Reading zipped ESRI BIL files with Python - python-2.7

I have precipitation data from the PRISM Climate Group which are now offered in .bil format (ESRI BIL, I think) and I'd like to be able to read these datasets with Python.
I've installed the spectral package, but the open_image() method returns an error:
def ReadBilFile(bil):
import spectral as sp
b = sp.open_image(bil)
IOError: Unable to determine file type or type not supported.
The documentation for spectral clearly says that it supports BIL files, can anyone shed any light on what's happening here? I am also open to using GDAL, which supposedly supports the similar/equivalent ESRI EHdr format, but I can't find any good code snipets to get started.

It's now 2017 and there is a slightly better option. The package rasterio supports bil files.
>>>import rasterio
>>>tmean ='PRISM_tmean_stable_4kmD1_20060101_bil.bil')
Affine(0.041666666667, 0.0, -125.0208333333335,
0.0, -0.041666666667, 49.9375000000025)
CRS({'init': 'epsg:4269'})
>>> tmean.width
>>> tmean.height
(1, 621, 1405)

Ok, I'm sorry to post a question and then answer it myself so quickly, but I found a nice set of course slides from Utah State University that has a lecture on opening raster image data with GDAL. For the record, here is the code I used to open the PRISM Climate Group datasets (which are in the EHdr format).
import gdal
def ReadBilFile(bil):
img = gdal.Open(bil)
band = img.GetRasterBand(1)
data = band.ReadAsArray()
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = ReadBilFile(r'G:\truncated\ppt\1950\PRISM_ppt_stable_4kmM2_1950_bil.bil')
print a[44, 565]
EDIT 5/27/2014
I've built upon my answer above and wanted to share it here since the documentation seems to be lacking. I now have a class with one main method that reads the BIL file as an array and returns some key attributes.
import gdal
import gdalconst
class BilFile(object):
def __init__(self, bil_file):
self.bil_file = bil_file
self.hdr_file = bil_file.split('.')[0]+'.hdr'
def get_array(self, mask=None):
self.nodatavalue, = None, None
img = gdal.Open(self.bil_file, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly)
band = img.GetRasterBand(1)
self.nodatavalue = band.GetNoDataValue()
self.ncol = img.RasterXSize
self.nrow = img.RasterYSize
geotransform = img.GetGeoTransform()
self.originX = geotransform[0]
self.originY = geotransform[3]
self.pixelWidth = geotransform[1]
self.pixelHeight = geotransform[5] = band.ReadAsArray() =,
if mask is not None: =,
return self.nodatavalue,
I call this class using the following function where I use GDAL's vsizip function to read the BIL file directly from a zip file.
import prism
def getPrecipData(years=None):
grid_pnts = prism.getGridPointsFromTxt()
flrd_pnts = np.array(pd.read_csv(r'D:\truncated\PrismGridPointsFlrd.csv').grid_code)
mask = prism.makeGridMask(grid_pnts, grid_codes=flrd_pnts)
for year in years:
bil = r'/vsizip/G:\truncated\PRISM_ppt_stable_4kmM2_{0}\PRISM_ppt_stable_4kmM2_{0}_bil.bil'.format(year)
b = prism.BilFile(bil)
nodatavalue, data = b.get_array(mask=mask)
data *= mm_to_in
b.write_to_csv(data, 'PrismPrecip_{}.txt'.format(year))
# Get datasets
years = range(1950, 2011, 5)

You've already figured out a good solution to reading the file so this answer is just in regard to shedding light on the error you encountered.
The problem is that the spectral package does not support the Esri multiband raster format. BIL (Band Interleaved by Line) is not a specific file format; rather, it is a data interleave scheme (like BIP and BSQ), which can be used in many file formats. The spectral package does support BIL for the file formats that it recognizes (e.g., ENVI, Erdas LAN) but the Esri raster header is not one of those.


Pandas closing django-like file, gives ValueError: I/O operation on closed file when uploading

In my process i need to upload a file to django as:
newFile = request.FILES['file']
then in another big function i open it with pandas:
data = pandas.read_csv(data_file, engine = 'python', header=headers_row, encoding = 'utf-8-sig')
and then i need to upload it
uploaded_file = Uploaded_file(file = newFile, retailer = ret, date = date)
but randomly (like 50/50) i get a ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.
Any solution to this? is it possible to open the file again or maybe make a copy of it and use pandas in one and upload the other?
I tried the later but i'm not sure of the implications of going this route:
from io import BytesIO
output = BytesIO(
for now it works but i'd appreciate any input on this

Saving data from traceplot in PyMC3

Below is the code for a simple Bayesian Linear regression. After I obtain the trace and the plots for the parameters, is there any way in which I can save the data that created the plots in a file so that if I need to plot it again I can simply plot it from the data in the file rather than running the whole simulation again?
import pymc3 as pm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0,9,5)
y = 2*x + 5
def soln(x, p1, p2):
return p1+p2*x
with pm.Model() as model:
# Define priors
intercept = pm.Normal('Intercept', 15, sd=5)
slope = pm.Normal('Slope', 20, sd=5)
# Model solution
sol = soln(x, intercept, slope)
# Define likelihood
likelihood = pm.Normal('Y', mu=sol,
sd=yerr, observed=y)
# Sampling
trace = pm.sample(1000, nchains = 1)
print pm.summary(trace, ['Slope'])
print pm.summary(trace, ['Intercept'])
There are two easy ways of doing this:
Use a version after 3.4.1 (currently this means installing from master, with pip install git+ There is a new feature that allows saving and loading traces efficiently. Note that you need access to the model that created the trace:
pm.save_trace(trace, 'linreg.trace')
# later
with model:
trace = pm.load_trace('linreg.trace')
Use cPickle (or pickle in python 3). Note that pickle is at least a little insecure, don't unpickle data from untrusted sources:
import cPickle as pickle # just `import pickle` on python 3
with open('trace.pkl', 'wb') as buff:
pickle.dump(trace, buff)
with open('trace.pkl', 'rb') as buff:
trace = pickle.load(buff)
Update for someone like me who is still coming over to this question:
load_trace and save_trace functions were removed. Since version 4.0 even the deprecation waring for these functions were removed.
The way to do it is now to use arviz:
with model:
trace = pymc.sample(return_inferencedata=True)
And it can be loaded with:
trace = arviz.from_netcdf("")
This way works for me :
# saving trace
pm.save_trace(trace=trace_nb, directory=r"c:\Users\xxx\Documents\xxx\traces\trace_nb")
# loading saved traces
with model_nb:
t_nb = pm.load_trace(directory=r"c:\Users\xxx\Documents\xxx\traces\trace_nb")

How to get python to read all images in a directory one by one

My experience with python is very limited so I don't fully understand what the code does in this instance. This is part of the code for poets lab from the tensorflow framework.
import os, sys
import tensorflow as tf
import sys
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'
# change this as you see fit
image_path = sys.argv[1]
# Read in the image_data
image_data = tf.gfile.FastGFile(image_path, 'rb').read()
image =
image_array = image.convert('RGB')
# Loads label file, strips off carriage return
label_lines = [line.rstrip() for line
in tf.gfile.GFile("retrained_labels.txt")]
# Unpersists graph from file
with tf.gfile.FastGFile("retrained_graph.pb", 'rb') as f:
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
_ = tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Feed the image_data as input to the graph and get first prediction
softmax_tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name('final_result:0')
predictions =,{'DecodeJpeg:0': image_array})
# Sort to show labels of first prediction in order of confidence
top_k = predictions[0].argsort()[-len(predictions[0]):][::-1]
for node_id in top_k:
human_string = label_lines[node_id]
score = predictions[0][node_id]
print('%s (score = %.5f)' % (human_string, score))
filename = "results.txt"
with open(filename, 'a+') as f:
f.write('\n**%s**\n' % (image_path))
for node_id in top_k:
human_string = label_lines[node_id]
score = predictions[0][node_id]
f.write('%s (score = %.5f)\n' % (human_string, score))
I want the above code to read in a directory instead of a single image and then process them all and output the scores to the results.txt file.
Currently I can call this like so:
python /root/images/1.jpg
How would I get this code to take the following input and processes it
python /root/images/
Use os.listdir to list all files in the directory. Qualify it with a filter as well. Join the resulting files to their directory. Read them from the list with a for loop.
python /root/images/
image_path = sys.argv[1]
image_paths = [os.path.join(image_path,img) for img in os.listdir(image_path) if '.jpg' in img]
I also recommend re-examining your training function and strategy. It is also good practice to abstract your entire network with tf variable placeholders as far as you can. In addition it would be much more efficient to implement batching, as well as possibly convert your dataset to tf records.

Tensorflow high-level Estimator with input_fn from external file reader

[short summary: how to use TF high-level Estimator on Python with an external file reader? or with feed_dict?]
Been struggling with this for few days, couldn't find any solution on-line...
I'm using TF high-level modules (tf.contrib.learn.Estimator on tf1.0, or tf.estimator.Estimator on tf1.1),
features and targets (x/y) inputted through an input_fn, and the graph built on the model_fn.
Already trained a nn on 'small' data sets, in which the whole input is the part of the graph, using slice_input_producer etc. (I can push an example to github if it serves ppl here).
I try to train a larger nn on 'heavier' data-sets (10s-100s GB).
I have an external Python reader that does some nasty binary file reading, which I really don't want to get into.
This reader has its own queue.Queue with m1 samples. When I use it to extract the m1 {features} & {targets}, the net simply saves all these samples as const. in the first layer of the graph... completely undesired.
I try to either -
feed the output of the external file reader as input to my graph.
define a proper tf queue object that will keep updating the queue (each time a sample is dequeued, i want a completely other sample to be enqueued).
Reminding that I use the "high level", e.g.
self.Estimator = tf.contrib.learn.Estimator(
config=tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig( ... ) )
def input_fn(self, mode):
batch_data =[mode].next() # pops out a batch of samples, as numpy 4D matrices
... # some processing of batch data
features_dict = dict(data=batch_data.pop('data'))
targets_dict = batch_data
return features_dict, targets_dict self.input_fn(modekeys.TRAIN))
Attached is a final solution for integrating an external reader into the high-level TF api (tf.contrib.learn.Estimator / tf.estimator.Estimator).
Please note:
the architecture and "logic" is not important. it's a stupid simple net.
the external reader outputs a dictionary of numpy matrices.
the input_fn is using this reader.
In order to verify that the reader "pulls new values", I both
save the recent value to self.status (should be > 1.0)
save a summary, to be viewed in tensorboard.
Code example is in gist, and below.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
modekeys = tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys
# Tested on python 2.7.9, tf 1.1.0
class inputExample:
def __init__(self):
self.status = 0.0 # tracing which value was recently 'pushed' to the net
self.model_dir = 'temp_dir'
def input_fn(self):
# returns features and labels dictionaries as expected by tf Estimator's model_fn
data, labels = tf.py_func(func=self.input_fn_np, inp=[], Tout=[tf.float32, tf.float32], stateful=True)
data.set_shape([1,3,3,1]) # shapes are unknown and need to be set for integrating into the network
return dict(data=data), dict(labels=labels)
def input_fn_np(self):
# returns a dictionary of numpy matrices
batch_data = self.reader()
return batch_data['data'], batch_data['labels']
def model_fn(self, features, labels, mode):
# using tf 2017 convention of dictionaries of features/labels as inputs
features_in = features['data']
labels_in = labels['labels']
pred_layer = tf.layers.conv2d(name='pred', inputs=features_in, filters=1, kernel_size=3)
tf.summary.scalar(name='label', tensor=tf.squeeze(labels_in))
tf.summary.scalar(name='pred', tensor=tf.squeeze(pred_layer))
loss = None
if mode != modekeys.INFER:
loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(labels=labels_in, predictions=pred_layer)
train_op = None
if mode == modekeys.TRAIN:
train_op = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss(
learning_rate = 0.01,
optimizer = 'SGD',
global_step = tf.contrib.framework.get_global_step()
predictions = {'estim_exp': pred_layer}
return tf.contrib.learn.ModelFnOps(mode=mode, predictions=predictions, loss=loss, train_op=train_op)
def reader(self):
self.status += 1
if self.status > 1000.0:
self.status = 1.0
return dict(
data = np.random.randn(1,3,3,1).astype(dtype=np.float32),
labels = np.sin(np.ones([1,1,1,1], dtype=np.float32)*self.status)
def get_estimator(self):
self.Estimator = tf.contrib.learn.Estimator(
model_fn = self.model_fn,
model_dir = self.model_dir,
config = tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig(
save_checkpoints_steps = 10,
save_summary_steps = 10,
save_checkpoints_secs = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
ex = inputExample()
You can use tf.constant if you have the training data already in python memory as shown in the abalone TF example:
Note: copying the data from disk to Python to TensorFlow is often less efficient than constructing an input pipeline in TensorFlow (i.e. loading data from disk directly into TensorFlow Tensors), such as using tf.contrib.learn.datasets.base.load_csv_without_header.

PDF to Word Doc in Python

I've read though the other stack overflow questions regarding this but it doesn't answer my issue, so down vote away. Its version 2.7.
All I want to do is use python to convert a PDF to a Word doc. At minimum convert to text so I can copy and paste into a word doc.
This is the code I have so far. All it prints is the female gender symbol.
Is my code wrong? Am I approaching this wrong? Do some PDFs just not work with PDFMiner? Do you know of any other alternatives to accomplish my goal of converting a PDF to Word, besides using PyPDF2 or PDFMiner?
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
from cStringIO import StringIO
def convert_pdf_to_txt(path):
rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
retstr = StringIO()
codec = 'utf-8'
laparams = LAParams()
device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, codec=codec, laparams=laparams)
fp = file('Bottom Dec.pdf', 'rb')
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
password = ""
maxpages = 0
caching = True
for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fp, pagenos, maxpages=maxpages, password=password,caching=caching, check_extractable=True):
text = retstr.getvalue()
return text
print convert_pdf_to_txt(1)
from pdf2docx import Converter
pdf_file = 'E:\Muhammad UMER LAR.pdf'
doc_file= 'E:\Lari.docx'
Another alternative solution is Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Python, you can install it from pip for PDF to DOC conversion.
import asposewordscloud
import asposewordscloud.models.requests
api_client = asposewordscloud.ApiClient() = ''
# Get AppKey and AppSID from
api_client.configuration.api_key['api_key'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # Put your appKey here
api_client.configuration.api_key['app_sid'] = 'xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' # Put your appSid here
words_api = asposewordscloud.WordsApi(api_client)
filename = '02_pages.pdf'
remote_name = 'TestPostDocumentSaveAs.pdf'
dest_name = 'TestPostDocumentSaveAs.doc'
#upload PDF file to storage
request_stoarge = asposewordscloud.models.requests.UploadFileRequest(filename,remote_name)
response = words_api.upload_file(request_stoarge)
#Convert PDF to DOC and save to storage
save_options = asposewordscloud.SaveOptionsData(save_format='doc', file_name=dest_name)
request = asposewordscloud.models.requests.SaveAsRequest(remote_name, save_options)
result = words_api.save_as(request)
print("Result {}".format(result))
I'm developer evangelist at Aspose.