mongo shell search for value like "/""/" - regex

I may have let a bug loose on our code that essentially ruined some of our db data.
Every now and again we come across a username that has " " in his email so we need to fix this.
How can I search for a value like "/""/" in one field using my mongo shell?
I have been trying all the combinations I can think of like:
db.users.find(username: /"/" .* /)
db.users.find(username: //.*//)
db.users.find(username: /"".*/)
But nothing seems to work.

new RegExp('^".*')
This finds all the records that start with ".

Try this:
db.users.find({ email: "(?:[^\\"]+|\\.)* })
This will match all documents which contains quotes in the email

Not to sure which one is you problem, so the solutions to both possible scenarios with data in MongoDB like this:
{ "email" : "\"/\"\"/\"" }
{ "email" : "/" }
{ "email": "\"\"" }
First document match:
db.problem.find({ email: /^\"/ })
Second document match:
db.problem.find({ email: /^\// })
Third document match
db.problem.find({ email: /^\"/ })
Do not know what you mean otherwise by "having quotes" as that is not valid JSON and by extension is also invalid BSON.


regex breaks when I use a colon(:)

I just started working with elastic search. By started working I mean I have to query an already running elastic database. Is there a good documentation of the regex they follow. I know about the one on their official site, but its not very helpful.
The more specific problem is that I want to query for lines of the sort:
10:02:37:623421|0098-TSOT {TRANSITION} {ID} {1619245525} {securityID} {} {fromStatus} {NOT_PRESENT} {toStatus} {WAITING}
01:01:36:832516|0058-CT {ADD} {0} {3137TTDR7} {23} {COM} {New} {0} {0} {52} {1}
and more of a similar structure. I don't want a generalized regex. If possible, could someone give me a regex expression for each of these that would run with elastic?
I noticed that it matches if the regexp matches with a substring too when I ran with:
query = {"query":
"message": "[0-9]{2}"
But it wont match anything if I use:
query = {"query":
"message": "[0-9]{2}:.*"
I want to write regex that are more specific and that are different for the two examples given near the top.
turns out my message is present in the tokenized form instead of the raw form, and : is one of the default delimiters of the tokenizer, in elastic. And as a reason, I can't use regexp query on the whole message because it matches it with each token individually.

Replace variable names with actual class Properties - Regex? (C#)

I need to send a custom email message to every User of a list ( List < User > ) I have. (I'm using C# .NET)
What I would need to do is to replace all the expressions (that start with "[?&=" have "variableName" in the middle and then ends with "]") with the actual User property value.
So for example if I have a text like this:
"Hello, [?&=Name]. A gift will be sent to [?&=Address], [?&=Zipcode], [?&=Country].
If [?&=Email] is not your email address, please contact us."
I would like to get this for the user:
"Hello, Mary. A gift will be sent to Boulevard Spain 918, 11300, Uruguay.
If is not your email address, please contact us."
Is there a practical and clean way to do this with Regex?
This is a good place to apply regex.
The regular expression you want looks like this /\[\?&=(\w*)\]/ example
You will need to do a replace on the input string using a method that allows you to use a custom function for replacement values. Then inside that function use the first capture value as the Key so to say and pull the correct corresponding value.
Since you did not specify what language you are using I will be nice and give you an example in C# and JS that I made for my own projects just recently.
Loop through matches
Key is in first capture group
Check if replacements dict/obj/db/... has value for the Key
if Yes, return Value
else return ""
email = Regex.Replace(email, #"\[\?&=(\w*)\]",
match => //match contains a Key & Replacements dict has value for that key
match?.Groups[1].Value != null
&& replacements.ContainsKey(match.Groups[1].Value)
? replacements[match.Groups[1].Value]
: "");
var content = text.replace(/\[\?&=(\w*)\]/g,
function (match, p1) {
return replacements[p1] || "";

Extract username from forward slash separated text

I need to extract a username from the log below via regex for a log collector.
Due to the nature of the logs we're getting its not possible to define exactly how many forward slashes are going to be available and I need to select a specific piece of data, as there are multiple occurances of similar formatted data.
Required data:
name="performedby" label="Performed By" value=" blah/blah/**USERNAME**"|
<46>Jun 23 10:38:49 25113 LOGbinder EX|3.1|success|2016-06-23T10:38:49.0000000-05:00|Add-MailboxPermission Exchange cmdlet issued|name="occurred" label="Occurred" value="6/23/2016 10:38:49 AM"|name="cmdlet" label="Cmdlet" value="Add-MailboxPermission"|name="performedby" label="Performed By" value=" blah/blah/USERNAME"|name="succeeded" label="Succeeded" value="Yes"|name="error" label="Error" value="None"|name="originatingserver label="Originating Server" value="black"|name="objectmodified" label="Object Modified" value="blah/blah/USERNAME"|name="parameters" label="Parameters" value="Name: Identity, Value: [blah]Name: User, Value: [blah/blah]Name AccessRights, Value: [FullAccess]Name: InheritanceType, Value: [All]"|name="properties" label="Modified Properties" value="n/a"|name="additionalinfo" label="Additional Information"
I've tried a few different regex commands but I'm not able to extract the necessary information without exactly stating how many / there will be.
Try this :
Check here
If your username format is this :
then use this :
check here
Possible solution:
(The first capture group is the username)
Working example:
Mayby like this?
It's catch Username but since it's between ** so I also match them
tested in notepad++

How to find all the results containing a given substring with spaces in mongoose

I found many solutions to this problem but none works. Let's say that I have the following schema:
var Schema = new Schema ({
name : String,
url : String
And let's say that one of my entries is:
name : "Product and Services",
url : ""
I want to be able to retrieve this result passing a substring, for example " and services" or "product and" and so on. I tried the following (partialToSearch is the partial string):
Schema.find({name: { "$regex": partialToSearch, "$options": "i" }}, function(err, res){...});
And also tried the following:
Schema.find({name: new RegExp(partialToSearch, "i")}, function(err, res) {...});
Both of them work when I only pass "product" "and" or "services" but when I put a space and another word no result is found (res is empty).
It's most probably because you are not converting the whitespaces into "\s" (\s+ is better though) character like
"$regex": new RegExp(partialToSearch.replace(/\s+/g,"\\s+"), "gi");
I haven't had the chance to try it out with mongoose but i am pretty sure it's fine.
Your research is very useful I found my answer from your question and I just read Mongoose and MongoDb documentation and got answer
Vehicle.find({ registrationNo: { "$regex": registrationNo, "$options": "ix" }}, function (err, vehicle) {}
// { <field>: { $regex: /pattern/, $options: '<options>' } }
Just provided options (i) will ignore case and (x) will truncate spaces from pattern
Screenshot from MongoDb documentation:

node.js - sending regex to server

I've created a client side mongodb interface to talk to server side mongodb.
it's very similar to the mini-mongo implemented in the meteor.
here is an example:
model.find({"field": /search/}).exec(function(err, model){
now normally everything works fine except when I use the regex.
and I know what's the problem but I cannot fix it.
the problem, as you have guessed it, is when the regex /regexParameter/ when sent by ajax to server, is converted to "/regexParameter/" and the single quotes(or double) make the regex a normal string.
in the server I have something like this:
var findObject = req.query.findObject // {"field": "/search/"} :(
.exec(function(err, model){
return res.json({
error: err,
result: model,
is there anything I can do to make this work without writing like 100 of lines of code that iterates through each of the findObject and matches every string for a regex...?
Thanks everyone
You are right - you cannot pass RegExp objects between client and server because during serialization they are converted to strings.
Solution? (or perhaps - a workaround)
Use $regex operator in your queries, so you don't need to use RegExp objects.
So this:
field: /search/
Becomes this:
field: {
$regex: 'search'
Or, giving a case-insensitive search example:
field: {
$regex: 'search',
$options: 'i'
(instead of field: /search/i)
Read more about $regex syntax here (including about some of its restrictions).