How do I save user-info in a custom user model? - django

I'm using python-social-auth to log users in to my site, which works fine but I want to use a custom user model that will not only save basic info about the user, but also gets their profile picture.
Here is my user model
def get_upload_file_name(instance, filename):
return "%s_%s" % (str(time()).replace('.', '_'), filename)
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, unique=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=250, null=True, blank=True)
profile_image = models.ImageField(upload_to = get_upload_file_name, null=True, blank=True)
def __str__(self):
return u'%s profile' % self.user.username
This is the pipeline function
def user_details(strategy, details, response, user=None, *args, **kwargs):
if user:
if kwargs['is_new']:
attrs = {'user': user}
if == 'facebook':
fb = {
'name': response['first_name']
new_user = dict(attrs.items() + fb.items())
elif == 'google-oauth2':
new_user = dict(attrs.items())
elif == 'twitter':
new_user = dict(attrs.items())
And this is the other function that gets the user profile image
def save_profile_picture(strategy, user, response, details, is_new=False,
*args, **kwargs):
if is_new and == 'facebook':
url = '{0}/picture'.format(response['id'])
response = request('GET', url, params={'type': 'large'})
except HTTPError:
S_user = setattr(UserProfile, "profile_image", "{0}_social.jpg".format(user.username), ContentFile(response.content))
I'm only trying it on facebook first, but I can't seem to populate the name field in the database, and I also have to sign in twice before it gets saved to the default social-auth table. Both functions have been added to the file, I was also wondering if it matters where they go in the cue if it matters since they're at the bottom, the last part of the auth process?

I figured it out, since i was using python3 i should of used list() on my dict values like so: attrs = dict(list(attrs.items()) + list(fb_data.items()))
Also instead of saving the image in the database it was best just to save the url, saving alot of space


Implementing a custom authentication in DRF which can read

I have a foreign key on my models like Patient, and Doctor, which point to a Clinic class. So, the Patient and Doctor are supposed to belong to this Clinic alone. Other Clinics should not be able to see any detail of these Models.
The models look like this:
class Clinic(models.Model):
clinicid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=60, unique=True)
label = models.SlugField(max_length=25, unique=True)
email = models.EmailField(max_length=100, default='')
mobile = models.CharField(max_length=15, default='')
class Doctor(models.Model):
# Need autoincrement, unique and primary
docid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
username = models.CharField(max_length=15)
regid = models.CharField(max_length=15, default="", blank=True)
linkedclinic = models.ForeignKey(Clinic, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Patient(models.Model):
cstid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True)
date_of_registration = models.DateField(
name = models.CharField(max_length=35, blank=False)
ageyrs = models.IntegerField(blank=True)
agemnths = models.IntegerField(blank=True)
dob = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
linkedclinic = models.ForeignKey(Clinic, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class UserGroupMap(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True)
user = models.ForeignKey(
User, related_name='target_user', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
group = models.ForeignKey(UserGroup, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
clinic = models.ForeignKey(Clinic, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
From my Vue app, I will post using Axios to the django app which uses DRF, and thus get serialized data of Patients and Doctors. It all works fine if I try to use the following sample code in function view:
#api_view(['GET', 'POST'])
def register_patient_vue(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
print("POST details",
data =['registration_data']
serializer = customerSpecialSerializer(data=data)
if serializer.is_valid():
a =
return Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
print("Serializer is notNot valid.")
return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
Sample output:
POST details {'registration_data': {'name': 'wczz', 'ageyrs': 21, 'agemonths': '', 'dob': '', 'gender': 'unspecified', 'mobile': '2', 'email': '', 'alternate': '', 'address': '', 'marital': 'unspecified', 'city': '', 'occupation': '', 'linkedclinic': 10}}
data: {'name': 'wczz', 'ageyrs': 21, 'agemonths': '', 'dob': '', 'gender': 'unspecified', 'mobile': '2', 'email': '', 'alternate': '', 'address': '', 'marital': 'unspecified', 'city': '', 'occupation': '', 'linkedclinic': 10}
However, I need to authenticate the request by special custom authentication. I have another class called UserGroupMap which has Foreign Keys for both User and Clinic, so that if there is a match for a filter for the clinic and user, in the map, it will authenticate. Else it should fail authentication and the data should not be retrieved or serializer saved.
In my previous simple pure django project I used to employ a custom permission function, and decorating my view with it:
#handle_perm(has_permission_level, required_permission='EDIT_CLINICAL_RECORD', login_url='/clinic/')
def some_function(request, dept_id):
Some code which runs after authentication
And it would use the following:
def handle_perm(test_func, required_permission=None, login_url=None, redirect_field_name=REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME):
Decorator for views that checks that the user passes the given test,
redirecting to the log-in page if necessary. The test should be a callable
that takes the user object and returns True if the user passes.
def decorator(view_func):
def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"Required permission level is {required_permission}")
if has_permission_level(request, required_permission):
print("User has required permission level..Allowing entry.")
return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
print("FAILED! User does not have required permission level. Access blocked.")
path = request.build_absolute_uri()
resolved_login_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)
# If the login url is the same scheme and net location then just
# use the path as the "next" url.
login_scheme, login_netloc = urlparse(resolved_login_url)[:2]
current_scheme, current_netloc = urlparse(path)[:2]
if ((not login_scheme or login_scheme == current_scheme) and
(not login_netloc or login_netloc == current_netloc)):
path = request.get_full_path()
from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
return redirect_to_login(
path, resolved_login_url, redirect_field_name)
return _wrapped_view
return decorator
def has_permission_level(request, required_permission, clinic=None):
print("has_permission_level was called.")
user = request.user
print(f'user is {user}')
print(f"has_permission_level called with clinic:{clinic}")
if clinic is None:
print("clinic is none")
return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/login/')
group_maps = UserGroupMap.objects.filter(user=user, clinic=clinic)
print(f"No: of UserGroupMap memberships: {len(group_maps)}")
if len(group_maps) < 1:
# There are no UserGroupMap setup for the user. Kindly set them up.\nHint:Admin>Manage users and groups>Users
return False
# Now checking Group memberships whether the user has any with permisison
for map in group_maps:
rolesmapped = GroupRoleMap.objects.filter(
if len(rolesmapped) < 1:
print(f"No permission roles.")
for rolemap in rolesmapped:
print(f"{rolemap.role}", end=",")
if == required_permission:
f"\nAvailable role of [{}] matched required permission of [{required_permission}] in {} [Ok]")
return True
return False
I need to build a custom authentication using DRF, so that it reads the POSTed data, and checks the linkedclinic value, and employs similiar logic.
I started like this:
def has_permission_POST(request, required_permission, clinic=None):
print("has_permission_POST was called.")
user = request.user
print(f'user is {user}')
if request.method == 'POST':
print("POST details: POST:", request.POST, "\n")
print("POST details: data:",, "\n")
# Further logic to check the mapping
return True
print("Not a valid POST")
return Response("INVALID POST", status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
# And decorating my DRF view:
#handle_perm(has_permission_POST, required_permission='EDIT_CLINICAL_RECORD', login_url='/clinic/')
#api_view(['GET', 'POST'])
def register_patient_vue(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
print("POST details",
data =['registration_data']
The problem is that if I run this, then, has_permission_POST cannot get the value of, which contains the data posted from my frontend. I can work around this, by adding the #api_view(['GET', 'POST']) decorator to has_permission_POST. But that introduces another error, a failed assertion:
AssertionError: Expected a `Response`, `HttpResponse` or `HttpStreamingResponse` to be returned from the view, but received a `<class 'bool'>`
This happens from has_permission_POST once it is decorated with #api_view.
So my problems:
How to implement a custom authentication for my use case?
If I am going about this right, by using this custom has_permission_level, how can I get the in this function before my actual api view is called, so that I can read the clinic id and do the checks for permission that I need.
I have taken a look at the CustomAuthentication provided by DRF, but could not find out how to get the parameters in the custom class.
Thanks to #MihaiChelaru, I was able to find a solution to my problem.
I created a custom Permission class by extending permissions.BasePermission, and using my custom logic in the special has_permission function. I went a step further and implemented checking of Token from the request. Once token is authenticated, the user can be got from the matching token from the Token table. I found that in the custom permission class, I could read the full paramter passed by Vue and Postman. Once I read that, I could easily implement the custom checking of User permissions that my custom models had.
class CustomerAccessPermission(permissions.BasePermission):
message = 'No permission to create new patient records'
def has_permission(self, request, view):
bearer_authorizn = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
try: #Different apps like POSTMAN, and Vue seem to use different strings while passing token
token = bearer_authorizn.split("Bearer ")[1]
except Exception as e:
token = bearer_authorizn.split("Token ")[1]
except Exception as e:
raise NotAuthenticated('Did not get token in request')
token_obj = Token.objects.get(key=token)
except self.model.DoesNotExist:
raise AuthenticationFailed('Invalid token')
if not token_obj.user.is_active:
raise AuthenticationFailed('User inactive or deleted')
print("Username is %s" % token_obj.user.username)
print("POST details",
linkedclinic_id =['data']['linkedclinic']
clinic = Clinic.objects.get(clinicid=int(linkedclinic_id))
print("Clinic membership requested:", clinic)
group_maps = UserGroupMap.objects.filter(user=user, clinic=clinic)
print(f"No: of UserGroupMap memberships: {len(group_maps)}")
if len(group_maps) > 1:
return True
return False
def register_patient_vue(request):'In register_patient_vue...')

Django Model Terms of Service With Timestamp, Username, and Prompt User To Agree To Updated Terms of Service

I would like to create a model that contains a timestamp and the allauth currently logged in user who agreed to the Terms of Service. Then, on every page (if the user is logged in), annotate if the user has agreed to the latest Terms of Service (by comparing the timestamp of their last agreement to the timestamp of the latest updated Terms of Service), and if the user has not agreed to the most recent Terms of Service version they are redirected to a page that requires them to agree to the updated version. Then it redirects the user back to whence they came after they agree.
How does one go about creating something like this?
What I have so far is below.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class TermsOfService(models.Model):
agreement = models.BooleanField(default=False)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True,blank=True, null=True)
user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
def __str__(self):
return self.agreement
class UserMembership(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(
settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
stripe_customer_id = models.CharField(max_length=40, unique=True)
membership = models.ForeignKey(
Membership, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.user.username
from .models import TermsOfService
class TermsOfServiceForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = TermsOfService
fields = ('agreement',)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TermsOfServiceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['agreement'].widget.attrs={ 'id': 'agreement_field', 'class': 'form-control', 'required': 'true', 'autocomplete':'off'}
from django.urls import path
from .views import ( terms_of_service_view )
app_name = 'app'
urlpatterns = [ path('terms_of_service_view/', terms_of_service_view, name='terms_of_service_view'), ]
def get_user_membership(request):
user_membership_qs = UserMembership.objects.filter(user=request.user)
if user_membership_qs.exists():
return user_membership_qs.first()
return None
def terms_of_service_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = TermsOfServiceForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
user_membership = get_user_membership(request)
instance =
instance.user = request.user
context = {
'user_membership': user_membership,
return render(request, "index.html", context)
form = TermsOfServiceForm()
context = {
'user_membership': user_membership,
'form': form,
return render(request, "index.html", context)
A question arises from your code, like how are you going to determine when user needs to agree to agreement, do you create a bunch of new entry in TermsOfService. Rather than that, why not create a new model named Terms and add it as ForeignKey.
class Term(models.Model):
text = models.TextField()
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True,blank=True, null=True)
# blah blah
class TermsOfService(models.Model):
term = models.ForeignKey(Term, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
agreement = models.BooleanField(default=False)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True,blank=True, null=True)
user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
There is an advantage of taking this approach, that is all you need to do is create a new Term object, and rest can be taken care of by middleware. For example:
from django.urls import reverse
from django.shortcuts import redirect
class TermAgreeMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
def __call__(self, request):
response = self.get_response(request)
if not request.user.is_authenticated:
return response
term_date = Term.objects.last().created_at
user_term_date = request.user.termofservice_set.filter(created_at__gte=term_date).exists()
if not user_term_date:
return redirect(reverse('app:terms_of_service_view')+'?next='+request.path)
return response
And update the view:
def terms_of_service_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = TermsOfServiceForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
user_membership = request.user.usermembership # you don't need another view as User has OneToOne relation with UserMembership
instance =
instance.user = request.user
instance.term = Term.objects.last()
go_next = request.GET.get('next', None) # handle redirection
if go_next:
return redirect(go_next)
context = {
'user_membership': user_membership,
return render(request, "index.html", context)
form = TermsOfServiceForm()
context = {
'user_membership': user_membership,
'form': form,
return render(request, "index.html", context)
Finally add that TermAgreeMiddleware in MIDDLEWARE settings. So everytime you want users to agree a new term, just create a new Term instance(from admin site or shell).

django - upload file to a specific folder

I have a userprofile that captures the username and the group the user is assigned to. I want the uploaded files to be saved under the group name folder. The folders already exit at the media root, the files shoud be routed to these folder
I solved the problem by the solution given. Now the username is shown as a dropdown list on the upload page. I want only the logged it username to be shown or exclude even showing it
class uploadmeta(models.Model):
path = models.ForeignKey(Metadataform, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
user_profile = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, verbose_name='Username')
tar_gif = models.FileField(upload_to=nice_user_folder_upload, verbose_name="Dataset") # validators=[FileExtensionValidator(allowed_extensions=['tar', 'zip'])]
def __str__(self):
return self.request.user.username
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
Group= models.CharField(max_length=500, choices=Group_choices, default='Please Select')
def __str__(self):
return self.user.username
def uploaddata(request):
if request.user.is_authenticated:
if request.method == 'POST':
form = uploadmetaform(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form.is_valid():
return redirect('file_list')
form = uploadmetaform()
return render(request, 'uploaddata.html', {
'form': form
return render(request, 'home.html')
class uploadmetaform(forms.ModelForm):
count = Metadataform.objects.all().latest('id').id #To know the id of latest object
data = Metadataform.objects.all().filter(id=count) #return the queryset with only latest object
path = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=data)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(uploadmetaform, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
count = Metadataform.objects.all().latest('id').id
data = Metadataform.objects.all().filter(id=count)
self.fields['path'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=data)
class Meta:
model = uploadmeta
fields = ['path', 'user_profile','tar_gif',]
You can use the upload_to argument in the FileField.
It accept a string representing the path where you want to store the file or you can pass in a function which let you add more details.
More info from the doc:
You may need to add a foreign key form uploadmeta to UserProfile like :
user_profile = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
Then you can use the following
def nice_user_folder_upload(instance, filename):
extension = filename.split(".")[-1]
return (
Then use it in uploadmeta FileField
doc = models.FileField(upload_to=nice_user_folder_upload, verbose_name="Dataset")

Custom Django FileField url widget won't upload any file in admin change_form

I have a Files table with information about uploaded files in a remote directory. This is the model for that table:
class Files(models.Model):
id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
subjectid = models.ForeignKey('Subjects', models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='subjectid')
filetypeid = models.ForeignKey(FileTypes, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='filetypeid')
filedescid = models.ForeignKey(FileDescription, models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='filedescid')
filepath = models.CharField(max_length=45, blank=True, null=True)
filename = models.FileField(upload_to='attachments/', blank=True, null=True)
ispublic = models.IntegerField(choices=YESNO)
extra_info = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True)
def __str__(self):
return or ''
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'files'
verbose_name_plural = 'files'
I've created my own URL widget to replace the Django FileField url shown as 'Currently:' in the change_form template. The link points to a view that downloads the file. So far, so good it works but the problem is that when I try to add a new file I can select the new file with the Browse file button but when I click on Save the field filename field is empty and no file is uploaded.
class MyAdminURLFieldWidget(URLInput):
template_name = 'admin/widgets/url.html'
def __init__(self, attrs=None):
#final_attrs = {'class': 'vURLField'}
final_attrs = {'type': 'file'}
if attrs is not None:
super(MyAdminURLFieldWidget, self).__init__(attrs=final_attrs)
def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
context = super(MyAdminURLFieldWidget, self).get_context(name, value, attrs)
context['current_label'] = _('Currently:')
context['change_label'] = _('Change:')
context['widget']['href'] = smart_urlquote('/DownloadView/' + str( + '/attachment/') if value else ''
return context
class FilesAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('id', '_animalid', '_filename', '_filedesc', 'ispublic', 'extra_info')
search_fields = ('subjectid__animalid','filename')
list_per_page = 50
def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs):
if == 'filename':
request = kwargs.pop("request", None)
kwargs['widget'] = MyAdminURLFieldWidget
return db_field.formfield(**kwargs)
return super(FilesAdmin, self).formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs)
def _animalid(self, obj):
return obj.subjectid.animalid
def _filename(self, obj):
def _filedesc(self, obj):
return obj.filedescid.description
Can anybody tell what I'm missing here?
Hi lost Django community,
I will answer my own question since it seems that nobody was able to realize the answer. It happens that as newbie I'm following examples I've found here and there but there is little about sub-classing the FileField associated widget. So, after diving deep into the Django code I've found the answer. In my case the problem was I derived my MyAdminURLFieldWidget from URLInput instead of the correct subclass ClearableFileInput.
You are welcome.

Django form checkbox to change a value in UserProfile

I'm using Django-Profiles with Django 1.4, and I need a way to unsubscribe a user, so they can stop getting emails.
One of the fields in my UserProfile model is user_type, and I have a USER_TYPES list of choices. To keep users in the system, even if they unsubscribe, I decided to have one of the USER_TYPES be InactiveClient, and I'd include a checkbox like so:
('Editor', 'Editor'),
('Reporter', 'Reporter'),
('Client', 'Client'),
('InactiveClient', 'InactiveClient'),
('InactiveReporter', 'InactiveReporter'),
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User, unique=True)
user_type = models.CharField(max_length=25, choices=USER_TYPES, default='Client')
... etc.
class UnsubscribeForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(UnsubscribeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.initial['email'] =
self.initial['first_name'] = self.instance.user.first_name
self.initial['last_name'] = self.instance.user.last_name
except User.DoesNotExist:
email = forms.EmailField(label='Primary Email')
first_name = forms.CharField(label='Editor first name')
last_name = forms.CharField(label='Editor last name')
unsubscribe = forms.BooleanField(label='Unsubscribe from NNS Emails')
class Meta:
model = UserProfile
fields = ['first_name','last_name','email','unsubscribe']
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
u = self.instance.user = self.cleaned_data['email']
u.first_name = self.cleaned_data['first_name']
u.last_name = self.cleaned_data['last_name']
if self.unsubscribe:
u.get_profile().user_type = 'InactiveClient'
client = super(UnsubscribeForm, self).save(*args,**kwargs)
return client
Edit: I've added additional code context. if self.unsubscribe: is in save() override. Should that be somewhere else? Thank you.
Edit2: I've tried changing UnsubscribeForm in several ways. Now I get a 404, No User matches the given query. But the view function being called works for other forms, so I'm not sure why?
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url('^client/edit', 'profiles.views.edit_profile',
'form_class': ClientForm,
'success_url': '/profiles/client/edit/',
url('^unsubscribe', 'profiles.views.edit_profile',
'form_class': UnsubscribeForm,
'success_url': '/profiles/client/edit/',
These two urls are calling the same view, just using a different form_class.
Edit3: So I don't know why, but when I removed the trailing slash from the unsubscribe url, the form finally loads. But when I submit the form, I still get an error: 'UnsubscribeForm' object has no attribute 'unsubscribe' If anyone could help me understand why a trailing slash would cause the 404 error (No User matches the given query) I wouldn't mind knowing. But as of now, the form loads, but doesn't submit, and the trace ends on this line of my form:
if self.unsubscribe:
Answering my own question again. On ModelForms, you can add form elements that don't exist in the model, and access the value of those fields by accessing self.cleaned_data['form_element_name'] in the save method.
This is what my save method looks like:
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
u = self.instance.user
p = self.instance.user.get_profile() = self.cleaned_data['email']
u.first_name = self.cleaned_data['first_name']
u.last_name = self.cleaned_data['last_name']
if self.cleaned_data['unsubscribe']:
p.user_type = 'InactiveClient'
client = super(UnsubscribeForm, self).save(*args,**kwargs)
return client