Unable to connect to Websphere MQ Manager using XMS - c++

This code reproduces the issue:
#include <iostream>
#include <xms.hpp>
int main()
xms::ConnectionFactory factory;
factory.setIntProperty(XMSC_CONNECTION_TYPE, XMSC_CT_WMQ);
factory.setStringProperty(XMSC_WMQ_QUEUE_MANAGER, "my.queue.manager");
factory.setStringProperty(XMSC_WMQ_HOST_NAME, "my.dev.mq");
factory.setStringProperty(XMSC_WMQ_CHANNEL, "my.channel");
factory.setIntProperty(XMSC_WMQ_PORT, 1414);
std::cout << "Is Factory Null? => " << factory.isNull() << std::endl;
xms::Connection conn = factory.createConnection(); //THIS THROWS EXCEPTION
std::cout << "Is Factory Null? => " << factory.isNull() << std::endl;
catch(xms::Exception const & e)
It throws exception, dumping the following message:
Is Factory Null? => 0
ErrorData =
Linked Exception:
ErrorData = libmqic_r.so
ErrorCode = 0 (XMS_E_NONE)
Any idea what is wrong with the code?
Note that devpmmq is just an alias to the actual IP address (host). If I put any random/nonsense value for it, I get the same error, which is bad because the API should have given a better error message such as "host not found" or something alone that line. Is there any way to enable more verbose diagnostics?

XMS C/C++ internally loads WebSphere MQ client libraries. The problem here is that XMS is unable to find WebSphere MQ client library libmqm_r.so.
What is puzzling me is that the code has set XMSC_WMQ_CONNECTION_MODE as XMSC_WMQ_CM_CLIENT but XMS is attempting to load libmqm_r.so. It should have attempted to load libmqic_r.so.
Have you installed WebSphere MQ client? Also what is the version of XMSClients can be downloaded from here.


How do I open the serial port to a Zaber device?

I have a Zaber linear stage for which I'm developing a C++ backend, to integrate it in my framework.
I have installed the Zaber API by following the instructions from the Zaber webpage. The installer actually generates the dll, lib, and headers necessary for my backend, and I'm confident that my CMake configuration is correct, because I can instantiate objects from the Zaber API.
So now, I am trying in my framework to go through their first code example:
// I commented out the following block:
// - enableDeviceDbStore() is supposed to allow the library to cache
// information from the online database
// - I don't need the online db
// - when I call it, it throws a "string too long" exception.
// try
// {
// zaber::motion::Library::enableDeviceDbStore(".");
// }
// catch (std::exception& e)
// {
// LogError << e.what();
// }
_connection = zaber::motion::ascii::Connection::openSerialPort("COM6");
// this also throws a "string too long" exception
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
std::vector<zaber::motion::ascii::Device> deviceList;
deviceList = _connection.detectDevices(false);
// this throws a "Connection has been closed" exception
catch (std::exception& e)
std::count << e.what() << std::endl;
std::count << "Found " << deviceList.size() << " devices." << std::endl;
The problem is, when I use the Zaber Launcher (their UI that allows to control a connected stage), the port is "COM6", and I have made sure to close the connection on the Zaber Launcher before trying to connect with my framework.
I have also tried to launch their pre-configured C++ code example (VS17 solution), with the same problems arising (except their example doesn't catch exceptions, so it just crashes).
None of my exception matches their troubleshooting section.
I don't know how to proceed from here, or how to interpret the "string too long" error message, considering that I'm sure of my connection port.

pjsip application fails to register the account with Invalid/unsupported digest algorithm error

I tried to run this sample C++ application using pjsip library, But when I ran the application, I faced with this error:
06:56:50.480 sip_auth_client.c ...Unsupported digest algorithm "SHA-256"
06:56:50.480 pjsua_acc.c ....SIP registration error: Invalid/unsupported digest algorithm (PJSIP_EINVALIDALGORITHM) [status=171102]
But when I examined the SIP response from the server, I noticed it contained two WWW-Authenticate headers:
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.linphone.org", nonce="ImEX4gAAAAC73QlWAAC9corBNkwAAAAA", opaque="+GNywA==", algorithm=SHA-256, qop="auth"
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="sip.linphone.org", nonce="ImEX4gAAAAC73QlWAAC9corBNkwAAAAA", opaque="+GNywA==", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth"
So the question is, if pjsip doesn't support sha-256 algorithm, why it doesn't use md5 alogrithm mentioned in the second header?
The sample code is:
#include <pjsua2.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace pj;
// Subclass to extend the Account and get notifications etc.
class MyAccount : public Account {
virtual void onRegState(OnRegStateParam &prm) {
AccountInfo ai = getInfo();
std::cout << (ai.regIsActive? "*** Register:" : "*** Unregister:")
<< " code=" << prm.code << std::endl;
int main()
Endpoint ep;
// Initialize endpoint
EpConfig ep_cfg;
ep.libInit( ep_cfg );
// Create SIP transport. Error handling sample is shown
TransportConfig tcfg;
tcfg.port = 5060;
try {
ep.transportCreate(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, tcfg);
} catch (Error &err) {
std::cout << err.info() << std::endl;
return 1;
// Start the library (worker threads etc)
std::cout << "*** PJSUA2 STARTED ***" << std::endl;
// Configure an AccountConfig
AccountConfig acfg;
acfg.idUri = "sip:test#pjsip.org";
acfg.regConfig.registrarUri = "sip:pjsip.org";
AuthCredInfo cred("digest", "*", "test", 0, "secret");
acfg.sipConfig.authCreds.push_back( cred );
// Create the account
MyAccount *acc = new MyAccount;
// Here we don't have anything else to do..
// Delete the account. This will unregister from server
delete acc;
// This will implicitly shutdown the library
return 0;
I've struggled with this myself. Apparently, PJSIP only evaluates the first WWW-Authenticate header, even if the server supplies more than one.
To overcome this problem I changed the following in the source code:
In the file /pjsip/src/pjsip/sip_auth_client.c find the block of code that generates a response for the WWW-Authenticate header. It should be around line 1220.
/* Create authorization header for this challenge, and update
* authorization session.
status = process_auth(tdata->pool, hchal, tdata->msg->line.req.uri,
tdata, sess, cached_auth, &hauth);
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
return status;
if (pj_pool_get_used_size(cached_auth->pool) >
recreate_cached_auth_pool(sess->endpt, cached_auth);
/* Add to the message. */
pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata->msg, (pjsip_hdr*)hauth);
/* Process next header. */
hdr = hdr->next;
and replace it with
/* Create authorization header for this challenge, and update
* authorization session.
status = process_auth(tdata->pool, hchal, tdata->msg->line.req.uri,
tdata, sess, cached_auth, &hauth);
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS){
// Previously, pjsip analysed one www-auth header, and if it failed (due to unsupported sha-256 digest for example), it returned and did not consider the next www-auth header.
PJ_LOG(4,(THIS_FILE, "Invalid response, moving to next"));
//return status;
hdr = hdr->next;
if (pj_pool_get_used_size(cached_auth->pool) >
recreate_cached_auth_pool(sess->endpt, cached_auth);
/* Add to the message. */
pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata->msg, (pjsip_hdr*)hauth);
/* Process next header. */
hdr = hdr->next;
Then recompile the source (as per these instructions How to install pjsua2 packages for python?)
Please note that although this solves the problem for linphone, I did not test this for other situations (for example when the server sends multiple valid algorithms or none at all).

curlpp response is doubled

I'm just new to curlpp but I can't see what's wrong here with my code, so I hope someone can help me out.
I'm using curlpp in C++ to make Facebook Graph queries. That means the Facebook server will return Json data as result.
My code looks as follows:
#include <curlpp/cURLpp.hpp>
#include <curlpp/Easy.hpp>
#include <curlpp/Options.hpp>
#include <curlpp/Exception.hpp>
curlpp::Easy myRequest;
bool error = false;
QString result = "";
try {
// Setting the URL to the Facebook server with the query
curlpp::options::Url myUrl(request->getURL().toStdString());
// Creating stream for the result
std::ostringstream os;
curlpp::options::WriteStream ws(&os);
// setting my opts: url and output stream
// perform the request
// stream the result into my stream
os << myRequest;
result = QString::fromStdString(os.str());
} catch (curlpp::RuntimeError &e) {
error = true;
qWarning() << "Error in HttpRequest execution:" << e.what();
} catch (curlpp::LogicError &e) {
error = true;
qWarning() << "Error in HttpRequest execution:" << e.what();
} catch (...) {
error = true;
qWarning() << "Unknown error in HttpRequest execution.";
My problem now is that the resulting stream (and thus my result QString) do contain the Json object sent by the Facebook Graph server, but twice.
That means, directly two times the same object, one after the other. And that makes it invalid Json.
But that can not be what the server delivers. And it's not what I get when I do check it with the openssl command line tool and make a HTTP Get request on my own.
What's wrong with my code?
Best, Michael

QuickFix error: 58=Conditionally Required Field Missing (268)

This is the server config file
I have a FIXServer and FIXClient quickfix application. The client on connection immediately shows:
IN: 8=FIX.4.4|9=197|35=X|34=34|49=EXECUTOR|52=20141114-19:12:07.219|56=CLIENT1|55=bond3|110=0|268=1|269=0|270=100.272681729868|271=0|278=1862140492|279=0|6350=0|6351=0|6360=0.0528078713919967|6361=0.00698885442689061|10=158
OUT: 8=FIX.4.4|9=123|35=j|34=45|49=CLIENT1|52=20141114-19:12:07.220|56=EXECUTOR|45=34|58=Conditionally Required Field Missing(268)|372=X|380=5|10=139
The server shows:
IN: 8=FIX.4.4|9=123|35=j|34=46|49=CLIENT1|52=20141114-19:12:12.220|56=EXECUTOR|45=35|58=Conditionally Required Field Missing (268)|372=X|380=5|10=137
OUT: 8=FIX.4.4|9=193|35=X|34=36|49=EXECUTOR|52=20141114-19:12:17.221|56=CLIENT1|268=1|279=0|269=0|278=500257692|55=bond|5270=99.54393400065|6271=0|110=0|6350=0|6351=0|6360=0.0107738308608532|6361=0.047250702092424|10=154
I looked this up on http://www.fixtradingcommunity.org/FIXimate/FIXimate3.0/ and it is "Number of entries in Market Data message."
It looks like the server is sending Marketdata and not specifying the number of NoMDEntries? It is a bit strange, because for the Java version anyway, it appears this field gets set automatically, e.g., http://www.quickfixj.org/quickfixj/usermanual/1.5.3/usage/repeating_groups.html
This is the line that causes the problem in the client as it is getting MarketData from the server. I added the try catch block so I could see the exception myself, but it gives less information than if I let QF handle the exception and sending it back to the server through [OUT:]
void MyApplication::fromApp( const FIX::Message& message, const FIX::SessionID& sessionID )
throw( FIX::FieldNotFound, FIX::IncorrectDataFormat, FIX::IncorrectTagValue, FIX::UnsupportedMessageType )
std::cout << std::endl << "IN: " << message << std::endl;
crack( message, sessionID );
catch(std::exception& ex)
//I suppose I could comment out FIX::FieldNotFound above in the throw clause and ignore this exception
/// here since it seems that the thing is plain wrong since the field IS there!!??
std::cout << "crack exception: " << ex.what() << "\n";

Poco stops after SMTPClientSession.login

I just started with the Poco library and tried to create an email program (Which I knew virtually nothing about). The following is my code (There may be other problems with it besides the one I've encountered so far, but I just started working on it)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Poco::Net::SocketAddress add("smtp.gmail.com:465");
Poco::Net::StreamSocket sock(add);
Poco::Net::SMTPClientSession sess(sock);
std::cout << "-";
Poco::Net::MailMessage msg;
Poco::Net::MailRecipient resp(Poco::Net::MailRecipient::PRIMARY_RECIPIENT,"michaelrgoldfine#gmail.com");
std::string content("HELP SOS");
std::cout << msg.getContent() << "-";
When I go into the debugger, it runs fine until it gets to sess.login then suddenly the little bar that represents were I am in the code disappears but the program keeps running (I'm not experienced enough to know what that means). None of the cout stuff I put in actually prints, the debugger just goes past that line but nothing shows up. After a little while this comes up:
terminate called throwing an exception
So what's going on?
You are attempting to use SMTP over TLS (the port 465 passed to the SocketAddress). In one shot you have to learn (1) TLS and certificate handling in POCO, before focusing on (2) your goal: sending an email message.
I suggest to start learning POCO with simpler examples. You can find sample code in the various samples directories in the POCO source code.
I think that your code is just hanging on the TLS handshake, because it doesn't know what to do.
These are the fixes you should do before looking at the solution:
Place your code inside a try/catch block. POCO uses exceptions.
Replace StreamSocket with SecureStreamSocket.
The simplest way to properly initialize SecureStreamSocket is via the Application class. See the Applications slides and Util/samples/SampleApp/src/SampleApp.cpp.
See the documentation for the SSLManager for how to properly tell the Application which certificates to use.
Don't specify an hostname to the login() method. The hostname is optional and should be the client hostname, not the server (See the SMTP RFC).
Remember to actually send the message! Your code is not sending it :-)
OK, and now for the running code. I left steps 4 and 6 as an exercise, but this code will at least run the TLS handshake, will tell you that it cannot verify the server's certificate and, if you answer Yes on the terminal to the questions on the certificates, it will fail the SMTP authentication.
class MiniApp : public Poco::Util::Application {
int main(const vector <string>& args) {
try {
Poco::Net::SocketAddress add("smtp.gmail.com:465");
Poco::Net::SecureStreamSocket sock(add);
Poco::Net::SMTPClientSession session(sock);
session.login(Poco::Net::SMTPClientSession::AUTH_LOGIN, "user", "pw");
Poco::Net::MailMessage msg;
Poco::Net::MailRecipient recipient(Poco::Net::MailRecipient::PRIMARY_RECIPIENT,
string content("HELP SOS");
} catch (Poco::Exception& e) {
cout << "Error: " << e.displayText() << endl;
return -1;
return 0;
Yes, so I struggled with login(), trying to use smtp.gmail.com. This is the excerpt of the communication with the SSL session that made it work.
string host("smtp.gmail.com")
Poco::UInt16 port = 587;
SecureSMTPClientSession session(host, port);
SharedPtr<InvalidCertificateHandler> ptrHandler = new AcceptCertificateHandler(false);
Context::Ptr ptrContext = new Context(Context::CLIENT_USE, "", "", "", Context::VERIFY_RELAXED, 9, true, "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:#STRENGTH");
SSLManager::instance().initializeClient(0, ptrHandler, ptrContext);
// SSL
if (session.startTLS(ptrContext))
session.login(SMTPClientSession::AUTH_LOGIN, "user#gmail.com", "yourpassword");
catch (SMTPException &e)
cout << e.message() << endl;
return 0;
Original source: