How to create multiple Dialogues? - mfc

In a Project I am using multiple dialogues so in that my requirement is while I am initiating dialog if it is modal then it should come top else it should be behind the parent suggest me how to do it???

Modal dialog always come to the top of the parent window. But what is the else case? You have a non-Modal dialog that should stay behind the Parent window? This doesn't make sense to me.
But if you want to have a non-modal dialog behind the parent window (or any other window) you need to define NULL for the dialog as a parent (owner window). Than you can change the Z-order of the top level window to be behind/after the parent window (use SetWindowPos for this).
Please note that the user can always change the Z-Order of top-level windows when he clicks on it.
Remember: If the window is owned by a parent it is always on top of the owned window.


how to forbid dialog show in the windows taskbar in Qt programming when I open a new dialog?

how to forbid dialog show in the windows taskbar in Qt programming when I open a new dialog?
when I open a new a dialog in the main window.In the windows taskbar always show a new dialog task,I don't want it shows. how to do it?
Quoting from QDialog:
A dialog is always a top-level widget, but if it has a parent, its default location is centered on top of the parent's top-level widget (if it is not top-level itself). It will also share the parent's taskbar entry.
Use the overload of the QWidget::setParent() function to change the ownership of a QDialog widget.
If Dialog's parent is set to None then it opens another window, and i have two entries in taskbar.
If Dialog's parent is set to mainwindow - the dialog is shown inside the main window and share taskbar entry.

MFC floating CDialog control clipping issue

I am making an SDI MDF application that uses a frameview to provid the user with a set of controls (buttons, editboxes and such). The view also owns a set of CDialogs used to desplay aditional controls that can be can be shown or hidden via a tabcontrol and other means. Untill recently the dialogs have been staticly placed at creation to be in their proper location on the screen but I wanted to add a dialog that the user could move around but is still a child of the view. When I created a dialog with a caption and sysmenu that the user can move around the issue I am running into is that when the window is placed over another control owned by the view, (lets say a button) when the paint method is called on the button, it draws over the dialog. The dialog is still on top and the dialogs controls can still be interacted with but the button is drawn over them untill the dialog is repainted. I have tryed to change the clipchild and clipsiblings settings of the dialog and have been able to get the dialogs to properly clip eachother but can not seem to get the child dialog to properly clip the parent view controls. Does anyone have any ideas on what setting might fix this clipping issue.

Use dialog controls without stealing focus

I have a modeless CDialog that contains controls, some CButtons and a CScrollbar. The CDialog is parented off of an edit box that I want to keep focus at all times. The problem is that whenever the user uses the controls, clicking a button or on the scrollbar, the control steals focus from the edit box, causing both the parent window to draw without focus (grayed-out header bar), and causing the control to take all the keyboard input. Is there a way for the controls to respond to mouse actions but not steal focus?
The controls and the dialog are all created with WS_CHILD. The controls are parented off the dialog, and the dialog is parented off of the edit box.
I've tried setting focus back after the controls are used, but that causes the parent window to flicker as it loses and then regains focus. Basically I want something that works like a combo box, where the scroll bar can be clicked or dragged around, but keyboard input still goes to the dialog itself, not just the scroll bar, and the whole thing never loses focus.
I haven't done anything like this for a long time, so I'm sure there are a million little details, but I think the starting point is to override the handling of WM_MOUSEACTIVATE.
I am a little confused about child-parent relationship you described.
Can you explain what do you mean by:
The CDialog is parented off of an edit box that I want to keep focus at all times
Any window hosting other windows inside of the client area is a parent of those windows. It is impossible to create window without WS_CHILD that is contained by other window.
Therefore all dialog’s controls are children of this dialog. It is also possible that child window hosts another child window.
CDialog is just an MFC representation of a dialog window; the same applies to other controls. For example CButton is an MFC class that wraps handle of the window’s window that is predefined as window button control.
Dialog never has focus unless is empty (does not have any controls). If dialog contains even one control, this control always has focus.
What focus means is that any given window receives mouse and keyboard messages. Only one control can have focus at any given time. In order for scroll bar to process mouse click or keyboard to move slider, scroll bar must have focus; therefore some other control must give it up.
Combo box drop box (I think this is what you are referring to) is not a child of the dialog. It is a popup window that for the duration has keyboard focus and captures mouse. When it drops down, dialog is deactivated and once dropdown hides, dialog state is changed back to active hence focus never changes, it returns to the control that had focus when dialog was deactivated.
What you are trying to do is probably possible but it would require a lot of coding. Probably hooking messages would do the job but I think it would be going against the stream.

Hide main MFC window while modal dialog is active?

I have a native C++ MFC app. It has a main window based on CWnd, and user action can create a modal dialog. While the dialog is active, I want the main window to disappear, the dialog to be visible, and the main window's icon to remain in the task bar.
How can I accomplish this?
If I hide the main window (ShowWindow(SW_HIDE)), the task bar icon disappears. If I minimize the main window (SW_MINIMIZE), the icon remains. However, since the dialog is owned by the main window, this also hides the dialog.
After the dialog is created, clicking on the task bar icon makes the dialog visible. Naturally, I do not want to require the user to do this.
Even if I insert ShowWindow(SW_SHOW) in the dialog's OnInit handler, the dialog remains not visible. Spy++ shows that its visible bit is set, though. Same is true if I add SetWindowActive to OnInit.
I am not interested in changing the UI design. While the dialog is active, the user interacts only with it, and is not interested in anything in the main window. Therefore, the main window should disappear.
Using Windows VS2005 under WinXP32.
Well, in the block of code where you create the dialog and show it modal, you can do whatever you want to the main window of your app (show/hide) as long as you make the desktop window the parent of your dialog. Usually, the constructor for CDialog and derivatives takes a default argument of NULL for the parent window in which the framework ends up substituting AfxGetMainWnd(). Instead pass CWnd::GetDesktopWindow() as the parent of your dialog and then you should probably be able to hide your main window. However, you still might have a problem with the taskbar--but I'll let someone else give hints since I know nothing offhand about it.
In OnInitDialog, add following codes
//Set windows size zero, the windows disappear.
//If you want it invisible on taskbar. add following codes.
DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE);
SetWindowLong(GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_EXSTYLE, dwStyle);
You're fighting the OS. A modal dialog, by definition, disables but does not hide the "main" (parent) window. If you wanted another window, make a second one, but don't tell the OS to treat it as a modal dialog over the first window.
Perhaps you can resize the main window to a really small size and always keep it behind the modal dialog.

MFC Resizing dialog and child window paint problem

When I resize parent dialog (resizing border), child dialog is not painting correctly. Child dialog is partially hidden behind the border of parent dialog. If i make dialog bigger, revealed part of child dialog isn’t painted. But when i make it even bigger, child dialog paints to the previous border position. I tried my best with invalidating and redrawing dialogs but I can’t make it appear correctly.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Try to add WS_CLIPCHILDREN style to the parent dialog.