Groovy regex with hyphen isn't matching - regex

I want to write a regex that will match any time the substring "my-app" is encountered inside any given string.
I have the following Groovy code:
String regex = ".*my-app*"
String str = getStringFromUserInput()
if(str.matches(regex) {
println "Match!"
} else {
println "Doesn't match..."
When getStringFromUserInput() returns a string like "blahmy-appfizz", the code above still reports Doesn't match.... So I figured that hyphens must be a special character in regexes and tried changing the regex to:
String regex = ".*my--app*"
But still nothing has changed. Any ideas as to where I'm going wrong?

The hyphen is no special character.
matches validates the entire input. Try:
String regex = ".*my-app.*"
Note that p* matches zero or more p's and p.* matches a p followed by zero or more chars (other than line breaks).
Assuming getStringFromUserInput() does not leave any line break char in the input. In which case you'd need to do a trim() to get rid of it, since the .* does not match line break chars.

String.contains seems like a simpler solution than a regex, e.g.
String stringFromUser = 'my-app'
assert 'foomy-appfoo'.contains(stringFromUser)
assert !'foo'.contains(stringFromUser)


Regex: Only matching at the end of String not anywhere in elastic [duplicate]

The following should be matched:
can I do: ".*123" ?
Yes, you can. That should work.
. = any char except newline
\. = the actual dot character
.? = .{0,1} = match any char except newline zero or one times
.* = .{0,} = match any char except newline zero or more times
.+ = .{1,} = match any char except newline one or more times
Yes that will work, though note that . will not match newlines unless you pass the DOTALL flag when compiling the expression:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*123", Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputStr);
boolean matchFound = matcher.matches();
Use the pattern . to match any character once, .* to match any character zero or more times, .+ to match any character one or more times.
The most common way I have seen to encode this is with a character class whose members form a partition of the set of all possible characters.
Usually people write that as [\s\S] (whitespace or non-whitespace), though [\w\W], [\d\D], etc. would all work.
.* and .+ are for any chars except for new lines.
Double Escaping
Just in case, you would wanted to include new lines, the following expressions might also work for those languages that double escaping is required such as Java or C++:
for zero or more times, or
for one or more times.
Single Escaping:
Double escaping is not required for some languages such as, C#, PHP, Ruby, PERL, Python, JavaScript:
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class RegularExpression{
public static void main(String[] args){
final String regex_1 = "[\\s\\S]*";
final String regex_2 = "[\\d\\D]*";
final String regex_3 = "[\\w\\W]*";
final String string = "AAA123\n\t"
+ "ABCDEFGH123\n\t"
+ "XXXX123\n\t";
final Pattern pattern_1 = Pattern.compile(regex_1);
final Pattern pattern_2 = Pattern.compile(regex_2);
final Pattern pattern_3 = Pattern.compile(regex_3);
final Matcher matcher_1 = pattern_1.matcher(string);
final Matcher matcher_2 = pattern_2.matcher(string);
final Matcher matcher_3 = pattern_3.matcher(string);
if (matcher_1.find()) {
System.out.println("Full Match for Expression 1: " +;
if (matcher_2.find()) {
System.out.println("Full Match for Expression 2: " +;
if (matcher_3.find()) {
System.out.println("Full Match for Expression 3: " +;
Full Match for Expression 1: AAA123
Full Match for Expression 2: AAA123
Full Match for Expression 3: AAA123
If you wish to explore the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.
RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:
There are lots of sophisticated regex testing and development tools, but if you just want a simple test harness in Java, here's one for you to play with:
String[] tests = {
for (String test : tests) {
System.out.println(test + " " +test.matches(".+123"));
Now you can easily add new testcases and try new patterns. Have fun exploring regex.
See also
No, * will match zero-or-more characters. You should use +, which matches one-or-more instead.
This expression might work better for you: [A-Z]+123
Specific Solution to the example problem:-
Try [A-Z]*123$ will match 123, AAA123, ASDFRRF123. In case you need at least a character before 123 use [A-Z]+123$.
General Solution to the question (How to match "any character" in the regular expression):
If you are looking for anything including whitespace you can try [\w|\W]{min_char_to_match,}.
If you are trying to match anything except whitespace you can try [\S]{min_char_to_match,}.
Try the regex .{3,}. This will match all characters except a new line.
[^] should match any character, including newline. [^CHARS] matches all characters except for those in CHARS. If CHARS is empty, it matches all characters.
JavaScript example:
/a[^]*Z/.test("abcxyz \0\r\n\t012789ABCXYZ") // Returns ‘true’.
I like the following:
This matches all char codes including special characters and the normal A-Z, a-z, 0-9
E.g. faker.internet.password(20, false, /[!-~]/)
Will generate a password like this: 0+>8*nZ\\*-mB7Ybbx,b>
I work this Not always dot is means any char. Exception when single line mode. \p{all} should be
String value = "|°¬<>!\"#$%&/()=?'\\¡¿/*-+_#[]^^{}";
String expression = "[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{all}]{0,50}";
} else {

Surrounding one group with special characters in using substitute in vim

Given string:
some_function(inputId = "select_something"),
some_other_function(inputId = "some_other_label")
I would like to arrive at:
some_function(inputId = ns("select_something")),
some_other_function(inputId = ns("some_other_label"))
The key change here is the element ns( ... ) that surrounds the string available in the "" after the inputId
So far, I have came up with this regex:
However, when deployed, it produces an error:
E488: Trailing characters
A simpler version of that regex works, the syntax:
would correctly inser ns( after finding inputId = and create string
some_other_function(inputId = ns("some_other_label")
I'm struggling to match the remaining part of the string, ex. "select_something") and return it as:
You have many problems with your regex.
[a-zA-Z] will only match one letter. Presumably you want to match everything up to the next ", so you'll need a \+ and you'll also need to match underscores too. I would recommend \w\+. Unless more than [a-zA-Z_] might be in the string, in which case I would do .\{-}.
You have a /2 instead of \2. This is why you're getting E488.
I would do this:
:%s/\(inputId = \)\(".\{-}\)"/\1ns(\2)/cgI
Or use the start match atom: (that is, \zs)
:%s/inputId = \zs\".\{-}"/ns(&)/cgI
You can use a negated character class "[^"]*" to match a quoted string:

Incorrect use of regex wildcards

This is not correct use of wildcards ? I'm attempting to match String that contains a date. I don't want to include the date in the returned String or the String value that prepends the matched String.
object FindText extends App{
val toFind = "find1"
val line = "this is find1 the line 1 \n 21/03/2015"
val find = (toFind+".*\\d{2}/\\d{2}/\\d{4}").r
Output should be : "find1 the line 1 \n "
but String is not found.
Dot does not match newline characters by default. You can set a DOTALL flag to make it happen (I have also added a "positive look-ahead - the (?=...) thingy - since you did not want the date to be included in the match": val find = (toFind+"""(?s).*(?=\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4})""").r
(Note also, that in scala you do not need to escape special characters in strings, enclosed in a triple-quote pairs ... pretty neat).
The problem lies with the newline in the test string. A .* does not match newlines apparently. Replacing this with .*\\n?.* should fix it. One could also use a multiline flag in the regex such as:
val find = ("(?s)"+toFind+".*\\d{2}/\\d{2}/\\d{4}").r

Regex: match whole line except first string and #comment lines

I tried (\s|\t).*[\b\w*\s\b], this one is almost ok but I want also except lines with #.
#Name Type Allowable values
#========================== ========= ========================================
_absolute-path-base-uri String -
add-xml-decl Boolean y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0
As #anubhava said in his answer, it looks you just need to check for # at the beginning of the line. The regex for that is simple, but the mechanics of applying the regex varies wildly, so it would help if we knew which regex flavor/tool you're using (e.g. PHP, .NET, Notepad++, EditPad Pro, etc.). Here's a JavaScript version:
Notice the modifiers: m ("multiline") allows ^ and $ to match at line boundaries, and g ("global") allows you to find all the matches, not just the first one.
Now let's look at your regex. [\b\w*\s\b] is a character class that matches a word character (\w), a whitespace character (\s), an asterisk (*), or a backspace (\b). In other words, both * and \b lose their special meanings when the appear in a character class.
\s matches any whitespace character including \t, so (\s|\t) is needlessly redundant, and may not be needed at all. What it's actually doing in your case is matching the newline before each matched line. There's no need for that when you can use ^ in multiline mode. If you want to allow for horizontal whitespace (i.e., spaces and tabs) before the #, you can do this:
/^(?![ \t]*#).*$/mg
(?![ \t]*#) is a negative lookahead; it means "from this position, it is impossible to match zero or more tabs or spaces followed by #". Coming right after the ^ line anchor as it does, "this position" means the beginning of a line.
Try this:
Assuming your first string will consist of only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens, the first part will match that. Then we match whitespace, and then capture the rest. However, this is all dependent on the regular expression engine being used. Is this using language support for regexes, a specific editor, or a certain library? Which one? There isn't a standard: each regex engine works slightly differently.
Try this:
After a match is found, the Group group will contain your string.
I would use this regex. In English, this says "First character is not a pound sign (#), then non-white space to match the first 'word', then white space, then match the whole line.
Can I suggest another approach though? It looks like there are tabs between each field in the text, so why not just read the text line-by-line and split by tab into an array?
Here is an example in C# (untested):
using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("C:\\Path\\to\\file.txt"))
string line = sr.ReadLine();
//skip the comment lines
string[] fields = line.Split(new string[] {"\t"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
//now fields[0] contains the Name field
//fields[1] contains the Type field
//fields[2] contains the Allowable Values field
line = sr.ReadLine();
Try this code in php:
$s="#Name Type Allowable values
#========================== ========= ========================================
_absolute-path-base-uri String -
add-xml-decl Boolean y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0 ";
$a = explode("\n", $s);
foreach($a as $str) {
preg_match('~^[^#].*$~', $str, $m);
array(0) {
array(0) {
array(1) {
string(79) "_absolute-path-base-uri String - "
array(1) {
string(77) "add-xml-decl Boolean y/n, yes/no, t/f, true/false, 1/0 "
Code is pretty simple, it just ignores matching # at the start of a line thus ingoring those lines completely.

Regex help. I need ideas for solve the String Calculator kata with Groovy

I'm working on String Calculator code kata with Groovy.
There are a lot of scenarios that solve for achieve the solution:
I have:
I want:
My implementation:
String numbers = "//;\n1;2;3"
numbers.find(/\/\/\S[\n]/) { match ->
def delimeter = match[2]
numbers = numbers.minus(match).replaceAll(delimeter, ",")
With this solution I solved the first and second expressions, but I don't know how solve the others expressions.
java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Dangling meta character '+' near index 0
The problem is that we must also consider any symbol that match with the sintaxt of regular expressions like +, * or ?
Finally I have the solution:
String numbers = "//+\n1+2+3"
numbers.find(/(?s)\/\/(.*)\n/) { match ->
def delimeter = match[1] // also match[0][2]
numbers = numbers.minus(match[0]).replace(delimeter, ",")
An important point (?s):
In dotall mode, the expression . matches any character, including a line terminator. By default this expression does not match line terminators.
Dotall mode can also be enabled via the embedded flag expression (?s)
But really the problem was here: .replace(delimeter, ",")
Need to use links.
(.) - math thiw any character, and \1 - math thiw character on it\
For next example you can apply this: //\[(.*?)\]\\n(\d)\1(\d)\1(\d)
It math thiw
And last: //\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]\\n(\d)\1(\d)\2(\d)
And finaly:
I think it's can work ewerythere
P.S : (\d) you can replace what you want. I think you need (\d*)