What are the C++ improvements in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2? - c++

I'm upgrading from Visual Studio 2013 Update 1 to Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 and Description of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 mentions only a few minor bug fixes and added code generation for AVX2 instruction set. Was there any progress made in C++11/C++14 language and library conformance?

Herb Sutter said at Going Native 2013 and again Build 2014 that there will be an out of band update for VC++ to C++14 when it is ratified.


How to get compiler version 19.0.24234 for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3?

When researching on libmdbx, I found its sources require MSVC compiler version >= 19.0.24234 for "Visual Studio 2015 Update 3".
I have to stick to Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, cannot upgrade to Visual Studio 2017 or later. But my compiler version is 19.00.24223.
It seems that if you install the Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 freshly from an offline ISO, the initial compiler version would be 19.00.24215.1. (ref: Offline install ISO)
Then if you install this update (KB4020481), the compiler version is bumped to 19.00.24223
I installed this update (KB3165756), the compiler version did not change.
There is a page listing all _MSC_VER_FULL values:
The version number for 2015 Update 3 is 190024210.
So is 190024234 really a valid compiler version from Visual Studio 2015 Update 3? Or is it actually from Visual Studio 2017?
If you search google with "_MSC_FULL_VER 190024234", you will get very few results, with top ones being the github sources from user erthink, where happnes to be the repo of libmdbx. In the source it claims that 19.00.24234 corresponds to Visual Studio 2015. So is there any "KB" update that can bump the compiler versio to that required one? Thanks.
# if _MSC_FULL_VER < 190024234
/* Actually libmdbx was not tested with compilers older than 19.00.24234 (Visual Studio 2015 Update 3).
* But you could remove this #error and try to continue at your own risk.
* In such case please don't rise up an issues related ONLY to old compilers.
# error "At least \"Microsoft C/C++ Compiler\" version 19.00.24234 (Visual Studio 2015 Update 3) is required."
# endif

differences between Visual Studio version 15.0 and 15.x

Since the very beginning of the release of Visual Studio 2017, it seems there has been two differentiated branches:
- 15.0
- 15.x
In the above link you can see that 15.0.0 and 15.1 Preview 1 were released the same day, and then there were updates for 15.0 and 15.x. At the date of this question, latest versions are 15.0.21 and 15.9.11
What are the differences between these two development branches?
In general Microsoft offers a dual support model for most of these tools:
Stay on RTM/RTW. Basically the 15.0.x version. This version will receive hotfixes, but no feature improvements and is a Long-Term-Support version. This version is generally only available through Visual Studio subscriptions and can only be downloaded from https://my.visualstudio.com.
Stay on the latest version. Basically the 15.x.x version. This version will receive hotfixes and feature updates at a regular interval until the next major version (2019) is released. Support is normally only given on the latest update version, so if you have issues, you're likely going to be asked to upgrade to the latest 15.x.x version to see if the issue persists.
The same applies to Azure DevOps Server / Team Foundation Server.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.9.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.8.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.7.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.6.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.5.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.4.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.3.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.2.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.1.x can be found here.
Release notes for Visual Studio 2017 15.0.x can be found here.
In general you get more features, improvements and fixes in the 15.x.x version. But you may have to upgrade your solution from time to time to stay current with the tooling.
You get fewer impacting changes and a longer support window by staying on 15.0.x.

Is it possible to apply fixes on Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 Update 3

Visual Studio 2015u3 is serviced by cumulative updates with KB3165756, which contains, among other things, fixes to the C++ compiler and libraries.
However KB3165756 refuses to do anything on a computer where Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 Update 3 is installed. It really wants one of VS Pro, Enterprise, Community or Express.
Are there special patches for Visual C++ Build Tools, or is it not updated at all and so it is actually a better idea to switch to Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop, in order to be able to receive patches?
Here is the answer I got on MSDN Visual Studio Development > Visual Studio Setup and Installation forum:
However KB3165756 refuses to do anything on a computer where Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 Update 3 is installed. It really wants one of VS Pro, Enterprise, Community or Express.
It is reasonable, check this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt752379.aspx and it describes this update is applies to
Visual Studio Professional 2015
Visual Studio Enterprise 2015
Visual Studio Community 2015
Visual Studio Express 2015 for Web
Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop
Visual Studio Express 2015 for Windows 10
I have researched around and it looks like there is no special update for the Visual C++ Build Tools 2015, and refer to this blog: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/11/02/announcing-visual-c-build-tools-2015-standalone-c-tools-for-build-environments/
The latest release of the Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 is here: Download Visual C++ Build Tools 2015
If you still want to install, it looks like you need a VS 2015 RTM update version on your computer. Since the VS community 2015 with update 2 and Visual Studio Express version are free and you can think about it.
Best regards,

Edit & Continue for native x64

Which Visual Studio versions already support Edit & Continue for C++ code running in x64?
I've heard that Visual Studio 2013 was the first one to introduce x64 EnC for managed .NET code.
Thanks for this comment from Hans Passant:
According to the MSDN blog post from July 22nd 2015, Visual Studio 2015 introduces C++ EnC (Edit & Continue) support for 64 bits.

Visual Studio 2013 User Defined Literals - Latest CTP

Microsoft is previewing a new CTP for Visual Studio 2013. Click here . How to check if it will have support for C++11 User Defined Literals?
I know that previous versions of VS 2013, including the November CTP did not support UDLs, and VS 2015 will have support for UDLs.
If not in this CTP, is there a possibility that VS will ever support UDLs?
You can start from THIS site, there is a lot of links you may find for possible Microsoft Visual Studio CTP updates.