How to partial conj? - clojure

I'm trying to create a function that applies several processes to a map, including adding / updating some standard items to each map using "conj". I'm doing it by composing several other functions using "comp".
So I tried doing this
(defn everything [extra] (comp (partial conj {:data extra}) another-func) )
Which won't work because conj wants the extra data as the second argument, not the first.
I assume there should be a similarly straightforward way of composing a curried conj, but I can't quite figure out how to do it.

Easiest is just to write an anonymous function:
(defn everything [extra]
(comp #(conj % {:data extra}) another-func))


How to iterate over a clojure eduction - without creating a seq?

For the sake of this question, let's assume I created the following eduction.
(def xform (map inc))
(def input [1 2 3])
(def educt (eduction xform input))
Now I want to pass educt to some function that can then do some kind of reduction. The reason I want to pass educt, rather than xform and input is that I don't want to expose xform and input to that function. If I did, that function could simply do a (transduce xform f init input). But as I don't, that function is left with an eduction that cannot be used with transduce.
I know I can e.g. use doseq on eductions, but I believe this will create a seq - with all its overhead in terms of object instantiation and usage for caching.
So how can I efficiently and idiomatically iterate over an eduction?
As eductions implement java.lang.Iterable, this question probably generalizes to:
How to iterate over a java.lang.Iterable without creating a seq?
reduce can be used to do that.
It works on instances of IReduceInit, which eduction implements.

Make list of not-nil entries

say I have a function like this:
(defn my-f [a & [b]]
(if (nil? b)
(my-other-f a)
(my-other-f a b)))
This of course is a simplification. It's a wrapper function for another function - and in reality a is processed inside this function.
If the optional argument b is not passed to my-f, it should also not be passed to my-other-f.
I was thinking of another way to achieve this:
(defn my-f [a & [b]]
(apply my-other-f (make-list-of-not-nil-entries a b)))
Is there maybe a built-in function doing this job?
Sometimes, being too abstract is confusing, so I'm providing the real case here. The following ClojureScript code works, it's purpose is obviously to try different browser-specific options in order to get a "webgl" context from an HTML canvas element.
(defn create-ctx [canvas & [options]]
(some (if options
#(.getContext canvas % (clj->js options))
#(.getContext canvas %))
["webgl" "experimental-webgl" "webkit-3d" "moz-webgl"]))
The given Canvas element's method getContext awaits actually one argument, and another one which is optional. The above wrapper functions has the same arity.
I just wanted to see, if there is a quick way to avoid the explicit switch for the 1 and the 2 arity function call.
I would argue that your first solution is much more readable and explicit about its intention. It will also have much better performance than the one with apply.
If you still want to go with apply, the shortest solution using clojure.core would be:
(remove nil? [a b])
(keep identity [a b])
(filter some? [a b])
I am not aware of any built in function which takes varargs and returns a seq of only non nil elements. You could create one:
(defn non-nils [& args]
(remove nil? args)
Or use ignoring-nils from flatland.useful.fn.

How to pass a list to clojure's `->` macro?

I'm trying to find a way to thread a value through a list of functions.
Firstly, I had a usual ring-based code:
(defn make-handler [routes]
(-> routes
;; and so on
But this was not optimal as I wanted to write a test to check the routes are actually wrapped with wrap-cors. I decided to extract the wrappers into a def. So the code became as follows:
(def middleware
(list ('wrap-json-body)
;; and so on
(defn make-handler [routes]
(-> routes middleware))
This apparently doesn't work and is not supposed to as the -> macro doesn't take a list as the second argument. So I tried to use the apply function to resolve that:
(defn make-handler [routes]
(apply -> routes middleware))
Which eventually bailed out with:
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't take value of a
macro: #'clojure.core/->
So the question arises: How does one pass a list of values to the -> macro (or, say, any other macro) as one would do with apply for a function?
This is an XY Problem.
The main point of -> is to make code easier to read. But if one writes a new macro solely in order to use -> (in code nobody will ever see because it exists only at macro-expansion), it seems to me that this is doing a lot of work for no benefit. Moreover, I believe it obscures, rather than clarifies, the code.
So, in the spirit of never using a macro where functions will do, I suggest the following two equivalent solutions:
Solution 1
(reduce #(%2 %) routes middleware)
Solution 2
((apply comp middleware) routes)
A Better Way
The second solution is easily simplified by changing the definition of middleware from being a list of the functions to being the composition of the functions:
(def middleware
(comp wrap-json-body
;; and so on
(middleware routes)
When I began learning Clojure, I ran across this pattern often enough that many of my early projects have an freduce defined in core:
(defn freduce
"Given an initial input and a collection of functions (f1,..,fn),
This is logically equivalent to ((comp fn ... f1) input)."
[in fs]
(reduce #(%2 %) in fs))
This is totally unnecessary, and some might prefer the direct use of reduce as being more clear. However, if you don't like staring at #(%2 %) in your application code, adding another utility word to your language is fine.
you can make a macro for that:
;; notice that it is better to use a back quote, to qoute function names for macro, as it fully qualifies them.
(def middleware
;; and so on
(defmacro with-middleware [routes]
`(-> ~routes ~#middleware))
for example this:
(with-middleware [1 2 3])
would expand to this:
(-> [1 2 3] (wrap-json-body) (wrap-cors))

Create a clojure map threading macro ( map-> )

I'm inspired by clojure's 1.5 cond-> macro.
Similarily, I want to create a macro of the same idea, applied to the function map. However, I have no idea where to start.
For example, I can't find the source for cond->. (probably because it's not released yet)
Any suggestions?
There is the source of cond->
there are a variety of threading macros from the pallet project folks including apply-map-> which looks close to, though not exactly what you are looking for.
(letfn [(apply-map-
[arg f arg-coll]
`(let [arg# ~arg]
(apply ~f arg#
~#(butlast arg-coll)
(apply concat ~(last arg-coll)))))]
(defmacro apply-map->
"Apply in a threaded expression.
(-> :a
(apply-map-> hash-map 1 {:b 2}))
=> {:a 1 :b 2}"
[arg f & arg-coll]
(apply-map- arg f arg-coll))
Perhaps there will be enough examples there for you to pick out what you need.
If I understand -- you want to write a macro that takes a list of partial function calls, and for each one, adds map (or apply map) to the beginning, and the previous result to the end?
While this doesn't directly answer how to write that macro, I wanted to point out that you have a couple of alternatives.
Factor out map
This is always true for pure functions:
(map g (map f coll))
(map (comp g f) coll))
The refactored version only walks the collection once, and no intermediate collections need to be made.
Here's what it looks like with threading:
(->> coll
(map f)
(map g))
(map #(->> % f g) coll))
Here's a concrete example in JS.
Transducers are another pattern for doing this kind of thing in Clojure that work on more than just map. They're sort of an abstraction over reducer functions. Clojure's map / filter / reduce (etc.) will create a transducer if called without a collection. You can chain them with comp and use them in various contexts (lazy, eager, observable, whatever). Rich Hickey's talk on them is a good intro.

Combine one-arg functions into a multi-arg one in Clojure

I wonder if there is an idiom in Clojure for combining several one argument functions into a new function accepting a vector. The new function should apply the first function to the first argument and so on.
I think this is useful in a number of situations. For example, you might want to transform x, y and z coordinates of a point using simpler unidimensional functions.
I would implement by myself as follows but I'm afraid it should already exists something similar in the standard API.
(defn vector-comp [& fns]
(fn [avect]
(vec (map #(%1 %2) fns avect))))
Other way to write this:
(defn vector-comp [& fns]
#(map apply fns % (repeat nil)))
I am 99% sure there is no ready-made solution in the standard libraries (juxtcomes the closest that I know of)