SharePoint 2013 - How to get document library size? - sharepoint-2013

We have this Document Library Monitoring Console App written in C# and its running in SharePoint 2007. We now upgrading our SharePoint Server to 2013, so we also need to upgrade our solutions and customization including console apps.
I search through the web I can't find replace for deprecated "SPSite.StorageManagementInformation".

Please read this MSDN article.
You can to use "SPSite.Usage.Storage".
Hope it help to you.


Sharepoint 2013 app development guidelines

I worked in .net . I start working in sharepoint 2013 today and I'm confused where is .cs file of .aspx file . I need book or any site to learn sharepoint app development . Please don't suggest msdn .
I'd recommend Wrox Sharepoint 2013 development. It is confusing (sharepoint development, at first), and for the most part, you won't be doing .cs code for Sharepoint applications. You'll want to do everything client side and call web APIs from the application that you eventually deploy into Sharepoint. Then, your APIs can live wherever and you write .NET code just as you always have. If you follow that formula, you should set yourself up for easy migration paths once SP gets updated.
Download this book .I got this book in google. I think this one will help you.

dotcms community edition capability

I am working on developing a weksite using a Java based CMS and had a close look at dotCMS community edition.
The website will initially hold some 500-600 pages, with good seo integration, performance, search capability. The pages will have images but no videos.
I want to run the site with dotcms community edition for a year or so and then upgrade to a licensed edition.
Can anybody please suggest if dotcms community edition can help build & run the site covering my above requirements.
Any pointers in this regard is appreciated.
Unfortunately the community edition does not support integrated search (the licensed edition uses elastic search), so you'll have to add third party search. All the other requirements are not a problem. I've build many many sites with dotCMS and I have never had a problem with those aspects of the CMS.
To figure out what is in and what is out, check out this list:
Agree with Koenpeters, when we have a CE site on dotCMS we use Google custom search that we use, and then we have a plugin that feeds GCS a feed of all pages to index for searching...

Need Suggestion on How to get data from SharePoint Online for Windows 8.1 App

I recently working on a Windows 8.1 App, which was developed with C# and XAML. SharePoint Online is used for Data store.
I searched and found that Wictor solution can be used for Authentication. but the problem is that we can not use Wictor solution [] directly as it is built upon .Net framework and Metro Apps are built upon .NetCore.
One possible option is to use WCF service and have whole Wictor solution in WCF service then call WCF service from Windows App. I tested it and it is working fine.
However, I wanted to know what would be the best approach available if I don't want to deploy this WCF separately. In future I have to publish this Win App on Windows store.
Any help will be appreciated.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online (2013) - Get number of tickets via API

I use Dynamics CRM Online (2013) to manage daily incident tickets, daily requests and change requests. I'd like to use their API and pull this information into a custom application to display them on a dashboard.
Basically what I want to do is to be able to grab the number of open tickets using my application. Then it'll publish this information to elsewhere. It's a Java application running on a Windows server.
Can you please point me in the correct direction?
MSDN lists a walkthrough (click here to see it) (it's related to CRM Online 2011, but since most of the info is still accurate I'd say it's worth a try) aimed exactly at connecting to CRM Online fom Java.
The prerequisites listed are
Java SE SDK 1.6 update 23 or later
Eclipse 3.7.x and above or NetBeans 6.9x or later
Apache Axis 2 ver. 1.6.1
Apache HTTP Components Client 4.1.3
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
You're going to have to generate the classes (in .NET you use crmsvcutil.exe, it's roughly equivalent) and then you should be all set.

PowerShell Web Services (Management oData IIS Extensions)?

There are references to this "Loch Ness" feature across Microsoft's announcements for both PoSh3 & 4; however, I am unable to locate useful, current documentation on PSWS. I even went as far as to spin up a VM and installed related roles, features, and downloadable binaries from Microsoft's referenced sites. The only content, binaries, and help that I could find is a year old and is very poorly documented. Microsoft's own MSDN pages about Management oData IIS Extensions is still incomplete. (and doesn't work on W2k12 or W2k12R2) While another section of MSDN covers the oData classes, it does not cover how to utilize the PSWS / IIS extensions with the required schema designer...etc.
All that so you know that I've done the research but am unable to find sufficient & current documentation on how to employ PSWS / Management oData IIS extensions. Does anyone know who to contact within Microsoft to get this information? Or has anyone recently used the oData / PSWS Schema Designer to create a PoSh odata service?
Have a look in the url below if you haven't already. there's a doc inside the zip file.
Here's a newer link to the MSDN doc: