Ember App Kit and ember-oauth2 - ember.js

I am new to Ember and am trying to use https://github.com/amkirwan/ember-oauth2 library with my Ember App Kit based Ember App.
I have searched a lot but I cannot find the following answer:
ember-oauth2 creates a App.oauth global that is needed elsewhere
App.oauth = Ember.OAuth2.create({providerId: 'google'});
then I want to access it in my controllers. However, the "App" object is not available in controllers. How do I access global objects defined at the App level in my controllers?
It also uses window.App.oauth variable in callback HTML so post compilation I need the oauth global to be available.


Ember 2.5 Application Controller not present?

This is a very simple and probably easily resolved one.
I have created an emberjs application controller via ember generate controller application from which I want to return some basic computed properties based on the current path to higher level controllers and components. Basically, something like this:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
entity: Ember.computed('currentPath', () => {
return this.get('currentPath').split('.')[0];
Oddly enough, I cannot access these computed properties anywhere (they turn out undefined, even if I replace them with a debug string), and in the Ember Inspector's view tree, the application controller is apparently not even present:
I have an older Ember 1.13.0 app, where I'm using the application controller with no difficulty. Have I missed a deprecation here? Or do I need to register the application controller in a specific location?
okay, I solved this differently using injection of the routing service directly into the component (see Component to be notified on route change in EmberJS 2 for details)

Elesticsearch and Emberjs

I'm trying to wire EmberJS with ElasticSearch. So far, I've read most of the Ember documentation, and found out this adapter for ElasticSearch.
The problem is I can't figure out how to use it (i.e. configure it so that when I call store.save(), my model is sent to ES.
What I have ATM is a newly created project with Ember generator (ember new ), and a generated controller, router, model, etc. My problem is that the Ember document explains how to customise adapters, but not how to use them (or I missed that part). The ES adapter's documentation says :
var App = Em.Application.create();
App.store = DS.Store.create({
revision: 4,
adapter: DS.ElasticSearchAdapter.create({url: 'http://localhost:9200'})
which implies to create a Store, whereas I can only see ways to extend it in the Ember documentation. Furthermore, I already have a Store in my application.
So the questions are:
do I need to override the store creation to replace it with the ES one (and where to do that) OR
do I need to extend the existing one, and in this case, how should I do that ?
Also, when it says:
First, load the ember-data/lib/adapters/elasticsearch_adapter.js file
in your application.
where and how that should be done ?
On your first questions/s
do I need to override the store creation to replace it with the ES one
(and where to do that) OR do I need to extend the existing one, and in
this case, how should I do that ?
You're onto the right track in the second part, you will need extend the existing one, but not the store, the adapter in this case.
So if you're using ember-cli, which according to this:
What I have ATM is a newly created project with Ember generator (ember
new )
It seems that you are and so you'll application folder structure should be like this:
app ->
adapters(you need to generate/create this)
And now we can answer:
how should I do that ?
If you do not have the adapters folder yet, which you probably don't, just run ember generate adapter application or create a folder adapters, and a file application.js for that folder.
And that then finally leads us to a part of your last question.
load the ember-data/lib/adapters/elasticsearch_adapter.js file in your
application. where and how that should be done ?
import ElasticSearchAdapter from 'ember-data/lib/adapters/elasticsearch_adapter'
export default ElasticSearchAdapter.extend({
Now the possible bad news, that adapter is likely very outdated, as it the repository's last commit was 27 Dec 2012.

How to create a controller property that updates when a service property changes

Using Ember 1.13
I may be missing something and going about this in the totally wrong way.
I have session state saved in an ember service that is available to all my controllers. It has a boolean property isExistingSession.
In the header of my app I want to conditionally display a login button or user info depending on the value of isExistingSession.
As far as I know I can't use the service property directly in my handlebar so my solution was to create a computed property on the applicationController that always equals the value of of isExistingSession on the sessionService
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
isExistingSession: function () {
return sessionService.get('isExistingSession');
But the computing the property off of an outside entity seems to be invalid.
Any idea on how to accomplish this?
As far as I know I can't use the service property directly in my handlebar
Just to clarify: any property available in a given controller will be available in its associated template. So if you inject your session service in your application controller you should be able to use any property of that service in your application.hbs template.
Now to solve your issue: how do you inject the service in your controller? You have 2 alternatives:
application.inject('controller', 'sessionService', 'service:session'); This will inject your session service in all the controllers, making in available to all your templates as well. (see http://guides.emberjs.com/v1.10.0/understanding-ember/dependency-injection-and-service-lookup/)
sessionService: Ember.inject.service('session'), This will inject your session service in a single controller (see http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.inject.html#method_service)
Bottom line is that you should not need a computed property. I'd recommend using the Ember inspector to check whether your session is properly injected in your controller.
Also, consider using ember-simple-auth, an awesome add-on to manage authentication in Ember.

Creating Controllers / Views for a Rails 4 Engine in App

Using Rails 4 I have an engine called Core that contains business rules and data objects for a system we're using. This is designed to be lean and in included in a few different apps.
I am creating an app that will contain some special CRUD screens for some of this core data, and I am not sure the best way to set up routing.
In other words, I want to create views and controllers for an engine's models without mounting the engine in my routes.
However, after running rails g scaffold_controller core::rep, I can't seem to get the url helper methods loaded. In my config/routes.rb:
namespace :core do
resources :reps
rake routes returns:
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
core_reps GET /core/reps(.:format) core/reps#index
POST /core/reps(.:format) core/reps#create
new_core_rep GET /core/reps/new(.:format) core/reps#new
edit_core_rep GET /core/reps/:id/edit(.:format) core/reps#edit
core_rep GET /core/reps/:id(.:format) core/reps#show
PATCH /core/reps/:id(.:format) core/reps#update
PUT /core/reps/:id(.:format) core/reps#update
DELETE /core/reps/:id(.:format) core/reps#destroy
Which seems fine.
However, upon navigating to URL: /core/reps
Showing /app/views/core/reps/index.html.erb where line #14 raised:
undefined method `edit_core_rep_path' for #<#<Class:0x00000002adf578>:0x00000002adc3a0>
Which I take to mean that the url_helpers aren't being correctly set up, and I have a growing suspicion that I am approaching this problem in the wrong way.
Is there something I am missing? Should I be trying to extend Engine Controllers in the app?
Can I use an Application's helpers with an Engine's models? Or do I have to mount the engine?
I know I can rails g scaffold_controller rep and then just patch the controller to load the data from the engine, but that doesn't seem quite right.
Have you looked at the proxy helpers bit in http://guides.rubyonrails.org/v4.1.8/engines.html#routes ?

ember app within another ember app

We are writing Ember app which provides basic infrastructure for app building. Users can use this app and build there own Ember app by utilizing infrastructure provided by this app. This app provides basic utility services like Authorization, Authentication, layout, templates, reusable UI components, consistent look and feel, scaffolding, dependency stack etc. My question is,
How can users build there own Ember app utilizing these services and include it within this parent app, something like nested app, where parent app provides common services. Is it possible to include one Ember app within another Ember app? child app content should be shown in parent content window retaining all navigation links and layout.
There can also be a situation where multiple apps are included under parent app and each of these child app can be accessed using a router in parent app, example, if child1 and child2 apps are included under parent app, then navigating to "/childRoute1" of parent should open child1 in parent content window and navigating to "childRoute2" should open child2 in content window. Is this possible using Ember? if not how this can be achieved?
Thank in advance
This question is a bit vague, but I think what you want:
window.App = Ember.Application.create({
rootElement: '#ember-app'
Include that within the Ember.js Application definition to assign an Ember app to a specific div (in this case ember-app). This div can be within the jsp of another existing Ember.js application.