Use the following overload of XercesDOMParser::parse():
void XercesDOMParser::parse(const InputSource& source);
passing it a MemBufInputSource:
MemBufInputSource src((const XMLByte*)myxml.c_str(), myxml.length(), "dummy", false);
Im doing it another way. If this is incorrect, please tell me why. It seems to work.
This is what parse expects:
DOMDocument* DOMLSParser::parse(const DOMLSInput * source )
So you need to put in a DOMLSInput instead of a an InputSource:
xercesc::DOMImplementation * impl = xercesc::DOMImplementation::getImplementation();
xercesc::DOMLSParser *parser = (xercesc::DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createLSParser(xercesc::DOMImplementation::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, 0);
xercesc::DOMDocument *doc;
xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource source (new xercesc::MemBufInputSource((const XMLByte *) (myxml.c_str()), myxml.size(), "A name");
You may use MemBufInputSource as found in the xercesc/framework/MemBufInputSource.cpp, and the header file, MemBufInputSource.hpp contains extensive documentation, as similar to answers above:
#include <xercesc/framework/MemBufInputSource.hpp>
char* myXMLBufString = "<root>hello xml</root>";
MemBufInputSource xmlBuf((const XMLByte*)myXMLBufString, 23, "myXMLBufName", false);
But take note, this doesn't seem to work unless you first initialize the system, as below (taken from the xerces-c-3.2.3/samples/src/SAX2Count/SAX2Count.cpp)
bool recognizeNEL = false;
char localeStr[64];
memset(localeStr, 0, sizeof localeStr);
// Initialize the XML4C2 system
try {
if (strlen(localeStr)) {
} else {
if (recognizeNEL) {
} catch (const XMLException& toCatch) {
XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Error during initialization! Message:\n"
<< StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
return 1;
Of course reading a file wouldn't require thinking about this type of prep since you just pass a file path to the program which the parser takes. So for those experiencing seg faults, this could be the answer.

C++REST SDK, parse JSON that contains (0xEF 0xBF 0xBF) character

I have a REST API that returns a string with files metadata. Among those files I have one that has "￿" (0xEF0xBF0xBF, link) character in name. When I try to parse such a response I get exception that says:
e = {_message="* Line 1, Column 13 Syntax error: Malformed string literal" }
This is the string I'm trying to parse:
{"files":[["Thunderbolt ￿Gigabit￿ Ethernet ￿Adapter.txt",["bc288518-c426-4dbd-9600-a213a35d1c04",1447772221866,9,"Bartosz","Siewior"]],["System.Windows.Interactivity.dll",["56ce759b-019b-4723-8fca-7af877908971",1440507238241,55904,"Bartosz","Siewior"]]],"folderPermission":[["MODIFY"]],"directories":[]}
The code I'm using to receive and parse the string:
// ...
client.request(request).then([&](web::http::http_response response) {
status_code = response.status_code();
//response.extract_json(true).then([&](pplx::task<web::json::value> previousTask) {
response.extract_string().then([&](pplx::task<utility::string_t> previousTask) {
try {
utility::string_t str_response = previousTask.get();
web::json::value root;
root = web::json::value::parse(str_response);
catch (const web::http::http_exception& e) {
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << e.what();
str_response = ss.str();
catch (const web::json::json_exception& e) {
std::wstringstream ss;
ss << e.what();
str_response = ss.str();
TaskExecutionData data = { task.id, status_code, str_response.c_str() };
VS2013 JSON Visualizer can parse and show the result properly: VS_json_visualizer
I've tried C++REST version 2.5.0 and 2.6.0, neither of them is able to parse that string... Do you have any ides?
Answer from Casablanca's team:
The issue is that on windows we parse using UTF16 and the particular character you're having issues with maps to 0xFFFF. This is also the character returned by std::char_traits::eof(), so we detect the code point as an "end of stream" signal and terminate the parse appropriately.
The UTF8 parser should not have these issues, so as a workaround you can probably do something similar to how the current web::json::value::parse() function works in json_parsing.cpp:1245, except using char as the template parameter instead of utility::char_t.

Read XML node with RapidXML

I'm using RapidXML to parse XML files and read nodes content but I don't want to read values inside a node, I need to read the content of specific XML nodes "as XML" not as parsed values.
Example :
< .... >
I need to get the content of node1 as :
< .... >
What I tired :
I tried something but its not really good in my opinion, its about to put in node1, the path of an other xml file to read, I did like this :
And then my c++ code is the following :
ifstream file(FileToRead);
stringstream buffer; buffer << file.rdbuf();
But the problem is users will have a lot of XML files to maintain and I just want to use one xml file.
I think "a lot of XML files" is a better way, so you have a directory of all xml files, you can read the xml file when you need it, good for performance.
Back to the problem, can use the rapidxml::print function to get the xml format.
bool test_analyze_xml(const std::string& xml_path)
rapidxml::file<> f_doc(xml_path.c_str());
rapidxml::xml_document<> xml_doc;
rapidxml::xml_node<>* node_1 = xml_doc.first_node("node1");
if(node_1 == NULL)
return false;
rapidxml::xml_node<>* plain_txt = node_1->first_node("a_lot_of_xml");
if (plain_txt == NULL)
return false;
std::string xml_data;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(xml_data), *plain_txt, rapidxml::print_no_indenting); //the xml_data is XML format.
catch (...)
return false;
return true;
I'm unfamiliar with rapidxml, but I have done this with tinyxml2. The trick is to read out node1 and then create a new XMLDoc (using tinyxml2 terms here) that contains everything inside of node1. From there, you can use their XMLPrinter class to convert your new XMLDoc (containing everything in node1) to a string.
tinyxml2 is a free download.

Making Xerces parse a string instead of a file

I know how to create a complete dom from an xml file just using XercesDOMParser:
xercesc::XercesDOMParser parser = new xercesc::XercesDOMParser();
parser->getDocument(); // From here on I can access all nodes and do whatever i want
Well, that works... but what if I'd want to parse a string? Something like
std::string myxml = "<root>...</root>";
xercesc::XercesDOMParser parser = new xercesc::XercesDOMParser();
parser->getDocument(); // From here on I can access all nodes and do whatever i want
I'm using version 3. Looking inside the AbstractDOMParser I see that parse method and its overloaded versions, only parse files.
How can I parse from a string?
Create a MemBufInputSource and parse that:
xercesc::MemBufInputSource myxml_buf(myxml.c_str(), myxml.size(),
"myxml (in memory)");
Use the following overload of XercesDOMParser::parse():
void XercesDOMParser::parse(const InputSource& source);
passing it a MemBufInputSource:
MemBufInputSource src((const XMLByte*)myxml.c_str(), myxml.length(), "dummy", false);
Im doing it another way. If this is incorrect, please tell me why. It seems to work.
This is what parse expects:
DOMDocument* DOMLSParser::parse(const DOMLSInput * source )
So you need to put in a DOMLSInput instead of a an InputSource:
xercesc::DOMImplementation * impl = xercesc::DOMImplementation::getImplementation();
xercesc::DOMLSParser *parser = (xercesc::DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createLSParser(xercesc::DOMImplementation::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, 0);
xercesc::DOMDocument *doc;
xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource source (new xercesc::MemBufInputSource((const XMLByte *) (myxml.c_str()), myxml.size(), "A name");
You may use MemBufInputSource as found in the xercesc/framework/MemBufInputSource.cpp, and the header file, MemBufInputSource.hpp contains extensive documentation, as similar to answers above:
#include <xercesc/framework/MemBufInputSource.hpp>
char* myXMLBufString = "<root>hello xml</root>";
MemBufInputSource xmlBuf((const XMLByte*)myXMLBufString, 23, "myXMLBufName", false);
But take note, this doesn't seem to work unless you first initialize the system, as below (taken from the xerces-c-3.2.3/samples/src/SAX2Count/SAX2Count.cpp)
bool recognizeNEL = false;
char localeStr[64];
memset(localeStr, 0, sizeof localeStr);
// Initialize the XML4C2 system
try {
if (strlen(localeStr)) {
} else {
if (recognizeNEL) {
} catch (const XMLException& toCatch) {
XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER cerr << "Error during initialization! Message:\n"
<< StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << XERCES_STD_QUALIFIER endl;
return 1;
Of course reading a file wouldn't require thinking about this type of prep since you just pass a file path to the program which the parser takes. So for those experiencing seg faults, this could be the answer.