How to pass a route to #link-to inside a component - ember.js

I have a component that lists countries. It is used in several places, the only difference being the place where the link-to is pointing.
How is this best achieved? Are components the way to go?
{{country-list countries=model route="someroutehere"}}
in the component i have a simple #each
<ul class="nav nav-stacked"
{{#each countries}}
<li class="brd-b-g">{{#link-to routepassedtothecomponent this}}{{name}}{{/link-to}}</li>

You're on the right track. You just need to reference the property that you used to pass the route. Eg:
{{country-list countries=model myProperty="someroutehere"}}
<ul class="nav nav-stacked">
{{#each countries}}
<li class="brd-b-g">{{#link-to myProperty this}}{{name}}{{/link-to}}</li>
Working example.


Ember Octane - How to loop through model records inside a component?

I have an array of strings passed as an argument to a component, inside the component I am using "each" helper to render each string in a text input. I tried the following approach.
I have a model passed as an argument to a component. I'm using #each helper to iterate through that model and this does not work.
<Location::LocationList #model="{{#model}}"/>
LocationList component:
<ul class="location-list">
{{#each this.args.model as |location|}}
And if I just do it in this way:
<ul class="location-list">
{{#each #model as |location|}}
<Location::LocationItem #location={{location}}/>
It works as needed.
Any suggestions?
According to the docs on Component Arguments, using the #model as you have in your last snippet,
<ul class="location-list">
{{#each #model as |location|}}
<Location::LocationItem #location={{location}}/>
is the correct way to reference arguments.
Referencing args via this.args is reserved for usage in the class body of a component.
the #namedArgs syntax is consistent across class-based components and template-only components as template-only components do not have a this.

Ember passing multiple list items in template

Is it possible to pass multiple list of items in template using {{each}}
Can someone guide me on what I am doing,
in my sales-orders.hbs below is my currenet code.
{{#each model as |detail|}}
<li>{{sales-orders-grid detail=detail}}</li>
Then calling the sales-orders-grid component
Shipping Method
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 products-item-products border-left padding10">
{{#each shippingMethod as |sm|}}
{{sales-orders-grid-shipping-method sm=sm}}
In my sales-orders-grid-shipping-method component calling is this:
What I'm trying to achieve here is to pass list of items in {{each}} in my main template. Is it possible?
To change scope you can use the "with" helper.
{{#with user.posts as |blogPosts|}}
<div class="notice">
There are {{blogPosts.length}} blog posts written by {{}}.
{{#each blogPosts as |post|}}
I think you can nest multiple "with" helper.
I think the way to go is to restructure your data as:model.list1,model.list2,etc.
Then pass the model and use as necessary.And use nested each to acheive the grid.
Iam only posting this as an answer because I can't comment yet.
So, do get back to me for Clarifications.

Multiple array controllers inside an Object controller Ember

I've a template whose model contains two different sets of array elements. I've to list them with a check box, so that user can select multiple items from both the lists. I've to collect all the items.
I started as follows
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="temp">
<p>List 1</p>
{{#each list1}}
{{input type="checkbox"}}
<p>List 2</p>
{{#each list2}}
{{input type="checkbox"}}
I thought to have controllers for the two lists separately. But not sure how to get the list together. The place where I've the total control could be "TempController", but not sure how to get the checked property of each item in the two different lists.
I hope I've explained my functionality. Hope there is a solution or work around for this.

I can't loop an Object-Array with ember #each

<div class="nav-menu clearfix">
<ul class="list-unstyled list-inline">
{{#each MI in MB}}
<li id=""><span>{{ MI.MText }}</span></li>
I want loop the MB with each.
but it dose not work and return the MB is empty.
but I get this for else.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object
Object],[object Object]
this is my route define
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend(App.LazyLoadTemplate, {
model : function() {
return Ember.$.getJSON("/index/indexjson");
and get a json data is
My English is not well ,Thanks for help!
As you already found, your scope of your property was incorrect. Just to set the record straight, Ember-Handlebars will not iterate over an object like it will over an Array. Additionally the else statement is totally legit, it will be triggered when the array being iterated across is empty (null/undefined/no elements)
{{#each item in model}}
No Items
Edit as kingpin pointed out in his answer, this response is referencing the wrong version of handlebars.
Your misusing the block helper each in your template. Handlebars each will work similarly with objects and arrays. In addition you had an else outside of an if block. Rewrite your template as follows:
<div class="nav-menu clearfix">
<ul class="list-unstyled list-inline">
{{#each MB}}
<li id=""><span>{{ MText }}</span></li>
Fiddle example

Ember.js nested views get very slow

I have a two-level deep data model that I want to display with Ember.js as nested lists. If I do the simple version it performs quite well:
{{#each parent in content}}
<p>Table {{}}</p>
{{#each item in parent.children}}
However if instead of displaying the model's properties as raw strings I use nested Ember.Select and Ember.TextArea views the performance suffers a lot, it takes quite a bit after the load button is pressed to display the controls in the page:
{{#each parent in content}}
{{#each item in parent.children}}
<li>pos: {{item.position}}</li>
{{view Ember.Select
<li>{{view Ember.TextArea class="textarea-animated" name="description" valueBinding="item.comment"}}</li>
Would you have any suggestion on how to improve performance. This is done with ember-1.0.0-pre4
Instead of using Ember select and textarea views use normal html tags for them and bind only the attributes. Those views usually occupy more memory and writing them inside a nested structure will expectedly make your code run slow.