Render Ember.js Templates using Underscore.js - ember.js

I'm trying to render the templates in ember.js on HTML. Can the templates in ember.js be rendered using underscore.js?

Technically it may be possible but you should use handlebars for the templates. In Ember the integration of handlebars is deep into the view layer. The also have the data binding system built on top it (metamorph.js).
The ember team is also working on HTMLBars which should speed up rendering and simplify the data binding system. The current word right now is that, upgrading handlebars template to HTMLBars will be very simple maybe even without any modification.
This post should give you some more useful information on using other templating engines.


compile handlebar in javascript side of the ember component

For the optimisation and quick rendering I need to be able to compile html in javascript side of the component.
In ember 1.x we could do something like this, But in Ember 3.x I cant see compile function when I use
What is the best way of doing that? Thanks

Template inheritance in Ember

I have several unrelated pages that use Layout A, and another set of unrelated pages that use Layout B. It's as simple as that, but I can't figure out how to do this in Ember the DRY way.
I understand that template nesting is equal to route nesting, but I do not want to nest routes because it'd mean the URL will be also nested. I want to nest templates only because the pages are unrelated.
What I want to achieve is essentially template inheritance.
I expected this to work, but Ember throws an error.
// app/routes/samePage.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
this.render('somePage', {
into: 'layoutA'
This is the error I get:
ember.debug.js:18015 Assertion Failed: You attempted to render into 'layoutA' but it was not found
I also get this warning. It tells me to read this link, but I don't think it helps me.
DEPRECATION: Rendering into a {{render}} helper that resolves to an {{outlet}} is deprecated. [deprecation id:] See for more details.
Here is what layoutA.hbs would look like. I know you can't have {{outlet}} multiple times in a same template, but you probably get what I want to achieve.
<div class="header">
<div class="content">
<div class="footer">
How do I go about doing this in Ember? It sounds like such a basic task that needs to be more clear. Do I need to implement a template inheritance helper (like the one shown here) by myself? Or perhaps, there's already an Ember add-on for that?
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as template inheritance in Ember. But there are two features that allows to reuse html-code:
Components is well-known feature of Ember. It allows to have a re-usable template and/or js code to control such template appearance and behaviour. Component has it's own context, so all data should be passed to it via properties. I recommend to use components for custom ui elements or when you need to reuse a part of template with some logic (for example, top navigation with user menu which depends on authentication can be moved to component). There is also a trick that allows to emulate template inheritance with components using multiple {{yield}}. Maybe that's what you want.
Partials seems to be less known (they are not even mentioned in official guide for 2.x) but very useful. This helper ({{partial}}) renders any template in current context. I recommend to use it when you need to break a big template into parts.
These features are enough to reduce an amount of duplicated code. You probably can't reduce duplicated code to zero with them, but in my opinion it's not critical. Just move what you can to partials/components and your templates will be clear enough. Use that trick with component and yield if you want to emulate inheritance.
Couple of words about partials
If you google "ember component vs partial", you can see a few blog posts and answers on SO, in which ppl say "don't use partials". In many cases without explaining why. The main points that I found are:
Components are more isolated, decoupled and testable. And I agree with that.
Partials may be deprecated and removed in future. However, that was first said in year 2015, but at this moment partials are still there and not deprecated.
When I suggest to use partials?
When you have a big template that is hard to maintain and you can't drop that route in parts. It happens if you use some css-framework (like bootstrap or semantic-ui) and need to implement a couple of big 3-4 step forms, or add a couple of modals or display some complex entity. Using components in this case is unneccessary (you will not use them on any other page) and their isolation adds headache (you will need to pass data that you need to display as properties and add some action(s) to get user input in case of forms).
Why I suggest to use partials in this case?
There is no need to reuse such partial, we just want to break template for easier maintenance. For example, to have each step of 3-steps form in it's own .hbs file rather than having one big template.
If partials will be deprecated, it's easy to move that pieces back to one big template.
It sounds to me like your solution is pretty simply just to use Ember components. Ember components have their own template which can nested into your route's template with {{name_of_component}}, however using components does not affect the routing.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding your need, but it seems to me like this is the easy fix. Read about it here. If I am misunderstanding the question, please clarify!
What I want to achieve is similar to using named outlets, so I can output some content into a specific place. However, it seems like Ember's recommend way to do this is to use ember-elsewhere.
The documentation says:
Before named outlets were introduced to Ember the render helper was used to declare slots for this.render in routes. This usage is not common in modern, idiomatic applications and is deprecated. In general, the pattern of named outlets or named render helpers is discouraged. Instead use of ember-elsewhere or another DOM-redirection library should better serve these use cases.
I found this add-on to be easier to understand over partials and components.
This, or using partials/components is probably the best we can get as Handlebars do not have a template inheritance feature.
Or, I should be changing the way I'm creating the app, and use routes to do template nesting. That's probably the Ember way.

how handlebar templates are rendered by the browser

I want to know the low-level implementation of ember framework. When the handlebar templates defined inside script tag with type="text/x-handlebars-template" getting appended to the DOM? Also, how browser excludes that script?(i.e How actual flow of rendering a page is modified. I am new to ember and handlebars and just curious to know this.
I just run a couple of experiments with an older version of Ember for understanding more, what is really happening under the hood. (It is totally relevant to the latest Ember versions also.) You can read my findings in the Readme here:
Answering for your question, Ember will run the following function during the initialization process:
As you see, there is a bootstrap function, which uses jQuery to find those special templates scripts in your DOM. It will compile with the ember-template-compiler and it will be added to the Ember.TEMPLATES object. (You can check in your console if you type Ember.TEMPLATES.)
As you see in this bootstrap function, these template script tags will be removed (line 72) from the DOM after compilation.
Each version of Ember package comes with different ember.js files (for production, and for debugging) and you can find there ember-template-compiler.js, which is basically the handlebar compiler. You don't need handlebar.js at all in ember project, because this ember-template-compiler.js is your handlebar.js.
If you would like to learn more about Ember.js, I wrote a free tutorial which start from the very basics: Ember.js tutorial
For the last question first :
A script is never seen in a browser so there is no need to exclude it from beeing rendered. WebComponent templates are now a replacement for such script template but if you are using some older template they will still be displayed so a script tag is a better solution for now if you want a template to be compatible with all browsers. So the rendering of the page is not affected. At the end of the page load you'll run your handlebar script that will calculate the template rendering and once it's done will insert it in the dom (typically replace a placeholder).
For your first question :
The question is unclear do you want to know how the template is appended to the dom or when it is appended or how it is rendered ? The best way to know that is to look at the source of handlebars.js. I don't know for ember.js but if you're just using handlebar you'll have to add the result of your processing manually in the dom (by using jquery for instance).

Multi Language and Ember Handlebar

I am wondering what is the best way to realize a multi language support for a web app with handlebars and EmberJs in the back. There is no native multi language support in handlebars.
I found a handlebars helper The code looks good and pretty simple, but I didn't test it yet.
Do you know another plugins/helpers?
I use this one which is specific for Ember:
It adds a 't' handlebars helper :
{{t main.offers countBinding="offers.length"}}
It supports plurals (via CDLR.js) and is not limited to handlebars thanks to Em.I18n.TranslateableProperties mixin, which allows property translation via a convention on any Ember Object.
It is very easy to write a helper, so you will find none or many handlebars implementations.
I'm using for my projects. The implementation is a peace of cake.
Globalize is maintained by JQuery, supports everything you need and has an active community.

EmberJs - How to update the Handlebars template content after the view load?

Is there any way in Ember to update the Handlebars template content and re-render the dependent views dynamically?
I tried by using Ember.TEMPLATES and Ember.Handlebars.compile method, but it didn't worked and the JSFiddle is available here, so any suggestions?
I don't know why you're attempting to do this, but if it's just for testing sake, here is a working fiddle
Ember caches the template inside the view as a computed property, so I'm overriding it and calling rerender on the view. I wouldn't even consider using this in production though.
Up until recently, it was as easy as overriding the template and then calling view.notifyPropertyChange('template'), but with the new container stuff, it's a lot more complex to do it cleanly.
Capture anything you want the user to manipulate in the template as a property of the view/controller and create a binding for it either as computed property or attach an observer to it. This way you can create a view dynamically and append it anywhere you want in your document.