AQTime DLL profiling - no results - c++

I am trying to profile memory allocation in a DLL, say pluginDLL.dll. I create a new project in AQTime and add the module 'pluginDLL.dll'. This DLL is compiled in Release x64 with VisualStudio 10, all my projects are C++. This DLL is linked to a lib. Say algo.lib. I add to the AQTime project the DLL algo.dll.
pluginDLL.dll is a DLL programmed on an API to an application, say MainApp.exe. If I launch MainApp.exe, then open my plugin, the process MainAppSDK starts. This process starts when any plugin written with this SDK starts.
So, to run the profiling, I proceed as follows (I have already created the project with the two DLLs): I launch manually MainApp.exe. I open manually my plugin, so that MainAppSDK process starts. In AQTime, I attach the process MainAppSDK, and runs the profiling.
If I check Check Memory Bounds, application crashes. Warnings in Event pane are of type 'Access violation' in some msvcr100.dll.
If i check two other options only, i can run my plugin to the end. I can read messages from my application in the event pane, stating that application ran to the end successfully. Before it ends, I click the camera to get the results. And then results are generated but are empty...
Could you help me troubleshoot?

Try starting you profiling using the approach described in the Profiling Multiple Processes help topic instead of just attaching to the running process.
If this does not help, try using the online AQtime Troubleshooter.


Unable to delete EXE after it crashes even though process not shown in Task Manager

I have a program that I have written that crashes and I'm in the process of debugging it.
However, the issue is that when I attempt to create a new build, very frequently (but not always!) I get the message:
Cannot open file 'TheExecutable.exe'
I am then unable to delete, rename, move, or in any way modify the executable until the system is rebooted. Attempting to do so in Windows explorer gives
The action can't be completed because the file is open in TheExecutable.exe Close the file and try again.
This behavior isn't unique to the particular crash I'm dealing with right now, nor the particular program. Development is becoming a headache as every attempt to debug will now take several minutes to reboot and bring all my tooling back up.
What, if anything, can I do to prevent Windows from "locking" the executable in such a fashion?
No running process for that executable is visible in Task Manager
Full details of build system:
Windows 10
Intel Compiler, Build 20191121
Your process is not being terminated all the way. Since it is not list in the task manager, you can use PSKILL to end it manually.
Open power shell or the console in administrator mode and run
pskill name_of_executable
and it should terminate it so you can re-run it.

When are memory dump files exactly created?

I have configured my windows 7 to create mini dump files on crashes but when my application crashed, no dump file was created. The search for answer left me rather confused as to when are dump files created, when windows crashes or my application crashes?
In my case, I am looking for dump file when my application crashes. I receive a typical crash dialog that states:
TheApp Application has stopped working
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem
-> Check online for a solution and close the program
-> Close the program
-> Debug the program
So can I generate dump file for my application when it crashes? I can't produce this bug on development machine so I want to walk back from dump file. Is there any other option to trace the source of bug (to source code)?
First of all, there are different places to configure a "create a minidump on crash" setting, which are totally different.
You can configure Windows to create a kernel dump file when Windows crashes, i.e. when a Bluescreen of death (BSOD) occurs. This is done in the following screen on Windows 7:
You can configure Windows to create a user mode dump file when an application crashes, i.e. instead of the "Windows Error Reporting" dialog which would normally appear. To do so, and you know that in advance, then configure a Registry key called LocalDumps (MSDN). By default, dumps will be created below %LOCALAPPDATA%\CrashDumps and they will have the naming scheme app.exe.<PID>.dmp.
For the sake of completeness, there might be other triggers. The only sure way to tell is: when the method MiniDumpWriteDump (MSDN) is called.
I'm quite sure that you want option 2 of the above. If you have trouble with it, see whether all the conditions for LocalDump are fulfilled.
The answer given by #antlersoft does not work, for the reasons I have posted in my blog: at the time the dialog is shown, Windows has triggered a breakpoint to stop the application and it has injected a callstack of Windows Error Reporting. All in all, not a good starting point for debugging.
What would work is:
attach a debugger of your choice
press "Go" in the debugger
press the "Debug" button of the WER dialog
confirm the warning about the debugger which is already attached
click "No" when asked to start debugging using the selected debugger
Using Task Manager to create a crash dump is not recommended, since it will not consider the bitness of the application, which may cause trouble later. See ways to create good and useful crash dumps.
Minidump is created when Windows crashes. It's not intended to application crash.
If you want to debug crashes of your application, you may attach it to a debugger after it is started. Clicking on the "Debug" button when application crashes do the same. You can use the debugger of MS Visual Studio to do that, for example.
See this page for help on attaching a process to MS Visual Studio debugger:
EDIT: following text removed, as this may not work as expected (comment from Thomas)
You can also create a dump file from task manager, however you will still need a debugger to analyze it and, actually I am not sure you will be able to get the dump file at the point application crashes. The best way, if you can, is to debug the process on the target machine by attaching it to debugger either after it is started or when crash occurs.
When you get the crash dialog, go to Task Manager, find the process, right click on the process, and select "Create dump file". The dump file is created in the AppData/Local/Temp folder for the user; it will be named %AppData%\Local\Temp\.DMP; if you create multiple it will be -1.DMP, etc. You can move the dump file to your development machine and open it within Visual Studio. Visual Studio will then act as if you had hit "Break all" at the point of the crash while running the process in the debugger.

How to profile/trace compiled c++ application

I have a Compiled c++ application which consists of the EXE and 1 DLL. When the application start the app crashes at when the loader reaches 30%. I have searched the machine up and down and could not find any type of log or anything in the event viewer. Is there some sort of application which could be used to trace which files the application is accessing or at least generate some sort of error log for this compiled application.
I have tried contacting the original vendor but they seem to have gone out of business. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
You can try MS Dr. Watson.
Click Start, and Run.
Type drwtsn32, and execute it.
But its logs can be very verbose and hard to interpret.

Get a Win32 program to request a debugger on startup?

We have a C++ Win32 application which spawns, using Qt's QProcess (undoubtedly a wrapper for CreateProcess()), a secondary 'slave' program.
Unfortunately, when debugging the system with Visual Studio 2008, the debugger does not automatically attach to the spawned process.
I know it's possible to programmatically trigger a debugger breakpoint with __debugbreak(), but is it possible for the slave program to throw up the 'Choose a Program to Debug This' window immediately on startup since at the moment we have to race to manually attach to the new process?
Use Image File Execution Options. You can specify the Visual Studio just-in-time debugger as the default debugger to attach to the process.
If you're into using the command-line debuggers, you can use ntsd -o to automatically debug child processes as well.
Another neat trick that I learnt from reading "Programming Applications for Windows" by Jeffrey Richter
Create a DLL with a call to DebugBreak() in DLLMain() inside DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH case
Add path to your new DLL in the registry (it is a comma separated list):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs
The image loader will create your process and load all DLLs entered in the registry. This will call DLLmain and your breakpoint will get hit.
Note: To avoid debugging all applications, check the process name with "GetModuleBasename" and call the break point only for processes you are interested.

Visual studio release build

I'm trying to generate a release build for a C++ application that I've written. The application runs fine (debug & release) when you run it from within VS2008; but when you run the executable it crashes nearly every single time.
Now, is there a hack so I can run this application as a standalone application without having to run through all of the code and finding the bug that is causing it?
Thanks in advance.
In short, no.
you will have to find the bug, if it works within VS, then I'd hazard a guess that it is a timing issue, possibly you're overwriting shared thread data, this would be less likely (though still possible to see) inside VS as its being run in a debug environment which slows it down a bit.
If you want help finding your bug, then tell us more. Otherwise, build your release with debug symbols (pdbs), install DrWatson as the system debugger and run it standalone. When it crashes DrWatson will create a minidump file, load this into WinDbg (my favourite) and you'll be able to see exactly where your bug is (it'll even tell you that the dump contains an exception and show you it by default. You need to add your source code path and path to your symbols in WinDbg to get it to do this correctly).
Then you will also know how to diagnose crashes when the app is run on-site too.
Are you loading external resources? If you are check that your relative paths are correct in the C++ program.
One possibility is that your program uses uninitialized heap data. Launching a program from the debugger enables the NT debug heap, which causes the heap allocator to fill new memory blocks with a fill pattern, and also enables some heap checking. Launching the same program from outside the debugger leaves the NT debug heap disabled, but if the program was linked against the debug version of the C runtime, then the CRT debug heap will still be enabled.
A much less likely possibility is that your program requires SeDebugPrivilege to be set in its process token. The debugger enables this privilege in its process token, which has the side effect that all programs launched from the debugger inherit this privilege. If your program tries to use OpenProcess()/ReadProcessMemory()/WriteProcessMemory() and doesn't handle errors correctly, it's conceivable that it could crash.
There are a few possibilities. Besides what has already been mentioned, running an app from Visual Studio will execute in the same security context as the Visual Studio instance. So if, for instance, you are working on Vista, you might be hitting an unhandled security violation if you're trying to access protected files, or the registry.
What if you build a debug version and run it standalone? Does it crash? If so, you can usually break into the debugger from there and get a call stack to see what the malfunction is.
From the details you've given, it sounds like there may be a library issue. Are you running the program on the same computer? If not then you'll also have to deploy the appropriate libraries for your application. If you are running on the same computer but outside of the dev environment, ensure that your application can see the appropriate libraries.
Best way i have found to debug in release is to create a crash dump when an crash happens and the dump then allows me to load debug symbols on my dev computer and find out whats going on. More info here:
You can also go to file => open in Visual Studio and open the .exe, so you are not starting it under the debugger per se. Not sure if it will help.