I need to test a web service in visual studio command prompt.
This web service needs authentication in order to be added or created.
How do I set those authentication (ie: The username and password needed to pass the web service)?
Try wget:
wget --http-user=<user> --http-password=<pass> https://<url>
For the webcall arguments see here e.g.
wget --post-file "hello.xml" --header "content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8" --header "SOAPAction: http://tepmuri.org/myservice/IService/Hello" http://localhost/Service.svc
I'm trying to access on my Django API using curl from my local terminal to a VSP
curl -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -u admin:password
So, I tried many things like,
replace admin:password to my actual vps root#password
replace admin:password to my actual database admin#password
replace to my vps url
replace the port 8000 by 22, or 80, 8080
And by the way, I don't know is I have to change /users/ by /root/ or anything else.
I have tried many mix and nothing works.
Here what I'm testing : http://www.django-rest-framework.org/tutorial/quickstart/#testing-our-api
If important, my vps machine is Debian 9 (Stretch)
Think you for your help
This worked for me:
curl -H 'Accept: applicatin/json; indent=4' -u [superuser username]:[superuser password] http://YOURVPSIPADDRESS/users/
The admin:password should be the superuser username and password on your Django site not the username or password for your database or VPS. Ensure a superuser has been created for your Django site on your VPS.
We are trying to use sonarqube webapi and as part of prototyping I was testing the authentication apis using cURL .
The session is not getting deactivated after calling logout , and when I call a service again with a logged out cookie, it is getting authorized successfully.
Following are the steps I followed
curl -v -c cookies.txt POST -d "login=admin&password=admin" http://sonar:9919/api/authentication/login
Do a user token search (which needs authorization) with the cookie
curl -b cookies.txt http://sonar:9919/api/user_tokens/search
This is successfull and returns
curl -v -b cookies.txt POST http://sonar:9919/api/authentication/logout
Repeat Step 2, was expecting an error message like
{"errors":[{"msg":"Authentication is required"}]}
but the call got successful and with same result in Step 2
Am I missing something here ? Any hints ?
When i try to run a local ESP then i get this error.
ERROR:Fetching service config failed(status code 403, reason Forbidden, url ***)
I have a new created service account this account works fine with gcloud cli.
System: OSX Sierra with Docker for MAC
this is the command that i use to start the container:
docker run -d --name="esp" --net="host" -v ~/Downloads:/esp gcr.io/endpoints-release/endpoints-runtime:1.0 -s 2017-02-07r5 -v echo.endpoints.****.cloud.goog -p 8082 -a localhost:9000 -k /esp/serviceaccount.json
I have found the error i have set for the service name the verision and for the version the servicename.
Now i get no error but it not works, this is the console output from the container. From my view is all fine but it not works, i can't call the proxy with localhost:8082/***
INFO:Constructing an access token with scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly
INFO:Service account email: aplha-api#****.iam.gserviceaccount.com
INFO:Refreshing access_token
INFO:Fetching the service configuration from the service management service
nginx: [warn] Using trusted CA certificates file: /etc/nginx/trusted-ca-certificates.crt
This is the used correct command:
docker run -d --name="esp-user-api" --net="host" -v ~/Downloads:/esp gcr.io/endpoints-release/endpoints-runtime:1.0 -s echo.endpoints.***.cloud.goog -v 2017-02-07r5 -p 8082 -a localhost:9000 -k /esp/serviceaccount.json
Aron, I assume:
(1) you are following this user guide: https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/running-esp-localdev
(2) And you do have a backend running on localhost:9000
Have you issued a curl request as suggested in that user guide to localhost:8082/***? does curl command get stuck or returns any error message?
If you don't have a local backend running yet, I would recommend you to follow the user guide above to run a local backend. Note this guide will instruct you to run it at port 8080, so you'll need to change your docker run command from "-a localhost:9000" to "-a localhost:8080" as well.
Also, please note this user guide is for linux env. We haven't tried this set up in a Mac env yet. We do notice some user gets this working on Windows docker with extra work, where he sets backend to "IP of docker NIC". Note "-a" is short for "--backend".
see https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/google-cloud-endpoints/4sRaSkigPiU/KY8g46NSBgAJ
I have a custom made WSO2 ESB connector. I want to automate the installation of this connector. The documentation explains how to enable the connector using the management console. Is there also a commandline interface to manage/enable connectors?
You can enable / disable a connector with an admin service (webService) called MediationLibraryAdminService
To see it's WSDL : https://localhost:9443/services/MediationLibraryAdminService?wsdl
(you must edit repository/conf/carbon.xml and change HideAdminServiceWSDLs to false : <HideAdminServiceWSDLs>false</HideAdminServiceWSDLs> )
Sample request to enable a connector "MyConnector" in a package "my.package" :
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsd="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd">
You can call this service in command line with curl :
save above request in a file named request.xml and type this command line
with curl 7.40 :
curl --basic -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/soap+xml" -k -d #request.xml
I am building a web service for a web application, and I would like a simple tool to test this as I am developing. I have tried some firefox plug-ins (Poster, 'REST Client'), and even though these work fine I have been unable to upload files with them.
Also, I would rather have a command-line tool that I can use to easily write a set of integration tests for this web service and that I can send to consumers of this web service as an example.
I know that curl can work for this but would like a few examples, especially around authentication (using HTTP Basic) and file uploads.
Answering my own question.
curl -X GET --basic --user username:password \
curl -X DELETE --basic --user username:password \
curl -X PUT --basic --user username:password -d 'param1_name=param1_value' \
-d 'param2_name=param2_value' https://www.example.com/mobile/resource
POSTing a file and additional parameter
curl -X POST -F 'param_name=#/filepath/filename' \
-F 'extra_param_name=extra_param_value' --basic --user username:password \
In addition to existing answers it is often desired to format the REST output (typically JSON and XML lacks indentation). Try this:
$ curl https://api.twitter.com/1/help/configuration.xml | xmllint --format -
$ curl https://api.twitter.com/1/help/configuration.json | python -mjson.tool
Tested on Ubuntu 11.0.4/11.10.
Another issue is the desired content type. Twitter uses .xml/.json extension, but more idiomatic REST would require Accept header:
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"
From the documentation on http://curl.haxx.se/docs/httpscripting.html :
HTTP Authentication
curl --user name:password http://www.example.com
Put a file to a HTTP server with curl:
curl --upload-file uploadfile http://www.example.com/receive.cgi
Send post data with curl:
curl --data "birthyear=1905&press=%20OK%20" http://www.example.com/when.cgi