Calling an external function with GetProcAddress crashes the app - c++

I've been trying to call an external function with the GetProcAddress function but everytime i call the function it crashes the console, ive been looking but in every post i get the same final solution but when i try it in my DLL it crashes the app.
Here's the code:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include "SDK\plugin.h"
typedef void (*logprintf_t)(char* format, ...);
logprintf_t logprintf;
// static void* m_AMXExports[44];
typedef bool (PLUGIN_CALL *ServerPluginLoad_t)(void **data);
typedef void (PLUGIN_CALL *ServerPluginUnload_t)();
typedef unsigned int (PLUGIN_CALL *ServerPluginSupports_t)();
typedef void (PLUGIN_CALL *ServerPluginProcessTick_t)();
typedef int (PLUGIN_CALL *ServerPluginAmxLoad_t)(AMX *amx);
typedef int (PLUGIN_CALL *ServerPluginAmxUnload_t)(AMX *amx);
struct Plugins
void* AppData[256];
ServerPluginLoad_t LOAD;
ServerPluginUnload_t UNLOAD;
ServerPluginSupports_t SUPPORTS;
ServerPluginProcessTick_t PROCESSTICK;
// AMX Plugin Interface
ServerPluginAmxLoad_t AMXLOAD;
ServerPluginAmxUnload_t AMXUNLOAD;
Plugins* ServerPlugins;
void **ppPluginData ;
extern void *pAMXFunctions;
//native LoadLibrary(libraryname[]);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL my_LoadLibrary(AMX* amx, cell* params)
bool validfunc = false;
char *path;
amx_StrParam(amx, params[1], path);
logprintf("Loading plugin %s", path);
ServerPlugins = new Plugins();
ServerPlugins->Module = LoadLibraryA(path);
if (ServerPlugins->Module == NULL)
delete ServerPlugins;
logprintf("Failed loading plugin %s (Error: %d)", path, GetLastError());
return 0;
ServerPlugins->LOAD = (ServerPluginLoad_t)GetProcAddress(ServerPlugins->Module, "Load");
ServerPlugins->UNLOAD = (ServerPluginUnload_t)GetProcAddress(ServerPlugins->Module, "Unload");
ServerPlugins->SUPPORTS = (ServerPluginSupports_t)GetProcAddress(ServerPlugins->Module, "Supports");
if (ServerPlugins->LOAD == NULL || ServerPlugins->SUPPORTS == NULL || ServerPlugins->UNLOAD == NULL)
logprintf(" Plugin doesnt conform to architecture");
delete ServerPlugins;
return false;
logprintf("NULL 1");
ServerPlugins->FlagSupport = (SUPPORTS_FLAGS)ServerPlugins->SUPPORTS();
if ((ServerPlugins->FlagSupport & SUPPORTS_VERSION_MASK) > SUPPORTS_VERSION)
logprintf("Unsupported Version; unloading.");
delete ServerPlugins;
return false;
logprintf("NULL 2");
if ((ServerPlugins->FlagSupport & SUPPORTS_AMX_NATIVES) > SUPPORTS_VERSION)
ServerPlugins->AMXLOAD = (ServerPluginAmxLoad_t)GetProcAddress(ServerPlugins->Module, "AmxLoad");
ServerPlugins->AMXUNLOAD = (ServerPluginAmxUnload_t)GetProcAddress(ServerPlugins->Module, "AmxUnload");
ServerPlugins->AMXLOAD = NULL;
ServerPlugins->AMXUNLOAD = NULL;
logprintf("Any Abstract Machine has been loaded");
logprintf("NULL 3");
if ((ServerPlugins->FlagSupport & SUPPORTS_PROCESS_TICK) != 0)
ServerPlugins->PROCESSTICK = (ServerPluginProcessTick_t)GetProcAddress(ServerPlugins->Module, "ProcessTick");
ServerPlugins->PROCESSTICK = NULL;
logprintf("NULL 4"); //debugging
ServerPlugins->AppData[PLUGIN_DATA_AMX_EXPORTS] = pAMXFunctions;
ServerPlugins->AppData[PLUGIN_DATA_LOGPRINTF] = &logprintf;
if (!(ServerPlugins->LOAD)(ServerPlugins->AppData)) //i didnt put it as &ServerPlugins->AppData because it causes an error
logprintf("Initialized failed loading plugin %s", path);
logprintf("NULL 5");
delete ServerPlugins;
return false;
logprintf("Plugin %s loaded", path);
return true;
//native UnloadLibrary(libraryname[]);
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL my_UnloadLibrary(AMX*amx, cell*params)
char *path;
amx_StrParam(amx, params[1], path);
ServerPlugins->Module = GetModuleHandle((LPCTSTR)path);
if (ServerPlugins->Module != NULL)
ServerPlugins->UNLOAD = (ServerPluginUnload_t)GetProcAddress(ServerPlugins->Module, "Unload");
if (ServerPlugins->UNLOAD != NULL)
logprintf("Library %s has been unloaded correctly", path);
return 1;
logprintf("Unloading library %s failed (Error: %d)", GetLastError());
return 0;
return 1;
PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL Load(void **ppData)
logprintf = (logprintf_t)ppData[PLUGIN_DATA_LOGPRINTF];
return 1;
PLUGIN_EXPORT unsigned int PLUGIN_CALL Supports()
AMX_NATIVE_INFO projectNatives[] =
{ "LoadLibrary", my_LoadLibrary },
{ "UnloadLibrary", my_UnloadLibrary }
return amx_Register(amx, projectNatives, -1);
return AMX_ERR_NONE;

You have a memory leak in convertCharArrayToLPCWSTR(). You are never freeing the wchar_t* that you allocate. The convertCharArrayToLPCWSTR() function itself is not needed, you can simply pass the char* path as-is to LoadLibraryA() instead:
char *path;
amx_StrParam(amx, params[1], path);
ServerPlugins->Module = LoadLibraryA(path);
You are not checking if ServerPlugins->UNLOAD is successfully loaded by GetProcAddress("Unload") or not.
You are using GetProcAddress("Load") for both ServerPlugins->LOAD and ServerPlugins->AMXLOAD, and GetProcAddress("Unload") for both ServerPlugins->UNLOAD and ServerPlugins->AMXUNLOAD. That is very fishy to me. Does the DLL really use the same exports for AMX and non-AMX entry points? If so, that is very bad design, considering that ServerPluginLoad_t has a very different signature than ServerPluginAmxLoad_t, and the same for ServerPlugin(Amx)Unload_t. That is a corrupted call stack waiting to happen. It would be much safer to have the DLL export separate AmxLoad() and AmxUnload() functions instead.
For that matter, the SUPPORTS_AMX_NATIVES and SUPPORTS_PROCESS_TICK flags are redundant, since GetProcAddress() would tell you if those exports are available or not.
As for the crash when calling ServerPlugins->LOAD, I do not see you initializing ppData with any data before passing it to Load(). Certainly not the PLUGIN_DATA_AMX_EXPORTS and PLUGIN_DATA_LOGPRINTF slots, at least:
ppData[PLUGIN_DATA_LOGPRINTF] = &logprintf;
if (!(ServerPlugins->LOAD)(ppData))
So even if the call to Load() itself did not crash, the DLL would still likely crash at a later time when it tries to use its local pAMXFunctions and logprintf pointers that were assigned in Load().
For that matter, why are you passing things like that as a void* array instead of a struct? That would have been much safer, eg:
struct PluginInitData
void* pAMXFunctions;
logprintf_t logprintf;
typedef bool (__stdcall *ServerPluginLoad_t)(PluginInitData* data);
PluginInitData pInitData;
pInitData.pAMXFunctions = pAMXFunctions;
pInitData.logprintf = &logprintf;
if (!(ServerPlugins->LOAD)(&pInitData))
extern "C" bool __stdcall Load(PluginInitData* data)
pAMXFunctions = data->pAMXFunctions;
logprintf = data->logprintf;
return true;
Update: you have fixed most of the issues I mentioned, but now I see that your my_UnloadLibrary() function is implemented wrong. DO NOT call GetModuleHandle() or GetProcAddress() at all, use the existing Module and UNLOAD pointers that were initialized earlier in my_LoadLibrary().
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL my_LoadLibrary(AMX* amx, cell* params)
char *path;
amx_StrParam(amx, params[1], path);
ServerPlugins->Path = path;
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL my_UnloadLibrary(AMX*amx, cell*params)
if (ServerPlugins)
if (ServerPlugins->UNLOAD != NULL)
if (ServerPlugins->Module != NULL)
ServerPlugins->Module = NULL;
logprintf("Library %s has been unloaded", ServerPlugins->Path);
delete ServerPlugins;
ServerPlugins = NULL;
return 1;
If you are still having problems with Load() crashing, then you are just going to have to use your compiler's debugger to find out what is actually happening at run-time. The code shown so far should not be crashing, so either you have a calling convention mismatch, or a data alignment mismatch, or corrupted memory, or something like that. We can't run you debugger for you.


c++ using shared libraries if installed

How can I conditionality load and use a shared library if it is installed, but still run without that functionality if it is not there? more specifically, can I do that without using that library as a plugin? I prefer failing during build time rather than runtime if possible.
if I build it with the library flag -lfoo, it builds. But then it fails to run it is not installed in the target system. But if I don't add the library flag it fails in linking.
here is some code snipets for better picture.
#include "newlib/foo.h" //this is from the shared library
bool myAdapter::isAvailable()
handle_ = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
if (!handle_)
return false;
return true;
bool myAdapter::init()
if (!isAvailable())
return false;
isInitilized = false;
isConnected = false;
if (!fooInit()) // shared library function
fooCleanup(); //shared library function
return false;
// these are my private functions but they call shared library functions.
if (!createUserParams_() || !setCallbacks_() || !createContext_() || !connect_())
return false;
return true;
#include "myAdapter.h"
int main()
foo = new myAdapter();
if (!foo.init())
cout << "Foo function is not available;
isFooAvailable = false;
First, remove any linkage you have to libfoo.a,, or any -lfoo parameter in your build. Everything is to be dynamically loaded.
Second, after dlopen succeeds, you need to get the address, via dlsym, of all the functions you need to use - and call through into those.
Third, instead of making a direct call to your functions, you call through to them via the pointer you loaded via dlsym.
Finally, your isAvailable has a side effect (loading the library) and will re-attempt every time. You just need to load the library once.
Here's an improved version of your code. I made some hypothetical assumptions of what your params to those library functions would be. Change it to meet your needs:
class myAdapter
void* handle_;
typedef bool (*CREATE_USER_PARAMS)(UserParams*);
typedef int (*CONNECT)(int);
CREATE_USER_PARAMS createUserParams_;
CONNECT connect_;
myAdapter() :
handle_ = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
if (handle_)
createUserParams = (CREATE_USER_PARAMS)dlsym(handle_, "createUserParams");
connect_ = (CONNECT)dlsym(handle_, "connect");
if (!createUserParams_ || !connect_)
// error
handle_ = nullptr;
connect = nullptr_;
createUserParams_ = nullptr;
if (handle_)
handle = nullptr;
bool createUserParams(UserParams* params)
if (createUserParams_ != nullptr)
return createUserParams_(params);
return false;
int connect(int sock)
if (connect_ != nullptr)
return (connect_(sock));
return -1;

FindClass returns null

I'm having problems with my FindClass call which returns null:
JData::JIgZorroBridgeClass = env->FindClass(JData::IgZorroBridgePath);
Most answers I find about this points to missing package name, or class loader issues.
IgZorroBridgePath here is my class with fully qualified package name, ie. com/igz/Zorro.
Also as you can see I'm initializing the JVM right before this FindClass call, so I think I should be on the correct thread already.
Is there anything else I can check?
#include <assert.h>
#include "JNIHandler.hpp"
#include "JReferences.hpp"
const char* JVMClassPathOption = "-Djava.class.path=Plugin/ig/igplugin-0.1.jar";
const char* IgZorroBridgePath = "com/danlind/igz/ZorroBridge";
void JNIHandler::init()
void JNIHandler::initializeJVM()
if(isJVMLoaded) return;
JavaVMInitArgs args;
JavaVMOption options[1];
args.version = JData::JNI_VERSION;
args.nOptions = 1;
args.options = options;
options[0].optionString = (char*)JData::JVMClassPathOption;
args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE;
jint res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void **)&env, &args);
assert(res == JNI_OK);
isJVMLoaded = true;
JNIEnv* JNIHandler::getJNIEnvironment(){
return env;
JNIEnv* JNIHandler::getEnvForCurrentThread()
int envStat = jvm->GetEnv((void **)&env, JData::JNI_VERSION);
if (envStat == JNI_EDETACHED) {
jint res = jvm->AttachCurrentThread((void**)&env, NULL);
assert (res == JNI_OK);
return env;
void JNIHandler::initializeJavaReferences()
if(areJavaReferencesInitialized) return;
areJavaReferencesInitialized = true;
void JNIHandler::initBridgeObject()
JData::JIgZorroBridgeClass = env->FindClass(JData::IgZorroBridgePath);
JData::JIgZorroBridgeObject = env->NewObject(JData::JIgZorroBridgeClass, JData::constructor.methodID);
void JNIHandler::initExceptionHandling()
JData::ExceptionClass = env->FindClass(JData::ExcPath);
JData::excGetName.methodID = env->GetMethodID(JData::ExceptionClass,, JData::excGetName.signature);
void JNIHandler::registerNatives()
JData::JZorroClass = env->FindClass(JData::ZorroPath);
env->RegisterNatives(JData::JZorroClass, JData::nativesTable, JData::nativesTableSize);
void JNIHandler::registerClassMethods()
for(auto *desc : JData::igZorroBridgeMethods)
desc->methodID = env->GetMethodID(JData::JIgZorroBridgeClass, desc->name, desc->signature);
void JNIHandler::checkJNIExcpetion(JNIEnv* env)
jthrowable exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
if (!exc) return;
jclass exccls(env->GetObjectClass(exc));
jstring name = static_cast<jstring>(env->CallObjectMethod(exccls, JData::excGetName.methodID));
char const* utfName(env->GetStringUTFChars(name, 0));
JData::excGetMessage.methodID = env->GetMethodID(exccls,, JData::excGetMessage.signature);
jstring message = static_cast<jstring>(env->CallObjectMethod(exc, JData::excGetMessage.methodID));
char const* utfMessage(env->GetStringUTFChars(message, 0));
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(message, utfMessage);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(name, utfName);
I was using the spring boot maven plugin, which reshuffles the package structure. I switched to using the shade plugin instead, which doesn't move packages around. This enabled FindClass to find my java class.

Marshal error when RegisterStreamReadCallback

I'm using C# to call methods from an dll file to record video.
This is the Marshal methods file
This is my CameraUtilities file
This is my camera file
When I call StartRecord method (in camera file) to start Record video.
public void StartRecord()
if (this.ListCameras != null)
bool bRes = true;
int tmpError = -1;
m_tmpContext = new IntPtr();
m_handle = new GCHandle();
m_callBackChannels = new ulong[m_ListCameras.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < m_ListCameras.Length; i++)
m_callBackChannels[i] = 10;
cameraCurrentIndex = 0;
IntPtr channelHandle = T1800.T18_ChannelOpen(cameraCurrentIndex);
m_ListCameras[cameraCurrentIndex].ChannelHandle = channelHandle;
if (AllowRecordVideo)
m_del = new T1800.STREAM_READ_CALLBACK(StreamReadCallBack);
m_tmpContext = m_ListCameras[i].ChannelHandle;
tmpError = T1800.T18_RegisterStreamReadCallback(m_del, ref m_tmpContext);
if (tmpError == -1) bRes = false;
catch (Exception ex)
bRes = false;
It throw an exception
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalDirectiveException: Invalid PInvoke calling convention.
Thiscall requires that the first parameter is present and can be enregistered.
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegateInternal(Delegate d)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(Delegate d)
at TH.Parking.Wrapper.HBCamera.T1800.dll_T18_RegisterStreamReadCallback(STREAM_READ_CALLBACK STREAM_READ_CALLBACK, IntPtr& context)
at TH.Parking.Wrapper.HBCamera.CameraUtilities.StartRecord() in d:\TH.Parking\TH.Parking\Wrapper\HBCamera\CameraUtilities.cs:line 93
I can't find any reason for this error. Can somebody help me to fix this.
I think the callback you pass to create the STREAM_READ_CALLBACK object should be static. Otherwise, the thispointer is lost during the marshalling.
Instead of:
private int StreamReadCallBack(ulong channelHandle, IntPtr context)
private static int StreamReadCallBack(ulong channelHandle, IntPtr context)
And you'll need to somehow put your instance of CameraUtility into the context parameter.

"Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad" with JNI call from java to .so

I use my own .so library to build an Android App. It goes well last night. But it comes to this err: **A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1) ** this morning when I Debug it. This is my .so code:
config_t config_obj_ptr = NULL;
module_t module_ptr = NULL;
int module_interface_init(const char * path)
LOGD("==========wrapper init==========\n");
if(path == NULL)
LOGD("path is not available");
return -1;
const char * app_path = path;
const char * cache_path = app_path;
config_obj_ptr = lib_create_config();
if(NULL == config_obj_ptr)
LOGD("create config object err!\n");
return -1;
set_app_path(config_obj_ptr, app_path);
set_cache_path(config_obj_ptr, cache_path);
module_ptr = create_module(config_obj_ptr);
if(NULL == p2p_module_ptr)
LOGD("create p2p module err!");
return -1;
return 0;
I call this method through JNI in java :
private wrapper(String path)
I find that crash occurred in this function (from my .so): I can get Log to "Mark===2!", no "Mark===3!". so it must be module_ptr = create_module(config_obj_ptr); cause this problem. config_obj_ptr and module_ptr are all global variable declared outside the function. config_obj_ptr can work well but module_ptr can't.

How to write and read Stream using indy 10.5.5 c++

Hi I have try to read Stream from the server with this code
void __fastcall TForm1::Edit1KeyPress(TObject *Sender, wchar_t &Key)
//TMemoryStream *TMS = new TMemoryStream;
TStringStream *TSS = new TStringStream;
AnsiString A,B;
TStream *TS;
INT64 Len;
if (Key == VK_RETURN)
if(Edit1->Text == "mystream")
Len = StrToInt(TCPClient1->IOHandler->ReadLn());
RichEdit1->Lines->Text = TSS->DataString;
A = TCPClient1->IOHandler->ReadLn();
and every times client try to read stream from the server, compiler says.
First chance exception at $75D89617. Exception class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 500682B3 in module 'rtl140.bpl'. Read of address 00000018'. Process Project1.exe (6056)
How to handle this?
You are not instantiating your TStream object before calling ReadStream(). Your TS variable is completely uninitialized. ReadStream() does not create the TStream object for you, only writes to it, so you have to create the TStream yourself beforehand.
Given the code you have shown, you can replace the TStream completely by using the ReadString() method instead:
void __fastcall TForm1::Edit1KeyPress(TObject *Sender, wchar_t &Key)
if (Key == VK_RETURN)
if (Edit1->Text == "mystream")
int Len = StrToInt(TCPClient1->IOHandler->ReadLn());
RichEdit1->Lines->Text = TCPClient1->IOHandler->ReadString(Len);
String A = TCPClient1->IOHandler->ReadLn();