Send array of integers (winsock) - c++

I have a client/server program I'm writing, I need to send information from client to server using the function send(SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags);
but apparently this function is made to said a string, array of characters, but what I'm sending is encrypter message and the characters values large and character type isn't enough.
is there another function that allows me to do so ? I looked the reference in microsoft website but I didn't get the other functions.
if there's another function I hope you can show me how or give me hints, or if there's another way to do then so be it.
Notes: I'm working with C++ under Windows 8, using Borland 6

This might be tricky to explain.
Your issue isn't in the function you're using, but in the concept you're trying to apply.
First of all, if your data is intended to be transmitted through network, you must assume that the destination endpoint endianness may differ from the transmitting endpoint.
With that in mind, it's advisable to convert the eligible data types prone to endianness interpretation to network byte order before transmitting any data. Take a look at the htons(), htonl(), ntohs() and ntohl() functions.
As you must deal with known data sizes, instead of declaring your array as int[], you should declare it through a stdint.h type, such as int16_t, int32_t, uint16_t, etc.
So, lets assume you've the following:
uint32_t a[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
If you want to transmit this array in a portable way, you should first convert its contents to network byte order:
uint32_t a_converted[4];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(a); i ++)
a_converted[i] = htonl(a[i]);
Now, if you want to transmit this array, you can do it using:
send(s, (char *) a_converted, sizeof(a_converted), flags);
Just remember that the code for receiving this data, should convert it from network byte order to host byte order, using, in this case, the ntohl() for each element received.
Hope this gives you some clues for further research.

Well doodleboodle, guess what, if you read the TCP RFC, you might under stand that the TCP protocol only transfers OCTET STREAMS and, if you need to transfer anything more complex than one byte, you need a protocol on top of TCP that defines your Application Protocol Unit message type.

send(SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags); is basically the way to do it.
It uses binary data in bytes to send the data. So if you want to send a complex structure/object, you'll need to serialize it to a byte array first.
In your case with the integers it's quite simple: just convert the integer array to a byte array. (keep track of the length though).
Of course it's more appropriate to build an abstraction layer on top of your TCP layer so it's easier to send/receive different kinds of data.


What is the data type of content sent over socket?

When using Berkeley socket api, what is the data type of content that is sent over the read/send or write/recv calls? For example -
char *msg = "Our Message!";
int len, bytes_sent;
len = strlen(msg);
bytes_sent = send(sockfd, msg, len, 0);
in this code, we are using char type, but are we limited to just char type since send/write/sendto usually take void * type. I've also seen arguments like if we send some int, it might actually be stored in little endian/big endian causing problems b/w source/dest if their endianess don't match. Then why doesn't char type suffers from this problem too?
Also different languages like C and C++ have different size of char too, then why isn't this a problem? If socket doesn't care any type and just sees the content as buffer, why don't we see random corruption of data when different tcp servers/clients are written in different languages and communicate with each other?
In short, what values(type) can I send safely through sockets?
You cannot safely send anything through a raw socket and expect the receiver to make sense of it. For example, the sending process might be on a machine where the character encoding is EBCDIC, and the receiving process might be on a machine where the character encoding was ASCII. It's up to the processes to either negotiate a protocol to sort this out, or to simply say in their specifications "We are using ASCII (or whatever)".
Once you have got the character encodings worked out, transmit the data in text is my advice. This avoids all endian problems, and is easier to debug and log.
The simplest answer is that the data is an uninterpreted stream of octets, that is to say 8-bit bytes. Any interepretation of it is done by the sender and receiver, and they better agree. You certainly need to take both the size and endianness of integers into account, and compiler alignment and padding rules too. This is why for example you should not use C structs as network protocols.

Can we typecast buffer into C++ structure on client when server is sending data as c structure?

I have server, client processes written in C named as NetworkServer.c and NetworkClient.c and these 2 are communicating using linux sockets. When client sends a request as below to get ethernet statistics,
// rxbuf - character array of 128K
// ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO - structure typedefed
recv(sockfd, rxbuf, sizeof(ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO), 0)
server fills the data in to rxbuf (as ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO because server also uses the same copy of header file where this structure is defined) and sends the data. Once client receives, it will typecast as below to get the data.
the structure is defined in NetworkDiag.h as below.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
uint32_t cmdId;
unsigned long RxCount[MAX_SAMPLES];
unsigned long TxCount[MAX_SAMPLES];
time_t TimeStamp[MAX_SAMPLES] ;
char LanIpAddress[20];
char LanMacAddress[20];
char WanIpAddress[20];
char LanDefaultGateway[20];
char LanSubnetMask[20];
char LanLease[5000];
This is working fine.
Now there is a requirement that I need to create a c++ file which should work as client (I removed client C file and server should remain as c file). I defined header file for the structure definition as below.
uint32_t cmdId;
unsigned long RxCount[MAX_SAMPLES];
unsigned long TxCount[MAX_SAMPLES];
time_t TimeStamp[MAX_SAMPLES] ;
char LanIpAddress[20];
char LanMacAddress[20];
char WanIpAddress[20];
char LanDefaultGateway[20];
char LanSubnetMask[20];
char LanLease[5000];
basically I removed the C++ guard and typedef and using the below code in client.cpp file to get the result from server.
if(recv(sockfd, rxbuf, sizeof(ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO), 0) > 0)
I am not getting the correct results. The values in the structure are misplaced (some values are correct but lot of values are misplaced). I tried 'C' type casting also but no use.
I doubt that we can not typecast buffer into C++ structure on client when server is sending data as c structure. Is it correct? Can any one please let me know how to solve this issue?
There are multiple problems with this approach:
Endianness might be different between server and client machine
You then need to deserealize numbers and time_t's.
Structure packing might be different between code compiled on server (c++) and on client (C)
You then need to use a protocol to send data, like binary ASN, protobuf or many others.
if(recv(sockfd, rxbuf, sizeof(ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO), 0) > 0)
there is no guarantee recv will read exactly sizeof(ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO) bytes.
You need to wrap this into while loop (code is sample and might be non-compilable):
int left = sizeof(ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO);
char *ptr = rxbuf;
int rd;
rd=recv(sockfd, ptr, left, 0);
else return SOCKET_DONE;
} else if(rd==-1 && errno==EAGAIN) {
//do again
} else if(rd==-1 && errno!=EAGAIN) {
left = left - rd;
The proper way to send binary data is to use protobuf or apache thrift, or ASN or invent something yourself.
You can probably do it but are likely to run into serious significant issues in trying:
Different compilers and compiler settings will pack and align structures differently in order to optimise for the particular processor architecture. There is absolutely no guarantee that the members of a structure will lay out exactly next to each other unless you play with pragmas.
Different processors will use different byte orders for things like integers and floating point values. If you are going to exchange data between a client and server (or vice versa) it behooves you to explicitly define the byte order and then make both sides conform to that definition regardless of the native order.
Values like unsigned long will have different sizes based upon the processor architecture targeted by the compiler. In order to reliably exchange data, you will need to explicitly define the size of the values that will be transferred.
For these reasons, I prefer to write functions (or methods) that will explicitly pack and unpack messages as they are exchanged. By doing so, you will be subjected to much fewer seemingly mysterious errors.
A number of possible explanations spring to mind:
Different packing of ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO between a C struct and a C++ struct.
(less likely) Different alignments of rxbuf (you don't show where this pointer comes from). There are no guarantees in C or C++ that reading a int or long that does not lie on natural boundary (e.g. 4-byte aligned) yields correct results.
That your C and C++ compilers are compiling against different ABIs (e.g. 32-bit and 64-bit respectively). Note that sizeof(time_t) == 4 on a 32-bit platform and 8 on many 64-bit platforms.
All of these issues point in the same direction: Mapping a struct onto a wire data layout like this is really non-portable and problematic.
If you really insist on doing it you'll need to do the following:
Use #pragma pack directives (or better: if using a C++11 compiler __attribute__ ((__packed__))). Even then, you can get surprises.
Decide which byte-ordering you intend using and byte-swap all multi-byte values with htons() and friends. The convention is for multi-byte quantities to be big-endian over TCP/IP.
Ensure the buffer you call recv() with is aligned - probably to a 4-byte boundary.
A more robust approach is to read the input buffer as a stream of bytes, reconstructing any multi-byte fields as required.
Yes, you can as the buffer is just the byte representation of the struct sent by the other side. After you have handled the byte order, you can just cast the buffer pointer to a pointer of the type of your struct.
In C++ you can write for example ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO* NewPtr = reinterpret_cast<ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO*>(buffer);
This will do what you want unless you run an older C++ compiler not capable of understanding C++11 syntax. However, depending on your compiler the error might arrive from padding the data.
If you define bit fields and pack the struct on both sides you will be fine though. Ask if you need help, but google is your friend.
I doubt that we can not typecast buffer into C++ structure on client when server is sending data as c structure. Is it correct?
You can cast any binary data generated by any programming language into a readable piece of code in your program. After all, it is all about bits and bytes. So you can cast any data from any program to any data in any other program. Could you quickly print the sizeof(ETHERNET_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO) on both sides and see if they match?

C++ How to Marshal data types like integers and floats into a string of bytes?

Getting into socket programming with C++, and I'd like to find a way to marshal a series of data types into a string of bytes to be sent over a network via a socket using UDP.
Here's the method header
char * Message::marshal( int &n)
and the series of data types I need to marshal are:
int int int int float //need to be all marshaled into the same byte string
The length is saved to n, and the string of bytes is returned in a character array. I'd also like to know how to unmarshal that string of bytes as well.
The server I'm working on most likely doesn't have boost library, and is probably not updated to C++ 11. The last server I was in wasn't, so I'm going to assume they didn't update them yet.
One method of serializing I saw was using streams, but I saw something about non portability (I'm writing the source code in windows, and then I'll change a few things for unix and compile it on the unix server).
I need to use standard C++ library stuff as again I have no control over the server.
I eventually found this post that led me to a solution. Didn't bother converting double to network byte order since the client and server are on the same machine. And for UDP, make sure to cast the structure as a char*.

C++ Byte order in socket programming

In C++ we send data using socket on the network. I am aware that we need to use htons() , ntohs() function to maintain byte order big endian and little endian.
support we have following data to be sent
int roll;
int id;
char name[100];
This can also be wrapped into struct.
My confusion here is, for roll and id, we can use htons() function. But for the string name, what should and how should we do it? Do we need to use any such function? will it work on every machine like mac, intel and other network?
I want to send all three fields in one packet.
You'd use htonl for int, not htons.
The name doesn't need to be reordered, since the bytes of the array correspond directly to bytes on the network.
The issue of byte-order only arises with words larger than a byte, since different architectures choose different ends at which to place the least-significant byte.
For char arrays this conversion is not necessary since they do not have a network byte order but are sequentially transmitted. The reason that ntohs and htons exist, is that some data types consist of lesser and more significant bits, which are interpreted differently on different architectures. This is not the case in strings.
To add to helpful comments here - if your structs get much more complex you could be better off considering a serialization library like Boost.Serialization or Google Protocol Buffers, which handle endianness for you under the covers.
When encoding the string, make sure you send a length (probably a short handled using htons) before the string itself, don't just send 100 chars every time.

Python and C++ Sockets converting packet data

First of all, to clarify my goal: There exist two programs written in C in our laboratory. I am working on a Proxy Server (bidirectional) for them (which will also mainpulate the data). And I want to write that proxy server in Python. It is important to know that I know close to nothing about these two programs, I only know the definition file of the packets.
Now: assuming a packet definition in one of the C++ programs reads like this:
unsigned char Packet[0x32]; // Packet[Length]
int z=0;
Packet[0]=0x00; // Spare
Packet[1]=0x32; // Length
Packet[2]=0x01; // Source
Packet[3]=0x02; // Destination
Packet[4]=0x01; // ID
Packet[5]=0x00; // Spare
return 1;
return 0;
What would be the easiest way to receive that data, convert it into a readable python format, manipulate them and send them forward to the receiver?
You can receive the packet's 50 bytes with a .recv call on a properly connected socked (it might actually take more than one call in the unlikely event the TCP packet gets fragmented, so check incoming length until you have exactly 50 bytes in hand;-).
After that, understanding that C code is puzzling. The assignments of ints (presumably 4-bytes each) to Packet[9], Packet[13], etc, give the impression that the intention is to set 4 bytes at a time within Packet, but that's not what happens: each assignment sets exactly one byte in the packet, from the lowest byte of the int that's the RHS of the assignment. But those bytes are the bytes of (int)(720000+armcontrolpacket->dof0_rot*1000) and so on...
So must those last 44 bytes of the packet be interpreted as 11 4-byte integers (signed? unsigned?) or 44 independent values? I'll guess the former, and do...:
import struct
f = '>x4bx11i'
values = struct.unpack(f, packet)
the format f indicates: big-endian, 4 unsigned-byte values surrounded by two ignored "spare" bytes, 11 4-byte signed integers. Tuple values ends up with 15 values: the four single bytes (50, 1, 2, 1 in your example), then 11 signed integers. You can use the same format string to pack a modified version of the tuple back into a 50-bytes packet to resend.
Since you explicitly place the length in the packet it may be that different packets have different lenghts (though that's incompatible with the fixed-length declaration in your C sample) in which case you need to be a bit more accurate in receiving and unpacking it; however such details depend on information you don't give, so I'll stop trying to guess;-).
Take a look at the struct module, specifically the pack and unpack functions. They work with format strings that allow you to specify what types you want to write or read and what endianness and alignment you want to use.