Can't add South to Django 1.6.2 Project - django

I've got an existing Django project that I'm trying to add South to. I'm fine with losing ally my data (in fact, I've already dropped/created the database several times).
The problem is that I do the following:
(in psql)
drop database myproject
create database myproject
(at the command line)
python syncdb --migrate
python schemamigration myproject.myapp --initial
python migrate myproject.myapp
Everything works great until I get to that last command; when I run it I get:
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "myapp_somemodel" already exists
(where "somemodel" is a model in myapp).
I've tried searching SO, but all the posts I found suggested the set of commands above. Can anyone please help me get South added to this project?

You need to run migrate with --fake option for your initial migration:
$ python migrate myproject.myapp 0001 --fake
Also see Converting An App chapter from South docs.


django runserver : relation "django_migrations" already exists

I have a django project source code, which includes several apps. The source code have been run successfully on one environment, but when transplanted to another device, with the same postgresql version(9.4.4), python version(2.7.5), and django version(1.8.5), but the runserver reports errors like this. The database has been imported in advance.
return self.cursor.execute(sql)
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "django_migrations" already exists
Try this python migrate --fake
You can read more about it in official documentation
Try troubleshooting Initial migrations using --fake-initial
python migrate --fake-initial
If you have an empty database you can clear all your migrations and then again run migrations and migrate command.
python makemigrations
python migrate

Django - Make migration command detects changes but on migrating says 'No migrations to apply'

i am new to django developement after making changes to my model i tried to run the command python makemigrations my_app
it detects changes in my model and shows me the message
- Create model confess
- Create model UserChoice
- Create model comment
but on executing python migrate my_appcommand i've got this message
No migrations to apply.
i usually do this after making changes in models, i don't know what happened now.
plss help me.
Firstly, try
python makemigrations my_app
python migrate
If this does not work and the project is still in development:
Delete migrations folder and pycache folder.
Delete db.sqlite3 (your database).
Make and apply migrations again.
I think this will work.
Delete all migrations files and from your project and app. Also db.sqlite3 database then rerun makemigrations and migrate commands. It should solve your issue.

Get Django South working on Heroku with custom user models?

I'm trying to get South for Django to work on Hereoku. It didn't seem that hard, thanks to this example. However, I'm using a workaround for a bug in south that prevents initiating south when a custom user model is used in Django.
I use the following south commands local to initiate South (work around):
python syncdb
python convert_to_south myapp
python migrate myapp 0001 --fake
After that I pushed the code to Heroku and tried the following steps on Heroku:
python syncdb // this didn't sync the south apps
python convert_to_south myapp
// This gave the error saying that the apps were already added to south
My second try (after Heroku db reset and new push):
python syncdb // this didn't sync the south apps
python migrate
// Same south error as described in the south bug ticket
Is there anyone who can put me in the right direction?
I've searched for the answer in many places, but the only solution seems to generate the migrations files locally and push them to Heroku. That's something I wish I could prevent, but it is the only working option.
Hopefully, this will be solves as of Django 1.7, when migrations are built into Django. Until then, I moved away from Heroku.

Django - Deploy syncdb & South

I'm deploying a project on a new development environment.
As I'm using South I did:
$ python syncdb --all
$ python migrate --fake
I used syncdb --all to apply actual state of models.
Then migrate --fake to mark all models as migrated.
But after that, my model is not on the last version (missing fields)
What am I doing wrong ?
I assume all my modifications have migrations.
If I do
$ python syncdb
It seems to create the first state since when I used South (that is expected)
But then
$ python migrate
Some tables appears as already created
Actually this, should have been fine for my case
$ python syncdb --all
$ python migrate --fake
Having to redeploy my app recently, I faced the same issue.
I just realized that I had a double initial migration on the model that were causing the problem
I simply deleted & renamed
Then redone the whole database deployment (obviously not forgetting to update the already applied migrations on my other hosts)
--fake option does not avoid errors while trying to create new migrations. It records that migrations have applied without actually applying them.
Also, you need --ignore-ghost-migrations or --delete-ghost-migrations to achieve what you are looking for.
To convert an existing project to south, you first need to convert the app
Now, if you have already run --fake, to recover, you can do this:
Go to ./ dbshell
DELETE FROM south_migrationhistory WHERE id > 0; //Note that this would delete everything in the table.
If you want to remove migrations of a specific app,
DELETE FROM south_migrationhistory WHERE app_name = 'blah'

DatabaseError: no such column error

So I have a model that I wanted to add ImageField to, so I typed in
picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='media/images')
I then ran syncdb and went into the shell:
python2 syncdb
python2 shell
I then imported the model and tried
I get the error:
DatabaseError: no such column: people_people.picture
When I run sql for the model
"picture" varchar(100) NOT NULL
is in the database.
What solutions do you guys have? I can't delete the data in the database.
As noted in the documentation syncdb doesn't add columns to existing tables, it only creates new tables.
I suggest running
python sqlall <your_app>
Looking at the sql it outputs for the table you're changing, and then running
python dbshell
in order to manually issue an ALTER TABLE command.
In future, you might like to use a migration tool like South.
There are two possibilities that to get this error 1) You added extra field to model after doing the syncdb. 2) you added new class to file in django.
Solution for this is:
First install south by using command
for windows: **easy_install south** //for that you need to go to the script folder of python folder in c drive.
for linux: **sudo easy_install south**
Then follow the steps which are included here migration tutorials
step1- python schemamigration your_app_name --initial
step-2 python migrate your_app_name
Hope this will help you.
As of 1.7 migrations within Django replaces South.
Create a new set of migration instructions by running the following command in terminal:
$ python makemigrations
Check the output in the migration folder it creates to make sure they make sense then run the following terminal command to complete the migrations:
$ python migrate
That's it.
Running migrations this way allows others to implement the same migrations instead of having to manually implement db changes on every machine using the code. On the new machine all they have to run is:
$ python migrate