OpenGL camera/direction vector - opengl

I've been trying to figure out what 2 portions of code are doing in this tutorial: Keyboard and Mouse.
// Direction : Spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates conversion
glm::vec3 direction(
cos(verticalAngle) * sin(horizontalAngle),
cos(verticalAngle) * cos(horizontalAngle)
// Right vector
glm::vec3 right = glm::vec3(
sin(horizontalAngle - 3.14f/2.0f),
cos(horizontalAngle - 3.14f/2.0f)
I don't see how the first one is spherical -> cartesian. When I look it up, I get:
x = r * sin(theta) * cos(phi)
y = r * sin(theta) * sin(phi)
z = r * cos(theta)
I've read on Euler angles, axis-angle and quaternions none of those have shed light on what this is doing or I'm just not able to grasp what I'm reading. ;)
On the 2nd one, shouldn't the right vector just be 90 degrees to the right of the direction vector?

This has a lot to do with the tutorial maker, and how he has decided to use spherical coordinates to generate his viewing angles. His approach is interesting, but remember that you can come up with your own!
// Direction : Spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates conversion
glm::vec3 direction(
cos(verticalAngle) * sin(horizontalAngle),
cos(verticalAngle) * cos(horizontalAngle)
The reason that this looks different than the formula that you looked up, is because it's the same idea, but converted into a different space. The author simply wants the camera perspective to be "straight ahead" when verticalAngle == 0 && horizontalAngle == 0
Work it out yourself!
x = cos(0) * sin(0) = 0
y = sin(0) = 0
z = cos(0) * cos(0) = 1
So, in this instance, the "look" vector of the camera is pointed directly into the z-axis, which in the case of a typical OpenGL application, would generally be considered as straight ahead (ie: Y-Axis is usually up and down).
Try calculating different angles and see how that would make the camera look vector spin around.
In the second instance, the author has taken some liberties with the formula, and defined it in a way which would only be useful in first-person games / applications. There are some 3D situations in which the camera can be oriented in a different way (a flight simulator, for example). Regardless, it's still the same idea. The author is just adjusting spherical coordinates to his own needs.
Personally, I prefer to use euler angles to do camera angles. It's a little bit more work to set up (you'll need to do some matrix math), but it's a different way of solving the same problem. But that might be more useful in a situation that goes beyond the typical FPS-game.


Computing a character turn angle given old and new position - OpenGL

I am working on a game project using OpenGl. I am building a game from skeleton code I found online. I have a character that can move around in a 2D plane. (x and z, ie you are viewing the character from above.) I am currently stuck on making him rotate as he moves, and I can't seem to find a solution online that solves my problem.
At the moment when the character is being drawn he faces a certain way (along the arrow in my diagram below.). I can rotate him an arbitrary number of degrees from his default direction using glm::rotate.
I have updated the code to log the characters position from a frame ago when he moves, so I have this information:
character old position (known)-> O
character starting angle (unknown)-> |\
| \
| \
| \
V O <- character new position (known)
How do I compute the angle (X)? Is it possible with the information I have?
I have been doodling on a page trying to figure this out for the last hour but can't seem to figure it out. Thanks very much.
Yes. This answer gives you an example of how to do it: How to calculate the angle between a line and the horizontal axis?
Note however that that will give you the angle between the horizontal axsis and the point. You can however just add 90 degrees.
What you're doing sounds somewhat convoluted. From the description, it seems like you want a rotation matrix that matches the direction. There's really no need to calculate an angle. You can build the rotation matrix directly, which is easier and more efficient.
I'll illustrate the calculations with points/vectors in the xy-plane, since that's much more standard. It sounds like you're operating in the xz-plane. While that doesn't change things much, you might need slight changes because you have a left-handed coordinate system.
If you have the direction vector (difference between new position and old position), all you need to do is normalize it, and you already have what's needed for the rotation matrix. I'll write the calculation explicitly, but your matrix/vector library most likely has a method to normalize a vector.
float vx = nexPosX - oldPosX;
float vy = newPosY - oldPosY;
float s = 1.0f / sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
vx *= s;
vy *= s;
vx is now the cosine of the rotation angle, and vy the sine of the rotation angle. Substituting this into the standard form of a rotation matrix, you get:
R = ( cos(phi) -sin(phi) ) = ( vx -vy )
( sin(phi) cos(phi) ) ( vy vx )
This is the absolute rotation for the new direction. If you need the relative rotation between old direction and new direction, it just takes a few more operations. Let's say you already calculated the normalized vectors for the old and new directions as (v1x, v1y) and (v2x, v2y). The cosine of the rotation angle is the scalar product of the two vectors:
cosPhi = v1x * v2x + v1y * v2y;
and the sine is the length of the cross product. Since both vectors are in the xy-plane, that's simply the z-component of the cross product:
sinPhi = v1x * v2y - v1y * v2x;
With these two values, you can directly build the rotation matrix again:
R = ( cosPhi -sinPhi )
( sinPhi cosPhi )

An inconsistency in my understanding of the GLM lookAt function

Firstly, if you would like an explanation of the GLM lookAt algorithm, please look at the answer provided on this question:
mat4x4 lookAt(vec3 const & eye, vec3 const & center, vec3 const & up)
vec3 f = normalize(center - eye);
vec3 u = normalize(up);
vec3 s = normalize(cross(f, u));
u = cross(s, f);
mat4x4 Result(1);
Result[0][0] = s.x;
Result[1][0] = s.y;
Result[2][0] = s.z;
Result[0][1] = u.x;
Result[1][1] = u.y;
Result[2][1] = u.z;
Result[0][2] =-f.x;
Result[1][2] =-f.y;
Result[2][2] =-f.z;
Result[3][0] =-dot(s, eye);
Result[3][1] =-dot(u, eye);
Result[3][2] = dot(f, eye);
return Result;
Now I'm going to tell you why I seem to be having a conceptual issue with this algorithm. There are two parts to this view matrix, the translation and the rotation. The translation does the correct inverse transformation, bringing the camera position to the origin, instead of the origin position to the camera. Similarly, you expect the rotation that the camera defines to be inversed before being put into this view matrix as well. I can't see that happening here, that's my issue.
Consider the forward vector, this is where your camera looks at. Consequently, this forward vector needs to be mapped to the -Z axis, which is the forward direction used by openGL. The way this view matrix is suppose to work is by creating an orthonormal basis in the columns of the view matrix, so when you multiply a vertex on the right hand side of this matrix, you are essentially just converting it's coordinates to that of different axes.
When I play the rotation that occurs as a result of this transformation in my mind, I see a rotation that is not the inverse rotation of the camera, like what's suppose to happen, rather I see the non-inverse. That is, instead of finding the camera forward being mapped to the -Z axis, I find the -Z axis being mapped to the camera forward.
If you don't understand what I mean, consider a 2D example of the same type of thing that is happening here. Let's say the forward vector is (sqr(2)/2 , sqr(2)/2), or sin/cos of 45 degrees, and let's also say a side vector for this 2D camera is sin/cos of -45 degrees. We want to map this forward vector to (0,1), the positive Y axis. The positive Y axis can be thought of as the analogy to the -Z axis in openGL space. Let's consider a vertex in the same direction as our forward vector, namely (1,1). By using the logic of GLM.lookAt, we should be able to map (1,1) to the Y axis by using a 2x2 matrix that consists of the forward vector in the first column and the side vector in the second column. This is an equivalent calculation of that calculation
Note that you don't get your (1,1) vertex mapped the positive Y axis like you wanted, instead you have it mapped to the positive X axis. You might also consider what happened to a vertex that was on the positive Y axis if you applied this transformation. Sure enough, it is transformed to the forward vector.
Therefore it seems like something very fishy is going on with the GLM algorithm. However, I doubt this algorithm is incorrect since it is so popular. What am I missing?
Have a look at GLU source code in Mesa:
First in the implementation of gluPerspective, notice the -1 is using the indices [2][3] and the -2 * zNear * zFar / (zFar - zNear) is using [3][2]. This implies that the indexing is [column][row].
Now in the implementation of gluLookAt, the first row is set to side, the next one to up and the final one to -forward. This gives you the rotation matrix which is post-multiplied by the translation that brings the eye to the origin.
GLM seems to be using the same [column][row] indexing (from the code). And the piece you just posted for lookAt is consistent with the more standard gluLookAt (including the translational part). So at least GLM and GLU agree.
Let's then derive the full construction step by step. Noting C the center position and E the eye position.
Move the whole scene to put the eye position at the origin, i.e. apply a translation of -E.
Rotate the scene to align the axes of the camera with the standard (x, y, z) axes.
2.1 Compute a positive orthonormal basis for the camera:
f = normalize(C - E) (pointing towards the center)
s = normalize(f x u) (pointing to the right side of the eye)
u = s x f (pointing up)
with this, (s, u, -f) is a positive orthonormal basis for the camera.
2.2 Find the rotation matrix R that aligns maps the (s, u, -f) axes to the standard ones (x, y, z). The inverse rotation matrix R^-1 does the opposite and aligns the standard axes to the camera ones, which by definition means that:
(sx ux -fx)
R^-1 = (sy uy -fy)
(sz uz -fz)
Since R^-1 = R^T, we have:
( sx sy sz)
R = ( ux uy uz)
(-fx -fy -fz)
Combine the translation with the rotation. A point M is mapped by the "look at" transform to R (M - E) = R M - R E = R M + t. So the final 4x4 transform matrix for "look at" is indeed:
( sx sy sz tx ) ( sx sy sz -s.E )
L = ( ux uy uz ty ) = ( ux uy uz -u.E )
(-fx -fy -fz tz ) (-fx -fy -fz f.E )
( 0 0 0 1 ) ( 0 0 0 1 )
So when you write:
That is, instead of finding the camera forward being mapped to the -Z
axis, I find the -Z axis being mapped to the camera forward.
it is very surprising, because by construction, the "look at" transform maps the camera forward axis to the -z axis. This "look at" transform should be thought as moving the whole scene to align the camera with the standard origin/axes, it's really what it does.
Using your 2D example:
By using the logic of GLM.lookAt, we should be able to map (1,1) to the Y
axis by using a 2x2 matrix that consists of the forward vector in the
first column and the side vector in the second column.
That's the opposite, following the construction I described, you need a 2x2 matrix with the forward and row vector as rows and not columns to map (1, 1) and the other vector to the y and x axes. To use the definition of the matrix coefficients, you need to have the images of the standard basis vectors by your transform. This gives directly the columns of the matrix. But since what you are looking for is the opposite (mapping your vectors to the standard basis vectors), you have to invert the transformation (transpose, since it's a rotation). And your reference vectors then become rows and not columns.
These guys might give some further insights to your fishy issue:
glm::lookAt vertical camera flips when z <= 0
The answer might be of interest to you?

Rotate a 3D- Point around another one

I have a function in my program which rotates a point (x_p, y_p, z_p) around another point (x_m, y_m, z_m) by the angles w_nx and w_ny.
The new coordinates are stored in global variables x_n, y_n, and z_n. Rotation around the y-axis (so changing value of w_nx - so that the y - values are not harmed) is working correctly, but as soon as I do a rotation around the x- or z- axis (changing the value of w_ny) the coordinates aren't accurate any more. I commented on the line I think my fault is in, but I can't figure out what's wrong with that code.
void rotate(float x_m, float y_m, float z_m, float x_p, float y_p, float z_p, float w_nx ,float w_ny)
float z_b = z_p - z_m;
float x_b = x_p - x_m;
float y_b = y_p - y_m;
float length_ = sqrt((z_b*z_b)+(x_b*x_b)+(y_b*y_b));
float w_bx = asin(z_b/sqrt((x_b*x_b)+(z_b*z_b))) + w_nx;
float w_by = asin(x_b/sqrt((x_b*x_b)+(y_b*y_b))) + w_ny; //<- there must be that fault
x_n = cos(w_bx)*sin(w_by)*length_+x_m;
z_n = sin(w_bx)*sin(w_by)*length_+z_m;
y_n = cos(w_by)*length_+y_m;
What the code almost does:
compute difference vector
convert vector into spherical coordinates
add w_nx and wn_y to the inclination and azimuth angle (see link for terminology)
convert modified spherical coordinates back into Cartesian coordinates
There are two problems:
the conversion is not correct, the computation you do is for two inclination vectors (one along the x axis, the other along the y axis)
even if computation were correct, transformation in spherical coordinates is not the same as rotating around two axis
Therefore in this case using matrix and vector math will help:
b = p - m
b = RotationMatrixAroundX(wn_x) * b
b = RotationMatrixAroundY(wn_y) * b
n = m + b
basic rotation matrices.
Try to use vector math. Decide in which order you rotate, first along x, then along y perhaps.
If you rotate along z-axis, [z' = z]
x' = x*cos a - y*sin a;
y' = x*sin a + y*cos a;
The same repeated for y-axis: [y'' = y']
x'' = x'*cos b - z' * sin b;
z'' = x'*sin b + z' * cos b;
Again rotating along x-axis: [x''' = x'']
y''' = y'' * cos c - z'' * sin c
z''' = y'' * sin c + z'' * cos c
And finally the question of rotating around some specific "point":
First, subtract the point from the coordinates, then apply the rotations and finally add the point back to the result.
The problem, as far as I see, is a close relative to "gimbal lock". The angle w_ny can't be measured relative to the fixed xyz -coordinate system, but to the coordinate system that is rotated by applying the angle w_nx.
As kakTuZ observed, your code converts point to spherical coordinates. There's nothing inherently wrong with that -- with longitude and latitude, one can reach all the places on Earth. And if one doesn't care about tilting the Earth's equatorial plane relative to its trajectory around the Sun, it's ok with me.
The result of not rotating the next reference axis along the first w_ny is that two points that are 1 km a part of each other at the equator, move closer to each other at the poles and at the latitude of 90 degrees, they touch. Even though the apparent purpose is to keep them 1 km apart where ever they are rotated.
if you want to transform coordinate systems rather than only points you need 3 angles. But you are right - for transforming points 2 angles are enough. For details ask Wikipedia ...
But when you work with opengl you really should use opengl functions like glRotatef. These functions will be calculated on the GPU - not on the CPU as your function. The doc is here.
Like many others have said, you should use glRotatef to rotate it for rendering. For collision handling, you can obtain its world-space position by multiplying its position vector by the OpenGL ModelView matrix on top of the stack at the point of its rendering. Obtain that matrix with glGetFloatv, and then multiply it with either your own vector-matrix multiplication function, or use one of the many ones you can obtain easily online.
But, that would be a pain! Instead, look into using the GL feedback buffer. This buffer will simply store the points where the primitive would have been drawn instead of actually drawing the primitive, and then you can access them from there.
This is a good starting point.

How to orbit around the Z-axis in 3D

I'm primarily a Flash AS3 dev, but I'm jumping into openframeworks and having trouble using 3D (these examples are in AS)
In 2D you can simulate an object orbiting a point by using Math.Sin() and Math.cos(), like so
function update(event:Event):void
dot.x = xCenter + Math.cos(angle*Math.PI/180) * range;
dot.y = yCenter + Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180) * range;
I am wondering how I would translate this into a 3D orbit, if I wanted to also orbit in the third dimension.
function update(event:Event):void
dot.z = zCenter + Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180) * range;
// is this valid?
An help is greatly appreciated.
If you are orbiting around the z-axis, you are leaving your z-coordinate fixed and changing your x- and y-coordinates. So your first code sample is what you are looking for.
To rotate around the x-axis (or y-axes), just replace x (or y) with z. Use Cos on whichever axis you want to be 0-degrees; the choice is arbitrary.
If what you actually want is to orbit an object around a point in 3d-space, you'll need two angles to describe the orbit: its elevation angle and its inclination angle. See here and here.
For reference, those equations are (where θ and φ are your angles)
x = x0 + r sin(θ) cos(φ)
y = y0 + r sin(θ) sin(φ)
z = z0 + r cos(θ)
If you are orbiting around Z axis, then you just do your first code, and leave Z coordinate as is.
I would pick two unit perpendicular vectors v, w that define the plane in which to orbit, then loop over the angle and pick the proper ratio of these vectors v and w to build your vector p = av + bw.
More details are coming.
This might be of help
EDIT: I think it is actually
center + sin(angle) * v * radius1 + cos(angle) * w * radius2
Here v and w are your unit vectors for the circle.
In 2D they were (1,0) and (0,1).
In 3D you will need to compute them - depends on orientation of the plane.
If you set radius1 = radius 2, you will get a circle. Otherwise, you should get an ellipse.
If you just want the orbit to happen at an angled plane and don't mind it being elliptic you can just do something like z = 0.2*x + 0.2*y, or any combination you fancy, after you have determined the x and y coordinates.

How to get camera up vector from roll, pitch, and yaw?

I need to get an up vector for a camera (to get the right look) from a roll, pitch, and yaw angles (in degrees). I've been trying different things for a couple hours and have had no luck :(. Any help here would be appreciated!
Roll, Pitch and Yaw define a rotation in 3 axis. from these angles you can construct a 3x3 transformation matrix which express this rotation (see here how)
After you have this matrix you take your regular up vector, say (0,1,0) if 'up' is the Y axis and multiply it with the matrix. What you'll get is the transformed up vector.
Applying the transformation to (0,1,0) is the same thing as taking the middle row. The 3 rows of the matrix make up an orthogonal base of the rotated system. Mind you that a 3D graphic API uses 4x4 matrices. So to make a 4x4 matrix out of the 3x3 rotation matrix you need to add a '1' at M[3][3] (the corner) and zeros at the rest like so:
r r r 0
r r r 0
r r r 0
0 0 0 1
This may not directly answer your question, although it may still help. I have a free open-source project for XNA that creates a debug terminal that overlays your game while it is running. You can use this for looking up values, invoking methods, or whatever. So if you have a transformation matrix and you wanted to extract various parts of it while the game is running, you can do that. The project can be found here:
I don't have much expertise in the kind of math you are using, but hopefully Shoosh's post helps on that. Maybe the debug terminal can help you when trying out his idea or in any other future problems you encounter.
12 years later...
In case anyone is still interested in the answer to this question, here is the solution (even tough its in Java it should be pretty easy to translate it in other languages):
private Vector3f getRayFromCamera() {
float rx = (float)Math.sin((double)getYaw() * (double)(Math.PI / 180)) * -1 * (1-Math.abs((float)Math.cos((double)getPitch() * (double)(Math.PI / 180) - 90 * (Math.PI / 180)) * -1));
float ry = (float)Math.cos((double)getPitch() * (double)(Math.PI / 180) - 90 * (Math.PI / 180)) * -1;
float rz = (float)Math.cos((double)getYaw() * (double)(Math.PI / 180)) * -1 * (1- Math.abs((float)Math.cos((double)getPitch() * (double)(Math.PI / 180) - 90 * (Math.PI / 180)) * -1));
return new Vector3f(rx, ry, rz);
Note: This calculates the Front Vector but when multiplying with the vector (0,1,0) you can change that!