Issue with recursive function C++ - c++

I have a short recursive function to write, and I am having an issue with my function returning seg fault 11 when I run it through g++. I am pretty bad at recursion, and just starting to learn it. Please let me know if you have any suggestions! The goal is to count how many nodes have a value larger than the inputed value "m" .Here is my code:
int LinkedList::countOccurrencesMoreThanRec(int m)
// first do the base cases that do not require recursion
if (head == NULL)
return -1;
int answer = 0;
if ((head -> getNext()) == NULL)
if ((head -> getValue()) > m)
answer ++;
return answer;
// if none of those were true, call the recursive helper method
Node *BatMan = head;
answer = countOccurrencesMoreThan(BatMan, m);
return answer;
/* countOccurrencesMoreThan
* private recursive method.
* TODO: fill in this method
int LinkedList::countOccurrencesMoreThan(Node *h, int m)
// check for the base case(s)
int answer = 0;
if ((h -> getNext()) == NULL)
if ((h -> getValue()) > m)
return answer;
// smaller case
Node *Bane = h;
answer = countOccurrencesMoreThan(Bane, m);
return answer;
// general case

Your comments are lying.
// smaller case
Node *Bane = h;
Here, you're setting Bane to the same value that was passed in to your function. You're not actually testing the next item in the list, you're doing the same list again.
This isn't the only problem in your code, but it will at least help with the question you asked.

One of the first questions with recursion should always be, do I need recursion? When iterating elements of a LinkedList there is absolutely no need to recurse.
Secondly, I strongly advise against rolling your own linked list class as the time it takes to write your own would be better spent learning libraries such as the STL which give you great data structures out of the box for free (that other colleagues understand!).
However to accomplish what you are trying to achieve recursively, you could either make the "answer" int a class member, a global variable (shudder) or pass the answer to each invocation of the function (passing zero in the first instance), but I cannot stress enough that the recursive approach is not the right approach for this problem. The answer variable has no place in a LinkedList class for a start, global variables are almost always evil, and passing around a value you're simply incrementing is inefficient and confusing.
int LinkedList::countOccurrencesMoreThan(Node *h, int m, int answer)
if( h->getValue() > m ) {
if (h -> getNext() == NULL)
return answer;
countOccurrencesMoreThan( h->getNext(), m, answer);
Here is a better non recursive implementation with a simple LinkedList class:
void LinkedList::countOccurrencesMoreThan(int value) {
Node* node = this->head;
int occurrences = 0;
while(node != NULL) {
if( node->getValue() > v ) {
node = node->getNext();
std::cout << "occurrences = " << occurrences << std::endl;


How to find sum of even numbers in a list using recursion in c++?

int list::Sum_Even_Values(node *head)
static int sum=0;
if(head->info %2==0)
return head->info +Sum_Even_Values(head->next);
When you are writing a function that returns a value, recursive or not, you need to explore all paths through the code, not only your main "path of interest."
In your specific case you need to decide what to return
When the current node represents an even number - your code already covers this case,
When the current node represents an odd number - you need to return the same value as if the node is not there, and
When there is no current node - that's the value you'd return when the list is null or empty (i.e. zero).
You need to add return statements for the remaining two cases. Once you do that, your function would be complete.
Here is another way to achieve the same thing by passing the sum variable by reference at every call to the function.
void sumEvenValues(Node * head, int& sum){
if (head != NULL){
if (head->info % 2 == 0){
sum += head->info;
sumEvenValues(head->next, sum);
Don't use a static variable, as you won't be able to reset it back to 0 if you need to sum the list multiple times. Try this instead:
int list::Sum_Even_Values(node *head)
int sum = 0;
if (head) {
if ((head->info % 2) == 0)
sum = head->info;
sum += Sum_Even_Values(head->next);
return sum;
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search function causes program to crash

I have been going through the debugger but can't seem to pinpoint exactly what is going wrong. I have come to my own conclusion i must be missing a nullptr check somewhere or something. If anyone can provide some help it would be greatly appreciated.
error message from debugger
error msg
which looks like makes the program crash on this line:
if (node->children_[index] == nullptr) {
search function
Node* search(const string& word, Node* node, int index) const {
Node* temp;
//same as recurssive lookup just difference is returns node weather terminal or not
if (index < word.length()) {
index = node->getIndex(word[index]);
if (node->children_[index] == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
else {
temp = search(word, node->children_[index], index++);
return temp; // this would give you ending node of partialWord
Node struct for reference
struct Node {
bool isTerminal_;
char ch_;
Node* children_[26];
Node(char c = '\0') {
isTerminal_ = false;
ch_ = c;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
children_[i] = nullptr;
//given lower case alphabetic charachters ch, returns
//the associated index 'a' --> 0, 'b' --> 1...'z' --> 25
int getIndex(char ch) {
return ch - 'a';
Node* root_;
int suggest(const string& partialWord, string suggestions[]) const {
Node* temp;
temp = search(partialWord, root_, 0);
int count = 0;
suggest(partialWord, temp, suggestions, count);
return count;
Might be a very simple thing. Without digging I am not sure about the rank of the -> operator versus the == operator. I would take a second and try putting parenthesis around the "node->children_[index] == nullptr" part like this:
(node->children_[index]) == nullptr
just to make sure that the logic runs like you seem to intend.
Dr t
I believe the root cause is that you're using index for two distinct purposes: as an index into the word you're looking for, and as an index into the node's children.
When you get to the recursion, index has changed meaning, and it's all downhill from there.
You're also passing index++ to the recursion, but the value of index++ is the value it had before the increment.
You should pass index + 1.
[An issue in a different program would be that the order of evaluation of function parameters is unspecified, and you should never both modify a variable and use it in the same parameter list. (I would go so far as to say that you should never modify anything in a parameter list, but many disagree.)
But you shouldn't use the same variable here at all, so...]
I would personally restructure the code a little, something like this:
Node* search(const string& word, Node* node, int index) const {
// Return immediately on failure.
if (index >= word.length())
return nullptr;
int child_index = node->getIndex(word[index]);
// The two interesting cases: we either have this child or we don't.
if (node->children_[child_index] == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
else {
return search(word, node->children_[child_index], index + 1);
(Side note: returning a pointer to a non-const internal Node from a const function is questionable.)

Recursive method to find value in linked list

template<class Type>
int StringList<Type>::find(Type value)
int count = 0;
// Start of linked list
Node<Type> *current = head;
// Traverse list until end (NULL)
while (current != NULL)
// Increase counter if found
if (current->data == value)
// If not, move to the next node
current = current->next;
cout << value << " was found " << count << " times" << endl;
return 0;
// same function but using Recursive method
// Start of linked list
Node<Type> *current = head;
int count = 0;
// Thinking this is the base case, since its similar to the while loop
if (current == NULL)
return 0;
// same as the while loop, finding the value increase the count, or in this case just prints to console
if ((current->data == value))
cout << "Found match" << endl;
return 0;
{ // If it didnt find a match, move the list forward and call the function again
current = current->next;
return find(value);
the function is supposed to find the value searched and return how many times that certain value was in the linked list.
how can I turn the first method, which uses a while loop, into something that does the same thing but uses recursion?
For starters instead of the return type int it is better to use an unsigned type like for example size_t
You can use the following approach. Define two methods. The first one is a public non-static method find defined like
template<class Type>
size_t StringList<Type>::find( const Type &value ) const
return find( head, value );
The second one is a private static method with two parameters defined like
template<class Type>
static size_t StringList<Type>::find( Node<Type> *current, const Type &value )
return current == nullptr ? 0 : ( current->data == value ) + find( current->next, value );
In order to use recursion, you will need to change the signature of your find function (or add a new function with the different signature) to take a node pointer as a parameter:
template<class Type>
int StringList<Type>::find(Type value, Node<Type> *where)
if (where != nullptr)
// Do things
Then, when you traverse the list, you pass where->next to the function. Once you hit the end of the list, with a nullptr value, the stack unrolls.
A key aspect of recursion as that the function or method being used only has to process a single node of your container. It then calls itself with the next node to be processed until there are no more nodes. In order to make this work, that function needs the node to process as a parameter, which is where your current code runs into problems.
Keep in mind that the elegance and simplicity of recursion is not free. Every call that a method makes to itself eats up stack, so a sufficiently large container can result in a crash if the stack for your process is depleted.
how can I turn the first method, which uses a while loop, into
something that does the same thing but uses recursion?
The following would be closer to what you want. You really should provide an [MCVE] ... the lack of which forces many guesses and assumptions about your code.
// It looks like StringList is a class (I ignored template issues),
// and it appears that your class holds 'anchors' such as head
// StringList is probably the public interface.
// To find and count a targetValue, the code starts
// at the head node, and recurses through the node list.
// I would make the following a public method.
int StringList::findAndCountTargetValue(int targetValue)
int retVal = 0;
if (nullptr != head) // exists elements to search?
retVal = head->countTV(targetValue); // recurse the nodes
// else no match is possible
// visit each node in the list
int Node::countTV(const int targetValue)
int retVal = 0; // init the count
if (data != targetValue) // no match
if(nullptr != next) // more elements?
retVal += next->countTV() // continue recursive count
std::cout << "Found match" << std::endl; // for diag only
retVal += 1; // because 1 match has been found
if(nullptr != next) // more elments
retVal += next->countTV(); // continue recursive count
return (retVal); // always return value from each level

Linked list without struct

Can anyone help me with a singly linked list? I know how to do it with struct, but now i wanna know how to do it with only arrays and pointers without struct or nodes.Algorithms please thank you.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int size=5;
int data[size];
int *mem;
int add[size];
int top = -1;
void AddLast(int value)
void print()
{ cout << "Queue: ";
for(int i = 0; i != top; i = (i + 1) % size)
cout << data[i] << "->";
cout << endl;
int main()
return 0;
I want to addlast, addfirst, and add sorted... is this the way?
You can't do it with only one array, you need at least two: One for the data and one for the links. If you don't want to use structures at all (though I don't really see the reason for it) you could have multiple data arrays.
The data array contains the actual data, it's nothing special with it. The link array contains indexes to the data array, where each index is a "next" pointer.
For example, lets say you want to have a linked list of integers, and you have three integers in the list (their values are irrelevant), lets call that data array d, then you have d[0], d[1] and d[2]. The first node in the list is d[1], followed by d[0] and last d[2]. Then you need a head variable, which tells which index is the head of the list, this head variable is initialized to 1 (and "points" to d[1]). Then we have the link array, lets call it l, since the head is "pointing" to 1 we fetch l[1] to get the next node, the contents of l[1] is 0 which tells us the next node is d[0]. To get the next node we check l[0] which gives us 2 for d[2]. The next link, l[2] could be -1 to mark the end of the list.
Of course, the data array(s) and the link array needs to be of the same size.
An array s of structs with members A, B, C, can be emulated by three arrays a, b and c, where e.g. a[i] represents s[i].A, and so forth. So that's your requirement of no structs. Then doing a linked list with arrays, i.e. with indices instead of pointers, is mere notation; the concepts are exactly the same. But you might look up the technique of using a free list, a list of available logical nodes; this allows you to free nodes as well as allocate them, in a simple way.
There is a (ugly) way to do a linked list with arrays.
Here is an example of how you might do something with arrays but I would never recommend even thinking about doing it.
template<class T>
typedef char[sizeof(T) + sizeof(uintptr_t)] listNode;
template<class T>
listNode<T>* getNext(const listNode<T>& x){
return (listNode<T>*)(((char*)x)[sizeof(T)]); //notice how you have to increment the pointer address
template<class T>
T& getValue(listNode<T>& x){
return (T) x;
That's way too many casts. It's less ugly if you make an array of two pointers and just cast the first value in a pointer on what you care about but that's still not what I would recommend.
This is a hack of sorts might help with your curiosity.
It is similar in implementation to how linked lists are typically implemented with struct.
int * base = NULL;
int ** current = NULL;
void add(int num)
base = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*3);
base[0] = num;
current = (int**)(base+1);
current[0] = NULL;
current[0] = (int*)malloc( sizeof(int)*3 );
current[0][0] = num;
current = (int**)(*current+1);
current[0] = NULL;
void show()
if(base != NULL)
int * data = base;
int ** tmp = (int**)(base+1);
printf("%d ",data[0]);
data = tmp[0];
tmp = (int**)(data+1);
int main()
int choice,num;
case 1:scanf("%d",&num);
case 2:show();
return 0;
It is possible to add other function like addFirst() or addSorted() but will require some more pointer manipulation, for which I don't possess the dedication right now.

How to add elements to a vector and traverse it simultaneously?

I want to perform BFS on a tree, to find out a certain leaf, but the graph is dynamic in nature, when I land on a leaf and that leaf isn't the one I am looking for, then its children are computed from the leaf (The leaf is no longer a leaf it is a node).
I tried two implementations , and both produced erronous results. I think the pointers are getting invalidated or this is an incorrect implementation. My code is as follows
int y=0;
while(graph.end() - graph.begin() < 262145 and graph.end() - graph.begin() < y){
clock2 = graph[y];
if(graph[y].b[0] < 4) graph.push_back(move1(graph[y]));
if(graph[y].b[1] < 4) graph.push_back(move2(graph[y]));
and the next implementation was something like this
for(vector<foo> :: iterator i = graph.begin();i!=graph.end();i++){
clock2 = *i;
if(i->b[0] < 4) graph.push_back(move1(*i));//move1 and move2 are
if(i->b[1] < 4) graph.push_back(move2(*i));//functions of return type foo
Both of these are causing the programme to crash. What is wrong with them, how to implement these? Please comment with additional queries.
I am a little confused as too what exactly is going on and what exactly you are asking. But if you are asking how to preform a simple BFS on a graph here is some sample code that I find pretty easy to read.
Comment further and I will change it to try and match the exact criteria of the question (once I have some more clarity that is)
struct node{
std::vector children<node*>;
int data;
void bfs(node* root, int value){ // THIS IS CHECK FOR INTS so change for whatever value
if(!root) return;
std::queue myq;
node* toCheck;
toCheck =;
if(toCheck->data == value){
//do whatever you want with that information
//forloop/whileloop as many times as necessary to set all the new children
node* newNode = new node();
newNode->data = someValue; // just some information that you want to add
for(int i = 0; i < toCheck->children.size(); i++){