Value inside loop doesnt change in C++ - c++

here is a sample code that doesnt seem to work. I get the same value of X and Y ( both of them equal to zero ) for all the iteration. Can someone help me with this mistake of mine?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
double coord[4][2];
int div_x, div_y;
div_x = 4;
div_y = 3;
double a =0,b=0,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,g=0,h=0;
a = coord[1][0]+coord[2][0]+coord[3][0];
b = coord[1][0]+coord[2][0]-coord[3][0];
c = coord[2][0]-coord[1][0]+coord[3][0];
d = coord[2][0]-coord[1][0]-coord[3][0];
e = coord[1][1]+coord[2][1]+coord[3][1];
f = coord[1][1]+coord[2][1]-coord[3][1];
g = coord[2][1]-coord[1][1]+coord[3][1];
h = coord[2][1]-coord[1][1]-coord[3][1];
for (int i=0; i<div_y+1; i++){ // loop all rows (blue)
for (int j=0; j<div_x+1; j++){ // loop all nodes of one row (green)
double w = -1 + (2/div_x)*j;
double s = -1 + (2/div_y)*i;
double X = (a+b*w+c*s+(w*s*d));
double Y = (e+f*w+g*s+(h*s*w));
cout<<"\nX "<<X<<endl;
cout<<"\nY "<<Y<<endl;
return 0;

Your problem is with the divisions here:
double w = -1 + (2/div_x)*j;
double s = -1 + (2/div_y)*i;
2/div_x and 2/div_y are integer divisions. When you divide two values of type integer in C++, the division is carried out as an integer division. Since div_x is 4 and div_y is 3, the result of both of them is 0. As an integer division:
2 / 4 = 0
2 / 3 = 0
The easiest way to fix this is to use a double value for one of the two values, which results in a double division. For example:
double w = -1.0 + (2.0/div_x)*j;
double s = -1.0 + (2.0/div_y)*i;
You may also want to consider using the float type instead of double, unless you really need more than float precision, which is about 7 decimal digits.

In your code, div_x and div_y are int, thus, (2/div_x) and (2/div_y) are integer divisions, and evaluate to 0.
So w and s are both always equal to -1.
You can force float evaluation by using : (2.0/div_x) and (2.0/div_y)


How do I avoid getting -0 when dividing in c++

I have a script in which I want to find the chunk my player is in.
Simplified version:
float x = -5
float y = -15
int chunkSize = 16
int player_chunk_x = int(x / chunkSize)
int player_chunk_y = int(y / chunkSize)
This gives the chunk the player is in, but when x or y is negative but not less than the chunkSize (-16), player_chunk_x or player_chunk_y is still 0 or '-0' when I need -1
Of course I can just do this:
if (x < 0) x--
if (y < 0) y--
But I was wondering if there is a better solution to my problem.
Thanks in advance.
Since C++20 it's impossible to get an integral type signed negative zero, and was only possible in a rare (but by no means extinct) situation where your platform had 1's complement int. It's still possible in C (although rare), and adding 0 to the result will remove it.
It's possible though to have a floating point signed negative zero. For that, adding 0.0 will remove it.
Note that for an integral -0, subtracting 1 will yield -1.
Your issue is that you are casting a floating point value to an integer value.
This rounds to zero by default.
If you want consistent round down, you first have to floor your value:
int player_chunk_x = int(std::floor(x / chunkSize);
If you don't like negative numbers then don't use them:
int player_chunk_x = (x - min_x) / chunkSize;
int player_chunk_y = (y - min_y) / chunkSize;
If you want integer, in this case -1 on ( -5%16 or anything like it ) then this is possible using a math function:
Possible Ways :
using floor ->
float x = -5;
float y = -15;
int chunkSize = 16;
int player_chunk_x = floor(x / chunkSize)
// will give -1 for (-5 % 16);
// 0 for (5%16)
// 1 for any value between 1 & 2 and so on
int player_chunk_y = floor(y / chunkSize);

Sum exceeding permissible value in looping floats

I recently created this simple program to find average velocity.
Average velocity = Δx / Δt
I chose x as a function of t as x = t^2
Therefore v = 2t
also, avg v = (x2 - x1) / (t2 - t1)
I chose the interval to be t = 1s to 4s. Implies x goes from 1 to 16
Therefore avg v = (16 - 1) / (4 - 1) = 5
Now the program :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
float t = 1, v = 0, sum = 0, n = 0; // t = time, v = velocity, sum = Sigma v, n = Sigma 1
float avgv = 0;
while( t <= 4 ) {
v = 2*t;
sum += v;
t += 0.0001;
avgv = sum/n;
cout << "\n----> " << avgv << " <----\n";
return 0;
I used very small increments of time to calculate velocity at many moments. Now, if the increment of t is 0.001, The avg v calculated is 4.99998.
Now if i put increment of t as 0.0001, The avg v becomes 5.00007!
Further decreasing increment to 0.00001 yields avg v = 5.00001
Why is that so?
Thank you.
In base 2 0.0001 and 0.001 are periodic numbers, so they don't have an exact representation. One of them is being rounded up, the other one is rounded down, so when you sum lots of them you get different values.
This is the same thing that happens in decimal representation, if you choose the numbers to sum accordingly (assume each variable can hold 3 decimal digits).
a = 1 / 3; // a becomes 0.333
b = a * 6; // b becomes 1.998
a = 2 / 3; // a becomes 0.667
b = a * 3; // b becomes 2.001
both should (theoretically) result into 2 but because of rounding error they give different results
In the decimal system, since 10 is factorised into primes 2 and 5 only fractions whose denominator is divisible only by 2 and 5 can be represented with a finite number of decimal digits (all other fractions are periodic), in base 2 only fractions which have as denominator a power of 2 can be represented exactly. Try using 1.0/512.0 and 1.0/1024.0 as steps in your loop. Also, be careful because if you choose a step that is too small, you may not have enough digits to represent that in the float datatype (i.e., use doubles)

"double" does not print decimals

i was wondering why in this program, "pi_estimated" wouldn't print out as a number with decimal places although the variable was declared as a "double". However, it prints out an integer.
double get_pi(double required_accuracy)
double pi_estimation=0.0;
int x,y;
double p=0.0,q=0.0,r=0.0;
int D=0;
for(int N=1;N<=1e2;N++)
x = rand()%100;
p = (x/50.0 - 1.0)/100.0;
y = rand()%100;
q = (y/50.0 - 1.0)/100.0;
r = p*p + q*q;
pi_estimation = 4.0*(double (D/N));
if(double (4/(N+1)) < (required_accuracy*pi_estimation/100.0))
return (pi_estimation);
int main()
double pi_approx=0.0, a, actual_accuracy=0.0;
pi_approx = get_pi(a);
actual_accuracy = (fabs((pi_approx - M_PI)/(M_PI)))*100.0;
This line is the culprit:
pi_estimation = 4.0*(double (D/N));
Since D and N are both ints, D/N is an int. Casting the int to a double cannot magically make decimals appear out of nowhere.
Here's the line, fixed:
pi_estimation = 4.0 * (((double) D) / N));
You could also multiply first, so you don't need so many parens:
pi_estimation = 4.0 * D / N;
D is being multiplied by 4.0, so it becomes a double because double * int = double. Then it's divided by N. Since (x * y) / z === x * (y / z) (associative property), the expressions are equivalent.
The problem is here:
pi_estimation = 4.0*(double (D/N));
D and N are both integers, so D/N is an integer that you are casting to a double and then multiplying by 4.0.
You want to do this:
pi_estimation = 4.0 * (static_cast<double>(D) / N));
Since D and N are both integral types, D/N is performed in integer arithmetic; the cast to double happens too late as precision is lost prior to the cast.
One fix is to write 4.0 * D / N. This will ensure that everything is calculated in floating point. (Since * and / have the same precedence, you don't need to write (double).)

C++ How do I set the fractional part of a float?

I know how to get the fractional part of a float but I don't know how to set it. I have two integers returned by a function, one holds the integer and the other holds the fractional part.
For example:
int a = 12;
int b = 2; // This can never be 02, 03 etc
float c;
How do I get c to become 12.2? I know I could add something like (float)b \ 10 but then what if b is >= than 10? Then I would have to divide by 100, and so on. Is there a function or something where I can do setfractional(c, b)?
edit: The more I think about this problem the more I realize how illogical it is. if b == 1 then it would be 12.1 but if b == 10 it would also be 12.1 so I don't know how I'm going to handle this. I'm guessing the function never returns a number >= 10 for fractional but I don't know.
Something like:
float IntFrac(int integer, int frac)
float integer2 = integer;
float frac2 = frac;
float log10 = log10f(frac2 + 1.0f);
float ceil = ceilf(log10);
float pow = powf(10.0f, -ceil);
float res = abs(integer);
res += frac2 * pow;
if (integer < 0)
res = -res;
return res;
It's like saying: log10(98 + 1) = log10(99) = 1.995, ceilf(1.995) = 2, powf(10, -2) = 0.01, 99 * 0.01 = 0.99, and then 12 + 0.99 = 12.99 and then we check for the sign.
And let's hope the vagaries of IEEE 754 float math won't hit too hard :-)
I'll add that it would be probably better to use double instead of float. Other than 3d graphics, there are very few fields were using float is a good idea nowadays.
The most trivial method would be counting the digits of b and then divide accordingly:
int i = 10;
while(b > i) // rather slow, there are faster ways
i*= 10;
c = a + static_cast<float>(b)/i;
Note that due to the nature of float the result might not be what you expected. Also, if you want something like 3.004 you can modify the initial value of i to another power of ten.
kindly try this below code after including include math.h and stdlib.h file:
int a=12;
int b=22;
int d=b;
int i=0;
float c;

Find two integers such that their product is close to a given real

I'm looking for an algorithm to find two integer values x,y such that their product is as close as possible to a given double k while their difference is low.
Example: The area of a rectangle is k=21.5 and I want to find the edges length of that rectangle with the constraint that they must be integer, in this case some of the possible solutions are (excluding permutations) (x=4,y=5),(x=3,y=7) and the stupid solution (x=21,y=1)
In fact for the (3,7) couple we have the same difference as for the (21,1) couple
21.5-3*7=0.5 = 21.5-21*1
while for the (4,5) couple
but the couple (4,5) is preferable because their difference is 1, so the rectangle is "more squared".
Is there a method to extract those x,y values for which the difference is minimal and the difference of their product to k is also minimal?
You have to look around square root of the number in question. For 21.5 sqrt(21.5) = 4.6368 and indeed the numbers you found are just around this value.
You want to minimize
the difference of the factors X and Y
the difference of the product X × Y and P.
You have provided an example where these objectives contradict each other. 3 × 7 is closer to 21 than 4 × 5, but the latter factors are more square. Thus, there cannot be any algorithm which minimizes both at the same time.
You can weight the two objectives and transform them into one, and then solve the problem via non-linear integer programming:
min c × |X × Y - P| + d × |X – Y|
subject to X, Y ∈ ℤ
X, Y ≥ 0
where c, d are non-negative numbers that define which objective you value how much.
Take the square root, floor one integer, ceil the other.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main(){
double real_value = 21.5;
int sign = real_value > 0 ? 1 : -1;
int x = std::floor(std::sqrt(std::abs(real_value)));
int y = std::ceil(std::sqrt(std::abs(real_value)));
x *= sign;
std::cout << x << "*" << y << "=" << (x*y) << " ~~ " << real_value << "\n";
return 0;
Note that this approach only gives you a good distance between x and y, for example if real_value = 10 then x=3 and y=4, but the product is 12. If you want to achieve a better distance between the product and the real value you have to adjust the integers and increase their difference.
double best = DBL_MAX;
int a, b;
for (int i = 1; i <= sqrt(k); i++)
int j = round(k/i);
double d = abs(k - i*j);
if (d < best)
best = d;
a = i;
b = j;
Let given double be K.
Take floor of K, let it be F.
Take 2 integer arrays of size F*F. Let they be Ar1, Ar2.
Run loop like this
int z = 0 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= F ; ++i )
for ( int j = 1 ; j <= F ; ++j )
Ar1[z] = i * j ;
Ar2[z] = i - j ;
++ z ;
You got the difference/product pairs for all the possible numbers now. Now assign some 'Priority value' for product being close to value K and some other to the smaller difference. Now traverse these arrays from 0 to F*F and find the pair you required by checking your condition.
For eg. Let being closer to K has priority 1 and being smaller in difference has priority .5. Consider another Array Ar3 of size F*F. Then,
for ( int i = 0 ; i <= F*F ; ++i )
Ar3[i] = (Ar1[i] - K)* 1 + (Ar2[i] * .5) ;
Traverse Ar3 to find the greatest value, that will be the pair you are looking for.