SAP webservice client timeout - web-services

I have a C# client that is consuming a SAP web service. This client is hosted on IIS and the client works by adding a web reference to the WSDL.
While sending a request, the connection times out and this happens at 63 seconds. I get a html dump in my logs saying
System.InvalidOperationException: Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'.
The request failed with the error message:
Application Server Error
500 Connection timed out
Wed May 07 18:53:53 2014
I have no where hardcoded this timeout and can't understand why is this happening. Has anybody see such a thing before, can I get any help resolving this.

Solved the problem,
The main problem we were having was there was no live connection to SAP and we could only test production code on site and hence couldn't debug live.
On the same system as our client we ran SOAPUI and tested the connection to SAP. The same error of connection time out was thrown at about 63 to 64 seconds. Increasing the time out on SOAPUI had no effect and that proved that there was nothing wrong with our client code.
It was finally narrowed down to an Web dispatcher/load balancer that funnels all communication to SAP server and that had a time out of 60 seconds. So any response from SAP that took more than 60 seconds would be killed and the client would get a timeout error.
Increasing this timeout got rid of the problem and we could download SAP data fine.
Hope this helps somebody in the future.
Thank you


WebSphere SOAP web service intermittently getting Read timed out and the server going down

I have SOAP webservices deployed on websphere application server and some times I am getting and the server is not responding for all other requests.
There are several things to check. If -nothing- works after you see this (admin console unresponsive, local admin port unresponsive, etc.) then the server might be very low on memory or cpu, so is unable to respond to anything. If restarting the server clears it up for awhile, that also points to something about the server. Or, there could be something wrong with the network and communication has failed with that last timeout. If so, restarting the network might clear it up. Finally there could be something wrong with the OS hosting the server, like almost out of native memory. Also, look in the logs for warnings and errors.

HTTP Status Code 504 happens only when requests are sent from one specific server

I have a program that I install on my clients' server which sends a couple of HTTP requests to a web service. This has always worked fine, but for one client the requests always get a 504 - Gateway Timeout Error. When I send the same requests from my own computer, I always get a quick 200 OK response.
My initial thought was that it must be some kind of firewall issue, however requests do occasionally get a 200 OK response.
Any ideas on what may cause this and what I can do about it?

Migrating web service from ColdFusion 8 to 10 issues

I have a web service that has been running on CF 8 for awhile now without issues. We've recently moved to CF10, and this web service no longer works. I've already tried switching the Axis setting to 1, it's still tossing errors. Has anyone else encountered this, or have an ideas on what else to look for here?
CF Server sends a web service request to App Server.
App Server processes request, generates another web service back to CF Server with SOAP data pushes, then replies back to the step 1 originating request with a boolean response on how its own web service request went.
CF Server Errors:
The web service operation caused an invocation exception.The root cause was that: ClientAbortException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error.
Cannot perform web service invocation [Method Name]. The fault returned when invoking the web service operation is: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/james/mime4j/MimeException
App Server Error Logs:
com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed
SEVERE: SAAJ0009: Message send failed
com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed
Caused by: Error writing to server
I've gone as far as modifying the App Server configuration to have it's web service request push out to the CF 8 server for processing, while still replying back to the originating request from the CF 10 server. This worked fine. It's definitely something with the requests or my CF 10 web service config.
I can't post any of the code examples unfortunately.
24 Sept 13 Update
I've tried various combinations of v1 and v2 in the CF admin, with wsdl and wsdl2, and the application.cfc setup. The app that is interacting with this service has given me the ability to modify a variety of parameters for soap versioning and some internal items. I can get the two services to talk with a bare bones connection of give me your soap and I'll toss a YES back. Whenever I try to use the full request it seems to never actually hit my web service, and gets stopped somewhere by CF. I see no logging on it other than in the web service log.
I found the solution to my problem. The ColdFusion connector was causing the fault. After installing ColdFusion 10 and patching, I had run the wsconfig to rebuild the connector. I had either done this incorrectly, or for some reason it didn't take. I ran it this morning, removed the connector, re-added it.... everything working fine now. Very frustrating.

Blackberry Httpconnection Request Timeout issue

I am facing issue related to Httpconnection request timeout (not response timeout).
When i am trying to connect with the server via application i am getting response code 408 or 502 but the same url is working on the blackberry default browser (plz not that this happen only in the 3G network).
And this issue not reprodusing each and every time but it occurs 70 % times.
From Wikipedia
408 Request Timeout
The server timed out waiting for the request.[2] According to W3 HTTP specifications: "The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. The client MAY repeat the request without modifications at any later time."
502 Bad Gateway
The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.
So I am guessing some sort of proxy/gateway needs to be set in your application (as may be set in your default BB browser).

What specific error am I getting when I make a request to a server that is completely offline?

I looked online but I could not get a clear answer.
Would I get a 503 Service Unavailable, because the DNS is still running but the web server is down? Or something else.
Receiving a 408 error, or any HTTP error for that matter, would require a valid connection to the server. Since in your example the server is offline, the request would time out and a socket would never be created.