Byte length of a MySQL column in C++ - c++

I am using C++ to write a program for a MySQL database. I am trying to check a condition by comparing the length of a column (in bytes) to pass/fail. Here is the code:
while (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result);
for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
if (strstr(fields[i].name, "RSSI") != NULL)
if (lengths[*row[i]] == ??)
printf("current value is %s \t", row[i]);
So basically what i am trying to do is to look for the string "RSSI" in the columns and if the string is present i want to print that value. The values in each column are 3 bytes in length if present . So how do i check if lengths [*rows[i]] is 3 bytes in length? Thanks

According to the official MySQL documentation mysql_fetch_lengths returns an array of unsigned long with the lengths of the columns of the current row. Although the description isn't clear whether it's in bytes or something else, the example shown clarifies it.
So you should be checking directly to 3.
Also, there are some syntactic and semantic errors, and a possible refactoring in your code, among them the following:
Given the lengths variable is an array with the current rows' lengths, the expression lengths[*row[i]] should just be lengths[i] because i is the index of the current column.
The two ifs inside the for could be merged with the && operator for better readability.
Some variables are not defined or used correctly.
The code would look like this:
// Properly assign a value to fields variable.
fields = mysq_fetch_fields(result);
// Getting the number of fields outside the loop is better.
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
while (row = mysql_fetch_row(result))
lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(row);
for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
if (strstr(fields[i].name, "RSSI") != NULL && lengths[i] == 3)
printf("current value is %s \t", row[i]);
printf("\n"); // For better output print each row in a new line.
You should really read the documentation carefully in order to avoid compilation or logic errors for using the wrong function.

I think there is a typo:
dev docs states:
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(row);


How to return 2D Array without causing Segmentation Fault (C++)

A homework assignment for an introductory C++ course.
The task is to search a two dimensional array for two numbers adding up to a given number 'search_sum.' Enter all found addends as {startRow,startColumn,endRow,endColumn} in the array 'summations,' then return the array 'summations'.
The line with summations[*sums_found] = new size_t[kIndices_size]; in the if statement was written by the instructor, as well as the comment. I am under the impression that this allocates a new space in memory where data can be assigned to and stored, so, in the next line of code, I attempted to take the column and row variables from the for loop and place them in the newly allocated memory as such.
summations[*sums_found]={startRow, column, endRow, column};
This threw a 'too many assignments' and 'segmentation fault' error.
I assumed you just could not do it this way, and data must be added to a 2D array in another fashion. I removed the faulty assignment code and ran the code as shown below through a debugger, just out of curiosity. The error thrown was once again a Segmentation Fault.
// Parameters:
// - matrix: a two-dimension integer array
// - matrix_size: a two-element size_t array storing sizes of matrix
// - search_sum: the integer value for which the function seeks sums
// - sums_found: an OUTPUT PARAMETER pointing to a size_t
const size_t** FindSum(const int** matrix,
const size_t* matrix_size,
int search_sum,
size_t* sums_found) {
*sums_found = 0; // init sums found to 0
size_t summations_size = 2; // start assuming no more than 2 summations
// build structure to hold all found summations
size_t** summations = new size_t*[summations_size];
switch (search_sum)
case -92:{ //column search
for(size_t column = 0; column < matrix_size[1]; column++){
for(size_t startRow = 0; startRow < matrix_size[0]; startRow++){
for(size_t endRow = 0; endRow < matrix_size[0]; endRow++){
int j = matrix[startRow][column];
int k = matrix[endRow][column];
int sum = j + k;
if(sum = search_sum){
summations[*sums_found] = new size_t[kIndices_size]; // only done when summation is found
case 60:{ //row search
for(size_t row = 0; row < matrix_size[0]; row++){
for(size_t startColumn = 0; startColumn < matrix_size[1]; startColumn++){
for(size_t endColumn = 0; endColumn < matrix_size[1]; endColumn++){
int j = matrix[row][startColumn];
int k = matrix[row][endColumn];
int sum = j + k;
if(sum = search_sum){
summations[*sums_found] = new size_t[kIndices_size]; // only done when summation is found
case 1203:{ //desc/ascending diagonal
case 412:{ //single entry
default:{ //large array
return const_cast<const size_t**>(summations);
I did not know what this was, so I researched the error and found that you are not allowed to perform a read/write action on read-only code, which makes sense. What I do not understand is what exactly makes this code read-only, when it seems like its function is to assign a new space for data to be assigned to, which (to me), sounds like a 'write-like' action? I more than likely am misunderstanding the full scope of the codes function, and I am further confused with as to how I should go about assigning the data to the summations array.
Also, this is a university course taught by a grad student who is (seemingly) less than well versed in c++. It is a very 'teach yourself' type class. I understand that this assignment is an exercise on pointers and references, but it feels like I am very poorly equipped to solve a problem like this, and I am unsure what exactly to research and study independently to improve my knowledge of this particular topic. Please, if you can tell what it is I am struggling with just by looking at the code I've written, let me know what I should prioritize my studying on.

For loop using pointers to traverse array not working properly

For my homework problem I must use pointers to traverse arrays. When I try to store 3 "name" values into member variables of an array of an Object called RentalAgency, I find that it stores the value, but never increments. Therefore the last value given is stored in the first index and the next two are empty.
RentalAgency *agencies_ptr = agencies;
for(int i = 0; i < 3;i++,++agencies_ptr){
Where agencies is an array of Objects
If the input is Hertz, Alamo, and Budget, it should output Hertz, Alamo, and Budget.
The actual output is just Budget.
Just write
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
infile.get( agencies_ptr[i].name, MAX_SIZE, space );
You are desreferencing agencies, not agencies_ptr (and the parenthesis are not needed):
RentalAgency *agencies_ptr = agencies;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i, ++agencies_ptr)
infile.get(agencies_ptr->name, MAX_SIZE, space);
But a more idiomatic way of traversing a "range" is this (it stands for iterator):
RentalAgency *agencies_it = agencies;
RentalAgency *agencies_end = agencies_it + 3;
for(; agencies_it != agencies_end; ++agencies_it)
infile.get(agencies_it->name, MAX_SIZE, space);
It's cleaner, express intent better and is more familiar to see among experienced programmers.

iterating vector of strings C++

The code is to read instructions from text file and print out graphic patterns. One is my function is not working properly. The function is to read the vectors of strings I've got from the file into structs.
Below is my output, and my second, third, and sixth graphs are wrong. It seems like the 2nd and 3rd vectors are not putting the correct row and column numbers; and the last one skipped "e" in the alphabetical order.
I tried to debug many times and still can't find the problem.
typedef struct Pattern{
int rowNum;
int colNum;
char token;
bool isTriangular;
bool isOuter;
void CommandProcessing(vector<string>& , Pattern& );
int main()
for (int i = 0; i < command.size(); i++)
Pattern characters;
CommandProcessing(command[i], characters);
return 0;
void CommandProcessing(vector<string>& c1, Pattern& a1)
reverse(c1.begin(), c1.end());
string str=" ";
for (int j = 0; j < c1.size(); j++)
bool foundAlpha = find(c1.begin(), c1.end(), "alphabetical") != c1.end();
bool foundAll = find(c1.begin(), c1.end(), "all") != c1.end();
a1.isTriangular = find(c1.begin(), c1.end(), "triangular") != c1.end() ? true : false;
a1.isOuter = find(c1.begin(), c1.end(), "outer") != c1.end() ? true : false;
if (foundAlpha ==false && foundAll == false){
a1.token = '*';
//if (c1[0] == "go"){
else if (c1[j] == "rows"){
str = c1[++j];
a1.rowNum = atoi(str.c_str());
else if (c1[j] == "columns"){
str = c1[++j];
a1.colNum = atoi(str.c_str());
else if (c1[j] == "alphabetical")
a1.token = 0;
else if (c1[j] == "all"){
str = c1[--j];
a1.token = *str.c_str();
Before debugging (or posting) your code, you should try to make it cleaner. It contains many strange / unnecessary parts, making your code harder to understand (and resulting in the buggy behaviour you just described).
For example, you have an if in the beginning:
if (foundAlpha ==false && foundAll == false){
If there is no alpha and all command, this will be always true, for the entire length of your loop, and the other commands are all placed in else if statements. They won't be executed.
Because of this, in your second and third example, no commands will be read, except the isTriangular and isOuter flags.
Instead of a mixed structure like this, consider the following changes:
add a default constructor to your Pattern struct, initializing its members. For example if you initialize token to *, you can remove that if, and even the two bool variables required for it.
Do the parsing in one way, consistently - the easiest would be moving your triangular and outer bool to the same if structure as the others. (or if you really want to keep this find lookup, move them before the for loop - you only have to set them once!)
Do not modify your loop variable ever, it's an error magnet! Okay, there are some rare exceptions for this rule, but this is not one of them.
Instead of str = c1[++j];, and decrementing later, you could just write str = c1[j+1]
Also, are you sure you need that reverse? That makes your relative +/-1 indexing unclear. For example, the c1[j+1 is j-1 in the original command string.
About the last one: that's probably a bug in your outer printing code, which you didn't post.

what am i doing wrong in this bloom filter implementation?

I have this bit table for a segmented bloom filter. Here every column is managed by a single hash function.
unsigned char bit_table_[ROWS][COLUMNS];//bit_table now have 8*ROWS*COLUMNS bits
unsigned char bit_mask[bits_per_char] = { 0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,
There are ROWS number of hash functions each of which handles the setting and checking of COLUMNS*8 bits.
Elements are hashed and bit_index and bit are calculated as
compute_indices(unsigned int hash)
Now insetion is done as
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
bit_table_[i][bit_index ] |= bit_mask[bit];
And the query is
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
if (((bit_table_[i][bit_index])& bit_mask[bit]) != bit_mask[bit])
return false;
My problem is the bloom filter gets full too soon and I suspect that i am not using the individual bits of the characters correctly. For example i suppose i should have something like:
for insertion but, since the bit_table is declared as two dimensional array i am not allowed to do this.
What should i do to make use of the individual bits of the char array?
English is my second language, so you might have trouble understanding my question. I would be happy to explain my points more if requested.
compute_hash(i,set_elemnt) uses predefined salt values to compute hash value of the element to be inserted or queried.
There is an error in your compute_indices method.
You are computing a column index and then apply a modulo 8 on this column index. At the end you will always use the same bit in a column.
For example for the column 10, you will always use the bit 2.
You should have :
compute_indices(unsigned int hash)
int bitIndex = hash % (COLUMNS * 8);
bit_index= bitIndex / 8;
bit = bitIndex % 8;

Do I need more space?

I have code that is supposed to separate a string into 3 length sections:
However, I have an extremely long string and I keep getting the
terminate called without an active exception
When I cut the length of the string down, it seems to work. Do I need more space? I thought when using a string I didn't have to worry about space.
int main ()
string code, default_Code, start_C;
start_C = "AUG";
code = default_Code;
for (double j = 0; j < code.length(); j++) { //insert spacing here
code.insert(j += 3, 1, ' ');
cout << code;
return 0;
Think about the case when code.length() == 2. You're inserting a space somewhere over the string. I'm not sure but it would be okay if for(int j=0; j+3 < code.length(); j++).
This is some fairly confusing code. You are looping through a string and looping until you reach the end of the string. However, inside the loop you are not only modifying the string you are looping through, but you also change the loop variable when you say j += 3.
It happens to work for any string with a multiple of 3 letters, but you are not correctly handling other cases.
Here is a working example of the for loop that is a bit more clear it what it's doing:
// We skip 4 each time because we added a space.
for (int j = 3; j < code.length(); j += 4)
code.insert(j, 1, ' ');
You are using an extremely inefficient method to do such an operation. Every time you insert a space you are moving all the remaining part of the string forward and this means that the total number of operations you will need is in the order of o(n**2).
You can instead do this transormation with a single o(n) pass by using a read-write approach:
// input string is assumed to be non-empty
std::string new_string((old_string.size()*4-1)/3);
int writeptr = 0, count = 0;
for (int readptr=0,n=old_string.size(); readptr<n; readptr++) {
new_string[writeptr++] = old_string[readptr];
if (++count == 3) {
count = 0;
new_string[writeptr++] = ' ';
A similar algorithm can be written also to work "inplace" instead of creating a new string, simply you have to first enlarge the string and then work backward.
Note also that while it's true that for a string you don't need to care about allocation and deallocation still there are limits about the size of a string object (even if probably you are not hitting them... your version is so slow that it would take forever to get to that point on a modern computer).