Copy or move a FrameBufferObject - c++

I want to find a way to send all the geometry from an opengl framebuffer to a remote computer, who would do the rendering. This would allow me to have very complex simulations running on some kind of a big supercomputer, and rendered on a small mobile or simply cheap client machine doing the rendering.
Before starting digging in my code, I though it would be relatively easy: let's copy the vertex arrays and send it through the network, using boost::serialisation for example, and that's it. But my geometry are encapsulated, which prevents me from accessing it from where I want to.
I have been able to render into a framebuffer instead of rendering directly on screen though, and I was wondering if there is a way to retrieve data from OpenGL's fbo's in anyway?

First your terminology is wrong. Frame Buffer Objects are encapsulations of off-screen images/surfaces and don't hold geometry.
Second: What you imagine has been implemented already by the VirtualGL project (however it's stuck at a rather old OpenGL profile and doesn't support modern GPUs).
Also X11/GLX always supported indirect OpenGL operation, i.e. a remote machine would send OpenGL commands to the local display server, which is exactly what you probably think of. But this has a major drawback: Network bandwidth becomes the major bottleneck.


How can I xforwarding openGL applications from server

I have a server with nvidia graphics card, and I want to run some openGL applications and xforwarding the display to client.
How can I achieve this? Currently I have not installed X window System yet.
X forwarding means, that all rendering commands are encapsulated into the X transport and transferred over to the machine with the display and executed there. The upside is, that the remote end does not require a GPU whatsoever. The downside is, that it consumes (well, rather gobbles up) lots of network bandwidth.
OpenGL up to version 2.1 specifies GLX opcodes for the X11 transport, so is network transparent. And if you make liberal use of display lists and keep the amount of data transferred small (i.e. no client side vertex array, only a few and little textures), OpenGL-over-GLX-over-X11-over-TCP works rather fine.
However these days it's more efficient to render remotely and only transfer the generated image using a high efficiency compression codec. Plain X11 forwarding can't do that, though. But you can do it using Xpra backed by a "true" X server, talking to an actual GPU. The problem is, that you'll need that particular X server to occupy the GPU.
A better method is, to detect if there's the GLX extension available, and if not if there's a GPU around and use that to render into a XSHM pixmap. That way also Xpra on a virtual framebuffer server will work. Unfortunately doing the later with OpenGL is annoyingly difficult to implement in a way, that it works transparently accross context creation APIs. It can be done (BT;DT) but actually for this kind of thing I actually prefer Vulkan, because despite Vulkan's verbosity it takes less work to do reliably with Vulkan than with OpenGL.
Maybe (unlikely) we'll see some X11 extension for compressed transfer of pixmaps, some high compression XV or similar. That, in combination with an pure off-screen, GPU rendering (we already have that), would make for a far more efficient system.

Blitting surfaces in OpenGL

Both SDL and Game Maker have the concept of surfaces, images that you may modify on the fly and display them. I'm using OpenGL 1 and i'd like to know if openGL has this concept of Surface.
The only way that i came up with was:
Every frame create / destroy a new texture based on needs.
Every frame, update said texture based on needs.
These approachs don't seem to be very performant, but i see no alternative. Maybe this is how they are implemented in the mentioned engines.
Yes these two are the ways you would do it in OpenGL 1.0. I dont think there are any other means as far as 1.0 spec is concerned.
Link :
Do note that the textures are stored on the device memory (GPU) which is fast to access for shading. And the above approaches copy it between host (CPU) memory and device memory. Hence the performance hit is the speed of host-device copy.
Why are you limited to OpenGL 1.0 spec. You can go higher and then you start getting more options.
Use GLSL shaders to directly edit content from one texture and output the same to another texture. Processing will be done on the GPU and a device-device copy is as fast as it gets.
Use CUDA. Map a texture to a CUDA array, use your kernel to modify the content. Or use OpenCL for non-NVIDIA cards.
This would be the better scenario so long as the modification can be executed in parallel this would benefit.
I would suggest trying the CPU copy method, as it might be fast enough for your needs. The host-device copy is getting faster with latest hardware. You might be able to get real-time 60fps or higher even with this copy, unless its a lot of textures you plan to execute this for.

Is it possible to draw using opengl on a directx dc/buffer?

This is probably a stupid question, but I cant find good examples on how to approach this, or if its even possible. Im just done with a project where I used gdi to biblt stuff onto a DIB-buffer then swap that onto the screen hdc, basically making my own swapchain and drawing with opengl.
So then I thought, can I do the same thing using directx11? But I cant seem to find where the DIB/buffer I need to change even is.
Am I even thinking about this correctly? Any ideas on how to handle this?
Yes, you can. Nvidia exposes vendor-specific extensions called NV_DX_interop and NV_DX_Interop2. With these extensions, you can directly access a DirectX surface (when it resides on the GPU) and render to it from an OpenGL context. There should be minimal (driver-only) overhead for this operation and the CPU will almost never be involved.
Note that while this is a vendor-specific extension, Intel GPUs support it as well.
However, don't do this simply for the fun of it or if you control all the source code for your application. This kind of interop scenario is meant for cases where you have two legacy/complicated codebases and interop is a cheaper/better option than porting all the logic to the other API.
Yeah you can do it, both OpenGL and D3D support both writeable textures and locking them to get to the pixel data.
Simply render your scene in OpenGL to a texture, lock it, read the pixel data and pass it directly to the D3D locked texture pixel data, unlock it then do whatever you want with the texture.
Performance would be dreadful of course, you're stalling the GPU multiple times in a single "operation" and forcing it to synchronize with the CPU (who's passing the data) and the bus (for memory access). Plus there would be absolutely no benefit at all. But if you really want to try it, you can do it.

Determine limit for data sent to VBO?

I'm writing a 3d application for the Playbook, which has a PowerVR SGX 540. I noticed that if I stuff enough data in the VBO through opengl, I can cause the device to crash (not just the application, but the entire device, requiring a hard reboot). To cause the crash, I sent data for a model with ~300k triangles and ~150k vertices. I sent normal data for the vertices as well.
I found that the problem doesn't occur if I send less data (tried another model with half the triangles and vertices). Also, the issue doesn't occur if I use vertex arrays (though it's incredibly slow).
I'd like to know:
Is what I'm seeing a common result for mobile hardware? That is, is a 300k tri model with 150k vertices and normals overkill?
Can I check how much memory I have available for VBO usage outside of testing a bunch of different model sizes (it takes a good five minutes to recover the device from a crash)?
Could anything else be causing this issue? I've provided some additional information:
I'm using Qt for my GUI, and drawing the 3d scene to an FBO before it's painted to the GUI (I haven't checked if redoing all this without a UI by creating an EGL window and drawing to that recreates the problem yet -- that'll take awhile).
To verify it wasn't me using OpenGL poorly, I tried both using raw OpenGL calls for all the 3d stuff, and also doing everything with OpenSceneGraph. Both methods fail in the exact same way (VBO works with less data, vertex arrays work, increased VBO data causes a crash).
The program works fine on my desktop. Unfortunately, I don't have any other mobile devices I can test my application out on.
OpenGL ES only supports unsigned short (16 bit) as data type for indices, so if you're using an index array, you're over that limit.

Share OpenGL frame buffer / render buffer between two applications

Let's say I have an application A which is responsible for painting stuff on-screen via OpenGL library. For tight integration purposes I would like to let this application A do its job, but render in a FBO or directly in a render buffer and allow an application B to have read-only access to this buffer to handle the display on-screen (basically rendering it as a 2D texture).
It seems FBOs belong to OpenGL contexts and contexts are not shareable between processes. I definitely understand that allowing several processes two mess with the same context is evil. But in my particular case, I think it's reasonable to think it could be pretty safe.
Render size is near full screen, I was thinking of a 2048x2048 32bits buffer (I don't use the alpha channel for now but why not later).
Framebuffer Objects can not be shared between OpenGL contexts, be it that they belong to the same process or not. But textures can be shared and textures can be used as color buffer attachment to a framebuffer objects.
Sharing OpenGL contexts between processes it actually possible if the graphics system provides the API for this job. In the case of X11/GLX it is possible to share indirect rendering contexts between multiple processes. It may be possible in Windows by emplyoing a few really, really crude hacks. MacOS X, no idea how to do this.
So what's probably the easiest to do is using a Pixel Buffer Object to gain performant access to the rendered picture. Then send it over to the other application through shared memory and upload it into a texture there (again through pixel buffer object).
In MacOS,you can use IOSurface to share framebuffer between two application.
In my understanding, you won't be able to share the objects between the process under Windows, unless it's a kernel mode object. Even the shared textures and contexts can create performance hits also it has give you the additional responsibility of syncing the SwapBuffer() calls. Especially under windows platform the OpenGL implementation is notorious.
In my opinion, you can relay on inter-process communication mechanisms like Events, mutex, window messages, pipes to sync the rendering. but just realize that there's a performance consideration on approaching in this way. Kernel mode objects are good but the transition to kernel each time has a cost of 100ms. Which is damns costly for a high performance rendering application. In my opinion you have to reconsider the multi-process rendering design.
On Linux, a solution is to use DMABUF, as explained in this blog: