MFC Ribbon: RemoveAllSubItems() in CView::OnUpdate leads to access violation (VS2008) - mfc

To reproduce the behavior, start a new MFC Outlook style project with Ribbon (CMyView as the view class name).
Let's say I want to modify a menu of a CMFCRibbonButton, for example the subitems of the Print command, and for this, I want to RemoveAllSubItems() first.
Add this as a public member in MainFrm.h:
CMFCRibbonButton *m_pBtnPrint;
Add this in the InitializeRibbon() member funcion in MainFrm.cpp:
CMFCRibbonButton* pBtnPrint = new CMFCRibbonButton(ID_FILE_PRINT, strTemp, 6, 6);
// store the pointer to the button to be used in CMyView class
m_pBtnPrint = pBtnPrint;
In CMyView::OnUpdate() add this code:
CMFCRibbonButton *pBtnPrint = ((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->m_pBtnPrint;
if (pBtnPrint) pBtnPrint->RemoveAllSubItems();
My best guess is that something goes wrong with the frameworks internal replication of the Print command, e.g. for the Quick Access Toolbar. I wonder if I'm missing something here. Is it somehow forbidden to modify menus after the ribbon bar has been created in CMainFrame?
Edit: It obviously has nothing to do with m_pBtnPrint being invalidated e.g. after LoadFrame(). If you retreive pBtnPrint dynamically using CMFCRibbonBar::FindByID(), it will crash as well:
CMFCRibbonBar *pRibbon = ((CMDIFrameWndEx*) AfxGetMainWnd())->GetRibbonBar();
CMFCRibbonButton *pBtnPrint = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMFCRibbonButton, pRibbon->FindByID(ID_FILE_PRINT));
if (pBtnPrint) pBtnPrint->RemoveAllSubItems();
Edit: I have started a support query on the Microsoft Connect website, but no meaningful response since.

CmainFrame::LoadFrame() overrides your pointer. If you have registry values saved from the last time you ran and closed this program, then LoadFrame will serialize the old state of the MFC buttons. The memory locations change during this time, and your saved pointers during Initialize will be invalid. You must find a way to grab the pointer to the button AFTER the LoadFrame has been ran.
I created a setup function on all my MFCToolbars just to grab these custom button pointers after the new buttons have been created from registry. I call this Setup function in my CWinAppEx::InitInstance after the call to CMainFrame::LoadFrame()
You should be able to run fine if you delete the registry values saved by this program, but upon second run it will crash.


How can I use multiple instances of webkit in c++ gtkmm program?

Short question:
How to make different instances of webkit in C++?
Long question:
I'm writing a simple webbrowser with Webkit2 in C++ on ubuntu with a gtkmm gui. I would like to use different pages with different Webkit instances.
So far, I have a window to which I can add and remove pages/tabs and Webkit successfully running in the first page/tab. When I add a second page/tab with an other instance of Webkit I'm not able to load any webpage. My code in the callback function to add a page/tab:
m_WebKit00 = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(webkit_web_view_new()); // WebKitWebView* was initialized to the nullptr in the constructor
surf00 = Glib::wrap(GTK_WIDGET(m_WebKit00)); // Gtk::Widget* was initialized to the nullptr in the constructor
m_pViewport00->add(*surf00); // Gtk::Viewport* was initialized to the nullptr in the constructor
m_pNotebook->append_page(*m_pViewport00, *m_pTab00); // Gtk::Notebook* was initialized to the nullptr in the constructor
// same for m_WebKit01, surf01 and so on, ex:
m_WebKit01 = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(webkit_web_view_new());
// at start of program one page/tab is created and it is selected; adding/removing pages/tabs works perfectly
Code in the on_notebook_switch_page() callback which is run if an other page/tab is selected by the user after adding a page:
// here I have a switch to check which page/tab is selected.
// WebKitWebView** m_WebKit(nullptr) // initialized by the constructor
m_WebKit = &m_WebKit00; // if page 0 is selected // WebKitWebView** was initialized to the nullptr in the constructor
m_WebKit = &m_WebKit01; // if page 1 is selected
// and so on;
The idea is to let m_WebKit point to the webkit instance of the selected page/tab.
Now I want to load the webpage when someone enters an url in the searchentry with:
webkit_web_view_load_uri(m_WebKit, &url[0]);
// reuse this function whenever the searchentry is used, no matter on what page/tab you are
This works perfectly for page 0, but not for page 1. On page 1 nothing loads, no errors or changes to the page or viewport.
What am I missing here? Isn't it possible to use multiple instances of webkit? Would a solution be the use of smart/shared/weak pointers or is the no loading caused by something else? Any better techniques and/or webkit tutorials?
Please help!! Thank you
#273K: edited the code with the same result

How to get CDocument for derived CMFCShellTreeCtl on an Outlook Style MFC program?

I am new to MFC and have built an "outlook" style MFC app using the wizard. I've extended the CMFCShellTreetCtrl using CMyShellTreeCtrl and had data member variables and all was working fine. Now I want to move the data over to the CDocument class. Since there is several accesses to the data as each item is clicked or enumerated, I thought I would create a member variable m_pDoc to access the public variables in the CDocument. The problem I'm having, I can't find where to get the CDocument as it appears it's not setup when the trees OnCreate is called. That is in OnCreate
CWnd* pWndMain = AfxGetMainWnd();
ASSERT(pWndMain->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFrameWnd)) && !pWndMain->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMDIFrameWnd))); // Not an SDI app.
m_pDoc = (CMyDoc*) ((CFrameWnd*)pWndMain)->GetActiveDocument();
returns NULL in m_pDoc and if I tried in an AfterCreate() (which is called after CreateOutlookBar) it's too late as m_pDoc is already being used and get a crash.
// Create and setup "Outlook" navigation bar:
if (!CreateOutlookBar(m_wndNavigationBar, ID_VIEW_NAVIGATION, m_wndTree, m_wndCalendar, 250))
TRACE0("Failed to create navigation pane\n");
return -1; // fail to create
Any Ideas?
I came up with the following but I'm not sure if this is the proper way. Again, I'm new to MFC (I always have used Win32 directly). This works so it's AN answer, but is it THE correct answer?
POSITION docpos = AfxGetApp()->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition();
CDocTemplate *doctemplate = AfxGetApp()->GetNextDocTemplate(docpos);
m_pDoc = (CMyDoc*)doctemplate->GetNextDoc(docpos);

How to get the text value of a control through its parent window

I have the following wxDialog parent window:
I have created that parent window by the following code:
settingsFrm settingsWindow(this, "Settings");
I have tried to use FindWindowByName to get the value of the first text ctrl as follow:
But unfortunately, it doesn't work and gives me a runtime error.
I don't know if that method suitable to do what I want.
How to get the value/other of a control through its parent window?
From your comments, it seems like you expect the function to find the control from the name of the variable in your code which is not how it works and would be pretty much impossible.
FindWindowByName() uses the window name (and, as a fallback, label, but this is irrelevant here because text controls don't have labels anyhow), so for it to work you need to set the window name when creating the control, using the corresponding parameter of its ctor. This is very rarely useful in C++ code, however, as it's simpler to just store a pointer to the control in some variable and use this instead.
FindWindowByName() can often be useful when creating controls from XRC, however. If you do this, then you should specify names for your controls in XRC and pass the same name to this function.
How did you create the TextCtrl instance? You should have something like wxTextCtrl m_textCtrl1 = new wxTextCtrl(/// arguments); Accessing the value should be very easy, as wxString text = m_textCtrl1->GetValue(); You definitely don't need FindWindowByName just for what you are trying to do here.

JUCE - Making a New Window

Coming from making single-page applications with the visual WYSISWYG editor in JUCE, I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to invoke new windows (outside of the main GUI window). I made a test application that just has a small minimal main GUI that I created with the visual editor. It has a button "Make New Window." My goal is to be able to click that button and have a new window pop up and that this new window is a JUCE "GUI component," (AKA, the graphical / visual GUI editor file). Now, I actually have sort of achieved this, however, its throwing errors and assertions, so it would be great to get a very simple, step-by-step tutorial.
I studied the main.cpp file that the Projucer automatically created in order to get a feel for how they are creating a window. Here's what I did.
1) In my project, I added a new GUI Component (which becomes a class) and called it "InvokedWindow."
2) In my main GUI component class header, I added a new scoped pointer of type InvokedWindow: ScopedPointer<InvokedWindow> invokedWindow;
3) I created a new button in the main GUI editor called "Make New Window" and added this to the handler code:
newWindowPtr = new InvokedWindow; so that any time the button is hit, a new object of type InvokedWindow is created.
4) In the InvokedWindow class, in the constructor, on top of the automatically generated code, I added:
setUsingNativeTitleBar (true);
setCentrePosition(400, 400);
setVisible (true);
setResizable(false, false);
Which I sort of got from the main file of the JUCE application.
I also added a slider to this new window just to add functionality to it.
5) I added an overloaded function to let me close the window:
void InvokedWindow::closeButtonPressed()
delete this;
So, now when I run the app and click the make new window button, a new window does pop up, but I get an assertion:
/* Agh! You shouldn't add components directly to a ResizableWindow - this class
manages its child components automatically, and if you add your own it'll cause
trouble. Instead, use setContentComponent() to give it a component which
will be automatically resized and kept in the right place - then you can add
subcomponents to the content comp. See the notes for the ResizableWindow class
for more info.
If you really know what you're doing and want to avoid this assertion, just call
Component::addAndMakeVisible directly.
Also, I'm able to close the window once and hit the button in the main GUI to create another instance of a newWindow, but closing it a second time leads to an error:
template <typename ObjectType>
struct ContainerDeletePolicy
static void destroy (ObjectType* object)
// If the line below triggers a compiler error, it means that you are using
// an incomplete type for ObjectType (for example, a type that is declared
// but not defined). This is a problem because then the following delete is
// undefined behaviour. The purpose of the sizeof is to capture this situation.
// If this was caused by a ScopedPointer to a forward-declared type, move the
// implementation of all methods trying to use the ScopedPointer (e.g. the destructor
// of the class owning it) into cpp files where they can see to the definition
// of ObjectType. This should fix the error.
ignoreUnused (sizeof (ObjectType));
delete object;
This is all a bit over my head. I was figuring it wouldn't be too bad to be able to create a new window, via a button. A new window that I could edit with the graphical GUI editor, but I'm not able to fully figure it out all on my own, through I did try. Could anyone post a step-by-step guide to doing this the correct way? I did post this at the JUCE forums, but due to my lack of GUI programming, I was unable to understand the solutions posted (my own fault), so I'm hoping to get a very simple guide to this. It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
I figured it out. I needed to create:
A new GUI component (Remember, this is the visual editor in JUCE)
A class (I called it BasicWindow, based on the JUCE demo code) that acts as a shell to run this new window and holds the GUI component.
A JUCE SafePointer that makes a new object of type BasicWindow whenever the button is clicked and sets the attributes to that window.
Here is my code:
Referring to line 3) Inside the handler section of the button to create the new window:
basicWindow = new BasicWindow("Information", Colours::grey, DocumentWindow::allButtons);
basicWindow->setContentOwned(new InformationComponent(), true);// InformationComponent is my GUI editor component (the visual editor of JUCE)
basicWindow->centreWithSize(basicWindow->getWidth(), basicWindow->getHeight());
Referring to line 2) A .cpp file that defines what the BasicWindow is:
#include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"
class BasicWindow : public DocumentWindow
BasicWindow (const String& name, Colour backgroundColour, int buttonsNeeded)
: DocumentWindow (name, backgroundColour, buttonsNeeded)
void closeButtonPressed() override
delete this;
And referring to line 1) Make the GUI editor component, which this is easy to do. You just right add a new file in the JUCE file manager. "Add New GUI Component," then visually add all your elements and handler code.
My biggest issue was that I was using a JUCE ScopedPointer, so after deleting the object, the pointer pointing to it wasn't being set back to NULL. The SafePointer does this. If any more explanation is needed, I'm happy to help, as this was terrible for someone with not much GUI development "under his belt."

Configuring new document in MFC

When the user creates a new document in my SDI-application, I need to present a dialog specifying details on the document to be created (think: resolution, bit-depth, etc.) I initially put the code for displaying this dialog in OnNewDocument() (I don't need it when opening an existing document), but putting user-interface code in the document-class just doesn't feel right (also, I don't have any CWnd* to use as a parent for the dialog).
Is there a better place to do this in MFC?
You're right, the document class is no good place for UI.
CDocTemplate::[OpenDocumentFile][1](pszPath) looks like a better candidate:
pszPath==NULL means 'create a new document'.
The method is virtual -> Just derive CMySingleDocTemplate from CSingleDocTemplate and use an instance of this class in CMyWinApp::InitInstance().
This class is responsible for creating docs, frames and views, hence I think it's a good place to put a UI operation.
BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance()
CSingleDocTemplate* pDocTemplate;
pDocTemplate = new CMySingleDocTemplate( // <--Derives from CSingleDocTemplate
CDocument* CMySingleDocTemplate::OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszPathName,
BOOL bMakeVisible)
CDocument *pDoc =
CSingleDocTemplate::OpenDocumentFile(lpszPathName, bMakeVisible);
if (lpszPathName==NULL)
// GUI to get user info
// update doc
// update view
This might not be ideal though: In SDI, there is one and only doc object. It's re-used accross File/Load and File/New operation.
This function will then be called a first time before the initial mainframe is created. You may not want to have a dialog presented to user before the frame is created. Ouch! It's a little more complicated:
Instead of popping up a GUI in in OpenDocumentFile(NULL) as above, just post a custom message/command to the main frame. Then add a handler that will react by the sequence pop up GUI/update doc/update views. That way, the main frame will be displayed before the GUI is popped up and your user will be happier.
This also solves your problem where you don't have a CWnd parent: the main frame is already created and your dialog will use it byt default.
BTW, another solution consists in adding a command handler for ID_FILE_NEW in your CMyWinApp's message map and add your own override of OnFileNew(). But when you write OnFileNew(), I believe you'll quickly find out that it's an ugly solution :-(