Extending class functionality with methods after declaration - c++

I very often run into the problem that I want to implement a data structure, and would like to allow users to extend it with functional functionality; that is add functionality but not bytes to the data structure. An example could be extending std::vector with a sum method:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// for the header file
int std::vector<int>::sum();
//for the object file
int std::vector<int>::sum() {
int s=0;
for(auto v = this->begin(); v!=this->end(); ++v) s+=*v;
return s;
int main() {
std::vector<int> numbers;
std::cout << numbers.sum() << std::endl;
return 0;
See: http://ideone.com/YyWs5r
So this is illegal, since one may not add functions to a class like this. Obviously this is some design decision of c++(11). It can be circumvented in two ways, that is defining a
int sum(std::vector<int> &v) { ... }
This is how std::sort works, so I guess it is the way c++(11) is intended. I think this is to the best of my knowledge the best way to do it in c++. However, it does not allow me to access private properties of std::vector. Maybe I am evil by assuming access to private properties in a (sort-of) method is fair. However, often I want users of my classes to not access certain stuff, however would like to allow extenders of my to access them. For example I can imagine that std::sort can be optimized w.r.t. specific container implementation knowledge and access.
Another way is inheriting std::vector, but I find that plain unacceptable for these reasons:
if two parties have extended the class with methods, which one would like to use, then one would need to convert from one child class to another. This is ludicrous, as one converts data to data without actually changing bytes, as both child classes (can) have exactly the same memory implementation and segmentation. Please also note that data conversion in general is boilerplate code, and boilerplate code should imho be considered evil.
one is unnecessarily mixing functionality with data structures, for example, a class name sum_vector or mean_vector is completely.
As a short reminder, I am not looking for answers like "You cannot do that in c++", I already know that (Add a method to existing C++ class in other file). However, I would like to know if there is a good way to do functional class extensions. How should I manage accessing private fields? What would be reasons why it is unreasonable for me to want private field access; why can't I discriminate between extender and user access?
Note: one could say that an extender needs protected access and a user needs public access, however, like I said, that would be for the inheritance way of extending, and I dislike it strongly for the aforementioned reasons.

You never should want to access private members of Standard Containers because they are not part of their interfaces.
However, you already can extend the functionality of the Standard Containers like std::vector: namely through the judicious use of iterators and Standard Algorithms.
E.g. the sum functionality is given by a non-member function that uses the begin() and end() functionality of std::vector
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
template<class Container, class Ret = decltype(*begin(c))>
Ret sum(Container const& c)
return std::accumulate(begin(c), end(c), Ret{});

Consider something like this:
#include <iostream>
class Foo{
int a;
Foo(int a){this->a = a;}
int getA(){return this->a;}
void * extendedMethod(void *(*func)(int, char **, Foo*), int argc, char **argv){
return func(argc, argv, this);
void * extendFooWith(int argc, char **argv, Foo* self){
/* You can call methods on self... but still no access to private fields */
std::cout << self->getA();
return self;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
Foo foo(5);
foo.extendedMethod(extendFooWith, 0 /*argc*/, NULL /*argv*/);
return 0;
That's the best way I thought of extending a class with a method. The only way to access private fields would be from inside extendedMethod() i.e. something like this is possible: return func(this->a, argv, this); but then it is not that generic any more. One way to improve it could be checking inside extendedMethod() what kind of pointer was passed and according to it access the private fields you are interested in and pass those to func(), but this will require adding code to extendedMethod() for every other method you will extend your class with.


Binding free functions as class member functions

I've tried to bind free functions as class member functions, and it works (see code bellow). But I'm puzzled how it works and have some questions.
Calling the obj_A.func_A() is the same as calling func_X() directly? Is a pointer created internally in the first approach ?
Is there an additional overhead by calling these methods via obj_A ?
Are Class_A::func_A / B really member function? It behaves like a static ones, because it hasn't access to Class_A members...
Is this a strange design pattern? Any suggestions to improve it?
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// define some (reference to) functions signatures types
using func_A_t = int (&)(const string &);
using func_B_t = double (&)(int, int);
// class that has two "methods" (func_A, func_B) whose definition come externally
class Class_A {
string name;
// function members as references?
func_A_t& func_A;
func_B_t& func_B;
Class_A(string arg_name, func_A_t& arg_func_A, func_B_t& arg_func_B):
// external 'free' function
int func_X(const string& s) {
return s.size();
// external 'free' function
double func_Y(int a, int b) {
return 1.75 * a * b;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// contruct obj_A, binding the free functions (func_X, func_Y) as Class_A member functions
Class_A obj_A{"crazy test", func_X, func_Y};
int r1 = obj_A.func_A("Hello");
cout << "r1=" << r1 << "\n";
double r2 = obj_A.func_B(5, 7);
cout << "r2=" << r2 << "\n";
return 0;
Calling the obj_A.func_A() is the same as calling func_X() directly?
Is a pointer created internally in the first approach?
Yes (assuming you mean "in the constructor")
Is there an additional overhead by calling these methods via obj_A?
Yes. An additional level of indirection is possible, although the compiler may optimize this away depending on how you use it.
Are Class_A::func_A / B really member function?
No, they are member variables that happen to be function pointers
Is this a strange design pattern?
That is subjective, but I think not. It is used a lot in dependency injection architectures. For example, injecting details of how to obtain a handle to a database.
Any suggestions to improve it?
We'd need a pretty specific use case to provide guidance. StackOverflow may not be the best place for that discussion. For now, it's not typical to expose the injected dependency publicly. You may consider a proxy pattern where you can call-through to the function instead. This allows you more flexibility.

Is it really a good technique to work with legacy code (with reinterpret_cast)?

Below code came from a post about C++ interview questions here. I've never known this technique :) (though it's claimed a good one :)). My questions are: In which situation do we need to use it? Do you often see it in your real production/legacy code?
Implement a method to get topSecretValue for any given Something* object. The method should be cross-platform compatible and not depend on sizeof (int, bool, string).
class Something {
Something() {
topSecretValue = 42;
bool somePublicBool;
int somePublicInt;
std::string somePublicString;
int topSecretValue;
Create another class which has all the members of Something in the same order, but has additional public method which returns the value. Your replica Something class should look like:
class SomethingReplica {
int getTopSecretValue() { return topSecretValue; } // <-- new member function
bool somePublicBool;
int somePublicInt;
std::string somePublicString;
int topSecretValue;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
Something a;
SomethingReplica* b = reinterpret_cast<SomethingReplica*>(&a);
std::cout << b->getTopSecretValue();
It’s important to avoid code like this in a final product, but it’s nevertheless a good technique when dealing with legacy code, as it can be used to extract intermediate calculation values from a library class. (Note: If it turns out that the alignment of the external library is mismatched to your code, you can resolve this using #pragma pack.)
You can do this without reinterpret_cast. There is a trick using templates and friends that is outlined in the following blog post that demonstrates the technique:
Access to private members. That's easy!
This is certainly safer than the interviewer's approach, since it eliminates human error in re-creating the class definition. Is this approach good at all, though? The given question has some incredibly artificial constraints that would rarely apply to a 'real' project. If it's a C++ project and you have access to the header file, why not just add a getter? If it's not a C++ project, why are you so constrained in your definition of the interop class?

Mapping data members of a class

I am trying to design a data stuctures, which would enhance/supplement an existing one by storing some additional data about it's members.
Let's say we have:
class A {
int x;
string y;
And we want to have a GUI component associated with it, so the data members have corresponding GUI elements. I'd like to map the members to their respective components. Something like
class GuiA {
int x;
string y;
map<MemberHandle, GuiElement*> guiHandles;
I don't have any restrictions, but I'd like the result to be easily convertible to the original type.
I am aware, that I could introduce a template e.g. GuiElementMember holding original data plus the GuiElement pointer, and swap class member for their decorated counterparts, so it would look like:
class GuiA {
GuiElementMember<int> x;
GuiElementMember<string> y;
but I'd like to avoid it, as it completely changes access patterns to data members and bloats it. I.e. it results with data members interleaved with pointers, that are not easy to strip out.
Ideally it would be possible to write GuiA as a derived class of A, or as a composition of A and something additional.
I was thinking about something like a template that class could produce the map. I could yield to write a custom class per component, but I don't think there is an easy way to map data members, so on the clients side it would look like getGuiMember(GuiA::x). The pointer to data member contains the member original type. I don't think it is possible to have something like "type-erased pointer to member" that could serve as a MemberHandle type.
The only thing that comes to my mind is a custom enum per component which would enumerate data members and serve as key type for a map (or a vector in this case), but it seems as an awful lot of information duplication and maintenance.
Is there some technique that allows mapping data members?
I don't really care about the implementational complexity as long as the interface is easy. I welcome boost or template magic. I also don't care about the performance of additional data access, it's extra stuff, but the plain class usage should not be impacted, so introduction of indirection that cannot be optimized is less welcomed.
EDIT: Please don't hinge on GUI thing it's an example. I am only concerned about storing some additional data per member without composing it with the member.
You can use BOOST_FUSION_DEFINE_STRUCT to define your structures that can be iterated over with a for_each loop:
#include <boost/fusion/include/define_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/for_each.hpp>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
(demo), employee,
(std::string, name)
(int, age)
struct GuiElement;
GuiElement* createGuiElement(char const* name);
using Mapping = std::unordered_map<size_t, GuiElement*>;
template<class T>
Mapping create_mapping(T&& t) {
Mapping mapping;
boost::fusion::for_each(t, [&](auto& member) {
auto offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&member) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&t);
return mapping;
template<class T, class M>
GuiElement*& get_mapping_element(Mapping& mapping, T const& t, M const& member) {
auto offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&member) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&t);
auto found = mapping.find(offset);
if(found == mapping.end())
return found->second;
int main() {
auto employee_mapping = create_mapping(demo::employee{});
demo::employee e1;
get_mapping_element(employee_mapping, e1, e1.name) = createGuiElement("name");
get_mapping_element(employee_mapping, e1, e1.age) = createGuiElement("age");
In the code there is a Mapping, one per class. Each member is identified by its offset from the beginning of its enclosing class.
In general, you use macros for such purposes. They can generate any kind of code/wrappers that you'd like, letting you have the usual access to your data, but also adding stuff you want/need. It ain't pretty, but it works.
There are some template libraries that can help here, like Boost.Fusion or Boost.Hana, but, you can also roll your own here if you don't have a use for their advanced features (which come with the long compilation price tag).
Also, if you can focus on a particular GUI framework, they have some support for such things. For example, Qt has its own "meta object" compiler.
You could try a template for this?
template <typename T>
class GuiItem : public T {
map<MemberHandle, GuiElement*> guiHandles;
GuiItem<A> guiA;
guiA.x = 123;
guiA.y = "y";
guiA.guiHandles[handle] = element;
I'm not sure I understand the other requirements so this way may not work for you.

Cast relatives classes to each other which has common parent class

I have classes DBGameAction and ServerGameAction which has common parent class GameAction. Classes DBGameAction and ServerGameAction it's a API for safety working with entity GameAction from different part of program.
My question is: is it normal at first create DBGameAction entity and then cast it to the ServerGameAction entity? Or maybe it's a wrong program design?
My program:
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
class GameAction
/* Need use mutex or something else for having safety access to this entity */
unsigned int cost;
unsigned int id;
std::vector<std::string> players;
unsigned int getCost() const
return cost;
class DBGameAction : public GameAction
void setCost(unsigned int c)
cost = c;
void setId(unsigned int i)
id = i;
class ServerGameAction : public GameAction
void addPlayer(std::string p)
std::string getLastPlayer() const
return players.back();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
DBGameAction *dbga = 0;
ServerGameAction *sga = 0;
try {
dbga = new DBGameAction;
catch(...) /* Something happens wrong! */
return -1;
sga = reinterpret_cast<ServerGameAction*>(dbga);
std::cout << dbga->getCost() << std::endl;
std::cout << sga->getLastPlayer() << std::endl;
delete dbga;
sga = dbga = 0;
return 0;
It is wrong program design.
Is there a reason why you are not creating GameAction variables which you then downcast to DBGameAction and ServerGameAction?
I haven't used reinterpret_cast in many occasions but I am sure it shouldn't be used this way. You should try to find a better design for the interface of your classes. Someone who uses your classes, doesn't have a way to know that he needs to do this sort of castings to add a player.
You have to ask yourself, if adding a player is an operation that only makes sense for ServerGameActions or for DBGameActions too. If it makes sense to add players to DBGameActions, then AddPlayer should be in the interface of DBGameAction too. Then you will not need these casts. Taking it one step further, if it is an operation that makes sense for every possible GameAction you may ever have, you can put it in the interface of the base class.
I have used a similar pattern effectively in the past, but it is a little different than most interface class setups. Instead of having a consistent interface that can trigger appropriate class-specific methods for accomplishing similar tasks on different data types, this provides two completely different sets of functionality which each have their own interface, yet work on the same data layout.
The only reason I would pull out this design is for situations where the base class is data-only and shared between multiple libraries or executables. Then each lib or exe defines a child class which houses all the functionality that it's allowed to use on the base data. This way you can, for example, build your server executable with all kinds of nice extra functions for manipulating game data that the client isn't allowed to use, and the server-side functionality doesn't get built into the client executable. It's much easier for a game modder to trigger existing, dormant functionality than to write and inject their own.
The main part of your question about casting directly between the child classes is making us worry, though. If you find yourself wanting to do that, stop and rethink. You could theoretically get away with the cast as long as your classes stay non-virtual and the derived classes never add data members (the derived classes can't have any data for what you're trying to do anyway, due to object slicing), but it would be potentially dangerous and, most likely, less readable code. As #dspfnder was talking about, you would want to work with base classes for passing data around and down-cast on-demand to access functionality.
With all that said, there are many ways to isolate, restrict, or cull functionality. It may be worth reworking your design with functionality living in friend classes instead of child classes; that would require much less or no casting.

Storing a list of arbitrary objects in C++

In Java, you can have a List of Objects. You can add objects of multiple types, then retrieve them, check their type, and perform the appropriate action for that type.
For example: (apologies if the code isn't exactly correct, I'm going from memory)
List<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>();
list.add("Hello World!");
for (object o : list)
if (o instanceof int)
; // Do stuff if it's an int
else if (o instanceof String)
; // Do stuff if it's a string
else if (o instanceof boolean)
; // Do stuff if it's a boolean
What's the best way to replicate this behavior in C++?
boost::variant is similar to dirkgently's suggestion of boost::any, but supports the Visitor pattern, meaning it's easier to add type-specific code later. Also, it allocates values on the stack rather than using dynamic allocation, leading to slightly more efficient code.
EDIT: As litb points out in the comments, using variant instead of any means you can only hold values from one of a prespecified list of types. This is often a strength, though it might be a weakness in the asker's case.
Here is an example (not using the Visitor pattern though):
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
vector<variant<int, string, bool> > v;
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
if (int* pi = get<int>(v[i])) {
// Do stuff with *pi
} else if (string* si = get<string>(v[i])) {
// Do stuff with *si
} else if (bool* bi = get<bool>(v[i])) {
// Do stuff with *bi
(And yes, you should technically use vector<T>::size_type instead of int for i's type, and you should technically use vector<T>::iterator instead anyway, but I'm trying to keep it simple.)
Your example using Boost.Variant and a visitor:
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
typedef variant<string, int, bool> object;
struct vis : public static_visitor<>
void operator() (string s) const { /* do string stuff */ }
void operator() (int i) const { /* do int stuff */ }
void operator() (bool b) const { /* do bool stuff */ }
int main()
list<object> List;
List.push_back("Hello World!");
BOOST_FOREACH (object& o, List) {
apply_visitor(vis(), o);
return 0;
One good thing about using this technique is that if, later on, you add another type to the variant and you forget to modify a visitor to include that type, it will not compile. You have to support every possible case. Whereas, if you use a switch or cascading if statements, it's easy to forget to make the change everywhere and introduce a bug.
C++ does not support heterogenous containers.
If you are not going to use boost the hack is to create a dummy class and have all the different classes derive from this dummy class. Create a container of your choice to hold dummy class objects and you are ready to go.
class Dummy {
virtual void whoami() = 0;
class Lizard : public Dummy {
virtual void whoami() { std::cout << "I'm a lizard!\n"; }
class Transporter : public Dummy {
virtual void whoami() { std::cout << "I'm Jason Statham!\n"; }
int main() {
std::list<Dummy*> hateList;
hateList.insert(new Transporter());
hateList.insert(new Lizard());
std::for_each(hateList.begin(), hateList.end(),
// yes, I'm leaking memory, but that's besides the point
If you are going to use boost you can try boost::any. Here is an example of using boost::any.
You may find this excellent article by two leading C++ experts of interest.
Now, boost::variant is another thing to look out for as j_random_hacker mentioned. So, here's a comparison to get a fair idea of what to use.
With a boost::variant the code above would look something like this:
class Lizard {
void whoami() { std::cout << "I'm a lizard!\n"; }
class Transporter {
void whoami() { std::cout << "I'm Jason Statham!\n"; }
int main() {
std::vector< boost::variant<Lizard, Transporter> > hateList;
std::for_each(hateList.begin(), hateList.end(), std::mem_fun(&Dummy::whoami));
How often is that sort of thing actually useful? I've been programming in C++ for quite a few years, on different projects, and have never actually wanted a heterogenous container. It may be common in Java for some reason (I have much less Java experience), but for any given use of it in a Java project there might be a way to do something different that will work better in C++.
C++ has a heavier emphasis on type safety than Java, and this is very type-unsafe.
That said, if the objects have nothing in common, why are you storing them together?
If they do have things in common, you can make a class for them to inherit from; alternately, use boost::any. If they inherit, have virtual functions to call, or use dynamic_cast<> if you really have to.
I'd just like to point out that using dynamic type casting in order to branch based on type often hints at flaws in the architecture. Most times you can achieve the same effect using virtual functions:
class MyData
// base classes of polymorphic types should have a virtual destructor
virtual ~MyData() {}
// hand off to protected implementation in derived classes
void DoSomething() { this->OnDoSomething(); }
// abstract, force implementation in derived classes
virtual void OnDoSomething() = 0;
class MyIntData : public MyData
// do something to int data
virtual void OnDoSomething() { ... }
int data;
class MyComplexData : public MyData
// do something to Complex data
virtual void OnDoSomething() { ... }
Complex data;
void main()
// alloc data objects
MyData* myData[ 2 ] =
new MyIntData()
, new MyComplexData()
// process data objects
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) // for each data object
myData[ i ]->DoSomething(); // no type cast needed
// delete data objects
delete myData[0];
delete myData[1];
Sadly there is no easy way of doing this in C++. You have to create a base class yourself and derive all other classes from this class. Create a vector of base class pointers and then use dynamic_cast (which comes with its own runtime overhead) to find the actual type.
Just for completeness of this topic I want to mention that you can actually do this with pure C by using void* and then casting it into whatever it has to be (ok, my example isn't pure C since it uses vectors but that saves me some code). This will work if you know what type your objects are, or if you store a field somewhere which remembers that. You most certainly DON'T want to do this but here is an example to show that it's possible:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = 4;
string str = "hello";
vector<void*> list;
list.push_back( (void*) &a );
list.push_back( (void*) &str );
cout << * (int*) list[0] << "\t" << * (string*) list[1] << endl;
return 0;
While you cannot store primitive types in containers, you can create primitive type wrapper classes which will be similar to Java's autoboxed primitive types (in your example the primitive typed literals are actually being autoboxed); instances of which appear in C++ code (and can (almost) be used) just like primitive variables/data members.
See Object Wrappers for the Built-In Types from Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++.
With the wrapped object you can use the c++ typeid() operator to compare the type.
I am pretty sure the following comparison will work:
if (typeid(o) == typeid(Int)) [where Int would be the wrapped class for the int primitive type, etc...]
(otherwise simply add a function to your primitive wrappers that returns a typeid and thus:
if (o.get_typeid() == typeid(Int)) ...
That being said, with respect to your example, this has code smell to me.
Unless this is the only place where you are checking the type of the object,
I would be inclined to use polymorphism (especially if you have other methods/functions specific with respect to type). In this case I would use the primitive wrappers adding an interfaced class declaring the deferred method (for doing 'do stuff') that would be implemented by each of your wrapped primitive classes. With this you would be able to use your container iterator and eliminate your if statement (again, if you only have this one comparison of type, setting up the deferred method using polymorphism just for this would be overkill).
I am a fairly inexperienced, but here's what I'd go with-
Create a base class for all classes you need to manipulate.
Write container class/ reuse container class.
(Revised after seeing other answers -My previous point was too cryptic.)
Write similar code.
I am sure a much better solution is possible. I am also sure a better explanation is possible. I've learnt that I have some bad C++ programming habits, so I've tried to convey my idea without getting into code.
I hope this helps.
Beside the fact, as most have pointed out, you can't do that, or more importantly, more than likely, you really don't want to.
Let's dismiss your example, and consider something closer to a real-life example. Specifically, some code I saw in a real open-source project. It attempted to emulate a cpu in a character array. Hence it would put into the array a one byte "op code", followed by 0, 1 or 2 bytes which could be a character, an integer, or a pointer to a string, based on the op code. To handle that, it involved a lot of bit-fiddling.
My simple solution: 4 separate stacks<>s: One for the "opcode" enum and one each for chars, ints and string. Take the next off the opcode stack, and the would take you which of the other three to get the operand.
There's a very good chance your actual problem can be handled in a similar way.
Well, you could create a base class and then create classes which inherit from it. Then, store them in a std::vector.
The short answer is... you can't.
The long answer is... you'd have to define your own new heirarchy of objects that all inherit from a base object. In Java all objects ultimately descend from "Object", which is what allows you to do this.
RTTI (Run time type info) in C++ has always been tough, especially cross-compiler.
You're best option is to use STL and define an interface in order to determine the object type:
public class IThing
virtual bool isA(const char* typeName);
void myFunc()
std::vector<IThing> things;
// ...
things.add(new FrogThing());
things.add(new LizardThing());
// ...
for (int i = 0; i < things.length(); i++)
IThing* pThing = things[i];
if (pThing->isA("lizard"))
// do this
// etc