How to get full url of a article by it's ID in joomla? - joomla2.5

I have article id, How can I get valid full url of this article? This article already associated with menu but I might not know, is there any easy way in php to get url? I am using joomla 3.2
I tried following already.
$article = ControllerLegacy::getInstance('Content')->getModel('Article')->getItem($article‌​Id);

You can use like this
$article = JControllerLegacy::getInstance('Content')
$url = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($articleId,

I am writing this because I think this information is useful to all other users who want full current URL anywhere in Joomla not only in articles.
In Joomla use JURIclass to get URLs.
Functions like root(), current() & base() will be used according to the need.
echo 'Joomla root URI is ' . JURI::root();
output:-Joomla root URI is http://localhost/joomla/
echo 'Joomla current URI is ' . JURI::current();
output:-Joomla current URI is http://localhost/joomla3/index.php/somealias
Note:- current() will give the whole URI except the query string part, for example,
IF your full URL is http://localhost/joomla3/index.php/somealias?id=1 then current() will only return this-> http://localhost/joomla3/index.php/somealias
While, if you use JURI::getInstance()->toString() then it will return this->
For more information see these links->

Maybe the JURI (from Joomla! API) help you:
echo 'Joomla current URI is ' . JURI::current() . "\n";
might output
Joomla base URI is http://localhost/joomla/
JURI class


How to use variable at start of django url to return to view?

I am trying to pass the first part of a django url to a view, so I can filter my results by the term in the url.
Looking at the documentation, it seems quite straightforward.
However, I have the following
url('<colcat>/collection/(?P<name>[\w\-]+)$', views.collection_detail, name='collection_detail'),
url('<colcat>/', views.collection_view, name='collection_view'),
In this case, I want to be able to go to /living and have living be passed to my view so that I can use it to filter by.
When trying this however, no matter what url I put it isn't being matched, and I get an error saying the address I put in could not be matched to any urls.
What am I missing?
<colcat> is not a valid regex. You need to use the same format as you have for name.
url('(?P<colcat>[\w\-]+)/collection/(?P<name>[\w\-]+)$', views.collection_detail, name='collection_detail'),
url('(?P<colcat>[\w\-]+)/$', views.collection_view, name='collection_view'),
Alternatively, use the new path form which will be much simpler:
path('<str:colcat>/collection/<str:name>', views.collection_detail, name='collection_detail'),
path('<str:colcat>/', views.collection_view, name='collection_view'),

express router not working with routes that include regex

I'm new to node and unable to create a simple route which will include regex as on of the parameter
// student.js - route file for route /student
app.get('/student/:/^[a-z0-9-]+$/', function(req,res){
res.send('student found');
when i hit localhost:3000/student/student-slug it says Cannot GET /student/student-slug
two more question
1) how to get param which is of regex, usually we can do this var _student = res.param.student_name but i'm unable to think for the regex
2) how to set optional param, let's say for pagination, route is like
/list/students/ will show list of last x student but /list/students/48 will offset that value to 48th row
this question may be duplicate but i'm unable to find answer
You need to encode the uri string before pass to request and decode it in your route handler.
Usage is very clear:
And for decoding use:
check the official documentation here
also do checkout this blog post on escape vs encode vs encodeURIComponent

Using WWW::Mechanize to scrape multiple pages under a directory - Perl

I'm working on a project to site scrape every interview found here into an HTML ready document to be later dumped into a DB which will automatically update our website with the latest content. You can see an example of my current site scraping script which I asked a question about the other day: WWW::Mechanize Extraction Help - PERL
The problem I can't seem to wrap my head around is knowing if what I'm trying to accomplish now is even possible. Because I don't want to have to guess when a new interview is published, my hope is to be able to scrape the website which has a directory listing of all of the interviews and automatically have my program fetch the content on the new URL (new interview).
Again, the site in question is here (scroll down to see the listing of interviews):
My initial thought was to have a regex of .\ at the end of the link above in hopes that it would automatically search any links found under that page. I can't seem to be able to get this to work using WWW::Mechanize, however. I will post what I have below and if anyone has any guidance or experience with this your feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'll also summarize my tasks below the code so that you have a concise understanding of what we hope to accomplish.
Thanks to any and all that can help!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use WWW::Mechanize::Link;
use WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
# find all <dl> tags
my #list = $mech->find('dl');
foreach ( #list ) {
print $_->as_HTML();
# # find all links
# my #links = $mech->links();
# foreach my $link (#links) {
# print "$link->url \n";
# }
To summarize what I'm hoping is possible:
Extract the content of every interview found here in an HTML ready document like I did here: WWW::Mechanize Extraction Help - PERL. This would require the 'get' action to be able to traverse the pages listed under the /oralhistory/ directory, which can perhaps be solved using a regex?
Possibly extract the respondent name and position fields on the directory page to be populated in a title field (this isn't that big of a deal if it can't be done)
No, you can't use wildcards on urls.. :-(
You'll have to parse yourself the page with the listing, and then get and process pages in a loop.
To extract specific fields from a page contents will be a strightforward task with WWW::Mechanize...
UPDATE: answering OP comment:
Try this logic:
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use LWP::Simple;
use File::Basename;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 );
# find all <dl> tags
my #list = $mech->find('dl');
foreach my $link (#list) {
my $url = $link->url();
my $localfile = basename($url);
my $localpath = "./$localfile";
print "$localfile\n";
getstore($url, $localpath);
My answer is focused on the approach of how to do this. I'm not providing code.
There are no IDs in the links, but the names of the interview pages seem to be fine to use. You need to parse them out and build a lookup table.
Basically you start by building a parser that fetches all the links that look like an interview. That is fairly simple with WWW::Mechanize. The page URL is:
All the interviews follow this schema:
So you can find all links in that page that start with Then you make them unique, because there is this teaser box slider thing that showcases some of them, and it has a read more link to the page. Use a hash to do that like this:
my %seen;
foreach my $url (#urls) {
$mech->get($url) unless $seen{$url};
Then you fetch the page and do your stuff and write it to your database. Use the URL or the interview name part of the URL (e.g. goerge-mitchell) as the primary key. If there are other presidents and you want those as well, adapt in case the same name shows up for several presidents.
Then you go back and add a cache lookup into your code. You grab all the IDs from the DB before you start fetching the page, and put those in a hash.
# prepare query and stuff...
my %cache;
while (my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# later...
foreach my $url (#urls) {
next if $cache{$url}; # or grab the ID out of the url
next if $seen{$url};
You also need to filter out the links that are not interviews. One of those would be, which is the read more of the first paragraph on the page.

Using regex to find a url pattern then redirect to a new one?

Sorry for the sloppy title, what i am trying to accomplish is an extension that will read my current url, and if it falls under a certain pattern then it will redirect me to a new page.
To further explain here is an example:
Every time i get a url like this: (giant.*.gif)
I want to be redirected to this: (giant.*.gif)
I have never written a chrome extension before so i was hoping someone could point me to a good resource to be able to learn how to do this.
var url = window.location.href;
if (!url.match(/giant\./) && !url.match(/\.gif$/)){
window.location.href = '';

Get the item matching a URL in Sitecore

In a site I'm building, I'm trying to use the referer to verify AJAX requests are coming from the correct URLs.
To do this I'd like to get Sitecore to resolve a URL to an Item. For example,
might resolve to the item at the path
What's the recommended way to go about this in my code?
Thanks for all the answers but none of them did everything I needed. This worked for me.
var url = new Uri(...);
// Obtain a SiteContext for the host and virtual path
var siteContext = SiteContextFactory.GetSiteContext(url.Host, url.PathAndQuery);
// Get the path to the Home item
var homePath = siteContext.StartPath;
if (!homePath.EndsWith("/"))
homePath += "/";
// Get the path to the item, removing virtual path if any
var itemPath = MainUtil.DecodeName(url.AbsolutePath);
if (itemPath.StartsWith(siteContext.VirtualFolder))
itemPath = itemPath.Remove(0,siteContext.VirtualFolder.Length);
// Obtain the item
var fullPath = homePath + itemPath;
var item = siteContext.Database.GetItem(fullPath);
This answer is more for other visitors hitting this SO question. In case of Sitecore 8 you could do this:
new Sitecore.Data.ItemResolvers.ContentItemPathResolver().ResolveItem(<string path>)
Where <string path> is like any local path (or relative url, if you will) string that sitecore would be able to generate for you. When using displayname values instead of item names (possibly the case if you have a multilingual site), this is very handy to actually retrieve the corresponding Item from database.
In my case I use this to show a valid breadcrumb where the parent paths DO have the context language item version added, but the requested page has no context language version to render. Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(<string path>) couldn't resolve the displayname-based path, while the ResolveItem method does... searched a day for a good answer on this case.
Questioning myself now, why this isn't used much...?
Maybe it is an expensive query for a site with a big tree. That is something to consider yourself.
Don't really get what you're trying to do (with your AJAX request and such), but if you want to resolve the item sitecore/content/MySite/Home/abc/def, you need to configure your <site> in the web.config like this:
<site name="MySite" hostName="" rootPath="/sitecore/content/MySite" startItem="/Home" *other attributes here* />
You can use the method ItemManager.GetItem(itemPath, language, version, database, securityCheck) To resolve an item based on it's (full)path.