Regex Pattern to Match, Excluding when... / Except between - regex

--Edit-- The current answers have some useful ideas but I want something more complete that I can 100% understand and reuse; that's why I set a bounty. Also ideas that work everywhere are better for me than not standard syntax like \K
This question is about how I can match a pattern except some situations s1 s2 s3. I give a specific example to show my meaning but prefer a general answer I can 100% understand so I can reuse it in other situations.
I want to match five digits using \b\d{5}\b but not in three situations s1 s2 s3:
s1: Not on a line that ends with a period like this sentence.
s2: Not anywhere inside parens.
s3: Not inside a block that starts with if( and ends with //endif
I know how to solve any one of s1 s2 s3 with a lookahead and lookbehind, especially in C# lookbehind or \K in PHP.
For instance
s1 (?m)(?!\d+.*?\.$)\d+
s3 with C# lookbehind (?<!if\(\D*(?=\d+.*?//endif))\b\d+\b
s3 with PHP \K (?:(?:if\(.*?//endif)\D*)*\K\d+
But the mix of conditions together makes my head explode. Even more bad news is that I may need to add other conditions s4 s5 at another time.
The good news is, I don't care if I process the files using most common languages like PHP, C#, Python or my neighbor's washing machine. :) I'm pretty much a beginner in Python & Java but interested to learn if it has a solution.
So I came here to see if someone think of a flexible recipe.
Hints are okay: you don't need to give me full code. :)
Thank you.

Hans, I'll take the bait and flesh out my earlier answer. You said you want "something more complete" so I hope you won't mind the long answer—just trying to please. Let's start with some background.
First off, this is an excellent question. There are often questions about matching certain patterns except in certain contexts (for instance, within a code block or inside parentheses). These questions often give rise to fairly awkward solutions. So your question about multiple contexts is a special challenge.
Surprisingly, there is at least one efficient solution that is general, easy to implement and a pleasure to maintain. It works with all regex flavors that allow you to inspect capture groups in your code. And it happens to answer a number of common questions that may at first sound different from yours: "match everything except Donuts", "replace all but...", "match all words except those on my mom's black list", "ignore tags", "match temperature unless italicized"...
Sadly, the technique is not well known: I estimate that in twenty SO questions that could use it, only one has one answer that mentions it—which means maybe one in fifty or sixty answers. See my exchange with Kobi in the comments. The technique is described in some depth in this article which calls it (optimistically) the "best regex trick ever". Without going into as much detail, I'll try to give you a firm grasp of how the technique works. For more detail and code samples in various languages I encourage you to consult that resource.
A Better-Known Variation
There is a variation using syntax specific to Perl and PHP that accomplishes the same. You'll see it on SO in the hands of regex masters such as CasimiretHippolyte and HamZa. I'll tell you more about this below, but my focus here is on the general solution that works with all regex flavors (as long as you can inspect capture groups in your code).
Thanks for all the background, zx81... But what's the recipe?
Key Fact
The method returns the match in Group 1 capture. It does not care at
all about the overall match.
In fact, the trick is to match the various contexts we don't want (chaining these contexts using the | OR / alternation) so as to "neutralize them". After matching all the unwanted contexts, the final part of the alternation matches what we do want and captures it to Group 1.
The general recipe is
This will match Not_this_context, but in a sense that match goes into a garbage bin, because we won't look at the overall matches: we only look at Group 1 captures.
In your case, with your digits and your three contexts to ignore, we can do:
Note that because we actually match s1, s2 and s3 instead of trying to avoid them with lookarounds, the individual expressions for s1, s2 and s3 can remain clear as day. (They are the subexpressions on each side of a | )
The whole expression can be written like this:
See this demo (but focus on the capture groups in the lower right pane.)
If you mentally try to split this regex at each | delimiter, it is actually only a series of four very simple expressions.
For flavors that support free-spacing, this reads particularly well.
### s1: Match line that ends with a period ###
| ### OR s2: Match anything between parentheses ###
| ### OR s3: Match any if(...//endif block ###
| ### OR capture digits to Group 1 ###
This is exceptionally easy to read and maintain.
Extending the regex
When you want to ignore more situations s4 and s5, you add them in more alternations on the left:
How does this work?
The contexts you don't want are added to a list of alternations on the left: they will match, but these overall matches are never examined, so matching them is a way to put them in a "garbage bin".
The content you do want, however, is captured to Group 1. You then have to check programmatically that Group 1 is set and not empty. This is a trivial programming task (and we'll later talk about how it's done), especially considering that it leaves you with a simple regex that you can understand at a glance and revise or extend as required.
I'm not always a fan of visualizations, but this one does a good job of showing how simple the method is. Each "line" corresponds to a potential match, but only the bottom line is captured into Group 1.
Debuggex Demo
Perl/PCRE Variation
In contrast to the general solution above, there exists a variation for Perl and PCRE that is often seen on SO, at least in the hands of regex Gods such as #CasimiretHippolyte and #HamZa. It is:
In your case:
This variation is a bit easier to use because the content matched in contexts s1, s2 and s3 is simply skipped, so you don't need to inspect Group 1 captures (notice the parentheses are gone). The matches only contain whatYouWant
Note that (*F), (*FAIL) and (?!) are all the same thing. If you wanted to be more obscure, you could use (*SKIP)(?!)
demo for this version
Here are some common problems that this technique can often easily solve. You'll notice that the word choice can make some of these problems sound different while in fact they are virtually identical.
How can I match foo except anywhere in a tag like <a stuff...>...</a>?
How can I match foo except in an <i> tag or a javascript snippet (more conditions)?
How can I match all words that are not on this black list?
How can I ignore anything inside a SUB... END SUB block?
How can I match everything except... s1 s2 s3?
How to Program the Group 1 Captures
You didn't as for code, but, for completion... The code to inspect Group 1 will obviously depend on your language of choice. At any rate it shouldn't add more than a couple of lines to the code you would use to inspect matches.
If in doubt, I recommend you look at the code samples section of the article mentioned earlier, which presents code for quite a few languages.
Depending on the complexity of the question, and on the regex engine used, there are several alternatives. Here are the two that can apply to most situations, including multiple conditions. In my view, neither is nearly as attractive as the s1|s2|s3|(whatYouWant) recipe, if only because clarity always wins out.
1. Replace then Match.
A good solution that sounds hacky but works well in many environments is to work in two steps. A first regex neutralizes the context you want to ignore by replacing potentially conflicting strings. If you only want to match, then you can replace with an empty string, then run your match in the second step. If you want to replace, you can first replace the strings to be ignored with something distinctive, for instance surrounding your digits with a fixed-width chain of ###. After this replacement, you are free to replace what you really wanted, then you'll have to revert your distinctive ### strings.
2. Lookarounds.
Your original post showed that you understand how to exclude a single condition using lookarounds. You said that C# is great for this, and you are right, but it is not the only option. The .NET regex flavors found in C#, VB.NET and Visual C++ for example, as well as the still-experimental regex module to replace re in Python, are the only two engines I know that support infinite-width lookbehind. With these tools, one condition in one lookbehind can take care of looking not only behind but also at the match and beyond the match, avoiding the need to coordinate with a lookahead. More conditions? More lookarounds.
Recycling the regex you had for s3 in C#, the whole pattern would look like this.
But by now you know I'm not recommending this, right?
#HamZa and #Jerry have suggested I mention an additional trick for cases when you seek to just delete WhatYouWant. You remember that the recipe to match WhatYouWant (capturing it into Group 1) was s1|s2|s3|(WhatYouWant), right? To delete all instance of WhatYouWant, you change the regex to
For the replacement string, you use $1. What happens here is that for each instance of s1|s2|s3 that is matched, the replacement $1 replaces that instance with itself (referenced by $1). On the other hand, when WhatYouWant is matched, it is replaced by an empty group and nothing else — and therefore deleted. See this demo, thank you #HamZa and #Jerry for suggesting this wonderful addition.
This brings us to replacements, on which I'll touch briefly.
When replacing with nothing, see the "Deletions" trick above.
When replacing, if using Perl or PCRE, use the (*SKIP)(*F) variation mentioned above to match exactly what you want, and do a straight replacement.
In other flavors, within the replacement function call, inspect the match using a callback or lambda, and replace if Group 1 is set. If you need help with this, the article already referenced will give you code in various languages.
Have fun!
No, wait, there's more!
Ah, nah, I'll save that for my memoirs in twenty volumes, to be released next Spring.

Do three different matches and handle the combination of the three situations using in-program conditional logic. You don't need to handle everything in one giant regex.
EDIT: let me expand a bit because the question just became more interesting :-)
The general idea you are trying to capture here is to match against a certain regex pattern, but not when there are certain other (could be any number) patterns present in the test string. Fortunately, you can take advantage of your programming language: keep the regexes simple and just use a compound conditional. A best practice would be to capture this idea in a reusable component, so let's create a class and a method that implement it:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class MatcherWithExceptions {
private string m_searchStr;
private Regex m_searchRegex;
private IEnumerable<Regex> m_exceptionRegexes;
public string SearchString {
get { return m_searchStr; }
set {
m_searchStr = value;
m_searchRegex = new Regex(value);
public string[] ExceptionStrings {
set { m_exceptionRegexes = from es in value select new Regex(es); }
public bool IsMatch(string testStr) {
return (
&& !m_exceptionRegexes.Any(er => er.IsMatch(testStr))
public class App {
public static void Main() {
var mwe = new MatcherWithExceptions();
// Set up the matcher object.
mwe.SearchString = #"\b\d{5}\b";
mwe.ExceptionStrings = new string[] {
, #"\(.*" + mwe.SearchString + #".*\)"
, #"if\(.*" + mwe.SearchString + #".*//endif"
var testStrs = new string[] {
"1." // False
, "11111." // False
, "(11111)" // False
, "if(11111//endif" // False
, "if(11111" // True
, "11111" // True
// Perform the tests.
foreach (var ts in testStrs) {
So above, we set up the search string (the five digits), multiple exception strings (your s1, s2 and s3), and then try to match against several test strings. The printed results should be as shown in the comments next to each test string.

Your requirement that it's not inside parens in impossible to satify for all cases.
Namely, if you can somehow find a ( to the left and ) to the right, it doesn't always mean you are inside parens. Eg.
(....) + 55555 + (.....) - not inside parens yet there are ( and ) to left and right
Now you might think yourself clever and look for ( to the left only if you don't encounter ) before and vice versa to the right. This won't work for this case:
((.....) + 55555 + (.....)) - inside parens even though there are closing ) and ( to left and to right.
It is impossible to find out if you are inside parens using regex, as regex can't count how many parens have been opened and how many closed.
Consider this easier task: using regex, find out if all (possibly nested) parens in a string are closed, that is for every ( you need to find ). You will find out that it's impossible to solve and if you can't solve that with regex then you can't figure out if a word is inside parens for all cases, since you can't figure out at a some position in string if all preceeding ( have a corresponding ).

Hans if you don't mind I used your neighbor's washing machine called perl :)
Below a pseudo code:
loop through input
if line contains 'if(' set skip=true
if skip= true do nothing
if line match '\b\d{5}\b' set s0=true
if line does not match s1 condition set s1=true
if line does not match s2 condition set s2=true
if s0,s1,s2 are true print line
if line contains '//endif' set skip=false
Given the file input.txt:
tiago#dell:~$ cat input.txt
this is a text
it should match 12345
it should not match 12345
it should match 12345
it should not match 12345.
it should not match ( blabla 12345 blablabla )
it should not match ( 12345 )
it should match 12345
And the script
tiago#dell:~$ cat
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
sub validate_s0 {
my $line = $_[0];
if ( $line =~ \d{5/ ){
return "true";
return "false";
sub validate_s1 {
my $line = $_[0];
if ( $line =~ /\.$/ ){
return "false";
return "true";
sub validate_s2 {
my $line = $_[0];
if ( $line =~ /.*?\(.*\d{5.*?\).*/ ){
return "false";
return "true";
my $skip = "false";
while (<>){
my $line = $_;
if( $line =~ /if\(/ ){
$skip = "true";
if ( $skip eq "false" ) {
my $s0_status = validate_s0 "$line";
my $s1_status = validate_s1 "$line";
my $s2_status = validate_s2 "$line";
if ( $s0_status eq "true"){
if ( $s1_status eq "true"){
if ( $s2_status eq "true"){
print "$line";
if ( $line =~ /\/\/endif/) {
tiago#dell:~$ cat input.txt | perl
it should match 12345
it should match 12345
it should match 12345

Not sure if this would help you or not, but I am providing a solution considering the following assumptions -
You need an elegant solution to check all the conditions
Conditions can change in future and anytime.
One condition should not depend on others.
However I considered also the following -
The file given has minimal errors in it. If it doe then my code might need some modifications to cope with that.
I used Stack to keep track of if( blocks.
Ok here is the solution -
I used C# and with it MEF (Microsoft Extensibility Framework) to implement the configurable parsers. The idea is, use a single parser to parse and a list of configurable validator classes to validate the line and return true or false based on the validation. Then you can add or remove any validator anytime or add new ones if you like. So far I have already implemented for S1, S2 and S3 you mentioned, check classes at point 3. You have to add classes for s4, s5 if you need in future.
First, Create the Interfaces -
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileParserDemo.Contracts
public interface IParser
String[] GetMatchedLines(String filename);
public interface IPatternMatcher
Boolean IsMatched(String line, Stack<string> stack);
Then comes the file reader and checker -
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FileParserDemo.Contracts;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
namespace FileParserDemo.Parsers
public class Parser : IParser
IEnumerable<Lazy<IPatternMatcher>> parsers;
private CompositionContainer _container;
public void ComposeParts()
var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(IParser).Assembly));
_container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
public String[] GetMatchedLines(String filename)
var matched = new List<String>();
var stack = new Stack<string>();
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(filename))
String line = "";
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
line = sr.ReadLine();
var m = true;
foreach(var matcher in this.parsers){
m = m && matcher.Value.IsMatched(line, stack);
if (m)
return matched.ToArray();
Then comes the implementation of individual checkers, the class names are self explanatory, so I don't think they need more descriptions.
using FileParserDemo.Contracts;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileParserDemo.PatternMatchers
public class MatchAllNumbers : IPatternMatcher
public Boolean IsMatched(String line, Stack<string> stack)
var regex = new Regex("\\d+");
return regex.IsMatch(line);
public class RemoveIfBlock : IPatternMatcher
public Boolean IsMatched(String line, Stack<string> stack)
var regex = new Regex("if\\(");
if (regex.IsMatch(line))
foreach (var m in regex.Matches(line))
//push the if
//ignore current line, and will validate on next line with stack
return true;
regex = new Regex("//endif");
if (regex.IsMatch(line))
foreach (var m in regex.Matches(line))
return stack.Count == 0; //if stack has an item then ignoring this block
public class RemoveWithEndPeriod : IPatternMatcher
public Boolean IsMatched(String line, Stack<string> stack)
var regex = new Regex("(?m)(?!\\d+.*?\\.$)\\d+");
return regex.IsMatch(line);
public class RemoveWithInParenthesis : IPatternMatcher
public Boolean IsMatched(String line, Stack<string> stack)
var regex = new Regex("\\(.*\\d+.*\\)");
return !regex.IsMatch(line);
The program -
using FileParserDemo.Contracts;
using FileParserDemo.Parsers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileParserDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var parser = new Parser();
var matches = parser.GetMatchedLines(Path.GetFullPath("test.txt"));
foreach (var s in matches)
For testing I took #Tiago's sample file as Test.txt which had the following lines -
this is a text
it should match 12345
it should not match 12345
it should match 12345
it should not match 12345.
it should not match ( blabla 12345 blablabla )
it should not match ( 12345 )
it should match 12345
Gives the output -
it should match 12345
it should match 12345
it should match 12345
Don't know if this would help you or not, I do had a fun time playing with it.... :)
The best part with it is that, for adding a new condition all you have to do is provide an implementation of IPatternMatcher, it will automatically get called and thus will validate.

Same as #zx81's (*SKIP)(*F) but with using a negative lookahead assertion.
In python, i would do easily like this,
import re
string = """cat 123 sat.
I like 000 not (456) though 111 is fine
222 if( //endif if(cat==789 stuff //endif 333"""
for line in string.split('\n'): # Split the input according to the `\n` character and then iterate over the parts.
if not line.endswith('.'): # Don't consider the part which ends with a dot.
for i in re.split(r'\([^()]*\)|if\(.*?//endif', line): # Again split the part by brackets or if condition which endswith `//endif` and then iterate over the inner parts.
for j in re.findall(r'\b\d+\b', i): # Then find all the numbers which are present inside the inner parts and then loop through the fetched numbers.
print(j) # Prints the number one ny one.


Perl switch/case Fails on Literal Regex String Containing Non-Capturing Group '?'

I have text files containing lines like:
2/17/2018 400000098627 =2,000.0 $2.0994 $4,387.75
3/7/2018 1)0000006043 2,000.0 $2.0731 $4,332.78
3/26/2018 4 )0000034242 2,000.0 $2.1729 $4,541.36
4/17/2018 2)0000008516 2,000.0 $2.219 $4,637.71
I am matching them with /^\s*(\S+)\s+(?:[0-9|\)| ]+)+\s+([0-9|.|,]+)\s+\$/ But I also have some files with lines in a completely different format, which I match with a different regex. When I open a file I determine which format and assign $pat = '<regex-string>'; in a switch/case block:
$pat = '/^\s*(\S+)\s+(?:[0-9|\)| ]+)+\s+([0-9|.|,]+)\s+\$/'
But the ? character that introduces the non-capturing group I use to match repeats after the date and before the first currency amount causes the Perl interpreter to fail to compile the script, reporting on abort:
syntax error at ./report-dates-amounts line 28, near "}continue "
If I delete the ? character, or replace ? with \? escaped character, or first assign $q = '?' then replace ? with $q inside a " string assignment (ie. $pat = "/^\s*(\S+)\s+($q:[0-9|\)| ]+)+\s+([0-9|.|,]+)\s+\$/"; ) the script compiles and runs. If I assign the regex string outside the switch/case block that also works OK. Perl v5.26.1 .
My code also doesn't have any }continue in it, which as reported in the compilation failure is probably some kind of transformation of the switch/case code by into something native the compiler chokes on. Is this some kind of bug in It fails even when I use given/when in exactly the same way.
use Switch;
# Edited for demo
# Format A eg:
# 2/17/2018 400000098627 =2,000.0 $2.0994 $4,387.75
# 3/7/2018 1)0000006043 2,000.0 $2.0731 $4,332.78
# 3/26/2018 4 )0000034242 2,000.0 $2.1729 $4,541.36
# 4/17/2018 2)0000008516 2,000.0 $2.219 $4,637.71
case /^(?:april|snow)$/i
{ # This is where the ? character breaks compilation:
$pat = '^\s*(\S+)\s+(?:[0-9|\)| ]+)+\s+\D?(\S+)\s+\$';
# $pat = '^\s*(\S+)\s+(' .$q. ':[0-9|\)| ]+)+\s+\D' .$q. '(\S+)\s+\$';
# Format B
case /^(?:umberto|petro)$/i
$pat = '^(\S+)\s+.*Think 1\s+(\S+)\s+';
Don't use Switch. As mentionned by #choroba in the comments, Switch uses a source filter, which leads to mysterious and hard to debug errors, as you constated.
The module's documentation itself says:
In general, use given/when instead. It were introduced in perl 5.10.0. Perl 5.10.0 was released in 2007.
However, given/when is not necessarily a good option as it is experimental and likely to change in the future (it seems that this feature was almost removed from Perl v5.28; so you definitely don't want to start using it now if you can avoid it). A good alternative is to use for:
for ($format) {
if (/^(?:april|snow)$/i) {
elsif (/^(?:umberto|petro)$/i) {
It might look weird a first, but once you get used to it, it's actually reasonable in my opinion. Or, of course, you can use none of this options and just do:
sub pattern_from_format {
my $format = shift;
if ($format =~ /^(?:april|snow)$/i) {
return qr/^\s*(\S+)\s+(?:[0-9|\)| ]+)+\s+\D?(\S+)\s+\$/;
elsif ($format =~ /^(?:umberto|petro)$/i) {
return qr/^(\S+)\s+.*Think 1\s+(\S+)\s+/;
# Some error handling here maybe
If, for some reason, you still want to use Switch: use m/.../ instead of /.../.
I have no idea why this bug is happening, however, the documentation says:
Also, the presence of regexes specified with raw ?...? delimiters may cause mysterious errors. The workaround is to use m?...? instead.
Which I misread at first, and therefore tried to use m/../ instead of /../, which fixed the issue.
Another option instead of an if/elsif chain would be to loop over a hash which maps your regular expressions to the values which should be assigned to $pat:
my %switch = (
'^(?:april|snow)$' => '^\s*(\S+)\s+(?:[0-9|\)| ]+)+\s+\D?(\S+)\s+\$',
'^(?:umberto|petro)$' => '^(\S+)\s+.*Think 1\s+(\S+)\s+',
for my $re (keys %switch) {
if ($format =~ /$re/i) {
$pat = $switch{$re};
For a more general case (i.e., if you're doing more than just assigning a string to a scalar) you could use the same general technique, but use coderefs as the values of your hash, thus allowing it to execute an arbitrary sub based on the match.
This approach can cover a pretty wide range of the functionality usually associated with switch/case constructs, but note that, because the conditions are pulled from the keys of a hash, they'll be evaluated in a random order. If you have data which could match more than one condition, you'll need to take extra precautions to handle that, such as having a parallel array with the conditions in the proper order or using Tie::IxHash instead of a regular hash.

Java Regular Expression Two Question marks (??)

I know that /? means the / is optional. so "toys?" will match both toy and toys. My understanding is that if I make it lazy and use "toys??" I will match both toy and toys and always return toy. So, a quick test:
private final static Pattern TEST_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("toys??", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public static void main(String[] args) {
for(String arg : args) {
Matcher m = TEST_PATTERN.matcher(arg);
System.out.print("Arg: " + arg);
boolean b = false;
while (m.find()) {
System.out.print(" {");
for (int i=0; i<=m.groupCount(); ++i) {
System.out.print("[" + + "]");
Yep, it looks like it works as expected
java -cp .. regextest.RegExTest toy toys
Arg: toy {[toy]}
Arg: toys {[toy]}
Now, change the regular expression to "toys??2" and it still matches toys2 and toy2. In both cases, it returns the entire string without the s removed. Is there any functional difference between searching for "toys?2" and "toys??2".
The reason I am asking is because I found an example like the following:
private final static Pattern TEST_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("</??tag(\\s+?.*?)??>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
and although I see no apparent reason for using ?? rather than ?, I thought that perhaps the original author (who is not known to me) might know something that I don't, I expect the later.
?? is lazy while ? is greedy.
Given (pattern)??, it will first test for empty string, then if the rest of the pattern can't match, it will test for pattern.
In contrast, (pattern)? will test for pattern first, then it will test for empty string on backtrack.
Now, change the regular expression to "toys??2" and it still matches toys2 and toy2. In both cases, it returns the entire string without the s removed. Is there any functional difference between searching for "toys?2" and "toys??2".
The difference is in the order of searching:
"toys?2" searches for toys2, then toy2
"toys??2" searches for toy2, then toys2
But for the case of these 2 patterns, the result will be the same regardless of the input string, since the sequel 2 (after s? or s??) must be matched.
As for the pattern you found:
Pattern.compile("</??tag(\\s+?.*?)??>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
Both ?? can be changed to ? without affecting the result:
/ and t (in tag) are mutually exclusive. You either match one or the other.
> and \s are also mutually exclusive. The at least 1 in \s+? is important to this conclusion: the result might be different otherwise.
This is probably micro-optimization from the author. He probably thinks that the open tag must be there, while the closing tag might be forgotten, and that open/close tags without attributes/random spaces appears more often than those with some.
By the way, the engine might run into some expensive backtracking attempt due to \\s+?.*? when the input has <tag followed by lots of spaces without > anywhere near.

regex: Match at least two search terms

I have a list of search terms and I would like to have a regex that matches all items that have at least two of them.
Terms: war|army|fighting|rebels|clashes
Match: The war between the rebels and the army resulted in several clashes this week. (4 hits)
Non-Match: In the war on terror, the obama administration wants to increase the number of drone strikes. (only 1 hit)
Background: I use tiny-tiny rss to collect and filter a large number of feeds for a news reporting project. I get 1000 - 2000 feed items per day and would like to filter them by keywords. By just using |OR expression, I get to many false positives, so I figured I could just ask for two matches in a feed item.
I know very little about regex, so I stuck with using the simple |OR operator so far. I tried putting the search terms in parenthesis (war|fighting|etc){2,}, but that only matches if an item uses the same word twice.
EDIT2: sorry for the confusion, I'm new to regex and the like. Fact is: the regex queries a mysql database. It is entered in the tt-rss backend as a filter, which allows only one line (although theoretically unlimited number of characters). The filter is employed upon importing of the feed item into the mysql database.
If you need to avoid matching the same term, you can use:
which matches a term, but avoids matching the same term again by using a negative lookahead.
In java:
Pattern multiword = Pattern.compile(
".*?(\\b(war|army|fighting|rebels|clashes)\\b)" +
Matcher m;
for(String str : Arrays.asList(
"war war war",
"warm farmy people",
"In the war on terror rebels eating faces"
)) {
m = multiword.matcher(str);
if(m.find()) { + " : " +;
} else { + " : no match.");
war : no match.
war war war : no match.
warm farmy people : no match.
In the war on terror rebels eating faces : In the war on terror rebels
This isn't (entirely) a job for regular expressions. A better approach is to scan the text, and then count the unique match groups.
In Ruby, it would be very simple to branch based on your match count. For example:
terms = /war|army|fighting|rebels|clashes/
text = "The war between the rebels and the army resulted in..."
# The real magic happens here.
match = text.scan(terms).uniq
# Do something if your minimum match count is met.
if match.count >= 2
p match
This will print ["war", "rebels", "army"].
Regular expressions could do the trick, but the regular expression would be quite huge.
Remember, they are simple tools (based on finite-state automata) and hence don't have any memory that would let them remember what words were already seen. So such regex, even though possible, would probably just look like a huge lump of or's (as in, one "or" for every possible order of inputs or something).
I recommend to do the parsing yourself, for instance like:
var searchTerms = set(yourWords);
int found = 0;
foreach (var x in words(input)) {
if (x in searchTerms) {
if (found >= 2) return true;
return false;
If you want to do it all with a regex it's not likely to be easy.
You can however do something like this:
$string = "The war between the rebels and the army resulted in several clashes this week. (4 hits)";
preg_match_all("#(\b(war|army|fighting|rebels|clashes))\b#", $string, $matches);
$uniqueMatchingWords = array_unique($matches[0]);
if (count($uniqueMatchingWords) >= 2) {

Notepad++ RegeEx group capture syntax

I have a list of label names in a text file I'd like to manipulate using Find and Replace in Notepad++, they are listed as follows:
I want to rename them in Notepad++ to the following:
The Regex I'm using in the Notepad++'s replace dialog to capture the label name is the following:
I want to replace each capture group as follows:
\1 = Label_
\2 = A_One
\3 = A_Two
\4 = A_Three
\5 = B_One
\6 = B_Two
\7 = B_Three
My problem is that Notepad++ doesn't register the syntax of the regex above. When I hit Count in the Replace Dialog, it returns with 0 occurrences. Not sure what's misesing in the syntax. And yes I made sure the Regular Expression radio button is selected. Help is appreciated.
Tried escaping the parenthesis, still didn't work:
Ed's response has shown a working pattern since alternation isn't supported in Notepad++, however the rest of your problem can't be handled by regex alone. What you're trying to do isn't possible with a regex find/replace approach. Your desired result involves logical conditions which can't be expressed in regex. All you can do with the replace method is re-arrange items and refer to the captured items, but you can't tell it to use "A" for values 1-3, and "B" for 4-6. Furthermore, you can't assign placeholders like that. They are really capture groups that you are backreferencing.
To reach the results you've shown you would need to write a small program that would allow you to check the captured values and perform the appropriate replacements.
EDIT: here's an example of how to achieve this in C#
var numToWordMap = new Dictionary<int, string>();
numToWordMap[1] = "A_One";
numToWordMap[2] = "A_Two";
numToWordMap[3] = "A_Three";
numToWordMap[4] = "B_One";
numToWordMap[5] = "B_Two";
numToWordMap[6] = "B_Three";
string pattern = #"\bMyLabel_(\d+)\b";
string filePath = #"C:\temp.txt";
string[] contents = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
for (int i = 0; i < contents.Length; i++)
contents[i] = Regex.Replace(contents[i], pattern,
m =>
int num = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
if (numToWordMap.ContainsKey(num))
return "Label_" + numToWordMap[num];
// key not found, use original value
return m.Value;
File.WriteAllLines(filePath, contents);
You should be able to use this easily. Perhaps you can download LINQPad or Visual C# Express to do so.
If your files are too large this might be an inefficient approach, in which case you could use a StreamReader and StreamWriter to read from the original file and write it to another, respectively.
Also be aware that my sample code writes back to the original file. For testing purposes you can change that path to another file so it isn't overwritten.
Bar bar bar - Notepad++ thinks you're a barbarian.
(obsolete - see update below.) No vertical bars in Notepad++ regex - sorry. I forget every few months, too!
Use [123456] instead.
Update: Sorry, I didn't read carefully enough; on top of the barhopping problem, #Ahmad's spot-on - you can't do a mapping replacement like that.
Update: Version 6 of Notepad++ changed the regular expression engine to a Perl-compatible one, which supports "|". AFAICT, if you have a version 5., auto-update won't update to 6. - you have to explicitly download it.
A regular expression search and replace for
works on Notepad 6.3.2
The outermost pair of brackets is for grouping, they limit the scope of the first alternation; not sure whether they could be omitted but including them makes the scope clear. The pattern searches for a fixed string followed by one of the two-digit pairs. (The leading zero could be factored out and placed in the fixed string.) Each digit pair is wrapped in round brackets so it is captured.
In the replacement expression, the clause (?4A_Three) says that if capture group 4 matched something then insert the text A_Three, otherwise insert nothing. Similarly for the other clauses. As the 6 alternatives are mutually exclusive only one will match. Thus only one of the (?...) clauses will have matched and so only one will insert text.
The easiest way to do this that I would recommend is to use AWK. If you're on Windows, look for the mingw32 precompiled binaries out there for free download (it'll be called gawk).
FS = "_0";
printf("Label_%s\n", a[$2]);
Execute on Windows as follows:
C:\Users\Mydir>gawk -f test.awk

regex: using surrounding brackets as delimiters while ignoring any inside brackets

I've build a complex (for me) regex to parse some file names, and it broadly works, except for a case where there are additional inside brackets.
In the following examples, I need to get the groups after the comment, but in the 3rd example, I am getting ((brackets) instead of ((brackets)are valid).
For the life of me I can't work out how to extend it to search for the final bracket.
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F30(green)].vsl // F30 (green)
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F21(red)_OR_F21(blue)_NOT_F21(pink)].vsl // F21 (red) _OR_ OR
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F21((brackets)are valid)].vsl // F21 ((brackets)are valid)
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F21(any old brackets)))))are valid)].vsl // F21 (any old brackets)))))are valid)
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F21(brackets))))))_OR_F21(blue)].vsl // F21 (brackets)))))) _OR_ OR
UPDATE: I'm using RegExr to experiment, then implementing in C# like this:
Regex r = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
foreach(Match m in r.Matches(foo))
UPDATE 2: I don't need to match up the brackets. Inside the one set of brackets can be any data, I just need it to terminate with the outside bracket.
Another attempt, this works with extra brackets (example 3 and 4), but still fails to split out the extra terms (example 5), but unfortunatly includes the terminating ] in the group. How can I get it to search for (but not include) either )_ or )] as the delimiter, but just include the bracket?
Final update: I've decided it's not worth the effort in trying to parse this stupid format, so I'm going to ditch support for it and do something more productive with my time. Thank you all for your help, I have now seen the light!
Matching nested parenthesis with regex is a) not possible*, or b) results in a regex that is unmaintainable.
If you're simply trying to match the first ( until the last ) (not checking if the opening- and closing-parenthesis properly match), then just remove the ? after .*?.
* depending what regex flavour you're using.
Hmm, this usually isn't possible with most regex engines. Although it is possible in perl:
By using a recursive regexp:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $textInner =
'(outer(inner(most "this (shouldn\'t match)" inner)))';
my $innerRe;
my $idx=0;
$innerRe = qr/
$textInner =~ /^$innerRe/g;
print "inner: $match[0]\n";
It's also possible to do it in most regex engines provided that you want to do it to a fixed depth of bracket nesting. I wrote something in java a while ago that would construct a regex that would match brackets up to 6 deep.
Here's my java function for producing the regex:
public static String generateParensMatchStr(int depth, char openParen, char closeParen)
if (depth == 0)
return ".*?";
return "(?:\\" + openParen + generateParensMatchStr(depth - 1, openParen, closeParen) + "\\" +closeParen + "|.*?)+?";
here is my another test results in python
x="""C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F30(green)].vsl // F30 (green)
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F21(red)_OR_F21(blue)_NOT_F21(pink)].vsl // F21 (red) _OR_ OR
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F21((brackets)are valid)].vsl // F21 ((brackets)are valid)
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F21(any old brackets)))))are valid)].vsl // F21 (any old brackets)))))are valid)
C:\Temp\[DB_3][DT_2][F21(brackets))))))_OR_F21(blue)].vsl // F21 (brackets)))))) _OR_ OR"""
x=re.sub("(_(OR|NOT|AND)_).*?]"," \\1 \\2]",x)
for x in x:print x
this gives
F21(red) _OR_ OR
F21((brackets)are valid)
F21(any old brackets)))))are valid)
F21(brackets)))))) _OR_ OR
Thats will meet your expected result?
['F30(green)', 'F21(red)_OR_F21(blue)_NOT_F21(pink)', 'F21((brackets)are valid)', 'F21(any old brackets)))))are valid)', 'F21(brackets))))))_OR_F21(blue)']
in python, what do you think?
Try this
tested with PHP, seems to give the expected results (as long as the strings inside round brackets don't contain _ or ]).