Combining(?) Quaterions Accurately from Keyboard/Mouse and other sources - opengl

I would like to combine mouse and keyboard inputs with the Oculus Rift to create a smooth experience for the user. The goals are:
Positional movement 100% controlled by the keyboard relative to the direction the person is facing.
Orientation controlled 100% by HMD devices like the Oculus Rift.
Mouse orbit capabilities adding to the orientation of the person using the Oculus Rift. For example, if I am looking left I can still move my mouse to "move" more leftward.
Now, I have 100% working code for when someone doesn't have an Oculus Rift, I just don't know how to combine the orientation and other elements of the Oculus Rift to my already working code to get it 100%.
Anyway, here is my working code for controlling the keyboard and mouse without the Oculus Rift:
Note that all of this code assumes a perspective mode of the camera:
glm::vec3 DirectionOfWhereCameraIsFacing;
glm::vec3 CenterOfWhatIsBeingLookedAt;
glm::vec3 PositionOfEyesOfPerson;
glm::vec3 CameraAxis;
glm::vec3 DirectionOfUpForPerson;
glm::quat CameraQuatPitch;
float Pitch;
float Yaw;
float Roll;
float MouseDampingRate;
float PhysicalMovementDampingRate;
glm::quat CameraQuatYaw;
glm::quat CameraQuatRoll;
glm::quat CameraQuatBothPitchAndYaw;
glm::vec3 CameraPositionDelta;
Inside display update function.
DirectionOfWhereCameraIsFacing = glm::normalize(CenterOfWhatIsBeingLookedAt - PositionOfEyesOfPerson);
CameraAxis = glm::cross(DirectionOfWhereCameraIsFacing, DirectionOfUpForPerson);
CameraQuatPitch = glm::angleAxis(Pitch, CameraAxis);
CameraQuatYaw = glm::angleAxis(Yaw, DirectionOfUpForPerson);
CameraQuatRoll = glm::angleAxis(Roll, CameraAxis);
CameraQuatBothPitchAndYaw = glm::cross(CameraQuatPitch, CameraQuatYaw);
CameraQuatBothPitchAndYaw = glm::normalize(CameraQuatBothPitchAndYaw);
DirectionOfWhereCameraIsFacing = glm::rotate(CameraQuatBothPitchAndYaw, DirectionOfWhereCameraIsFacing);
PositionOfEyesOfPerson += CameraPositionDelta;
CenterOfWhatIsBeingLookedAt = PositionOfEyesOfPerson + DirectionOfWhereCameraIsFacing * 1.0f;
Yaw *= MouseDampingRate;
Pitch *= MouseDampingRate;
CameraPositionDelta = CameraPositionDelta * PhysicalMovementDampingRate;
View = glm::lookAt(PositionOfEyesOfPerson, CenterOfWhatIsBeingLookedAt, DirectionOfUpForPerson);
ProjectionViewMatrix = Projection * View;
The Oculus Rift provides orientation data via their SDK and can be accessed like so:
ovrMatrix4f OculusRiftProjection;
glm::mat4 Projection;
OVR::Quatf OculusRiftOrientation;
glm::quat CurrentOrientation;
Partial Code for retrieving projection and orientation data from Oculus SDK
OculusRiftProjection = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(MainEyeRenderDesc[l_Eye].Desc.Fov, 10.0f, 6000.0f, true);
for (int o = 0; o < 4; o++){
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Projection[o][i] = OculusRiftProjection.M[o][i];
Projection = glm::transpose(Projection);
OculusRiftOrientation = PredictedPose.Orientation.Conj();
CurrentOrientation.w = OculusRiftOrientation.w;
CurrentOrientation.x = OculusRiftOrientation.x;
CurrentOrientation.y = OculusRiftOrientation.y;
CurrentOrientation.z = OculusRiftOrientation.z;
CurrentOrientation = glm::normalize(CurrentOrientation);
After that last line the glm based quaterion "CurrentOrientation" has the correct information which, if plugged straight into an existing MVP matrix structure and sent into OpenGL will allow you to move your head around in the environment without issue.
Now, my problem is how to combine the two parts together successfully.
When I have done this in the past it results in the rotation stuck in place (when you turn your head left you keep rotating left as opposed to just rotating in the amount that you turned) and the fact that I can no longer accurately determine the direction the person is facing so that my position controls work.
So at that point since I can no longer determine what is "forward" my position controls essentially become crap...
How can I successfully achieve my goals?

I've done some work on this by maintaining a 'camera' matrix which represents the position and orientation of they player, and then during rendering, composing that with the most recent orientation data collected from the headset.
I have a single interaction class which is designed to pull input from a variety of sources, including keyboard and joystick (as well as a spacemouse, or a Razer Hydra).
You'll probably find it easier to maintain the state as a single combined matrix like I do, rather than trying to compose a lookat matrix every frame.
If you look at my Rift.cpp base class for developing my examples you'll see that I capture keyboard input and accumulate it in the CameraControl instance. This is accumulated in the instance so that during the applyInteraction call later we can apply movement indicated by the keyboard, along with other inputs:
void RiftApp::onKey(int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) {
// Allow the camera controller to intercept the input
if (CameraControl::instance().onKey(player, key, scancode, action, mods)) {
In my per-frame update code I query any other enabled devices and apply all the inputs to the matrix. Then I update the modelview matrix with the inverse of the player position:
void RiftApp::update() {
gl::Stacks::modelview().top() = glm::inverse(player);
Finally, in my rendering code I have the following, which applies the headset orientation:
void RiftApp::draw() {
gl::MatrixStack & mv = gl::Stacks::modelview();
gl::MatrixStack & pr = gl::Stacks::projection();
for_each_eye([&](ovrEyeType eye) {
gl::Stacks::with_push(pr, mv, [&]{
ovrPosef renderPose = ovrHmd_BeginEyeRender(hmd, eye);
// Set up the per-eye modelview matrix
// Apply the head pose
glm::mat4 m = Rift::fromOvr(renderPose);
// Apply the per-eye offset
glm::vec3 eyeOffset = Rift::fromOvr(erd.ViewAdjust);
mv.preMultiply(glm::translate(glm::mat4(), eyeOffset));
// Render the scene to an offscreen buffer
ovrHmd_EndEyeRender(hmd, eye, renderPose, &eyeTextures[eye].Texture);


Changing coordinate system causes clockwise rotations

The task
I need to convert the coordinate system to +X forward, +Y right and +Z up (left-handed, like the one in Unreal Engine). The crucial part is that I want my camera to face its forward axis (again, like in Unreal Engine). Here is how it works in Unreal:
The problem
I have managed to achieve both things: my camera now faces its forward direction and world coordinates are the same as in UE, HOWEVER, I've stumbled upon a big issue. For each object:
pitch rotation (around RightVector) is now clockwise
yaw rotation (around UpVector) is now clockwise
roll rotation (around ForwardVector) is counter-clockwise (as it was before)
I need these rotations to be all counter-clockwise (as per standard) and keep the camera facing the forward vector.
My current solution attempt
My current setup relies on rotating the projection and camera view matrices (model matrix in my code is called entity matrix):
#define GLM_FORCE_LEFT_HANDED // it's defined somewhere else but so you're aware
// Transform::VectorForward = (1, 0, 0) // these are used below
// Transform::VectorRight = (0, 1, 0)
// Transform::VectorUp = (0, 0, 1)
// The entity matrix update function which updates the model matrix for each object
virtual void UpdateEntityMatrix()
auto m = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.f), m_Transform.Location);
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[2]), Transform::VectorUp); // yaw rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[1]), Transform::VectorRight); // pitch rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[0]), Transform::VectorForward); // roll rotation
m_EntityMatrix = glm::scale(m, m_Transform.Scale);
// The entity matrix update in my camera class (child of entity) which also updates the view matrix
void Camera::UpdateEntityMatrix()
auto m = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.f), m_Transform.Location);
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(180.f), GetRightVector()); // NOTE: I'm getting the current Forward/Right/Up vectors of the entity
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[2]), GetUpVector()); // yaw rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[1]), GetRightVector()); // pitch rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[0]), GetForwardVector()); // roll rotation
m = glm::scale(m, m_Transform.Scale);
m_ViewMatrix = glm::inverse(m);
m_ViewProjectionMatrix = m_ProjectionMatrix * m_ViewMatrix;
void PerspectiveCamera::UpdateProjectionMatrix()
m_ProjectionMatrix = glm::perspective(glm::radians(m_FOV), m_Width / m_Height, m_NearClip, m_FarClip);
// we want the camera to face +x:
m_ProjectionMatrix = glm::rotate(m_ProjectionMatrix, glm::radians(-90.f), Transform::VectorUp);
m_ProjectionMatrix = glm::rotate(m_ProjectionMatrix, glm::radians(90.f), Transform::VectorRight);
This is my result so far (the camera visualization thing shows the rotation of currently used camera):
What else I tried
I tried modifying the model matrix (note the -):
virtual void UpdateEntityMatrix()
auto m = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.f), m_Transform.Location);
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(-m_Transform.Rotation[2]), Transform::VectorUp); // yaw rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(-m_Transform.Rotation[1]), Transform::VectorRight); // pitch rotation
m = glm::rotate(m, glm::radians(m_Transform.Rotation[0]), Transform::VectorForward); // roll rotation
m_EntityMatrix = glm::scale(m, m_Transform.Scale);
But it makes my camera not face forward anymore (the view is the camera's rotation but mirrored on the Y and Z axis):
Itried to fix it by applying the same change when calculating the camera view matrix but it didn't help (still mirrored or some other issues).
On top of that, I tried experimenting with the glm::lookAt functions to create the view matrix but never achieved anything.
Update: I've found a solution
I think my problem was actually defining a counter-clockwise rotation. It turns out Unreal's rotations are not consistently counter-clockwise. I think it's best to define a counter-clockwise rotation when looking in the direction pointed by the direction arrow - as if you were behind it. Here is my conclusion:
Unless somebody finds an errorin the system I defined, I'll stick to it. The code is contained in the My current solution attempt section. It seems I was correct from the get-go.
However, the answer provided by #paddy does solve my original issue - converting clockwise to counter-clockwise. Upon further attempts, I was able to correctly replicate Unreal's system while keeping my camera facing forward.

How to get local rotation from a reference 'zero' quaternion and the global rotation quaternion

I am displaying characters on a screen connected to a flystick (3D tracking object). My goal is to move the characters according to device input.
I noticed the 'zero' of the device (corresponding to the default position) is not corresponding to a not rotated quaternion of my characters. When moving the device, my character moves around some other axis (probably world's) than the device's. So I added a synchronising function which registers the quaternion rotation of my device when it should be at the default position, but now I have no idea how to combine this reference quaternion with the actual quaternion I receive from the device when it moves in order to rotate my character as I intend.
Here is how i am using the quaternions with OpenGL :
glm::quat rotation = QAccumulative.getQuat();
glm::mat4 matrix_rotation = glm::mat4_cast(rotation);
object_transform *= matrix_rotation;
Model *= object_transform;
glm::mat4 MVP = Projection * View * Model;
It works fine with keyboard and mouse if I rotate my objects with this method:
rotate(float angleX,float angleY,float angleZ) {
Quaternion worldRotationx( 1.0,0,0, angleZ);
Quaternion worldRotationy( 0,1.0,0, angleX);
Quaternion worldRotationz( 0,0,1.0, angleY);
QAccumulative = worldRotationx * worldRotationy * worldRotationz * QAccumulative;
Here is the main loop, where I compute the data from the tracking device:
void VRPN_CALLBACK handle_tracker(void* userData, const vrpn_TRACKERCB t ) {
Vrpn_tracker* current = Vrpn_tracker::current_vrpn_device;
if (current->calibrating == true) {
current->reference = Quaternion(t.quat[0],t.quat[1],t.quat[2],t.quat[3]);
} else {
// translation :
current->newPosition = sf::Vector3f(t.pos[0],t.pos[1],t.pos[2]);
current->newPosition.x - current->oldPosition.x,
current->newPosition.y - current->oldPosition.y,
current->newPosition.z - current->oldPosition.z);
current->oldPosition = current->newPosition;
// rotation:
current->newQuat = Quaternion(t.quat[0],t.quat[1],t.quat[2],t.quat[3]);
current->world->current_object->QAccumulative =
(current->reference.getConjugate() * current->newQuat);
Quaternion result = current->world->current_object->QAccumulative;
cout << "result? : " << result.x << result.y << result.z << result.w << endl;
// prints something like:
// x : -0.00207066 y : 0.00186546 z : -0.00165524 w : 0.999995
// when position of flystick = default position
The simple test I do to check the code: I start my program without moving the flystick, (ref quaternion is getting captured) so after the synchronisation the character should be in the default position (not moved) as I haven't touched the flystick.
I did try to multiply my reference by the quaternion received but it seems my character is moving according to local axis.
If someone could shed some light on how I can get the rotation in global axis from these two quaternions it would be great.
You have different calibrations possible for the flystick that may correspond to what you are expecting, however i suggest you read carefully the documentation about the flystick, your answer must be there.
If you are using ART tracking, page 124 of the User manual will help you.
Change multiplication order. If you rotate first, than do it last if last than do it first.
The hidden problem of your question, we don't know your transformation notation.
Your rotation can transform from World To Object frame or from Object to world. Depending of notation , exact transformation will be different.

First Person Camera movement issues

I'm implementing a first person camera using the GLM library that provides me with some useful functions that calculate perspective and 'lookAt' matrices. I'm also using OpenGL but that shouldn't make a difference in this code.
Basically, what I'm experiencing is that I can look around, much like in a regular FPS, and move around. But the movement is constrained to the three axes in a way that if I rotate the camera, I would still move in the same direction as if I had not rotated it... Let me illustrate (in 2D, to simplify things).
In this image, you can see four camera positions.
Those marked with a one are before movement, those marked with a two are after movement.
The red triangles represent a camera that is oriented straight forward along the z axis. The blue triangles represent a camera that hasbeen rotated to look backward along the x axis (to the left).
When I press the 'forward movement key', the camera moves forward along the z axis in both cases, disregarding the camera orientation.
What I want is a more FPS-like behaviour, where pressing forward moves me in the direction the camera is facing. I thought that with the arguments I pass to glm::lookAt, this would be achieved. Apparently not.
What is wrong with my calculations?
// Calculate the camera's orientation
float angleHori = -mMouseSpeed * Mouse::x; // Note that (0, 0) is the center of the screen
float angleVert = -mMouseSpeed * Mouse::y;
glm::vec3 dir(
cos(angleVert) * sin(angleHori),
cos(angleVert) * cos(angleHori)
glm::vec3 right(
sin(angleHori - M_PI / 2.0f),
cos(angleHori - M_PI / 2.0f)
glm::vec3 up = glm::cross(right, dir);
// Calculate projection and view matrix
glm::mat4 projMatrix = glm::perspective(mFOV, mViewPortSizeX / (float)mViewPortSizeY, mZNear, mZFar);
glm::mat4 viewMatrix = glm::lookAt(mPosition, mPosition + dir, up);
gluLookAt takes 3 parameters: eye, centre and up. The first two are positions while the last is a vector. If you're planning on using this function it's better that you maintain only these three parameters consistently.
Coming to the issue with the calculation. I see that the position variable is unchanged throughout the code. All that changes is the look at point I.e. centre only. The right thing to do is to first do position += dir, which will move the camera (position) along the direction pointed to by dir. Now to update the centre, the second parameter can be left as-is: position + dir; this will work since the position was already updated to the new position and from there we've a point farther in dir direction to look at.
The issue was actually in another method. When moving the camera, I needed to do this:
void Camera::moveX(char s)
mPosition += s * mSpeed * mRight;
void Camera::moveY(char s)
mPosition += s * mSpeed * mUp;
void Camera::moveZ(chars)
mPosition += s * mSpeed * mDirection;
To make the camera move across the correct axes.

Rotate a particle system

Languages / Libraries in use: C++, OpenGL, GLUT
Okay, here's the deal.
I've got a particle system which shoots out alpha blended textures to produce a flame.
The system only keeps track of very basic things such as, time alive, life, xyz and spread.
The direction in which the flames are currently moving in is purely based on other things which are going on in my code ( I assume ).
My goal however, is to attach the flame to the camera (DONE) and have the flame pointing in the direction my camera is facing (NOT WORKING).
I've tried glRotate for both x,y,z and I can't get it to work properly.
I'm currently using gluLookAt to move the camera, and get the flame to follow the XYZ of the camera by calling glTranslatef(camX, camY - offset, camZ);
Any suggestions on how I can rotate the direction of the flame with the camera would be greatly appreciated.
Although most irrelevant, here is an image (incase)
You need to know the orientation of the camera to work out how to change the orientation of the flame particles. You need to basically inverse the camera's rotation matrix. If I was doing this, I would keep a copy of the transformations locally so that I could quickly access the cameras rotation. The alternative is to read the transformation matrix and to calculate the inverse rotation from the matrix.
static void inverseRotMatrix(const GLfloat in[4][4], GLfloat out[4][4])
out[0][0] = in[0][0];
out[0][1] = in[1][0];
out[0][2] = in[2][0];
out[0][3] = 0.0f;
out[1][0] = in[0][1];
out[1][1] = in[1][1];
out[1][2] = in[2][1];
out[1][3] = 0.0f;
out[2][0] = in[0][2];
out[2][1] = in[1][2];
out[2][2] = in[2][2];
out[2][3] = 0.0f;
out[3][0] = 0.0f;
out[3][1] = 0.0f;
out[3][2] = 0.0f;
out[3][3] = 1.0f;
void RenderFlame()
GLfloat matrix[4][4];
GLfloat invMatrix[4][4];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix[0]);
inverseRotMatrix(matrix, invMatrix);
// glMultMatrixf(invMatrix[0]); If you want to rotate the entire body of particles
for ... each particle
glTranslatef(particleX, particleY, particleZ);
This may or may not work for you though depending on what you are doing. If the particles spread out in all directions it should be fine, but if the flame is essentially flat you will have other issues. All this does is rotate each particle so that it is facing the the screen. If you are just rotating the camera it will work fine. If you move the camera you have to rotate all of the points as well about the center point of the flame. But this does give you the rotation you need by inversing the rotation matrix, it's merely a question of how many times you apply the transformation. (I added a comment where you would apply another rotation to rotate the whole body of particles)

Preserving rotations in OpenGL

I'm drawing an object (say, a cube) in OpenGL that a user can rotate by clicking / dragging the mouse across the window. The cube is drawn like so:
void CubeDrawingArea::redraw()
Glib::RefPtr gl_drawable = get_gl_drawable();
glRotated(m_angle, m_rotAxis.x, m_rotAxis.y, m_rotAxis.z);
and rotated with this function:
bool CubeDrawingArea::on_motion_notify_event(GdkEventMotion* motion)
if (!m_leftButtonDown)
return true;
_3V cur_pos;
get_trackball_point((int) motion->x, (int) motion->y, cur_pos);
const double dx = cur_pos.x - m_lastTrackPoint.x;
const double dy = cur_pos.y - m_lastTrackPoint.y;
const double dz = cur_pos.z - m_lastTrackPoint.z;
if (dx || dy || dz)
// Update angle, axis of rotation, and redraw
m_angle = 90.0 * sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz));
// Axis of rotation comes from cross product of last / cur vectors
m_rotAxis.x = (m_lastTrackPoint.y * cur_pos.z) - (m_lastTrackPoint.z * cur_pos.y);
m_rotAxis.y = (m_lastTrackPoint.z * cur_pos.x) - (m_lastTrackPoint.x * cur_pos.z);
m_rotAxis.z = (m_lastTrackPoint.x * cur_pos.y) - (m_lastTrackPoint.y * cur_pos.x);
return true;
There is some GTK+ stuff in there, but it should be pretty obvious what it's for. The get_trackball_point() function projects the window coordinates X Y onto a hemisphere (the virtual "trackball") that is used as a reference point for rotating the object. Anyway, this more or less works, but after I'm done rotating, and I go to rotate again, the cube snaps back to the original position, obviously, since m_angle will be reset back to near 0 the next time I rotate. Is there anyway to avoid this and preserve the rotation?
Yeah, I ran into this problem too.
What you need to do is keep a rotation matrix around that "accumulates" the current state of rotation, and use it in addition to the rotation matrix that comes from the current dragging operation.
Say you have two matrices, lastRotMx and currRotMx. Make them members of CubeDrawingArea if you like.
You haven't shown us this, but I assume that m_lastTrackPoint is initialized whenever the mouse button goes down for dragging. When that happens, copy currRotMx into lastRotMx.
Then in on_motion_notify_event(), after you calculate m_rotAxis and m_angle, create a new rotation matrix draggingRotMx based on m_rotAxis and m_angle; then multiply lastRotMx by draggingRotMx and put the result in currRotMx.
Finally, in redraw(), instead of
glRotated(m_angle, m_rotAxis.x, m_rotAxis.y, m_rotAxis.z);
rotate by currRotMx.
Update: Or instead of all that... I haven't tested this, but I think it would work:
Make cur_pos a class member so it stays around, but it's initialized to zero, as is m_lastTrackPoint.
Then, whenever a new drag motion is started, before you initialize m_lastTrackPoint, let _3V dpos = cur_pos - m_lastTrackPoint (pseudocode).
Finally, when you do initialize m_lastTrackPoint based on the mouse event coords, subtract dpos from it.
That way, your cur_pos will already be offset from m_lastTrackPoint by an amount based on the accumulation of offsets from past arcball drags.
Probably error would accumulate as well, but it should be gradual enough so as not to be noticeable. But I'd want to test it to be sure... composed rotations are tricky enough that I don't trust them without seeing them.
P.S. your username is demotivating. Suggest picking another one.
P.P.S. For those who come later searching for answers to this question, the keywords to search on are "arcball rotation". An definitive article is Ken Shoemake's section in Graphical Gems IV. See also this arcball tutorial for JOGL.