Error: Class computer comp is already defined in computer.obj - c++

I am currently playing with C++, and attempting to rebuild a Tic Tac Toe batch console game I made in C++, but have hit a wall, where I cannot figure out how to get rid of the error TicTacToe.obj : error LNK2005: "class computer comp" (?comp##3Vcomputer##A) already defined in computer.obj. I have tried removing the declaration of the function computer from the header, and the definition of the function in the C++, but that didn't fix the error. The only way I figured out how to remove this error was to remove the object name, which I kind of don't want to do. I used the example given on the website to set up the class computer. Any information you can provide on any errors that I currently have, or any functions I may not need are most definately welcome, as I am wanting to know much much more about C++.
// TicTacToe.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include "computer.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "computer.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void computer::Select()
#pragma once
class computer
void Select(void);
} comp;
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013 on a laptop running Windows 7.

As you included header "computer.h" in both modules computer.cpp and TicTacToe.cpp then the both modules contain the same definition of object comp
pragma once
class computer
void Select(void);
} comp;
So the linker issues the error.
Define the object only in one cpp module. The header should contain only the class definition.
For example
#pragma once
class computer
void Select(void);
// TicTacToe.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include "computer.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
computer comp;

You have to remove comp from the header file. Create the object in a cpp file like this:
computer comp;
You said you don't want to do that. If that causes some other problem for you then post a new question about that problem.

You are defining comp in the header, and so in every .cpp that includes that header, so you are breaking the One Definition Rule.
Instead you can declare it in the header:
extern computer comp;
And then define it in exactly one .cpp:
computer comp;
Which will still allow you to access it from any .cpp that includes the header.


Need assistance with code where it claims code not declared in this scope (C++)

I am practicing using multiple files for C++ in Code::Blocks. I have three files, two source files named main.cpp and Cat.cpp, and a header file named Cat.h. Though I declare a function designed to output text in Cat.h, the implementation in the main function returns the error "'speak' was not declared in this scope."
I tried researching the error, but that was tricky because it's such a general error that can occur for a wide variety of reasons. I tried carefully checking for syntax errors or improper #include statements in my code, but I can't find anything.
This is in my main.cpp file:
#include <iostream>
#include "Cat.cpp"
#include "Cat.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
return 0;
this is my Cat.h file:
void speak();
and this is my Cat.cpp file:
#include <iostream>
#include "Cat.h"
using namespace std;
void speak(){
cout << "Meow!!" << endl;
I am expecting speak() to run, but the error says it is not declared in this scope.

Eclipse C++ multiple main error only when using multiple headers

I'm trying to learn how to utilize header files in C++ projects, so I made .cpp files containing simple functions to make sure I'm doing all the declaring and including correctly.
Everything worked fine when I only had one set of .cpp and .h files, but when I try to add more I get errors.
To start with, in my project I had:
#include "helloworld.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int HelloWorld() {
puts("Hello, World!");
cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
return 0;
int HelloWorld();
#include "helloworld.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
return 0;
Which built with no errors and ran correctly.
Next I tried adding a second .cpp and .h file, which created building errors.
#include "pointers.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int Pointers() {
int x = 1;
int *ptr_a = &x;
cout << *ptr_a << endl;
return 0;
int Pointers();
and modified main.cpp:
#include "helloworld.h"
#include "pointers.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
return 0;
Now when I try to build, I get an error saying there are multiple definitions of main -- one in main.cpp, and the other in pointers.cpp.
Even more oddly, if I make a new project and do the exact same thing but reverse the order in which I create the .cpp and .h files (i.e. pointers first then helloworld), it builds and runs correctly with just the pointers files but runs into the same error when adding helloworld files, saying that the multiple exceptions of main are in main.cpp and helloworld.cpp.
I figure it must have something to do with Eclipse itself, but I don't know what the exact issue is.
Does anyone know what might be going on?

Is it possible to get the names of the included files of an object in C++?

I need to instantiate an object from a class, let's say Cat, and know the names of its included files.
The main program should look something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Cat.h"
using namespace std;
vector<string> getIncludes(Cat cat){
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Cat cat;
std::vector<string>list = getIncludes(cat);
And the Cat class header file would be like this:
#include "utils.h"
#include "animals.h"
class Cat{
void meow();
int age;
After calling std::vector<string> list = getIncludes(cat), list should contain "utils.h" and "animals.h".
If there is another way to get those names in the main function I am open to suggestions. Thank you in advance.
No, that's not possible, the information won't be present anymore at runtime.
The preprocessor simply replaces the contents of utils.h and animals.h at compile time at the place where the #include statements appear.
If you need such a list to detect dependencies for recompiling your code, most of the compilers can generate a list of the included headers in a translation unit.
Here's some further information how to do so:
GCC toolchain
MSVC toolchain

Why are my functions undefined when I declared the type already?

Hi I was just trying to learn separate Classes in C++. I don't know why my code is not working.
So here is the main file code
#include <iostream>
#include "Number.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Number key;
return 0;
Here is the Class cpp functions file code
#include "Number.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void Number::setNumber(int transfernumber)
privatenumber = transfernumber;
int Number::getNumber()
return privatenumber;
And here is the header file
#ifndef NUMBER_H
#define NUMBER_H
class Number
void setNumber(int transfernumber);
int getNumber();
int privatenumber;
#endif // NUMBER_H
In your cpp file you need to define the default constructor for the Number class. For example:
Number::Number() : privatenumber(0) {}
I have test your example. The error happened for the main.cpp cannot found the number.cpp. You have three ways to solve it:
write your main() to the number.cpp, not a solo file.
complie the main.cpp with the linux command gcc or write a Makefile, instead of using codeblocks.
If you want to use the codeblocks for compiling, you should create a project, and then add your three files to the project. Now compile the main.cpp.
Use the three ways above, I think you will compile successfully.
BTW, you should add the Number::Number() 's implementation.

Undefined reference to 'Class::Class'

After fixing the previous problem (see my one other question that I have asked). I had declared more classes.
One of these is called CombatAdmin which does various things: (Header file)
#include <string> // Need this line or it complains
#include <Player.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <Enemy.h>
#include <Narrator.h>
using namespace std;
class Enemy;
class Player;
class CombatAdmin // Code yet to be commented here, will come soon.
void healthSet(double newHealth, string playerName);
void comAdSay(string sayWhat);
void playerFindsChest(Player *player,Weapon *weapon,Armour *armour);
void youStoleOurStuffEncounter(Player *player);
void comAdWarning(string enemyName);
void comAdAtkNote(string attack, double damage,string target,string aggresor);
void entDefeated(string entName);
void comAdStateEntHp(string ent, double hp);
void comAdStateScanResults(string enemyName, double enemyHealth);
string doubleToString(double number);
string intToString(int number);
bool isRandEncounter();
void randomEncounter(Player *player,Sound *sound,Narrator *narrator);
bool combatRound(Player *player, Enemy *enemy, Sound *sound, bool ran);
void playerFindsItem(string playerName,string itemName,double itemWeight,double playerWeight);
void playerFindsGold(string playerName,double coinCnt,double playerCoinCnt);
It is then instanced in the main.cpp file like this: (Snippet of the main.cpp file)
#include <iostream> // Required for input and output
#include <Item.h> // Item header file.
#include <Weapon.h> // Header files that I have made for my classes are needed for this program
#include <sstream> // Needed for proper type conversion functions
#include <windows.h> // for PlaySound() and other functions like sleep.
#include <time.h> // Needed to seed the rand() function.
#include <mmsystem.h> // Not sure about this one, possibly defunct in this program.
#include <stdio.h> // Needed for a similar kind of output as iostream for various functions error msgs.
#include <irrKlang.h> // The header file of the sound lib I am using in this program.
#include <Narrator.h> // The narrators's header file.
#include <Pibot.h> // Other header files of classes.
#include <Armour.h>
#include <Player.h>
#include <Weapon.h>
#include <CombatAdmin.h>
using namespace irrklang;
using namespace std;
// Forward referenced functions
void seedRandom(); // Seeds the random number so it will be random as apposed to pseudo random.
string getPlayerName(string temp); // Gets the player's new name.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Variables and object pointers declared here.
CombatAdmin *comAd = new CombatAdmin(); // Handles combat.
Narrator *narrator = new Narrator(); // The Narrator that says stuff
Pibot *piebot = new Pibot(); // PIbot, the player's trusty companion
string temp; // Temp string for input and output
However, when I try to compile the project, I get the following error:
C:\Documents and Settings\James Moran.HOME-B288D626D8\My Documents\C++ projects\Test Project\main.cpp|59|undefined reference to `CombatAdmin::CombatAdmin()'|
I am using the Code::Blocks IDE (ver 10.05), with the GNU GCC compiler. The project is of type "Console application". I am using windows XP 32 bit SP3.
I have tried changing to search directories to include where the object files are, but no success there.
As can be seen from the code, the narrator and PIbot are instanced just fine. (then used, not shown)
My question is, therefore, what do I need to do to stop these errors occurring? As when I encountered similar "Undefined reference to x" errors before using libraries. I had just forgotten to link to them in Code::Blocks and as soon as I did, they would work.
As this class is of my own making I am not quite sure about this.
Do say if you need more information regarding the code etc.
You have declared the default constructor (CombatAdmin()) and thus prevented the compiler from automatically generating it. Thus, you either need to 1) remove declaration of the default constructor from the class, or 2) provide an implementation.
I had this kind of error and the cause was that the CombatAdmin.cpp file wasn't selected as a Build target file: Prject->Properties->Build targets
Are you sure you've to include your header as:
#include <CombatAdmin.h>
I think you need to include your header file as:
#include "CombatAdmin.h"
And same for other headers written by you, like these:
#include "Armour.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Weapon.h"
//and similarly other header files written by you!
See this topic:
What is the difference between #include <filename> and #include "filename"?
My solution was just to add a line in the header before the class defenition:
class CombatAdmin;