i want to implement a container, which contains maximal 20 Solutions.
If the container contains 20 Solutions any Solution that is added is only accepted if its
1) new_value < worst value in the Container
2) if new_value is already in the container (and 1) holds) then memcmp(new_assignment, assigment, assignment_size) != 0
Then the worst solutions is deleted. (Including the int array)
the assignment_size is for all Solutions the same.
struct Solution {
double value;
int *assignment;
int assigment_size;
What is the easiest way to implement this structure? Can you use some container of the STL?
Ok Thank you.
I hope it is correct. It tried to keep the list trough insert sorted so it is easier to check and then you can remove the last element.
struct Solution {
double power_peak;
int *assignment;
int size;
~Solution() { delete[] assignment; }
class Container {
list<Solution> Solutions;
uint max_size;
double worst_solution;
Container (uint size)
max_size = size;
void addSolution(Solution s)
list<Solution>::iterator insert_position = Solutions.begin();
while (insert_position != Solutions.end() && (*insert_position).power_peak < s.power_peak)
if ((*insert_position).power_peak == s.power_peak && memcmp((*insert_position).assignment, s.assignment, s.size) == 0)
Solutions.insert(insert_position, s);
if (Solutions.size() > max_size)
worst_solution = (*(--(Solutions.end())))->power_peak;
double getWorst()
return worst_solution;
Note: I assumed that your solution is described by the Solution structure you posted.
The easiest solution would be a std::array<Solution, 20>, wrapped in a custom container wrapper.
You should have something like this:
class SolutionsSequence
// in a function to add a solution to the sequence, you should
// implement the criteria to decide which solution is worse
std::array<Solution, 20> solutions_;
Other than that, you should not use memcpy in C++. Consider using std::copy, or std::copy_n instead.
Also consider using a std::vector for assignments, and then you can get rid of the assignment_size.
I am currently struggling coming up with an optimized method for dynamic ordering. I currently have a vector that looks like this in some place of my code
std::vector<std::string> vec {
The items in the above vector can be shuffled.The items in this vector are inserted in a specific order so the above order can be different. For simplicity sakes I added the items during declaration.There are about 9 items in the actual case for simplicity I am using only 3 string items.
Now somewhere else in my code I have something like this.
void filter()
bool _optionA,_optionB,_optionC
//These boolean variables get assigned values
Todo : I would like to change the ordering of the
following code based on the ordering of items in the
vector. Currently its in the order _optionA _optionB,
_optionC. I would like this ordering to be based
on the order of the strings as in the above vector.
so it should be _optionB,_optionA,_optionC ,
I understand the items in the vector are string
and the following are boolean types
if(_optionB) {
The simplest approach that comes to my mind is
for(auto str : vec)
if( (str=="optionA" && _optionA))
//This was optionA
else if( (str=="optionB" && _optionB)) {
else if( (str=="optionC" && _optionC)) {
I want to know what would be the most optimized way to accomplish the above task ? I am looking for a solution that would avoid iterating through a vector since its in a performance centric piece of code. Is there a way for me to use integrate bitwise operations or something like array indexing to accomplish this task ? Please let me know if something is unclear
It sounds like you want map a string to an actual process. Could you create an interface option class and have instances of options mapped to the string that should cause them to occur? That way you could use the string as a key to get back an Option object and call something like myOption.execute().
The downside to this method is that you need to create a new option class and have it inherit from the interface each time you need a new option.
#Edit: Sorry I think I may have misunderstood the question. But I think the premise still applies you could have a map of string to boolean and just use the string as a key to get back whether the option is toggled on or off.
Assuming you load the vector in on start up, you can sort it at that point to your liking. For example, in alphabetical order. This will mean that you know the order of the vector therefore you can simply reference the vector by index when checking in the your filter function.
Load in data into vector std::vector<string> data = {"optionA", "optionB"};.
Sort using std::sort(data.begin, data.end); or any other sort method of your choice.
Then in you filter function check the vector based on index. if (data.at(1) == "optionA") { }
If I understand your problem correctly, you need to imply order_by on the boolean variables/predicates.
In the below program I will refer your (_optionA, _optionB, _optionC) as predicates even though they are bool, since we can upgrade this problem to work with predicates as well.
Based on the above assumption, I am going ahead with an implementation.
You should pass an ordered_predicates to your filter function.
ordered_predicates is sorted according to your desired criteria.
filter()'s job is just to execute them in the order defined.
auto filter(std::vector<bool> const & ordered_predicates)
-> void
for (auto const & condition : ordered_predicates) {
if (condition) {
// ... do your usual stuff here
So how should we go ahead to achieve this ordered_predicates?
We will create a function called order_by that will take an order_by_criteria and a mapping, which will help it in creating ordered_predicates.
With this function, creating ordered_predicates is just a one time cost.
auto order_by(std::vector<std::string> const & order_by_criteria,
std::map<std::string, bool> const & mapping)
-> std::vector<bool>
std::vector<bool> ordered_predicates;
for (auto const & item : order_by_criteria)
return ordered_predicates;
Where order_by_criteria is your std::vector<std::string> and mapping is just a map which tells which string and predicates are associated.
std::vector<std::string> order_by_criteria { "optionB", "optionA", "optionC" };
std::map<std::string, bool> mapping = { {"optionA", _optionA },
{"optionB", _optionB },
{"optionC", _optionC } };
Here is a complete working program for your reference.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
auto order_by(std::vector<std::string> const & order_by_criteria,
std::map<std::string, bool> const & mapping)
-> std::vector<bool>
std::vector<bool> ordered_predicates;
for (auto const & item : order_by_criteria)
return ordered_predicates;
auto filter(std::vector<bool> const & ordered_predicates)
-> void
for (auto const & condition : ordered_predicates) {
if (condition) {
// ... do your usual stuff here
int main()
bool _optionA = true, _optionB = false, _optionC = true;
std::vector<std::string> order_by_criteria { "optionB", "optionA", "optionC" };
std::map<std::string, bool> mapping = { {"optionA", _optionA },
{"optionB", _optionB },
{"optionC", _optionC } };
auto ordered_predicates = order_by(order_by_criteria, mapping);
filter(ordered_predicates); // call as many times as you want, with pre-decided order
return 0;
If I got the problem correctly, sorting is a way to go. Just sort the vector together with bool flags, using std::vector values as keys, and then simply check bool flags in fixed, lexicographic, order.
Suppose we have a vector {"optB", "optC", "optA"}. After sorting, the indices {0, 1, 2} will rearrange: std::size_t perm[] = {2, 0, 1}. Using this information, that can be precomputed (outside filter(...)), we can rearrange the bool flags:
bool options[N];
// populate options...
bool new_options[N];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
new_options[perm[i]] = options[i];
Now we simply check new_options successively:
if (new_options[0]) {
if (new_options[1]) {
To precompute perm array use std::map:
std::map<std::string, std::size_t> map;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
map.emplace(vec[i], i);
std::size_t perm[N];
auto m = map.begin();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i, ++m)
perm[i] = m->second;
I am writing a plugin for SA-MP, based on AMX and have occured an annoying problem. I am using a deque and a function to find & delete an element. (like this one below)
struct params_s {
enum PARAM_TYPE type;
struct params_s * next;
cell free;
cell numData;
cell arrayData[0];
struct timer_s {
AMX * amx;
int id, func, interval, repeat;
long long unsigned int trigger;
struct params_s * params;
std::deque<struct timer_s *> gTimers;
void DestroyTimer(struct timer_s * t) {
for (int i = 0; i != gTimers.size(); ++i) {
if (t == gTimers[i]) {
gTimers.erase(gTimers.begin() + i);
Whenever I call DestroyTimer() I get this error:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Expression: deque subscript out of range
I can add elements, read and modify them, but I can't delete them.
Thank you.
You should use the erase remove idiom:
void DestroyTimer(struct timer_s * t)
gTimers.erase(remove(gTimers.begin(), gTimers.end(), t), gTimers.end());
Without looking at the actual error, the idiomatic way would be:
gTimers.erase(std::remove(gTimers.begin(), gTimers.end(), t),
This will be safer and faster than what you are doing now (catches
duplicates, no need to reallocate).
This is called Erase-Remove idiom.
For the actual debug assertion: Debugging iterators are a standard
extension and maybe broken in some cases.
NB: You want to call delete on the timer, if it is owned by the deque, to prevent leaking memory.
I have my loop going through vector's elements. While in this loop some of the elements are being (I want them to be) removed. Although std::vector does not allow to do this, and I would like an alternative.
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < rectArray.size(); j++)
if( rectArray[j] == 2 )
rectArray.erase(rectArray.begin() + j);
Do you think a std::list would be good here ? Can I use something else ?
Unless the elements of the vector are very expensive to copy, the simplest is probably to std::copy_if (or otherwise copy the ones you want to keep) into a new vector, and then swap that with the original. There's also remove_if followed by resize.
If the elements are very expensive to relocate, then a list would avoid that, but it depends what else you do with the collection. If you do something else that would be cripplingly slow with a list, then you've just moved the problem elsewhere.
I would suggest modifying your code such that it uses iterators instead of the actual vector. It's much cleaner and more efficient like this:
for (auto it = rectArray.begin(); it != rectArray.end(); ++it)
// Access the current element with *it
// If you want you can pass `it` and `rectArray.end()` as
// the lower and upper bounds of the new collection,
// rather than doing expensive resizes of the vector.
Note that auto is a C++11 feature (the way I used it). If your compiler supports that you might also want to use C++11's foreach:
for (auto it : rectArray) {
// same as before
Removing an element from the middle of a vector is expensive - because you have to move all the later elements down.
If you need to add/remove elements to the middle of a container then a list is generally better.
List would be better than a vector - as it will not cost you anything to remove elements from the middle of the list. Removing elements from the middle of a vector, on the other hand, has linear complexity.
Possible alternative to std::remove_if. A bit faster and doesn't require a functor, however it does not maintain order.
auto end = std::end(rectArray);
for(auto it = std::begin(rectArray); it != end; ++it)
std::swap(*it, *--end); // or even faster *it = std::move(*--end);
rectArray.erase(end, std::end(rectArray));
If you are doing a lot of deletes, a list is probably the way to go. Here is some sample code to help.
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Widget
explicit Widget(int someNumber);
bool ShouldDelete();
bool ShouldDeleteComplex(int a, int b, int c);
int _someNumber;
Widget::Widget(int someNumber) : _someNumber(someNumber)
bool Widget::ShouldDelete()
if (_someNumber > 2)
return true;
return false;
bool Widget::ShouldDeleteComplex(int a, int b, int c)
if ((a * b - c) > _someNumber)
return true;
return false;
int main()
list<Widget> lw;
// delete from list using functor
// delete from list using lambda function
lw.remove_if([] (Widget& x) { return x.ShouldDeleteComplex(1, 2, 0); } );
vector<Widget> vw;
// delete using functor
vw.erase(remove_if(vw.begin(), vw.end(), mem_fun_ref(&Widget::ShouldDelete)), vw.end());
// delete using lambda function
remove_if(vw.begin(), vw.end(),
[] (Widget& x) { return x.ShouldDeleteComplex(1, 2, 0); }
return 0;
This is my first time using this site so sorry for any bad formatting or weird formulations, I'll try my best to conform to the rules on this site but I might do some misstakes in the beginning.
I'm right now working on an implementation of some different bin packing algorithms in C++ using the STL containers. In the current code I still have some logical faults that needs to be fixed but this question is more about the structure of the program. I would wan't some second opinion on how you should structure the program to minimize the number of logical faults and make it as easy to read as possible. In it's current state I just feel that this isn't the best way to do it but I don't really see any other way to write my code right now.
The problem is a dynamic online bin packing problem. It is dynamic in the sense that items have an arbitrary time before they will leave the bin they've been assigned to.
In short my questions are:
How would the structure of a Bin packing algorithm look in C++?
Is STL containers a good tool to make the implementation be able to handle inputs of arbitrary lenght?
How should I handle the containers in a good, easy to read and implement way?
Some thoughts about my own code:
Using classes to make a good distinction between handling the list of the different bins and the list of items in those bins.
Getting the implementation as effective as possible.
Being easy to run with a lot of different data lengths and files for benchmarking.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct type_item {
int size;
int life;
bool operator < (const type_item& input)
return size < input.size;
class Class_bin {
double load;
list<type_item> contents;
list<type_item>::iterator i;
Class_bin ();
bool operator < (Class_bin);
bool full (type_item);
void push_bin (type_item);
double check_load ();
void check_dead ();
void print_bin ();
Class_bin::Class_bin () {
bool Class_bin::operator < (Class_bin input){
return load < input.load;
bool Class_bin::full (type_item input) {
if (load+(1.0/(double) input.size)>1) {
return false;
else {
return true;
void Class_bin::push_bin (type_item input) {
int sum=0;
for (i=contents.begin(); i!=contents.end(); ++i) {
load+=1.0/(double) sum;
double Class_bin::check_load () {
return load;
void Class_bin::check_dead () {
for (i=contents.begin(); i!=contents.end(); ++i) {
if (i->life==0) {
void Class_bin::print_bin () {
for (i=contents.begin (); i!=contents.end (); ++i) {
cout << i->size << " ";
class Class_list_of_bins {
list<Class_bin> list_of_bins;
list<Class_bin>::iterator i;
void push_list (type_item);
void sort_list ();
void check_dead ();
void print_list ();
Class_bin new_bin (type_item);
bool comparator (type_item, type_item);
Class_bin Class_list_of_bins::new_bin (type_item input) {
Class_bin temp;
temp.push_bin (input);
return temp;
void Class_list_of_bins::push_list (type_item input) {
if (list_of_bins.empty ()) {
list_of_bins.push_front (new_bin(input));
for (i=list_of_bins.begin (); i!=list_of_bins.end (); ++i) {
if (!i->full (input)) {
i->push_bin (input);
list_of_bins.push_front (new_bin(input));
void Class_list_of_bins::sort_list () {
void Class_list_of_bins::check_dead () {
for (i=list_of_bins.begin (); i !=list_of_bins.end (); ++i) {
i->check_dead ();
void Class_list_of_bins::print_list () {
for (i=list_of_bins.begin (); i!=list_of_bins.end (); ++i) {
i->print_bin ();
cout << "\n";
int main () {
int i, number_of_items;
type_item buffer;
Class_list_of_bins bins;
queue<type_item> input;
string filename;
fstream file;
cout << "Input file name: ";
cin >> filename;
cout << endl;
file.open (filename.c_str(), ios::in);
file >> number_of_items;
for (i=0; i<number_of_items; ++i) {
file >> buffer.size;
file >> buffer.life;
input.push (buffer);
file.close ();
while (!input.empty ()) {
buffer=input.front ();
input.pop ();
bins.push_list (buffer);
bins.print_list ();
return 0;
Note that this is just a snapshot of my code and is not yet running properly
Don't wan't to clutter this with unrelated chatter just want to thank the people who contributed, I will review my code and hopefully be able to structure my programming a bit better
How would the structure of a Bin packing algorithm look in C++?
Well, ideally you would have several bin-packing algorithms, separated into different functions, which differ only by the logic of the algorithm. That algorithm should be largely independent from the representation of your data, so you can change your algorithm with only a single function call.
You can look at what the STL Algorithms have in common. Mainly, they operate on iterators instead of containers, but as I detail below, I wouldn't suggest this for you initially. You should get a feel for what algorithms are available and leverage them in your implementation.
Is STL containers a good tool to make the implementation be able to handle inputs of arbitrary length?
It usually works like this: create a container, fill the container, apply an algorithm to the container.
Judging from the description of your requirements, that is how you'll use this, so I think it'll be fine. There's one important difference between your bin packing algorithm and most STL algorithms.
The STL algorithms are either non-modifying or are inserting elements to a destination. bin-packing, on the other hand, is "here's a list of bins, use them or add a new bin". It's not impossible to do this with iterators, but probably not worth the effort. I'd start by operating on the container, get a working program, back it up, then see if you can make it work for only iterators.
How should I handle the containers in a good, easy to read and implement way?
I'd take this approach, characterize your inputs and outputs:
Input: Collection of items, arbitrary length, arbitrary order.
Output: Collection of bins determined by algorithm. Each bin contains a collection of items.
Then I'd worry about "what does my algorithm need to do?"
Constantly check bins for "does this item fit?"
Your Class_bin is a good encapsulation of what is needed.
Avoid cluttering your code with unrelated stuff like "print()" - use non-member help functions.
struct type_item {
int size;
int life;
bool operator < (const type_item& input)
return size < input.size;
It's unclear what life (or death) is used for. I can't imagine that concept being relevant to implementing a bin-packing algorithm. Maybe it should be left out?
This is personal preference, but I don't like giving operator< to my objects. Objects are usually non-trivial and have many meanings of less-than. For example, one algorithm might want all the alive items sorted before the dead items. I typically wrap that in another struct for clarity:
struct type_item {
int size;
int life;
struct SizeIsLess {
// Note this becomes a function object, which makes it easy to use with
// STL algorithms.
bool operator() (const type_item& lhs, const type_item& rhs)
return lhs.size < rhs.size;
vector<type_item> items;
std::sort(items.begin, items.end(), type_item::SizeIsLess);
class Class_bin {
double load;
list<type_item> contents;
list<type_item>::iterator i;
Class_bin ();
bool operator < (Class_bin);
bool full (type_item);
void push_bin (type_item);
double check_load ();
void check_dead ();
void print_bin ();
I would skip the Class_ prefix on all your types - it's just a bit excessive, and it should be clear from the code. (This is a variant of hungarian notation. Programmers tend to be hostile towards it.)
You should not have a class member i (the iterator). It's not part of class state. If you need it in all the members, that's ok, just redeclare it there. If it's too long to type, use a typedef.
It's difficult to quantify "bin1 is less than bin2", so I'd suggest removing the operator<.
bool full(type_item) is a little misleading. I'd probably use bool can_hold(type_item). To me, bool full() would return true if there is zero space remaining.
check_load() would seem more clearly named load().
Again, it's unclear what check_dead() is supposed to accomplish.
I think you can remove print_bin and write that as a non-member function, to keep your objects cleaner.
Some people on StackOverflow would shoot me, but I'd consider just making this a struct, and leaving load and item list public. It doesn't seem like you care much about encapsulation here (you're only need to create this object so you don't need do recalculate load each time).
class Class_list_of_bins {
list<Class_bin> list_of_bins;
list<Class_bin>::iterator i;
void push_list (type_item);
void sort_list ();
void check_dead ();
void print_list ();
Class_bin new_bin (type_item);
bool comparator (type_item, type_item);
I think you can do without this class entirely.
Conceptually, it represents a container, so just use an STL container. You can implement the methods as non-member functions. Note that sort_list can be replaced with std::sort.
comparator is too generic a name, it gives no indication of what it compares or why, so consider being more clear.
Overall Comments
Overall, I think the classes you've picked adequately model the space you're trying to represent, so you'll be fine.
I might structure my project like this:
struct bin {
double load; // sum of item sizes.
std::list<type_item> items;
bin() : load(0) { }
// Returns true if the bin can fit the item passed to the constructor.
struct bin_can_fit {
bin_can_fit(type_item &item) : item_(item) { }
bool operator()(const bin &b) {
return item_.size < b.free_space;
type_item item_;
// ItemIter is an iterator over the items.
// BinOutputIter is an output iterator we can use to put bins.
template <ItemIter, BinOutputIter>
void bin_pack_first_fit(ItemIter curr, ItemIter end, BinOutputIter output_bins) {
std::vector<bin> bins; // Create a local bin container, to simplify life.
for (; curr != end; ++curr) {
// Use a helper predicate to check whether the bin can fit this item.
// This is untested, but just for an idea.
std::vector<bin>::iterator bin_it =
std::find_if(bins.begin(), bins.end(), bin_can_fit(*curr));
if (bin_it == bins.end()) {
// Did not find a bin with enough space, add a new bin.
// push_back invalidates iterators, so reassign bin_it to the last item.
bin_it = std::advance(bins.begin(), bins.size() - 1);
// bin_it now points to the bin to put the item in.
bin_it->load += curr.size();
std::copy(bins.begin(), bins.end(), output_bins); // Apply our bins to the destination.
void main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::vector<type_item> items;
// ... fill items
std::vector<bin> bins;
bin_pack_first_fit(items.begin(), items.end(), std::back_inserter(bins));
Some thoughts:
Your names are kinda messed up in places.
You have a lot of parameters named input, thats just meaningless
I'd expect full() to check whether it is full, not whether it can fit something else
I don't think push_bin pushes a bin
check_dead modifies the object (I'd expect something named check_*, to just tell me something about the object)
Don't put things like Class and type in the names of classes and types.
class_list_of_bins seems to describe what's inside rather then what the object is.
push_list doesn't push a list
Don't append stuff like _list to every method in a list class, if its a list object, we already know its a list method
I'm confused given the parameters of life and load as to what you are doing. The bin packing problem I'm familiar with just has sizes. I'm guessing that overtime some of the objects are taken out of bins and thus go away?
Some further thoughts on your classes
Class_list_of_bins is exposing too much of itself to the outside world. Why would the outside world want to check_dead or sort_list? That's nobodies business but the object itself. The public method you should have on that class really should be something like
* Add an item to the collection of bins
* Print solution
* Step one timestep into the future
list<Class_bin>::iterator i;
Bad, bad, bad! Don't put member variables on your unless they are actually member states. You should define that iterator where it is used. If you want to save some typing add this: typedef list::iterator bin_iterator and then you use bin_iterator as the type instead.
Here is my psuedocode:
class Item
Item(Istream & input)
read input description of item
double size_needed() { return actual size required (out of 1) for this item)
bool alive() { return true if object is still alive}
void do_timestep() { decrement life }
void print() { print something }
class Bin
vector of Items
double remaining_space
bool can_add(Item item) { return true if we have enough space}
void add(Item item) {add item to vector of items, update remaining space}
void do_timestep() {call do_timestep() and all Items, remove all items which indicate they are dead, updating remaining_space as you go}
void print { print all the contents }
class BinCollection
void do_timestep { call do_timestep on all of the bins }
void add(item item) { find first bin for which can_add return true, then add it, create a new bin if neccessary }
void print() { print all the bins }
Some quick notes:
In your code, you converted the int size to a float repeatedly, that's not a good idea. In my design that is localized to one place
You'll note that the logic relating to a single item is now contained inside the item itself. Other objects only can see whats important to them, size_required and whether the object is still alive
I've not included anything about sorting stuff because I'm not clear what that is for in a first-fit algorithm.
This interview gives some great insight into the rationale behind the STL. This may give you some inspiration on how to implement your algorithms the STL-way.
vector<int> l;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
I want the vector to only be able to store numbers from a specified range (or set).
How can that be done, in general?
In particular, I want to restrict the vector to beonly be able to store single digits.
So, if I do a l[9]++ (in this case l[9] is 9), it should give me an error or warn me. (because 10 is not a single digit number). Similarly, l[0]-- should warn me.
Is there a way to do this using C++ STL vector?
An alternative solution would be to create your own datatype that provides this restrictions. As i read your question I think the restrictions do not really belong to the container itself but to the datatype you want to store. An example (start of) such an implementation can be as follows, possibly such a datatype is already provided in an existing library.
class Digit
unsigned int d;
Digit() : d(0) {}
Digit(unsigned int d)
if(d > 10) throw std::overflow_error();
else this->d=d;
Digit& operator++() { if(d<9) d++; return *this; }
Wrap it with another class:
class RestrictedVector{
std::vector<int> things;
// Other things
bool push_back(int data){
if(data >= 0 && data < 10){
return true;
return false