SFDC Apex Code: Access class level static variable from "Future" method - web-services

I need to do a callout to webservice from my ApexController class. To do this, I have an asycn method with attribute #future (callout=true). The webservice call needs to refeence an object that gets populated in save call from VF page.
Since, static (future) calls does not all objects to be passed in as method argument, I was planning to add the data in a static Map and access that in my static method to do a webservice call out. However, the static Map object is getting re-initalized and is null in the static method.
I will really appreciate if anyone can give me some pointeres on how to address this issue.
Here is the code snipped:
private static Map<String, WidgetModels.LeadInformation> leadsMap;
public PageReference save() {
if(leadsMap == null){
leadsMap = new Map<String, WidgetModels.LeadInformation>();
//make async call to Widegt Webservice
//async call to widge webserivce
#future (callout=true)
public static void saveWidgetCallInformation(String guid) {
WidgetModels.LeadInformation cachedLeadInfo =
//call websevice

#future is totally separate execution context. It won't have access to any history of how it was called (meaning all static variables are reset, you start with fresh governor limits etc. Like a new action initiated by the user).
The only thing it will "know" is the method parameters that were passed to it. And you can't pass whole objects, you need to pass primitives (Integer, String, DateTime etc) or collections of primitives (List, Set, Map).
If you can access all the info you need from the database - just pass a List<Id> for example and query it.
If you can't - you can cheat by serializing your objects and passing them as List<String>. Check the documentation around JSON class or these 2 handy posts:
Side note - can you rethink your flow? If the starting point is Visualforce you can skip the #future step. Do the callout first and then the DML (if needed). That way the usual "you have uncommitted work pending" error won't be triggered. This thing is there not only to annoy developers ;) It's there to make you rethink your design. You're asking the application to have open transaction & lock on the table(s) for up to 2 minutes. And you're giving yourself extra work - will you rollback your changes correctly when the insert went OK but callout failed?
By reversing the order of operations (callout first, then the DML) you're making it simpler - there was no save attempt to DB so there's nothing to roll back if the save fails.


Emberjs inside of get computed making request to backend multiple times cause infinite loop

I have a table basically in every row i have get function that makes a backend request with store service. But somehow when there is one row it works expect, but when there is multiple rows it always try to recalculate get function which makes sending infinite request to backend. I am using glimmer component
I cannot use model relation on ember side at this point, there is deep chain on backend side. Thats why i am making backend request.
get <function_name>() {
return this.store.query('<desired_model_name>', { <dependent1_id>: <dependent1_id_from_args>, <dependent2_id>: <dependent2_id_from_args> });
I fixed this problem with using constructor. But do you have any idea why this get function re-calculate all the time? Dependent_ids are constant.
Weird thing is when results are [] empty array it does not re calculate every time. Even the query results are same it still try to recalculate every time and making infinite request to backend.
But do you have any idea why this get function re-calculate all the time?
When something like this happens, it's because you're reading #tracked data that is changed later (maybe when the query finishes).
because getters are re-ran every access, you'll want to throw #cached on top of it,
// cached is available in ember-source 4.1+
// or as early as 3.13 via polyfill:
// https://github.com/ember-polyfills/ember-cached-decorator-polyfill
import { cached } from '#glimmer/tracking';
// ...
get <function_name>() {
return this.store.query(/* ... */);
this ensures a stable object reference on the getter that the body of the getter only re-evaluates if tracked data accessed within the getter is changed.
Weird thing is when results are [] empty array it does not re calculate every time. Even the query results are same it still try to recalculate every time and making infinite request to backend.
Given this observation, it's possible that when query finishes, that it's changing tracked data that it, itself is consuming during initial render -- in which case, you'd still have an infinite loop, even with #cached (because tracked-data is changing that was accessed during render).
To get around that is fairly hard in a getter.
Using a constructor is an ok solution for getting your initial data, but it means you opt out of reactive updates with your query (if you need those, like if the query changes or anything).
If you're using ember-source 3.25+ and you're wanting something a little easier to work with, maybe ember-data-resourecs suits your needs
the above code would be:
import { query } from 'ember-data-resources';
// ...
// in the class body
data = query(this, 'model name', () => ({ query stuff }));
docs here
This builds off some primitives from ember-resources which implement the Resource pattern, which will be making a strong appearance in the next edition of Ember.

Akka get response as ComletedStage from actor

I am referring to api
Patters.ask(actor, msg, duration);
here is sample
class MyActor extends AbstractBehavior{
interface Command{}
interface SomeMessage implements Command{ INSTANCE}
public Reveive<Comamnd> receive(){
return newReceiveBuilder().onMessage(SomeMessage.class, this::someMessage).build();
private Behavior<Command> someMessage(SomeMessage ref){
System.out.println("Dru lalal");
ActorRef<MyActor.Command> myActor = ...;
Future<Object> future = Patterns.ask(myActor, SomeMessage.INSTANCE, Duration.ofMillis(10000));
What is gone be object ?
Obviously this won't compile. Some part of picture is missing, but javadoc doesn't state what.
Call "Patterns.ask" suppose to return future with object, those value is provided by actor as business logic. But there is not business logic in actor. I assume there is suppose to be some kind of convention or mapping for method that returns value with what "Patters.ask" triggers.
Same is true about back logic. I will not able to define receiver since it expect to return Receiver not SomeObject and thus, api want't let me bind result to some message. Only thing I can do is manually pass ComputableFuture
ComputableFuture<MyOBject> future = new ComputableFuture<>();
myActor.tell(new Message(future));
private Behavior<Command> someMessage(Message message){
var result = compute();
And here we go, I have manually manage everything, also issues with passing non serializable message, lifecycle of objects and so on.
Wrong objects is used. Instead of "AskPattern.ask" for new java typed dsl, I used classic "Patterns.ask".
Most of times new api objects has same object name but located in different package. I used to check only package name becouse while playing with in IDE they always next to each other since name is the same. I got used to ignore the classic "com.akka" objects while playing with api.
And here I got into trap, object name is different and not placed in IDE next to "classic" package object.

How should I do post persist/update actions in doctrine 2.1, that involves re-saving to the db?

Using doctrine 2.1 (and zend framework 1.11, not that it matters for this matter), how can I do post persist and post update actions, that involves re-saving to the db?
For example, creating a unique token based on the just generated primary key' id, or generating a thumbnail for an uploaded image (which actually doesn't require re-saving to the db, but still) ?
EDIT - let's explain, shall we ?
The above is actually a question regarding two scenarios. Both scenarios relate to the following state:
Let's say I have a User entity. When the object is flushed after it has been marked to be persisted, it'll have the normal auto-generated id of mysql - meaning running numbers normally beginning at 1, 2, 3, etc..
Each user can upload an image - which he will be able to use in the application - which will have a record in the db as well. So I have another entity called Image. Each Image entity also has an auto-generated id - same methodology as the user id.
Now - here is the scenarios:
When a user uploads an image, I want to generate a thumbnail for that image right after it is saved to the db. This should happen for every new or updated image.
Since we're trying to stay smart, I don't want the code to generate the thumbnail to be written like this:
$image = new Image();
but rather I want it to occur automatically on the persisting of the object (well, flush of the persisted object), like the prePersist or preUpdate methods.
Since the user uploaded an image, he get's a link to it. It will probably look something like: http://www.mysite.com/showImage?id=[IMAGEID].
This allows anyone to just change the imageid in this link, and see other user's images.
So in order to prevent such a thing, I want to generate a unique token for every image. Since it doesn't really need to be sophisticated, I thought about using the md5 value of the image id, with some salt.
But for that, I need to have the id of that image - which I'll only have after flushing the persisted object - then generate the md5, and then saving it again to the db.
Understand that the links for the images are supposed to be publicly accessible so I can't just allow an authenticated user to view them by some kind of permission rules.
You probably know already about Doctrine events. What you could do:
Use the postPersist event handler. That one occurs after the DB insert, so the auto generated ids are available.
The EventManager class can help you with this:
class MyEventListener
public function postPersist(LifecycleEventArgs $eventArgs)
// in a listener you have the entity instance and the
// EntityManager available via the event arguments
$entity = $eventArgs->getEntity();
$em = $eventArgs->getEntityManager();
if ($entity instanceof User) {
// do some stuff
$eventManager = $em->getEventManager():
$eventManager->addEventListener(Events::postPersist, new MyEventListener());
Be sure to check e. g. if the User already has an Image, otherwise if you call flush in the event listener, you might be caught in an endless loop.
Of course you could also make your User class aware of that image creation operation with an inline postPersist eventHandler and add #HasLifecycleCallbacks in your mapping and then always flush at the end of the request e. g. in a shutdown function, but in my opinion this kind of stuff belongs in a separate listener. YMMV.
If you need the entity id before flushing, just after creating the object, another approach is to generate the ids for the entities within your application, e. g. using uuids.
Now you can do something like:
class Entity {
public function __construct()
$this->id = uuid_create();
Now you have an id already set when you just do:
$e = new Entity();
And you only need to call EntityManager::flush at the end of the request
In the end, I listened to #Arms who commented on the question.
I started using a service layer for doing such things.
So now, I have a method in the service layer which creates the Image entity. After it calls the persist and flush, it calls the method that generates the thumbnail.
The Service Layer pattern is a good solution for such things.

NHibernate Load vs. Get behavior for testing

In simple tests I can assert whether an object has been persisted by whether it's Id is no longer at it's default value. But delete an object and want to check whether the object and perhaps its children are really not in the database, the object Id's will still be at their saved values.
So I need to go to the db, and I would like a helper assertion to make the tests more readable, which is where the question comes in. I like the idea of using Load to save the db call, but I'm wondering if the ensuing exceptions can corrupt the session.
Below are how the two assertions would look, I think. Which would you use?
public static void AssertIsTransient<T>(this T instance, ISession session)
where T : Entity
if (instance.IsTransient()) return;
var found = session.Get<T>(instance.Id);
if (found != null) Assert.Fail(string.Format("{0} has persistent id '{1}'", instance, instance.Id));
public static void AssertIsTransient<T>(this T instance, ISession session)
where T : Entity
if (instance.IsTransient()) return;
var found = session.Load<T>(instance.Id);
if (found != null) Assert.Fail(string.Format("{0} has persistent id '{1}'", instance, instance.Id));
catch (GenericADOException)
// nothing
catch (ObjectNotFoundException)
// nothing
In either case I would be doing the fetch (Get or Load) in a new session, free of state from the session that did the save or delete.
I am trying to test cascade behavior, NOT to test NHib's ability to delete things, but maybe I am over thinking this one or there is a simpler way I haven't thought of.
Your code in the 'Load'-section will always hit Assert.Fail, but never throw an exception as Load<T> will return a proxy (with the Id-property set - or populated from the 1st level cache) without hitting the DB - ie. ISession.Load will only fail, if you access a property other than your Id-property on a deleted entity.
As for your 'Get'-section - I might be mistaken, but I think that if you delete an entity in a session - and later try to use .Get in the same session - you will get the one in 1st level cache - and again not return null.
See this post for the full explanation about .Load and .Get.
If you really need to see if it is in your DB - use a IStatelessSession - or launch a child-ISession (which will have an empty 1st level cache.
EDIT: I thought of a bigger problem - your entity will first be deleted when the transaction is committed (when the session is flushed per default) - so unless you manually flush your session (not recommended), you will still have it in your DB.
Hope this helps.

Asynchronous network calls

I made a class that has an asynchronous OpenWebPage() function. Once you call OpenWebPage(someUrl), a handler gets called - OnPageLoad(reply). I have been using a global variable called lastAction to take care of stuff once a page is loaded - handler checks what is the lastAction and calls an appropriate function. For example:
this->lastAction == "homepage";
void OnPageLoad(reply)
if(this->lastAction == "homepage")
this->lastAction = "login";
this->Login(); // POSTs a form and OnPageLoad gets called again
else if(this->lastAction == "login")
this->PostLogin(); // Checks did we log in properly, sets lastAction as new topic and goes to new topic URL
else if(this->lastAction == "new topic")
this->WriteTopic(); // Does some more stuff ... you get the point
Now, this is rather hard to write and keep track of when we have a large number of "actions". When I was doing stuff in Python (synchronously) it was much easier, like:
OpenWebPage("http://hardwarebase.net") // Stores the loaded page HTML in self.page
OpenWebpage("http://hardwarebase.net/login", {"user": username, "pw": password}) // POSTs a form
if(self.page == ...): // now do some more checks etc.
// do something more
Imagine now that I have a queue class which holds the actions: homepage, login, new topic. How am I supposed to execute all those actions (in proper order, one after one!) via the asynchronous callback? The first example is totally hard-coded obviously.
I hope you understand my question, because frankly I fear this is the worst question ever written :x
P.S. All this is done in Qt.
You are inviting all manner of bugs if you try and use a single member variable to maintain state for an arbitrary number of asynchronous operations, which is what you describe above. There is no way for you to determine the order that the OpenWebPage calls complete, so there's also no way to associate the value of lastAction at any given time with any specific operation.
There are a number of ways to solve this, e.g.:
Encapsulate web page loading in an immutable class that processes one page per instance
Return an object from OpenWebPage which tracks progress and stores the operation's state
Fire a signal when an operation completes and attach the operation's context to the signal
You need to add "return" statement in the end of every "if" branch: in your code, all "if" branches are executed in the first OnPageLoad call.
Generally, asynchronous state mamangment is always more complicated that synchronous. Consider replacing lastAction type with enumeration. Also, if OnPageLoad thread context is arbitrary, you need to synchronize access to global variables.