ColdFusion 10 multi-instance on development install - coldfusion

So I am using ColdFusion 10 on Windows 7 64-bit machine. I have installed CF10 developer edition, now I am trying to create a second instance. I Add the instance in ColdFusion admin, then go into the Number folder and run the webconfig tool and add the site. When I go to services to start this new instance service, it does not start, it gives me an error.
App log:
The description for Event ID 256 from source ColdFusion 10 Application Server perm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
Can anyone help me get the second instance working, or is this really not allowed in the dev edition?
If I can get this working for ColdFusion 10, I want to get ColdFusion 11 working with 2 instances next.

I was able to work with the adobe install team, and they helped me figure out my web config connectors were messed up, and there was a random cfide folder in the site causing confusion and delay. I am up and running now.


How do I get past ColdFusion server-specific error code 2?

I had installed ColdFusion 2018 recently and with the installation less than a month old (and my understanding of the technology even less), my Cold Fusion service has stopped working. I have tried a number of things and have referred to a number of articles and out of many such errors where the service is not being accessible, some of them were able to get it resolved. However, some other obscure reason that may be causing this error have been untouched and unknown.
Whenever, I try to restart the service, I get an error as shown below:
Windows could not start the ColdFusion 8 Application Server on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to server-specific code error 2.”
Without much understanding, I started to google it out. Looking into every one of these posts, I tried
Configure JRE and try to relaunch the service by looking at "JAVA_HOME" variable and JVM.config
Run the batch files in every possible combination to find if anything clicks
Check if the present JAVA version works and is compatible with Coldfusion version installed
Fiddling with the "SessionStorage" var in neo-runtime.xml file as some suggested
and few other tricks coupled with a numerous service restart attempts and a few machine reboots as well.
A service that renders Cold Fusion pages should be shut down abruptly. To add to agony, the CF Admin also depends on the service and hence does not work.
Any pointers to any potential solutions?

New ColdFusion 10 Server Instance Won't Start

I have a previously installed ColdFusion 10 Multi-server installation that is up and running well. When I create a new instance, via the ColdFusion Administrator, with "Create Windows Service" checked, all seems to go well; the new instance shows up in the Administrator and the new directory structure is created on the server, but the new instance won't start. If I go to the Windows Services panel, on the server, and try to manually start the new service, I get:
Windows could not start the ColdFusion 10 Application Server newServer on Local
Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a
non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor and refer to the service
specific error code 2.
The Windows System Event log contains the following:
The ColdFusion Application Server newServer service terminated with non-specific
error. The system cannot find the file specified.
I have searched both the web and the Adobe site for a solution, but have come up empty handed. I would appreciate any insight.
Thanks in advance.
Update from the comments
Starting the service from the command prompt I see this error:
C:\ColdFusion10\newServer\bin>coldfusion.exe -start -console
ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize,
No transports initialized [../. ./../src/share/back/debugInit.c:741]
FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized,
It could be a port conflict issue. You can check the Event Viewer logs. Try the following:-
Stop ColdFusion service
Launch Command prompt as Administrator
Browse to cf_root\cfusion\bin and run the following command coldfusion.exe -start -console
Try to access the CF admin, once the services are started.
In case it gives an error message, please share the same.
This error was actually caused by conflicting port numbers in the debugger. Reference ColdFusion Administrator interface ==> Debugging and Logging ==> Debugger Settings. The Debugger Port must be set to a unique value for each server instance. If two or more instances are set to the same value, a port conflict results.
This worked for me. First, if you are in a windows environment use
netstat -ano
to get a list of ports in use. Then, open
c:\ColdFusion11{instancename}\bin\jvm.config and find the port address in your JVM arguments, if the port isn't unique, change it to one that is. Then fire up CF from the command line like this:
c:\coldfusion11{instancename}\bin\coldfusion.exe -start -console
Should now start properly or indicate if there is still a problem.
This happened to my local Dev install after a system update. I just tried changing the default port from 8500 to 8501 and it worked.
Maybe I can save someone else from the frustration I faced with some update I didn't explicitly authorize.... this was the cause and fix for my scenario...
JRE version On PC was updated and out of sync with CF settings JRE version...
JRE on PC and CF Settings out of sync...
Solution: updated the jvm.config file to have the same JRE version number as the version on my PC, started CF services, and Bob's your uncle.

CF Service continuously restarts every 25 seconds

After my laptop froze yesterday I rebooted, and now the ColdFusion 9 Application Server service starts and restarts endlessly! Although it's set to start automatically, upon bootup it does not start. So I start it manually. Then I look at the Windows Event Viewer which reports:
The ColdFusion 9 Application Server service for the "coldfusion" server was started. PID is 5788.
That's good. But then, about 9 seconds later, Event Viewer reports:
The ColdFusion 9 Application Server service for the "coldfusion" server is restarting.
16 seconds later, the Event Viewer reports that the service has, in fact, started again. And 9 seconds after that, it reports that the service is starting again.
Unless I manually stop the service, this cycle continues, with the CF service restarting itself every 25 seconds, give or take a second. Needless to say, I can't use ColdFusion. When I try to reach a page, I get error 500: There is no web application configured to service your request
I am running the developer edition of CF9, Windows. Computer behaves normally otherwise.
The coldfusion-out.log includes this:
Server coldfusion ready (startup time: 9 seconds)
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR (0xc0000006) at pc=0x6d6e2424, pid=5456, tid=7724
JRE version: 6.0_17-b04
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (14.3-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
Problematic frame:
C [nio.dll+0x2424]
An error report file with more information is saved as:
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
The detailed error report, C:\ColdFusion9\runtime\bin\hs_err_pid5456.log, has a ton of information, but I don’t understand much of it. I’ll be happy to post it all if you think you might be able to make heads or tails of it.
In the event that the only solution is to reinstall CF, can you tell me where to find the config files? I know I will need jrun-web.xml (and I know where it is), but where, for example, are the datasource definitions found? I can’t seem to find any folder or file with the settings from the CF Admin. (The CF Admin won’t run, so I can’t view them that way.)

Cannot start server in coldfusion builder 2

I have installed Adobe ColdFusion builder 2 and was able to set it up, using this tutorial
After I restarted my computer (for some updates to take effect), I am unable start the server I added using ColdFusion Builder (cfserver). I get the following error -
'starting cfusion' has encountered a problem
Ensure that the server is not already running, or another application is not using the WebServer port.
Does anyone know what to do about this? I am completely lost
EDIT: This is the error the console prints out
[cfusion]:07/13 12:50:14 Error [Thread-13] - Platform, Locale, and Platform Name must not be null
If you are using Vista or Windows 7 I used to have a problem with trying to start the ColdFusion server unless I launched CFB with Administrator privileges and ran it in XP Compatability mode.

Trying to run WebLogic samples in VMWare Lab Manager

I'm trying to do the following:
Installing a Oracle WebLogic 11g Server with the examples in a VMWare Lab Manager (virutal machine Windows XP SP3).
The problem is the following:
According to the installation instruction everything is quite easy and should work out of the box. The installation does not show any errors.
Normally (i tried on a real machine first) it is only needed to got to
Start - Oracle WebLogic - WebLogic Server 11GR1 - Examples - Start Medical Records Server (Spring Edition)
and everything should work fine (a webpage should open).
The problem is, that no Medical webpage shows up.
Digging a little bit deeper:
Start Medical Records Server is only a batch script. On the real machine (same OS) a derby server is started, on VM not.
The batch script on both machines are equal, but both call a setDomainEnv.cmd which containt on the real machine
set DERBY_FLAG=true
and on VM
set DERBY_FLAG=false
Changing the parameter from false to true does start up derby, but the webpage does not open.
The only info message looking liek an error shown on startup is
Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Cl
ass 3,OU=T-Systems Trust Center,O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH,C=DE". The loading of the trusted certificate list raise a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
but the machine finally goes to
Server started in RUNNING mode
Is there something else need to fire up the sample pages?
the admin console starts up at localhost:7011\console , but not the samples