Cocos2D-X CCTransition shows background between the 2 scenes - c++

I've been trying to successfully create a slide transition between 2 scenes for the past 2 hours and all I can find are just some answers in Objective-C and I have no idea how to translate them.
I'm using XCode 5 with Cocos2D-X 2.2.3 to develop for iOS.
CCTransitionSlideInT *trans = CCTransitionSlideInT::create(1.0, Scene2::scene());
Doing that makes my current scene slide down and gets replaced by black (background) THEN after the transition is done, the second scene appears without any transition effects; it just appears.
How can I slide the first scene with the second one attached to it?
I've seen that it's done in TestCPP. I tried tracing it but it got too complicated for me. All I really need is some clarification!
Thanks in advance! And I hope I provided all the necessary info.


How to move list item given source index and destination index with animation in flutter

I am building a leaderboard screen in the flutter application, whenever the user comes to the leaderboard screen, I want to show the animation of his old position to a new position in the leaderboard, so I need an animation of this row to go up or down based on his standings, please someone help me which widget to use to get this functionality working. Thanks
AnimatedList is the widget you are looking for. It automatically generates entrance and exit animation when items are added/deleted. Combined that with SizeTransition, and you will get a nice "growing/shrinking" effect.
There are some really good examples (and even a video tutorial) on the official docs as well.
You can also look at this answer for a more complex example of using 2 of them.

Understanding cocos2d scenes, how they works really?

I'm stuck on something about the scenes creation and replacement in cocos2d, so I'm going to ask precisely what seems to be misunderstood by me. I have a game (fully working except for scene swapping, sadly) with some little-games, now, if I had to do this starting with a cocos2d scene as menu I wouldn't have any problem, but since I did it starting with UIKit I truly need to know better how the scenes are working to fix it.
Firstly, is it required to start a scene in the appDelegate? since I'm starting with UIkit and the scene must be shown after you choice the game (say, out of 3 choices), which scene should I put in the appDelegate? and where exactly? I'm putting the scene in this method:
-(void) directorDidReshapeProjection:(CCDirector*)director
if(director.runningScene == nil)
//start scene
If I put the FIRST scene, the UIKit part works good and when I start the "game number TWO" as first choice (say we play this game for first) I got the Open GL 0x0506 error, then the scene start.
If I put the first scene, I choice the first game, and then quit and choice the second game, the scene is replaced properly without that error.
If I put the first scene, and I start the "game number 1" it works (obviously) because he has the scene loaded, but I cannot know which game will start as first the user.
I tried with an "intro scene" loaded at the appDelegate but I got the same problem. the problem basically is "how to start scene if you have more than one scene and don't know which will be called as first"...
The 'getting started with iOS' documentation will really clear up a lot of these questions. You can find it at -
It explains just what an AppDelegate actually is, as well as how to use one properly. It is not immediately clear how to mix UIKit and cocos2d, but the above link cleared a lot up for me. Another very helpful resource is a tutorial by Ray Wenderlich -
From a bird's eye view, the CCDirector inherits from a UIWindow. Mixing UIKit and cocos2d is as simple as building your interface with UIKit, then at some point opening a UIWindow and allowing the CCDirector to start cocos2d. In a sense, the components act as almost two entirely separate entities.

Achieve Infinite Scrolling for a platformer game using cocos2d language objective c

I am trying to develop an 2D game using cocos2d library. I am still learning the framework.
Please understand that I am new to game development but not new to programming using objective c.
Here is the issue I am facing when it comes to my game development effort - I feel that I am missing the theoretical understanding of how to develop an infinite scrolling game. Is it possible for any of you to provide me some guidance on that ?
Here is my understanding of achieving infinite scrolling using cocos2d framework:
Cocos2d has a singleton director class which handles the current scene and scene transitions
In the current scene, I feel like I have to create an platform object consisting of several images and add them as a child to the current layer. And constantly run a move action to the platform sprite. So as and when I detect a particular image is off screen I have to replace it with another image. That way I will be able to create an infinite scrolling.
I am sorry if point 2 is not coherent. I just attempted to put my understanding of how to infinite scrolling.
Can you please help me with this ?
I dissected how to implement scrolling with cocos2d-iphone in this article. What you probably want is the "fake scrolling" approach where two background images are moved and switch position after one completely left the screen.
You want to do this for the background layer only, not individual sprites. Your world isn't really moving, it's just the background panning that creates the illusion of movement. All sprites etc (player, enemies) movement is still relative to screen coordinates.
You'll find a working implementation in the code for my Learn Cocos2D 2 book in the Shoot'em Up project.
If you don't want to bother implementing this yourself, KoboldTouch supports endless/infinite scrolling for tilemaps. Here the game objects actually move along with the background infinitely (up to the maximum coordinates supported by float which is around +/- 16 million points).

How to load the loading scene background in cocos2d without blanking out?

I have a cocos2d game that has a loading scene where we load a bunch of assets. The game starts with the splash screen, and then launches the loading scene. The loading scene starts by loading the background, so the user sees the loading scene background while the assets are being loaded.
I load the loading scene background by calling CCSprite::spriteWithFile: and passing the filepath: loadingbackground.pvr.ccz
It seems to work differently on different devices:
On iphone (3gs) simulator, I see the loading scene as expected.
On iphone retina simulator, I don't see the loading scene (there aren't many assets yet, so may be happening quickly) and it goes directly to the main menu scene.
On the ipad 3 device, the splash screen comes up, and then there is a half second of black screen, and then the main menu scene shows up.
I want to see what I can do to avoid that black screen showing up on iPad 3. I suspect this is because of the time taken to load the loading background.
I have tried the following optimizations (mostly based on #Steffen's blog post on memory optimization):
Moved the loading background (originally 2.3 MB RGB8 png file) into a pvr.ccz spritesheet by itself, which reduced its size to 1.8 MB.
Removed the image from the texture soon after use.
I still see a black screen on iPad 3. Any suggestions?
Update: Found the issue - I had some code where I was overriding OnEnter and calling [[CCDirector sharedDirector]replaceScene] in it, and also calling the same from the background thread. Removed the OnEnter overload and it worked without flicker.
Ignore whatever happens in Simulator. That's not relevant, focus on the device.
When the loading scene initializes and you add the loading scene's background, make sure you schedule update and load your assets in the update method. Otherwise if you load the assets in init, the background won't be drawn because you're loading all the assets before cocos2d gets to redraw the screen.
If this still fails, simply send the visit message to the background sprite followed by [[CCDirector sharedDirector] drawScene]. This forces a redraw of the scene.
Is this cocos2d-iphone or cocos2d-x ? make sure the tags are correct :)
I think you're referring to the startup flicker, there are a few ways to avoid that.
first thing you need to make sure you're handling the rootViewController correctly for iOS 6 and iOS 5 and below, there are a little changes for each.
You can find a little reference here:
Second thing you need to know that simulator's behaviour is not stable, you should always rely on real devices for testing, but it's very likely you'll still have the flicker issues.
Sorry I didn't provide example code, but you haven't supported enough information to know what's the real issue here.

How to remove black screen between scenes in CCTransitionPageTurn?

I need to use CCTransitionPageTurn in my app between scenes.
When i run this transition, my running scene looks nice - it turns like page.
but at the background i see black screen(during page turn animation), that is replaced later by new scene.
And i want to see new scene in the background(during animation), when i start this transition.
Can anybody help me?
Oh, i found out the answer.
All works as it should, after i commented out this line
//director.projection = kCCDirectorProjection2D;
also i turned on depth buffer and changed depthformat.