Skip an entry of a random iterator - c++

Suppose we have a function foo that does something
to all the elements between *firsta and *lastb:
foo(RandomAccessIterator1 firsta,RandomAccessIterator1 lasta){
for (RandomAccessIterator1 it=firsta;it!=lasta+1;it++){
//here stuff happens...
question a): is there a way to skip an index firsta<i<lastb by only
modifying the inputs to foo --e.g. the random iterators,
in other words without changing foo itself, just its input?
--Unfortunately the index I want to skip are not in the edges
(they are often deep between firsta and lasta) and foo
is a complicated divide&conquer algorithm that's not amenable
to being called on subsets of the original array the iterators
are pointing to.
question b): if doing a) is possible, what's the cost of doing that?
constant or does it depend on (lasta-firsta)?

The best way to do this would be to use an iterator that knows how to skip that element. A more generalized idea though, is an iterator that simply iterates over two separate ranges under the hood. I don't know of anything in boost that does this, so, here's one I just whipped up:
Unfortunately, the code to detect which element to skip adds a teeny tiny amount of overhead to each and every iterator increment, so the overhead is technically proportional to lasta-firsta. Realistically, using this wrapper around a vector::iterator or a char* should bring it roughly to the same performance level as std::deque::iterator, so it's not like this should be a major slowdown.

The answer might be a bit picky, but you could call foo(firsta,i-1) and foo(i+1,lastb) or something similar to have the desired effect.


Finding container values span (with early exit)

Given a vector of (random) numbers, I'm looking for the magnitude difference between the smallest element and the largest element. The STL has the minmax_element function for this purpose. Depending on the result, I would like to perform some action in my code, i.e., if the difference is large enough, I would like to do stuff.
Right now, my code looks as follow:
auto res = std::minmax_element(vec.begin(), vec.end());
if (std::abs(*res.second - *res.first) > threshold)
// do stuff
This algorithm works in principle. However, in most of my cases the if condition will be fulfilled. I would even bet in most of my cases I can simply compare the first and the second element in my vector in order to check the if condition and do stuff.
Having said this, it seems a bit odd that I run through the whole vector all the time, although I mostly don't have to. Is there a STL-algorithm, which takes the early exit into, or has someone an appropriate STL algorithm solution in mind. I could easily write a hand-crafted for-loop with an early exit in order to do what I want, but maybe there are better options.

C++ Counting Map

Recently I was dealing with what I am sure is a very common problem, which essentially boils down into the following:
Given a long text, calculate the frequency of each word occurring in the text.
I was able to solve this problem using std::unordered_map. This, however, turned quite ugly, as for every word in the text, if that's already been encountered I had to do a find, erase, and then a re-insert into the map with the value incremented.
I realise there are other ways of doing this, such as using a hashing function on top of a vanilla array/vector and increment value there, but I was wondering if there was a more elegant way of solving this problem, like an STL component, or function. that would have a similar interface to Pythons Counter collections.
I know C++ being C++ I can't really expect such high level concepts to always be implemented for me, but was just wondering if you guys new about anything (or at least your Googling skills are superior to mine) which could make my code a little nicer.
I'm not quite sure why an std::unordered_map (or just std::map) would involve much complexity. I'd write the code something like this:
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> words;
std::string word;
while (word = getword(input))
There's no need for any kind of find/erase/reinsert.
In case it's not clear how/why this works: operator[] will create an entry for a value if none exists yet in the map. The associated value will be a value-initialized object of the specified type, which will be zero in the case of an int (or similar). We then increment that every time we encounter the word.
An alternative solution:
std::multiset<std::string> m;
for (auto w: words) m.insert(w);
m.count("some word");
The advantage is that you don't have to rely on the 'trick' with operator[], making the code more readable.
EDIT: As Kerrek pointed out in the comments, this solution is slower. multiset stores all the elements you insert, even if they are deemed equal (they might still differ in some aspect that operator== does not check). This causes a significant overhead compared to unordered_map<std::string, int>, which only has to store each word once.
(As a side note, processing the complete works of William Shakespeare using the map solution takes about 0.33s on my machine, as opposed to 0.78s for the multiset solution.)

Remove duplicates algorithm

I'm trying to write an algorithm to remove duplicates from a vector<struct xxxx*>.
struct xxxx{
int value; // This is just to make you understand
xxxx* one;
xxxx* two;
As you see my struct it's like a tree but the pointers are not in order. The pointers can point to any(actually not any but most) of the others. And the vector doesn't contain the structs but pointers, so I couldn't use the std algorithms to help me neither.
I'm trying to delete duplicates with exactly same value and the same two pointers, but in the same time if I have two similar structs (Let's say A and B) and or C.two points to B. Then I need to change it to A and viceversa.
In other words: if A == B then remove B and change to point A.
I think I can write the brute-force, so if there's no better algorithm I'll write it by myself.
Yesterday, I tried to explain the reasonable approach to a very similar problem to a coworker who had used an N squared solution to an N log N problem.
First create a helper struct, that is basically a wrapper around an xxxx* with a comparison operator checking the contents (not the pointer value) and probably with some other utility functions. This wrapper struct isn't strictly needed vs. just using xxxx*, but from experience, I think it makes the task cleaner.
Create a std::set of those helper structs, into which you will only insert unique elements, and likely another set into which you will insert recursively unresolved elements.
Loop through the original vector and at each position recurse through its children. If you hit a child already in the unique set, that is a final value for that child pointer. If you hit a child that matches a unique element without being the one it matches, then fix the pointer that got you there. If there is also the possibility of null pointers that should bottom the recursion, and if loops are possible you need to detect them (with that recursively unresolved set) and some decision about what to do with a loop. At some point you hit resolved unique elements and add that to the unique set.
The performance and maybe even soundness of the idea depends on the depth and complexity of the loops and what you want to do with loops. There are some messy cases where a loop would map onto another loop, but detecting that could be very tricky. If your phase "like a tree" meant "no loops" then the recursion bottoms cleanly and efficiently without the extra complexity of explicitly managing the recursively unresolved elements.
Obviously I left out some of the grunt work detail around detecting unique / non-unique as you back out of the recursion and around detecting "already did it during an earlier recursion" as you hit an item in the main loop above the recursion. But all those details should be pretty obvious as you write the relevant parts of the code.
Edit: To understand how few node visits there are despite nesting a recursion inside a sequential loop, think from the point of view of the pointers. We follow each pointer at most once (some duplicates are pre detected without following their pointers). For N nodes, there are N top level pointers (if I understood your description correctly) and significantly less than 2N internal pointers (the more tree-like it is, the closer it will be to N-1 internal pointers, rather than 2N). So each node is visited on average less than 3 times and a minority of those visits require both the pre lookup and the post recursion lookup, and each lookup is log U where U is the number of unique items found up to that point. So we can trivially see a bound of 6 N log N.

stl map performance?

I am using map<MyStruct, I*> map1;. Apparently 9% of my total app time is spent in there. Specifically on one line of one of my major functions. The map isn't very big (<1k almost always, <20 is common).
Is there an alternative implementation i may want to use? I think i shouldn't write my own but i could if i thought it was a good idea.
Additional info: I always check before adding an element. If a key exist I need to report a problem. Than after a point i will be using map heavily for lookups and will not add any more elements.
First you need to understand what a map is and what the operations that you are doing represent. A std::map is a balanced binary tree, lookup will take O( log N ) operations, each of which is a comparison of the keys plus some extra that you can ignore in most cases (pointer management). Insertion takes roughly the same time to locate the point of insertion, plus allocation of the new node, the actual insertion into the tree and rebalancing. The complexity is again O( log N ) although the hidden constants are higher.
When you try to determine whether an key is in the map prior to insertion you are incurring the cost of the lookup and if it does not succeed, the same cost to locate the point of insertion. You can avoid the extra cost by using std::map::insert that return a pair with an iterator and a bool telling you whether the insertion actually happened or the element was already there.
Beyond that, you need to understand how costly it is to compare your keys, which falls out of what the question shows (MyStruct could hold just one int or a thousand of them), which is something you need to take into account.
Finally, it might be the case that a map is not the most efficient data structure for your needs, and you might want to consider using either an std::unordered_map (hash table) that has expected constant time insertions (if the hash function is not horrible) or for small data sets even a plain ordered array (or std::vector) on which you can use binary search to locate the elements (this will reduce the number of allocations, at the cost of more expensive insertions, but if the held types are small enough it might be worth it)
As always with performance, measure and then try to understand where the time is being spent. Also note that a 10% of the time spent in a particular function or data structure might be a lot or almost nothing at all, depending on what your application is. For example, if your application is just performing lookups and insertions into a data set, and that takes only a 10% of the CPU you have a lot to optimize everywhere else!
Probably it will be quicker to just do an insert and check if the pair.second is false if key already exists:
like this
if ( myMap.insert( make_pair( MyStruct, I* ) ).second == false)
// report error
// inserted new value
... rather than doing a find call every time.
Instead of map you could try unordered_map which uses hash keys, instead of a tree, to find elements. This answer gives some hints when to prefer unordered_map over map.
It might be a long shot, but for small collections, sometimes the most critical factor is the cache performance.
Since std::map implements a Red-Black Tree, which is [AFAIK] not very cache-efficient - maybe implementing the map as a std::vector<pair<MyStruct,I*>> would be a good idea, and use binary search there [instead of map look-ups], at the very least it should be efficient once you start only looking up [stop inserting elements], since the std::vector is more likely to fit in cache than the map.
This factor [cpu-cache] is usually neglected and hidden as constant in the big O notation, but for large collections it might have major effect.
The way you are using the map, you're doing lookups on the basis of a MyStruct instance and depending on your particular implementation, the required comparison may or may not be costly.
Is there an alternative implementation i may want to use? I think i shouldn't write my own but i could if i thought it was a good idea.
If you understand the problem well enough, you should detail how your implementation will be superior.
Is map the proper structure? If so, then your standard library's implementation will likely be of good quality (well optimized).
Can MyStruct comparison be simplified?
Where is the problem -- resizing? lookup?
Have you minimized copy and assign costs for your structures?
As stated in the comments, without proper code, there is little universal answers to give you. However, if MyStruct is really huge the stack copying may be costly. Perhaps it makes sense to store pointers to MyStruct and implement your own compare mechanism:
template <typename T> struct deref_cmp {
bool operator()(std::shared_ptr<T> lhs, std::shared_ptr<T> rhs) const {
return *lhs < *rhs;
std::map<std::shared_ptr<MyStruct>, I*, deref_cmp<MyStruct>> mymap;
However, this is something you will have to profile. It might speed things up.
You would look up an element like this
template <typename T> struct NullDeleter {
void operator()(T const*) const {}
// needle being a MyStruct
Needless to say, there is more potential to optimise.

Searching a C++ Vector<custom_class> for the first/last occurence of a value

I'm trying to work out the best method to search a vector of type "Tracklet" (a class I have built myself) to find the first and last occurrence of a given value for one of its variables. For example, I have the following classes (simplified for this example):
class Tracklet {
TimePoint *start;
TimePoint *end;
int angle;
Tracklet(CvPoint*, CvPoint*, int, int);
class TimePoint {
int x, y, t;
TimePoint(int, int, int);
TimePoint(CvPoint*, int);
// Relevant getters and setters exist here
I have a vector "vector<Tracklet> tracklets" and I need to search for any tracklets with a given value of "t" for the end timepoint. The vector is ordered in terms of end time (i.e. tracklet.end->t).
I'm happy to code up a search algorithm, but am unsure of which route to take with it. I'm not sure binary search would be suitable, as I seem to remember it won't necessarily find the first. I was thinking of a method where I use binary search to find an index of an element with the correct time, then iterate back to find the first and forward to find the last. I'm sure there's a better way than that, since it wastes binary searches O(log n) by iterating.
Hopefully that makes sense: I struggled to explain it a bit!
If the vector is sorted and contains the value, std::lower_bound will give you an iterator to the first element with a given value and std::upper_bound will give you an iterator to one element past the last one containing the value. Compare the value with the returned element to see if it existed in the vector. Both these functions use binary search, so time is O(logN).
To compare on tracklet.end->t, use:
bool compareTracklets(const Tracklet &tr1, const Tracklet &tr2) {
return (tr1.end->t < tr2.end->t);
and pass compareTracklets as the fourth argument to lower_bound or upper_bound
I'd just use find and find_end, and then do something more complicated only if testing showed it to be too slow.
If you're really concerned about lookup performance, you might consider a different data structure, like a map with timestamp as the key and a vector or list of elements as the value.
A binary search seems like your best option here, as long as your vector remains sorted. It's essentially identical, performance-wise, to performing a lookup in a binary tree-structure.
dirkgently referred to a sweet optimization comparative. But I would in fact not use a std::vector for this.
Usually, when deciding to use a STL container, I don't really consider the performance aspect, but I do consider its interface regarding the type of operation I wish to use.
Really, if you want an ordered sequence, outside of a key/value setup, std::set is just easier to use than any other.
You don't have to worry about inserting at a 'bad' position
You don't have problems of iterators invalidation when adding / removing an element
You have built-in methods for searching
Of course, you also want your Comparison Predicate to really shine (hopes the compiler inlines the operator() implementation), in every case.
But really, if you are not convinced, try a build with a std::vector and manual insertion / searching (using the <algorithm> header) and try another build using std::set.
Compare the size of the implementations (number of lines of code), compare the number of bugs, compare the speed, and then decide.
Most often, the 'optimization' you aim for is actually a pessimization, and in those rares times it's not, it's just so complicated that it's not worth it.
Expert only: Don't, we mean it
The vector is ordered in terms of time
The start time or the end time?
What is wrong with a naive O(n) search? Remember you are only searching and not sorting. You could use a sorted container as well (if that doesn't go against the basic design).