I have a question regarding the spinner-buttons for dates and numbers.
I have an input of type number and min=1 and max=3, initially there is no value in the input.
Now if I click on the up arrow (next value), the input shows number 2 instead of, what I would expect, number 1.
This is the same behaviour as shown on the demo page.
Is there a way to get it to show the first value instead? That is number 1.
This behavior is now improved. And will be in next release 1.12.8.
enter image description here
I have a table in OpenOffice that contains a column with region's codes (column J). Using table functions, how to get all codes that appear more than 5 times and write them in one cell?
Normally I would recommend breaking this problem down into smaller parts using helper columns. Or better yet, move the data into LibreOffice Base which can easily work with distinct values.
However, I managed to come up with a rather large formula that seems to do what you asked. Enter it as an array formula.
I can't test this on your actual data since your example is only an image, but let's say that there are six of both 77 and 37. Then this would show 77,37 as the result.
Here is a breakdown. Look up the functions in LibreOffice Online Help for more information.
=TEXTJOIN(",";1; — Join all results into a single cell, separated by commas.
IF(COUNTIF(исходник.J$2:J$552;исходник.J2:J552)>5; — Find codes that occur more than 5 times. This is the same as what you wrote.
IF(ROW(исходник.J2:J552)= — Compare the next result to the row number that we are currently looking at.
MATCH(исходник.J2:J552;исходник.J$2:J$552;0)+ROW(J$2)-1; — Determine the first row that has this code. We do this to get unique results instead of 6 or more of each code in the result.
исходник.J2:J552;""))) — Return the code. (Your formula simply returns 1 here, which doesn't seem to be what you want.) If it doesn't match, return an empty string rather than 0, because TEXTJOIN ignores empty strings.
I'm using an If-statement to assign integers to strings from another cell. This seems to be working, but if I reference these columns, I'm getting a NaN value. This is my formula below. I tried adding INT() around the output values, but that seemed to break everything. Am I missing something?
IF(FIND('1',{Functional response}),-4,
IF(FIND('2',{Functional response}),-2,
IF(FIND('3',{Functional response}),0,
IF(FIND('4',{Functional response}),2,
IF(FIND('5',{Functional response}),4,"")))))
Assuming Functional response can only store a number 1 to 5 as a string a simple option in excel would be to first convert the string to a number and then use the choose function to assign a value. this works as the numbers are are sequential integers. Assuming Cell K2 has the value of Functional response, your formula could be:
Basically sending the string of a pure number through a math operation has excel convert it to a number. By sending it through a math operation that does not change its value, you get the string as a number.
CHOOSE is like a sequential IF function Supply it with an integer as the first argument and then it will return the value from the subsequent list that matches the number. if the number you supply is greater than the number of options you will get an error.
Alternatively you could just do a straight math convertion on the number stored as a string in K2 using the following formula:
And as my final option, you could build a table and use VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH.
NOTE: If B2:B6 was stored as strings instead of numbers, K2 instead of --K2 would need to be used.
is a code that gives 0 or a +ve result
I use this across 1500 cells which makes the sheet gets filled with 0s
I'd like to remove the Zeros by using the following formula
This calculates every formula twice and increases the calculation time.
How can we do this in 1 formula where if the value is 0 - keep empty - otherwise display the answer
I suggest this cell-function:
I'm not sure what to add as explanation. Basically to replace the result of a complex calculation with blank cells if it results in 0, you can wrap the complex function in
IFERROR(1/(1/ ComplexFunction() ))
It works by twice taking the inverse (1/X) of the result, thus returning the original result in all cases except 0 where a DIV0 error is generated. This error is then caught by IFERROR to result in a blank cell.
The advantage of this method is that it doesn't need to calculate the complex function twice, so can give a significant speed/readability increase, and doesn't fool the output like a custom number format which can be important if this cell is used in further functions.
You only need to set the number format for your range of cells.
Go to the menu Format-->Number-->More Formats-->Custom Number Format...
In the entry area at the top, enter the following: #;-#;""
The "format" of the format string is
(positive value format) ; (negative value format) ; (zero value format)
You can apply colors or commas or anything else. See this link for details
instead of your =COUNTIFS(Orders!$T:$T,$B4) use:
=REGEXREPLACE(""&COUNTIFS(Orders!$T:$T,$B4), "^0$", )
also, to speed up things you should avoid "per row formulae" and use ArrayFormulas
I have a cell that I want to use and IF statement to tell return information based on characters in the cell. I.E the cell has =M=WRFY, I want the statement to give me a start time based on the day within. I used this formula for the first set and it worked but for the next day it fails.
I've tried entering the 2 where the 1 is to make it look at character 2 but its not working. Help!!
I am trying to compare two data ranges to determine if they are the same or not.
I'm using the following statement and I get a #Value! error message:
=IF(SUM(ABS(B2:E7-G2:J7))=0,"Same", "Not")
If you are looking to see if the arithmetic total of the numbers in the two ranges is the same then this standard formula should do.
=IF(SUM(B2:E7)-SUM(G2:J7), "Not", "Same")
A zero in Excel evaluates to a boolean FALSE. Anything that is not false is TRUE.
This does not determine whether each cell directly corresponds to its 'sister' cell in the other range; only that the sum total of each is equal or not. The values in different cells could be interchanged or by coincidence be offset from one another in a perfect proportion to create an equal sum.
If you require a cell by cell analysis, then a much more complicated formula could be provided.
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(B2:E7=G2:J7))=24, "Same", "Not")
24 being the total number of cells in each range. While this does not require Ctrl+Shift+Enter, a SUMPRODUCT function does produce cyclic calculations.
Do you have strings in your answer or have the formula in row 1 or 8+? If yes that might be the reason as the formula works correctly assuming you
hit ctrl+shift+enter and
have only numbers in the ranges
For a general solution try
Do not forget to hit ctrl+shift+enter as otherwise it will only look at the row the formula itself is in!