An issue about AS3 Socket connecting to C++ WinSocket - c++

I wrote an AS3 Client Socket in an AIR Project and the other is a C++ Server.
In the C++ Server, I use non-blocking socket type with networking APIs ioctlsocket() and recv().
Every time the AS3 client socket connecting to the C++ Server, it shows the connection is success,
but I got the return vaulue of recv() which is 0 in the next tick right after the successful connection from AS3 client.
According to MSDN, when recv() returns 0, it means the client socket closed gracefully.
But when I test the connection with C++ client socket, it won't happen.
The Client and Server are all at local, so the client is connecting to "", and the port is 5001.

Finally I found that AIR Applications do not need crossdomain.xml, I think it may be my function writing style made the AIR socket's auto disconnect condition. Because I create a socket in another function and then preserve it in a * type object, which might made it be garbage-collection.


Can a tcp client use the same port to a different Server?

I want to write a tcp server and client application, which has several different connections to each other where the client uses the same port number.
So far I understand it, the server has a listener port and when the client calls it, then I get a new socket for this new connection on the server side, when I call
Right? So on Server side I can identify my connection with this new socket and send data through it.
Now my understanding problem with the client side. There I get my socket when I call
so I have only one socket. In the
I can specify remote adress and so on. So when I understand it correctly I can use one socket to make several connects to different adresses/port pairs to create different connections. Right?
But how can I now see in the Client from which logical connection I receive my data or how can I send it when 2 logical connections use the same local port at the client? On serverside I have 2 sockets when I have 2 accept called but what about the client side? For send and receive I have only one socket handle?
Or do I have to call socket() for each logical connection on the client?
I can specify remote adress and so on. So when I understand it correctly I can use one socket to make several connects to different adresses/port pairs to create different connections. Right?
No. A socket is the combination of IP address plus port number.
Or do I have to call socket() for each logical connection on the client?
It seems to me your confusion arises because you think for example that a certain port is used for SMTP connections and a certain port is used for HTTP connections.
Well, that port alone is NOT defining for you a socket to the server. The IP address of the server is changing.
As an example, consider the following scenario:
You want to connection to Stackoverflow:
Your PC – IP1+port 50500 ——– Stackoverflow IP2 + port 80 (standard http port)
That is the combination IP1+50500 = the socket on the client computer and IP2 + port 80 = destination socket on the Stackoverflow server.
Now you want to connect to
your PC – IP1+port 50501 ——– IP3 +port 80 (standard http port)
The combination IP1+50501 = the socket on the client computer and IP3 + port 80 = destination socket on the server.
Better check out Beej's Network Programming to learn more. It is a must-read for anyone working with sockets.
So when I understand it correctly I can use one socket to make several connects to different adresses/port pairs to create different connections. Right?
No. A TCP socket can only be used once. When its connection has finished, or even if connect() just fails to make a connection, you must close the socket and create a new one if you want to make a new connection.
But how can I now see in the Client from which logical connection I receive my data or how can I send it when 2 logical connections use the same local port at the client?
Every TCP connection will have its own unique socket allocated for it. It is your responsibility to keep track of them.
On serverside I have 2 sockets when I have 2 accept called but what about the client side?
The exact same thing happens on the client side, too. You need to create and connect a separate socket for every TCP connection you make. So, you will have a new pair of socket()/connect() calls for every connection.
For send and receive I have only one socket handle?
No, you will have a separate socket for each connection, just like on the server side.
Or do I have to call socket() for each logical connection on the client?
Yes, and connect(), too.
I will not talk about a specific programming language rather I will give a general answer that is applicable for all:
In networking what you care about is the socket (IP+Port) this should be unique whether it is server/client socket or UDP/TCP socket.
For server sockets you must assign a port. For client sockets usually you do not specifically assign a port but it will be assigned by the operating system automatically. However, you can still assign a port to a client socket manually (e.g. in case some port numbers are blocked by the firewall)
In the server process:
you can get the server socket info and the connected client socket info
In the client process:
you can get the client socket info and the server (you want to connect to) socket info (of course you should know the server socket info previously otherwise how will you connect to it).
You can send/receive from/to client sockets. After the server gets the connected client socket it can send/receive through it. Same for the client side it can send/receive through its socket.
The "socket" abstraction is an unfortunate relic of past network stack design. It mixes two different sorts of objects.
A listening socket on the server has a port, and potentially an IP address of the local interface. However, this can also be when listening on all interfaces.
A connected socket is associated with a TCP connection, and therefore has 4 parameters: {local IP, local port, remote IP, remote port}.
Now on the client side, you typically don't care about local IP or local port, so these are locally assigned on connect. And yes, these local parameters can in fact be reused for multiple connections. Only the 4-tuple of {local IP, local port, remote IP, remote port} needs to be unique. The OS will map that unique tuple to your SOCKET.
But since you need a new 4-tuple for every connection, it also follows you need a new SOCKET on both sides, for every connection, on both client and server.

winsock udp connect missing or dropped packets

I am in the process of adding client/server UDP support to thekogans stream library and have run into a problem on Windows. Here is what I am doing;
server udp socket is bound to
server udp socket has IP_PKTINFO = true.
server udp socket has SO_REUSEADDR = true.
server udp socket starts an overlapped WSARecvMsg operation.
client binds to and connects to
client sends a message using WSASend.
server socket receives the message and creates a new UDP socket with the following attributes:
bind to address returned by IP_PKTINFO (
connect to whatever address was returned by WSARecvMsg.
client and the new server UDP socket exchange a bunch of messages (using WSASend and WSARecv).
Here is the behavior I am seeing:
the first connection between client and server works flawlessly.
I then have the client exit and restart.
all other packets from the client are dropped.
if I set a timeout on the new server UDP socket ( and it times out and is closed, then the client can connect again. In other words, the scheme seems to work but only one client at a time. If the server has a concrete (not wildcard) socket created for the same port, no other client can send it messages.
Some more information that may be helpful: The server is async and uses IOCP. This code (using epoll and kqueue) works perfectly on Linux and OS X. I feel like I am missing some flag somewhere that winsock needs set but I can't seem to find it. I have tried googling various search terms but have hit a wall.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

Boost Socket/Acceptor cannot listen/connect on same port?

I am a bit new to Boost, but I am trying to create a Server that can accept connections from a client on a given port. This Server should also be able to write to the client on the same port.
However, when I attempt to implement both using acceptor_.bind()/acceptor_.listen() as well as socket_.connect(*iterator) the async_accept() fails with an invalid function error.
If I only use acceptor_.bind(), acceptor_.listen() I am able to write to the socket (from the Server to the Client) using async_write().
If I only use socket_.connect() (but comment out the acceptor_.bind(), acceptor_.listen()) I am able to read from the socket (data sent from Client to Server) using async_read_some().
Do I need to create a separate socket object or choose another port? I have reuse address enabled set to True.
Why are you trying to connect() to a client that is already connected to your server? Just write to the existing socket that was accepted for that connection.
If you must connect() a second connection to a client (for example, like the FTP protocol does for data transfers), then don't specify a port to bind that socket to. Let the OS decide a suitable port to use.
It seems to be you haven't grasped some basic concepts of network programming, this is unrelated to boost or the Asio library. Generally speaking, servers invoke accept() and clients invoke connect(). The asio examples show this in detail, see
async tcp echo server
blocking tcp echo client
And note that the server invokes
whereas the client invokes

Resetting socket connection

My application connects as a client across an ethernet to a server process.
As the server is well known and will not change, UDP and TCP are both setup using
The connection protocol includes heartbeats sent both ways.
When I detect an error with the connection e.g. hearbeat timeout, I need to reset the connection.
Is it sufficient just to connect() to the NULL address and then re-connect() after a short pause, or should I close the socket and then reinitialise from scratch?
After a socket error you have to discard the one in hand and restart the setup with a new socket.
Winsock documentation, for example:
When a connection between sockets is
broken, the sockets should be
discarded and recreated. When a
problem develops on a connected
socket, the application must discard
and recreate the needed sockets in
order to return to a stable point.
You have to close(2) the socket and re-do everything again. Why do you bind(2) on the client?

client socket sends data but server socket does not receive them. c++ buffered stream?

I am working on a project where a partner provides a service as socket server. And I write client sockets to communicate with it. The communication is two way: I send a request to server and then receive a response from server.
The problem is that I send the data to the server but apparently the server cannot receive the data.
From my side I just use very simple implementation just like the example from
#include <sys/socket.h>
send(socket, request_data, request_length, 0/*flag*/); // I set flag as 0
// now the server should receive my request and send response to me
recv(socket, response_data, response_length, 0);
And it seems that the server socket is implemented with a "binding" to std::iostream and it is buffered stream. (i.e. the socket send/recv is done in iostream::write/read.)
server_socket_io >> receive_data;
server_socket_io << response_data;
Btw, I got a test client from my partner and it is wrapped in a iostream as well. The test socket client can communicate with the server without problem, but it must do iostream::flush() after every socket send.
But I want to just keep it simple not to wrap my socket client in iostream.
I just wonder whether the buffered iostream results in the problem: the data is not processed since the data the client socket sent is just in very small amount and still buffered.
Or could it be my problem? how can I know if I really send out the data? does my client socket also buffer the data?
I have tried some "bad" workaround with TCP_NODELAY but it didn't help!
How can I solve the problem? from client side? or server side?
Should I close the socket after sending request and before receiving response, so that the data will be "flushed" and processed?
or should I wrap my socket in iostream and do flush?
or the server socket should use a "unbuffered" stream?
thanks for any suggestion and advice!
Further to Jay's answer, you can try any network packet sniffer and check whether your packets are getting to the server or not. Have a look at wireshark or tcpdump.
Let's use "divide and conquer" to solve the problem.
First, does the server work?
From your code look up the port number that your server is listening on.
Start your server program.
Run the following command line program to see if the server is really listening:
netstat -an -p tcp
It will produce a list of connections. You should see a connection on your selected port when the server is running. Stop the server and run the command again to ensure the port is no longer in use.
Once you've verified the server is listening try to connect to it using the following command:
telnet your-server-address-here your-port-number-here
telnet will print what your server sends to you on the screen and send what you type back to the sever.
This should give you some good clues.
I had a similar issue once before. My problem was that I never 'accepted' a connection (TCP) on the server inorder to create the stream between server/client. After I accepted the connection on the server side, everything worked as designed.
You should check the firewall settings for both systems. They may not be passing along your data.