Need steps to implement facebook payment in my unity game - facebook-graph-api

I made a game for Facebook canvas in unity, Now i want to sell items in my game with Facebook payment, The problem is i am not a good programmer and Facebook documentations are very hard to understand, so i need some simple steps to integrate payment to my game,
i registered Facebook payment company,
Now how to define product in my unity codes?
How to prompt dialog box?
what to write in callback URL in php?
please make it simple and clear for me

I think you need to investigate a bit more on how to achieve this, since there is a lot of information available. I'll try to clear some doubts of yours:
To define products for your game, you need to define an Open Graph Object, and upload it to a server (can be your own, or dropbox). Here is a guide from my blog, where I teach how to upload and host OG Objects for achievements, steps are similar.
The in-game code to use in Unity is the method Pay (FB.Canvas.Pay), which receives the url of your hosted OG Object, and some other parameters, and it prompts the user with the appropiate interface to pay (Keep in mind this only works when the game is inside the facebook canvas)
I Hope this starts to guide you on how to approach the paymet system!
I'll answer the questions in the comment here:
No, you don't need the Javascript SDK anymore. Just need to have the Unity SDK in your game.
I haven't found much information on the callback, but since I don't really use it, I just used this code inside a PHP script to just make it work:
$hub_mode = $_GET['hub_mode'];
$hub_challenge = $_GET['hub_challenge'];
$hub_verify_token = $_GET['hub_verify_token'];
if ($hub_verify_token =='YourToken')
echo $hub_challenge;


Master-Detail (parent-child) Input form with Admin-on-rest

I need help/recommendation for creating an order like input form with MASTER inputs like (order no, date, customer name, address) along with DETAIL info in multiple rows like (Item no, Description, Qty, Rate, Amount).
I am using Admin-on-rest as front-end interface and Loopback for my backend api.
Being new to react/redux and still learning core concepts, I am getting a hard time in finding a good example/starting point to build this functionality. So far, I think this example based on redux-form can help in creating a custom component, but I am yet not competent enough to build this myself.
Any reference to a similar example or some simple code to get me started will be very helpful.
Ref. Image
I think you need this.
How to richly style AOR Edit page
The last answer on the page is a somewhat detailed guide on creating a custom edit component in AOR. Feel free to ask more questions here about how this will be done.
Looking at your design you will need to also think how this data will be updated at the API level. AOR itself will make a single request when you hit save. So how will your API handle updates to multiple models etc.

How to create webservice for online game

I created a game in flash, for android(I know flash is dead, but was the only platform I knew how to code a game). It's based on matches, I did the AI and the game works very well offline.
But now I want to make it online and I never developed anything for web, like websites, webservers. I do not even know what SOAP, REST and this methodologies are.
So what do I need to learn to develop something like this? Here are the requirements :
I want to create a "room" with your facebook friends that are online in the moment.
In this "room" you can invite them to play a match.
The information that is passed client to client is only two points in the cartesian plane(e.g., {(1,2), (3,5)}) and the information that the game may have ended.
It's important to notice that the server must hold connections from
cellphones. The information passed is from cellphone to cellphone.
Develop the whole game in another language or platform is not an option. This is my first game that will be published, so its more like an learning exercise. I dont know PHP nor Python, but I can learn it.
there is a service called Flox ( which has a AS3 integration, take a look at it, may help you

want a common DataBase for Unity Game and a Website

I am making a game in unity 5 where i need to load description and items from a database which gets updated when we enter values in a website.
I need to know some way to consume asmx webservices in unity 5.
Can somebody tell me in detail How can i do that.
I don't know too much about Unity. I have only tinkered with the game engine. So the only advice I can offer is, try posting your question on this site (if you haven't already). It's the same thing as SO just for game development specifically. Good luck in your endeavors.

Weekly Facebook Scores clearing?

we want to do something that's relatively common among mobile games. We want to reset our Facebook scoreboard every week. I am surprised to find that - looking around - there is no automatic way to do this.
Is it in the plans to offer this functionality? A probably easier thing on Facebook's end that would work for us is if when we ask for friends scores, we get the date of each score, so we can then filter out the scores that are too old.
Other than that, it seems that we'd have to write a Windows Service or Cron task to call the Facebook every week and do this (or do it manually from Putty or other tool), neither of which seem accceptable for this small task.
Thank you and let us know!
-Brian Hunsaker
Technical Director # DarkTonic Games
There's no way to tell Facebook to wipe your app's Scores automatically, but you only need to make a single API call to wipe all scores:[APP ID]?access_token=[APP ACCESS TOKEN]&method=delete
This is mentioned here:
The call to delete all the scores from your facebook App is as follows (may have changed):[APP ID]/scores?access_token=[APP TOKEN]&method=delete
it should return true.

Django: create an internal twitter like wall

I'm building a multi user system and I'm creating an somewhat experimental idea for the users to interact.
The site is for professional actors so they can post up their profile and so casting directors can find them. All that is going fine.
What I now want to do it create a wall/twitter group area where people can post short messages just like in twitter.
I'm developing all this in Django and while I have a really good Django developer working on the site, I've decided to take on this part myself. I'm relatively new to django, I have 10 years PHP/Java experience.
I've set up the basics of posting a message and parsing urls etc. What I want to do now is create a reply to and a direct message feature.
Is there any other projects out there that would have done something similar to this that could help me in not re-inventing the wheel completely.
Also on a general note as an idea, any suggestions as to what to do different considering my environment and audience.
Check out Trillr (including considering binning any work you've done and just including this wholesale, open-source licence permitting).