search and replace substring in string in bash - regex

I have the following task:
I have to replace several links, but only the links which ends with .do
Important: the files have also other links within, but they should stay untouched.
<li>Einstellungen verwalten</li>
<li>Einstellungen verwalten</li>
So I have to search for links with .do, take the part before and remember it for example as $a , replace the whole link with
<s:url action=' '/>
and past $a between the quotes.
I thought about sed, but sed as I know does only search a whole string and replace it complete.
I also tried bash Parameter Expansions in combination with sed but got severel problems with the quotes and the variables.
cat ./src/main/webapp/include/stoBox2.jsp | grep -e '<a href=".*\.do">' | while read a;
sed -i 's/href=\"$\"/href=\"<s:url action=\'$a\'/>\"/g' ./src/main/webapp/include/stoBox2.jsp;
any ideas ?
Thanks a lot.

sed -i sed 's#href="\(.*\)\.do"#href="<s:url action='"'\1'"'/>"#g' ./src/main/webapp/include/stoBox2.jsp
Use patterns with parentheses to get the link without .do, and here single and double quotes separate the sed command with 3 parts (but in fact join with one command) to escape the quotes in your text.
's#href="\(.*\)\.do"#href="<s:url action='
parameters -i is used for modify your file derectly. If you don't want to do this just remove it. and save results to a tmp file with > tmp.

Try this one:
sed -i "s%\(href=\"\)\([^\"]\+\)\.do%\1<s:url action='\2'/>%g" \
You can capture patterns with parenthesis (\(,\)) and use it in the replacement pattern.
Here I catch a string without any " but preceding .do (\([^\"]\+\)\.do), and insert it without the .do suffix (\2).
There is a / in the second pattern, so I used %s to delimit expressions instead of traditional /.


sed regular expression does not work as expected. Differs on pipe and file

I have a string in text file where i want to replace the version number. Quotation marks can vary from ' to ". Also spaces around = can be there and can be not as well:
$data['MODULEXXX_VERSION'] = "1.0.0";
For testing i use
echo "_VERSION'] = \"1.1.1\"" | sed "s/\(_VERSION.*\)[1-9]\.[1-9]\.[1-9]/\11.1.2/"
which works perfectly.
When i change it to search in the file (the file has the same string):
sed "s/\(_VERSION.*\)[1-9]\.[1-9]\.[1-9]/\11.1.2/" -i test.php
, it does not find anything.
After after playing with the search part of regex, i found one more odd thing:
sed "s/\(_VERSION.*\)[1-9]\./\1***/" -i test.php
works and changes the string to $data['MODULEXXX_VERSION'] = "***0.0";, but
sed "s/\(_VERSION.*\)[1-9]\.[1-9]/\1***/" -i test.php
does not find anything anymore. Why?
I am using Ubuntu 17.04 desktop.
Anyone can explain what am I doing wrong? What would be the best command for replacing version numbers in the file for the string $data['MODULEXXX_VERSION'] = "***0.0";?
The main problem is that [1-9] doesn't match the 0s in the version number. You need to use [0-9].
Besides that, you may use the following sed command:
sed -r 's/(.*_VERSION['\''"]]\s*=\s*).*/\1"1.0.1";/' conf.php
This doesn't look at the current value, it simply replaces everything after the =.
I've used -r which enables extended posix regular expressions which makes it a bit simpler to formulate the pattern.
Another, probably cleaner attempt is to store the conf.php as a template like conf.php.tpl and then use a template engine to render the file. Or if you really want to use sed, the file may look like:
Then just use:
sed 's/FOO_VERSION_TPL/1.0.1/' conf.php.tpl > conf.php
If there are multiple values to replace:
sed \
-e 's/FOO/BAR/' \
-e 's/HELLO/WORLD/' \
conf.php.tpl > conf.php
But I recommend a template engine instead of sed. That becomes more important when the content of the variables to replace may contain characters special to regular expressions.

process a delimited text file with sed

I have a ";" delimited file:
I'd like to process it replacing the missing value with a \N .
The result should be:
I'm trying to do it with a sed script:
sed "s/;\(;\)/;\\N\1/g" file1.txt >file2.txt
But what I get is
You don't need to enclose the second semicolon in parentheses just to use it as \1 in the replacement string. You can use ; in the replacement string:
sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g'
As you noticed, when it finds a pair of semicolons it replaces it with the desired string then skips over it, not reading the second semicolon again and this makes it insert \N after every two semicolons.
A solution is to use positive lookaheads; the regex is /;(?=;)/ but sed doesn't support them.
But it's possible to solve the problem using sed in a simple manner: duplicate the search command; the first command replaces the odd appearances of ;; with ;\N, the second one takes care of the even appearances. The final result is the one you need.
The command is as simple as:
sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g;s/;;/;\\N;/g'
It duplicates the previous command and uses the ; between g and s to separe them. Alternatively you can use the -e command line option once for each search expression:
sed -e 's/;;/;\\N;/g' -e 's/;;/;\\N;/g'
The OP asks in a comment "What if my file have 100 columns?"
Let's try and see if it works:
$ echo "0;1;;2;;;3;;;;4;;;;;5;;;;;;6;;;;;;;" | sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g;s/;;/;\\N;/g'
Look, ma! It works!
Update #2
I ignored the fact that the question doesn't ask to replace ;; with something else but to replace the empty/missing values in a file that uses ; to separate the columns. Accordingly, my expression doesn't fix the missing value when it occurs at the beginning or at the end of the line.
As the OP kindly added in a comment, the complete sed command is:
sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g;s/;;/;\\N;/g;s/^;/\\N;/g;s/;$/;\\N/g'
or (for readability):
sed -e 's/;;/;\\N;/g;' -e 's/;;/;\\N;/g;' -e 's/^;/\\N;/g' -e 's/;$/;\\N/g'
The two additional steps replace ';' when they found it at beginning or at the end of line.
You can use this sed command with 2 s (substitute) commands:
sed 's/;;/;\\N;/g; s/;;/;\\N;/g;' file
Or using lookarounds regex in a perl command:
perl -pe 's/(?<=;)(?=;)/\\N/g' file
The main problem is that you can't use several times the same characters for a single replacement:
s/;;/..../g: The second ; can't be reused for the next match in a string like ;;;
If you want to do it with sed without to use a Perl-like regex mode, you can use a loop with the conditional command t:
sed ':a;s/;;/;\\N;/g;ta;' file
:a defines a label "a", ta go to this label only if something has been replaced.
For the ; at the end of the line (and to deal with eventual trailing whitespaces):
sed ':a;s/;;/;\\N;/g;ta; s/;[ \t\r]*$/;\\N/1' file
this awk one-liner will give you what you want:
awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i=="")$i="\\N"}7' file
if you really want the line: sfaf;sdfas;\N;\N;\N , this line works for you:
awk -F';' -v OFS=';' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i=="")$i="\\N";sub(/;$/,";\\N")}7' file
sed 's/;/;\\N/g;s/;\\N\([^;]\)/;\1/g;s/;[[:blank:]]*$/;\\N/' YourFile
non recursive, onliner, posix compliant
change all ;
put back unmatched one
add the special case of last ; with eventually space before the end of line
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r ':;s/^(;)|(;);|(;)$/\2\3\\N\1\2/g;t' file
There are 4 senarios in which an empty field may occur: at the start of a record, between 2 field delimiters, an empty field following an empty field and at the end of a record. Alternation can be employed to cater for senarios 1,2 and 4 and senario 3 can be catered for by a second pass using a loop (:;...;t). Multiple senarios can be replaced in both passes using the g flag.

Find all text within square brackets using regex

I have a problem that because of PHP version, I need to change my code from $array[stringindex] to $array['stringindex'];
So I want to find all the text using regex, and replace them all. How to find all strings that look like this? $array[stringindex].
Here's a solution in PHP:
$re = "/(\\$[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]+\\[)([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]+)(\\])/";
$str = "here is \$array[stringindex] but not \$array['stringindex'] nor \$3array[stringindex] nor \$array[4stringindex]";
$subst = "$1'$2'$3";
$result = preg_replace($re, $subst, $str);
You can try it out interactively here. I search for variables beginning with a letter, otherwise things like $foo[42] would be converted to $foo['42'], which might not be desirable.
Note that all the solutions here will not handle every case correctly.
Looking at the Sublime Text regex help, it would seem you could just paste (\\$[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]+\\[)([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]+)(\\]) into the Search box and $1'$2'$3 into the Replace field.
It depends of the tool you want to use to do the replacement.
with sed for exemple, it would be something like that:
sed "s/\(\$array\)\[\([^]]*\)\]/\1['\2']/g"
If sed is allowed you could simply do:
sed -i "s/(\$[^[]*[)([^]]*)]/\1'\2']/g" file
sed "s/pattern/replace/g" is a sed command which searches for pattern and replaces it with replace. The g options means replace multiple times per line.
(\$[^[]*[)([^]]*)] this pattern consists of two groups (in between brackets). The first is a dollar followed by a series of non [ chars. Then an opening square bracket follows, followed by a series of non closing brackets which is then followed by a closing square bracket.
\1'\2'] the replacement string: \1 means insert the first captured group (analogous for \2. Basically we wrap \2 in quotes (which is what you wanted).
the -i options means that the changes should be applied to the original file, which is supplied at the end.
For more information, see man sed.
This can be combined with the find command, as follows:
find . -name '*.php' -exec sed -i "s/(\$[^[]*[)([^]]*)]/\1'\2']/g" '{}' \;
This will apply the sed command to all php files found.

sed replace exact match

I want to change some names in a file using sed. This is how the file looks like:
#! /bin/bash
Now I only want to change sample_name & not full_sample_name using sed
I tried this
sed s/\<sample_name\>/sample_01/g ...
I thought \<> could be used to find an exact match, but when I use this, nothing is changed.
Adding '' helped to only change the sample_name. However there is another problem now: my situation was a bit more complicated than explained above since my sed command is embedded in a loop:
while read SAMPLE
sed -e 's/\<sample_name\>/$SAMPLE/g' /path/ > path/
done < $1
So sample_name should be changed with the value attached to $SAMPLE. However when running the command sample_name is changed to $SAMPLE and not to the value attached to $SAMPLE.
I believe \< and \> work with gnu sed, you just need to quote the sed command:
sed -i.bak 's/\<sample_name\>/sample_01/g' file
In GNU sed, the following command works:
sed 's/\<sample_name\>/sample_01/' file
The only difference here is that I've enclosed the command in single quotes. Even when it is not necessary to quote a sed command, I see very little disadvantage to doing so (and it helps avoid these kinds of problems).
Another way of achieving what you want more portably is by adding the quotes to the pattern and replacement:
sed 's/"sample_name"/"sample_01"/'
Alternatively, the syntax you have proposed also works in GNU awk:
awk '{sub(/\<sample_name\>/, "sample_01")}1' file
If you want to use a variable in the replacement string, you will have to use double quotes instead of single, for example:
sed "s/\<sample_name\>/$var/" file
Variables are not expanded within single quotes, which is why you are getting the the name of your variable rather than its contents.
You can do this the following way:
sed s/"sample_name">/sample_01/g
where having "sample_name" in quotes " " matches the exact string value.
/g is for global replacement.
If "sample_name" occurs like this ifsample_name and you want to replace that as well
then you should use the following:
sed s/"sample_name ">/"sample_01 "/g
So that it replaces only the desired word. For example the above syntax will replace word "the" from a text file and not from words like thereby.
If you are interested in replacing only first occurence, then this would work fine
sed s/"sample_name"/sample_01/
Hope it helps

How can I use `sed` to replace the single quotes enclosing a directory with double quotes

What I want to achieve:
Suppose I have a file file with the following content:
sh 'LOL'
I want to replace - using sed - the single quotes that surrounds the directory names, but not the ones that surrounds stuff that does not seem like a directory, for example, the arguments of a script.
That is, after running the sed command, I would expect the following output:
sh 'LOL'
The idea is to make this happen without using tr to replace ' with ", nor sed like s/'/"/g, as I don't want to replace the lines that does not seem to be directories.
Please note that sed is running on AIX, so no GNU sed is available.
What I have tried:
If I use sed like this:
sed "s;'=.*/.*';&;g" file
... the & variable hold the regex previously matched, that is: ='/foo/`whoami`/bar/'. However, I can't figure out how to make the replacement so the single quotes gets transformed into double quotes.
I wonder if there's a way to make this work using sed only, via a one-liner.
This will do the job:
/usr/bin/sed -e "/='.*\/.*'/ s/'/\"/g" file
Basically, you just want the plain ' => " replacement, but not for all lines, just for those that match the pattern ='.*\/.*'/. And, in the s command you just need to escape the ".
This should work:
sed "s/'\(.*\/.*\)'/\"\1\"/g"
Captures the part between ' and uses a backreference.