How to use the original filename in a multi file template in resharper? - templates

I have a multi file template in resharper and I can use $NAME$ macro to get the name of the original file to use to name the other files in the template. But I also want to use the $NAME$ of the original file in the content of the other file template.
Is this possible? I can't see a macro which seems suitable for the internal variables as onlt the Current File Name seems available.
Anyone know if this is possible or how I might workaround this?

As a workaround, you may create a parameter $FILENAME$ (macro "Current file name without extension") in the first file e.g. in the comments, like:
class Foo
Then you may call this parameter in other files of the multifile template - this parameter will contain the name of the first file since the first file will be generated before other ones.

Unfortunately, there isn't a macro that will give you this. I've added a feature request that you can vote on and track (and more specific detail as to what your requirements are would be useful) -
It is possible to write your own macros as part of a plugin, but there isn't a sure-fire way of getting the name of the first document in the created file set. The IHotspotSessionContext instance that is passed to the macro via IHotspotSession.Context property includes an enumerable of IDocument, from which you can get IDocument.Moniker, which will be the full path for file based documents. However, there's no guarantee of the order of the enumerable - it's backed by a hashset. You might be able to rely on implementation details (small set, no removes) to be able to use the first document as the original, but there is really no guarantee of this.


Custom config file for components

I am interested in creating a config.cfc which I want to use in differenct components.
in PHP one can create a config.php file which simply return an array. and in other php files this can be included like
use config.php
Can I simple include a .cfm file in any .cfc component? of a config.cfc which simply returns a STRUCT?
I'm not sure how to answer your question because I don't fully understand what you're trying to accomplish. In one sentence you need to return an array and in another sentence you need to return a struct. If you're looking to create a config.cfc your method(s) can return either datatype (array or struct).
To answer your other question, yes you can include a .cfm file within a .cfc. I've done it in the past, although it's not best practice.
What I would suggest instead, in your config.cfc, create any needed methods then use CreateObject() in your calling .cfm or .cfc for usage.
I have seen several projects that use a .cfm file as a config file and it sets a Coldfusion struct variable with setting values. Using cfinclude will then load the file and set a config variable (usually a struct). It could just as easily set an array although I think structs would be more flexible. There is usually logic in the code to cfinclude the config.cfm file once and store the setting in the application scope.
Another option is to use a .json file that contains the same kind of thing but in JSON format. Here's an example of an open source project that does that:
The controlling code reads the file and uses deserializeJSON() to convert it to a ColdFusion struct. Since it is open source you could download this project and see exactly how it is working.
Yes, you can cfinclude a .cfm from a .cfc file.

How do I provide default YAML configuration values in a static library?

I have a configuration file system written in C++ which uses the yaml-cpp library to parse and write to YAML files. I have this as part of my static library.
I would like the ability to return a default value for a field that is requested by a user of the library (calling from their code), but which has not been defined in the user's YAML file.
For example say the user wants to use the field foo from their custom config.yaml file:
int bar =<int>( "config.yaml", "foo" );
If they have foo: 10 in their config.yaml then bar will be set to 10. However I would also like to provide a default value (for example 4) in the case where foo is omitted from config.yaml.
There are two possibilities I have thought of:
Have a set of static maps between field names and default values in a cpp file which gets compiled into the static library, however I will need to have different maps for different types and I feel this could get messy with type checking and maybe requiring template specialization methods.
Have a YAML file which contains all of the default values for expected fields, which the configuration system falls back on if it cannot find the field in the user's config file. I think this would be the preferred solution for me, but I cannot think of a neat way of packaging this YAML file. I would rather the user didn't have to copy or point to this file each time they set up a new project linking the static library.
I would provide the defaults in a YAML file in a global (i.e. non-user specific place) and allow to override the values with user-specific ones.
Consider just throwing an error if the global defaults are missing an entry, this will not happen by accident.
The global defaults you can put in /etc/default/YOUBLIBNAME.yaml. The user's configuration nowadays mostly follows the XDG base directory specification. For that use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/YOURLIBNAME/config.yaml if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set in the environment, if not set use $HOME/.config/YOURLIBNAME/config.yaml.
If your library has to work under Windows, I would put the user specific data under %APPDATA% in a subdir YOURBLINAME.

How can I give a custom file names to a code file in

I am using ideone as online c++ compiler. When I save a code, ideone gives a random name such as
which might be confusing later on (when I want to open a specific code). I want to change that name or give a custom name at the time of writing/saving the code. How can I do that?
Edit: Labeling or creating custom links may be slightly useful but they are not what I need exactly! I need to modify the file name.
I am no ideone power-user, but there does not seem to be any simple way to change the name of a source code file.
However, there is a note field immediately to the right of the file name in the list of files. You could use this field to enter the appropriate file name:
This seems to be a case where a link-only answer is appropriate ;)

Is there anyway to rename the "Source" button to something like "HTML"?

Is there anyway to rename the "Source" button to something like "HTML", I ask this as users are confused at how to add html code using the editor?
Yes, inside of the "lang" folder you will see all of the various language files.
For my case, and probably yours, You will want to edit the file "en.js". The file is "compressed" to some degree so it may be difficult to read, but it's still not too difficult to change one string. If you do plan on changing multiple strings you will most likely want to use a service to format Javascript.
Search for the following segment of code. It was one of the very last lines in the file.
change it to
Avoid This Method Unless Required
And as for a very unsuggested method, since you can't modify the language files for some reason, you can modify the ckeditor.js file and force a specific label.
Inside of "ckeditor.js" change the line below
to the follow code
The only thing modified is the "label" value in the above line. We remove the reference to the a.language.sourcearea.toolbar and insert a string in it's place instead.

How to override the default text in MATLAB

In MATLAB, when you click File -> New -> Function M-File, you get a file with the following contents:
function [ output_args ] = Untitled( input_args )
%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
Is it possible to override this behaviour, and specify your own text?
(The motivation is that I'm trying to persuade my colleagues to document their m-files more thoroughly, and having default text for them to fill in might encourage them.)
I didn't even know File->New->Function did that.
The way I solved the issue was to write a function that you call via
>>newFunction myNewFunctionName
It then
pops up an inputdlg window, which asks the user for the synopsis and the H1 line and allows to already write help to explain input and output arguments. There, the user also selects whether myNewFunctionName is a function or a class in order to choose the right header and 'function call'
checks whether a function of the same name exists already
asks for a folder to save the function, and
opens the function in the editor
The header is set up so that it's easy to fill in info about input and output. It also automatically lists the username of the person who created the file as well as the date and the Matlab version.
For new classes, the template function automatically makes sure that they subclass my general superclass that implements methods such as 'help' (which calls doc(class(obj)) )
Now if the template functionwould also write the algorithm part of the function, it would be really convenient. :)
Here's a link to the function on the file exchange.
I would suggest making your own default m-file template, called default.m for example, and placing it in a folder on the MATLAB path where your colleagues can access it. You should then set the file to be read-only. Your colleagues can then execute any one of the following commands in the MATLAB Command Window when they want to create a new function m-file:
open default.m
edit default.m
The functions OPEN and EDIT will open a file in the MATLAB Editor. Since the file default.m is read-only, if anyone tries to save over it they will get a dialog box warning them as such and asking them to save to a new file (or overwrite it). That should keep them from accidentally modifying the template.
I searched through all text files starting from matlabroot folder, but could not find that template. Seems it's hard-coded, which is weird.
I like Jonas approach. As my two cents, you can download a function (not mine) doing similar things with some customization from here.
After more pondering, I've come up with a solution that I'm happy with, combining Jonas' and gnovice's answers. It's a function that creates a new m-file (with template documentation), and opens it in the editor. It is available from the Matlab Central File Exchange.