Global teardown function in Jasmine.js - ember.js

I´m testing a Rails 4 / ember.js application with Jasmine.
How do I reset Ember after each spec without writing the teardown into every spec file?
# Spec/javascript/support/
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter
# Reset Ember after each spec
# How do I tell jasmine to run a function after each spec?
# Metacode:
jasmine.afterEach ->

beforeEach/afterEach can be declared globally as well, just use
beforeEach(function() {
afterEach(function() {
Here's an example of global implementation (not Ember).
Personally I would use qunit with Ember, they've built so many helpers for use with qunit, it'd be a lot of work to make it work with jasmine, especially when it comes to asynchronous processes (which are many in Ember).


Ember Js testing a service with promises

How to test a method inside a service that returns a store in Ember Unit Test using qunit
export default Ember.Service.extend({
store: Ember.inject.service(),
setSomeProps() {
this.get('store').find('somemodel', id)
.then((someData) => {
this.set('someProp', someDate.get('name'));
The setSomeProps is a method inside my service, I am fairly new to ember and cannot get my head around ember unit test. Whats the best way to write a unit test for this function
You can mock the store service in your unit test of store-caller-service.
You should use wait function for asynchronous test behaviour which is described here.
Take a look at this twiddle example

Ember helper unit test - inject or mock service

I'm on Ember 1.13 (not 2.x yet), and I need to be able to run a helper unit test. My helper has a line:
const i18n = Frontend.__container__.lookup('service:i18n');
which injects a service the ugly way, since before Ember 2.x helpers are not "real" objects and cannot do something like:
i18n: Ember.inject.service('i18n')
When I try to run simple unit tests for the helper, I get:
Can't find variable: Frontend
How do I import/inject/mock the global app namespace in this case? Or is there another way to get past this?

How do enable the format.js helpers in Ember Unit tests

I am using Ember with formatjs to internationalize my application, and ember-cli to build it all.
When I generate a component with
ember g component some-component
Ember also creates a test that checks that the component renders. However, if I use the intl-get helper from formatjs in the component template, the unit test fails.
So how can I register the custom helpers that formatjs creates for a unit test?
I first tried to add the intl-get helper:
moduleForComponent('some-component', {
needs: ['helper:intl-get']
However, this just fails inside intl-get when it tries to access "intl:main". I would like for the intl initializer to run, but I am not sure if there is even application setup. Or is it some way to just mock those methods using sinon?
My current workaround is to just delete the 'it renders' tests. But I would like for these tests to pass as well, so I can further test rendering later if I want.
moduleForComponent('some-component', {
integration: true

EmberJS: Unit testing a Component says common helpers like 'click' and 'andThen' are undefined

I'm trying to unit test a very simple component. However, it appears some very common test helpers aren't being defined. This is something specific about unit-testing a component, as I'm using these in integration tests without issue.
Now just jump straight to the Questions at the end.
The errors are generic:
click is not defined
andThen is not defined
Stack trace for context:
Died on test #4 at Object.test (http://localhost:7357/assets/test-support.js:110:11)
at http://localhost:7357/assets/skylab.js:14977:15
at mod.state (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:150:29)
at tryFinally (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:30:14)
at requireModule (http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js:148:5)
at Object.TestLoader.require (http://localhost:7357/assets/test-loader.js:29:9)
at Object.TestLoader.loadModules (http://localhost:7357/assets/test-loader.js:21:18): click is not defined
The component and the tests are very basic. The component:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.TextField.extend({
classNames: ['input-span']
The Test:
import Ember from 'ember';
import {
} from 'ember-qunit';
test('focus on click', function(assert) {
var component = this.subject();
Best Guess
My best guess is that these helpers work in the acceptance tests because the startApp helper creates the click and andThen helper functions. I don't have setup & teardown code in my moduleForComponent call, but it doesn't look like I should need it. And I don't want to test the whole app here -- just an isolated component.
Is there another way to inject these test helpers that I'm unaware of?
Am I writing these tests wrong? Should I never use click in a component test? Is the documentation simply outdated?
Should this be supported as-written, and is this a framework bug I should report?
acceptance level helpers currently depend on an app being spun up, as such they are not available for unit level tests. As those do not have an app.

Errors from debounced function calls in testing ember application

I'm testing an relatively large Ember application ( with QUnit and having problems with debounced calls e.g. changing the url to have a permalink of a map view inside the app or doing a manual AJAX request while testing.
I followed the documentation at
Now when I reset the application state by calling App.reset() in the module setup it resets all bindings, etc. to variables and dependant controllers.
module('Map', {
setup: function() {
This seems to be good to have a clean working environment, but leads to errors where variables are accessiable by Ember.set and Ember.get e.g. this.get('controllers.toolbar'):
Cannot call method 'set' of null
So the first test allways runs great, but further tests break because of debounced function calls from the first test. So what I think I have to do is stop this debounced calls somehow.
Other options would be checking if all needed variables are set in this function calls. But this seems to be cumbersome when adding conditions only for testing.
What do you think?
Thank you in advance!
I found the answer by searching through the RunLoop source files:
It's not part of the documentation. Maybe a problem of poor documentation or not beeing part of the public API.
Now I just call it in the module test teardown function:
module('Map', {
setup: function() {
// ...
teardown: function() {
We ran into a similar problem and decided to disable debounce during testing.
You can check if in testing mode using if(Ember.testing){...}.