This question is considering explicit instanciation of template classes.
Consider a template class B<T> derived from another template class A<T>. I want to explicitly instanicate B<T> because its methods are to be called from dynamic linking, so the methods must be instanciated although they are not called in the code itself. Of course, also methods inherited from A<T> will be called, so they must be instanciated as well.
It seems that C++ does NOT instanciate base classes when explicitly instanciating a template class, as asked in this question:
Do Explicit Instantiations of C++ Class Templates Instantiate Dependent Base Classes?
template<typename T>
class A{ void foo(){...} };
template<typename T>
class B : public A<T> {}
template class B<int>; // This will NOT instanciate A<int>::foo()!!!
Of course, I also need to instanciate all base classes. However, I don't want to burden the client code with this because the class hierarchy may be very deep. Consider a class hierarchy involving 10 or more template classes. The client should not be urged to write 10 explicit template instanciations. This is not only a lot of writing; it will also break when I introduce changes to the class hierarchy.
Instead, I want to achieve somehow that whenever B<T> is instanciated, then so are all its base classes. I tried simply instanciating the base class in B itself like this:
template<typename T>
class B : public A<T> {
template class A<T>; // Does not compile!
But this does not compile. Are there other ways that could achive this?
Maybe not elegant but at least workable: provide a macro to instantiate the template and require the user to use the macro in stead of manual instantiation:
// in A.hpp
#define INSTANTIATE_A(T) template class A<T>;
// in B.hpp
#define INSTANTIATE_B(T) \
template class B<T>;
And if you prefer "polluting" the class interface to enforcing the use of an instantiation macro: add a protected member that calls all other member functions of the template and the version in the base class. Example:
template<typename T>
class A
void foo() {...}
void instantiate() { foo(); }
template<typename T>
class B : public A<T>
void bar() {...}
void instantiate() { A<T>::instantiate(); bar(); }
template class B<int>; // Now works as expected
Alternative to the second solution: take the function pointer of all members and save them to a temporary variable:
template<typename T>
class A
void foo() {...}
void instantiate() { void (A::*p)() = &A::foo; }
template<typename T>
class B : public A<T>
void bar() {...}
void instantiate() { A<T>::instantiate(); void (B::*p)() = &B::foo; }
Hi I am not sure that this is possible since but I thought of asking since there might be better ways of achieving something similar that I am not aware of.
For simplicity lets just consider that VectorT is
template<class T>
class VectorT: private std::vector<T>`
An attempt to what I wanted to have is something along the lines of.
namespace detail
template<class SmartPtr>
class MyClassVectorBase : public VectorT<SmartPtr>
MyClassVectorBase() = default;
// all common functions of MyVectorView and MyVector
using MyClassVectorView = detail::MyClassVectorBase<nonstd::observer_ptr<SomeClass>>;
class MyVector : public detail::MyClassVectorBase<std::unique_ptr<SomeClass>>
// only functions related to the actual owner vector
What I am hoping is that MyClassVectorBase can be templated only on the smart pointer type and only accept SomeClass.
I thought that it might be possible with a specialization but I got no idea what the syntax for something like that would be
template<class T, class SmartPtr>
class MyClassVectorBase : public VectorT<SmartPtr<T>>
template<SomeClass T, typename SmartPtr>
class MyClassVectorBase : public VectorT<SmartPtr<T>>
Is something like that even possible ?
Ok let me try to explain this and the logic behind it. I need to have a VectorT of Foo objects. Only Foo and nothing else.
In one case the class will be the owner of the objects and have a few extra functions.
Since it is the owner it will be class MyClassVector : public VectorT<std::unique_ptr<Foo>>
Then I have to somehow operate on these objects but these wont be owned.
The ownership is single and will always outlive the object that I will operate on so no need for shared_ptr.
So Then I guess my class will be a "View class" MyClassVectorView : public VectorT<std::observer_ptr<Foo>>
Instead of observer_ptr it could as well be say raw ptr but the intent is better with it.
Now MyClassVectorView will have all identical functions with MyClassVector which is why I think that I would be inheriting from it.
To do so I need to have a base class that will accept both unique_ptr and observer_ptr.
Then I can avoid duplication so long as I can do MyClassVector : public MyClassVectorView<std::unique_ptr<Foo>>
The alterantive would be have one class and detect with SFINAE if the template parameter is a unique_ptr and then enable the extra functions. This would avoid the extra inheritance.
Not sure about what you want to obtain but I suspect that you need template template parameters.
I suppose you could declare (but not define) MyClassVectorBase as receiving a single template typename parameter
template <typename>
class MyClassVectorBase;
and next define a specialization template-template based; something like
template <template<typename...> class SmartPtr, typename Foo>
class MyClassVectorBase<SmartPtr<Foo>> : public VectorT<SmartPtr<Foo>>
MyClassVectorBase() = default;
void doSomething(){}
void doSomething2(){}
If Foo isn't a template parameter, but is the Foo struct, you can write
template <template<typename...> class SmartPtr>
class MyClassVectorBase<SmartPtr<Foo>> : public VectorT<SmartPtr<Foo>>
MyClassVectorBase() = default;
void doSomething(){}
void doSomething2(){}
Your example modified and integrated (with a main() and a dummy observer_ptr)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
namespace nonstd
template <typename T>
struct observer_ptr
{ };
template <class T>
class VectorT
// expose nececssary functions
private :
std::vector<T> container_;
struct Foo{
double x;
template <typename>
class MyClassVectorBase;
// this class should only accept smart pointers of Foo
template <template<typename...> class SmartPtr, typename Foo>
class MyClassVectorBase<SmartPtr<Foo>> : public VectorT<SmartPtr<Foo>>
MyClassVectorBase() = default;
void doSomething(){}
void doSomething2(){}
using MyClassVectorView = MyClassVectorBase<nonstd::observer_ptr<Foo>>;
class MyVector : public MyClassVectorBase<std::unique_ptr<Foo>>
// function only for this class but still inheriting all MyClassVectorBase stuff
int main ()
I have a template function which is explicitly instantiated for Base class, but not for Derived class. How can I force the uses that pass a Derived class (or other derived classes) to match against the Base class?
Header file:
class Base {
class Derived : public Base {
class Derived2 : public Base {
template <typename Example> void function(Example &arg);
Implementation file:
// Explicitly instantiate Base class:
template void function<Base>(Base &arg);
// Define the template function:
template <typename Example> void function(Example &arg) {
// Do something.
Because I have not explicitly instantiated function for Derived or Derived2, I get undefined references, however, I would like to bind against the Base class which is explicitly defined.
How can I force the template to resolve to the Base class for all objects derived from Base using C++-03?
Can I do it somehow with a specialization of the Derived class to the Base class definition?
How about:
template <> void function(Derived &arg)
function<Base>( arg );
EDIT: You can also do this with function overloading, as aschepler has suggested:
void function(Derived &arg)
function<Base>( arg );
It's conceptually the same, although, I agree, slightly better :)
In the CRTP pattern, we run into problems if we want to keep the implementation function in the derived class as protected. We must either declare the base class as a friend of the derived class or use something like this (I have not tried the method on the linked article). Is there some other (simple) way that allows keeping the implementation function in the derived class as protected?
Edit: Here is a simple code example:
template<class D>
class C {
void base_foo()
class D: public C<D> {
protected: //ERROR!
void foo() {
int main() {
D d;
return 0;
The above code gives error: ‘void D::foo()’ is protected with g++ 4.5.1 but compiles if protected is replaced by public.
It's not a problem at all and is solved with one line in derived class:
friend class Base< Derived >;
#include <iostream>
template< typename PDerived >
class TBase
void Foo( void )
static_cast< PDerived* > ( this )->Bar();
class TDerived : public TBase< TDerived >
friend class TBase< TDerived > ;
void Bar( void )
std::cout << "in Bar" << std::endl;
int main( void )
TDerived lD;
return ( 0 );
As lapk recommended, problem can be solved with simple friend class declaration:
class D: public C<D> {
friend class C<D>; // friend class declaration
void foo() {
However, that exposes all protected/private members of derived class and requires custom code for each derived class declaration.
The following solution is based on the linked article:
template<class D>
class C {
void base_foo() { Accessor::base_foo(derived()); }
int base_bar() { return Accessor::base_bar(derived()); }
D& derived() { return *(D*)this; }
// accessor functions for protected functions in derived class
struct Accessor : D
static void base_foo(D& derived) {
void (D::*fn)() = &Accessor::foo;
static int base_bar(D& derived) {
int (D::*fn)() = &Accessor::bar;
return (derived.*fn)();
class D : public C<D> {
protected: // Success!
void foo() {}
int bar() { return 42; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
D d;
int n = d.base_bar();
return 0;
PS: If you don't trust your compiler to optimize away the references, you can replace the derived() function with the following #define (resulted in 20% fewer lines of disassembly code using MSVC 2013):
int base_bar() { return Accessor::base_bar(_instance_ref); }
#define _instance_ref *static_cast<D*>(this) //D& derived() { return *(D*)this; }
After some I came with a solution that works event for private members of templated derived classes. It does not solves the problem of not exposing all the members of the derived class to the base, since it uses a friend declaration on the whole class. On the other hand, for the simple case, this does not requires repeating the base name, nor it's template parameters and will always work.
First the simple case when the derived is non-template. The base takes an additional void template parameter just to show that everything still works in the case of extra template parameters of the base. The only needed one, as per the CRTP, is the typename Derived.
//Templated variadic base
template <typename Derived, typename...>
struct Interface
using CRTP = Interface; //Magic!
void f() { static_cast<Derived*>(this)->f(); }
//Simple usage of the base with extra types
//This can only be used when the derived is NON templated
class A : public Interface<A, void>
friend CRTP;
void f() {}
The only thing needed for this to work is the using CRTP = Interface; declaration in the base and the friend CRTP; declaration in the derived.
For the case when the derived is itself templated the situation is trickier. It took me some time to come to the solution, and I'm sure it's still not perfect.
Most of the magic happens inside these templates:
namespace CRTP
template <template <typename, typename...> class _Base, typename _Derived, typename... _BaseArgs>
struct Friend { using Base = _Base<_Derived, _BaseArgs...>; };
template <template <typename, typename...> class _Base, typename ..._BaseArgs>
struct Base
template <template <typename...> class _Derived, typename... _DerivedArgs>
struct Derived : public _Base<_Derived<_DerivedArgs...>, _BaseArgs...> {};
Their usage is more or less straightforward. Two use the above templates several steps are needed.
First, when inheriting in the derived class the inherited-from base class, and it's optional parameters, needs to be given. This is done using CRTP::Base<MyBase, BaseOptional....>, where MyBase is the name of the class used for CRTP, and the BaseOptional... are template parameters that are passed to the base class as-is, directly after passing our derived class that is supplied in the next step. When the base class does not accepts any additional template parameters they can be omitted completely: CRTP::Base<MyBase>.
The next step is to introduce the derived class (the whole point of CRTP). This is done by following the above CRTP::Base<...> with a ::Derived<ThisDerived, DerivedOptional...>. Where ThisDerived is the class this is defined in, and DerivedOptional... are all the template parameters declared in this class'es template declaration. The optional parameters much be specified exactly as they appear in the class template declaration.
The last step is declaring the base class as a friend. This is done by declaring friend typename CRTP::Friend<MyBase, ThisDerived, BaseOptional...>::Base somewhere in the class. The BaseOptional... template perameters must be repeated exactly as they appear in the CRTP::Base<MyBase, BaseOptional...> that is inherited from.
Follows is an example of using a templated derived when the base does not depends on the templated types (but it still can take other template parameters, void in this example).
//Templated derived with extra, non-dependant types, passed to the base
//The arguments passed to CRTP::Base::Derived<, ARGS> must exactly match
// the template
template <typename T, typename... Args>
class B : public CRTP::Base<Interface, void>::Derived<B, T, Args...>
friend typename CRTP::Friend<Interface, B, void>::Base;
void f() {}
Next is an example for when the base depends on template parameters of the derived. The only difference from the previous example is the template keyword. An experiment shows that if the keyword is specified for the previous, non dependant, case the code also complies cleanly.
//Templated derived with extra dependant types passed to the base
//Notice the addition of the "template" keyword
template <typename... Args>
class C : public CRTP::Base<Interface, Args...>::template Derived<C, Args...>
friend typename CRTP::Friend<Interface, C, Args...>::Base;
void f() {}
Please note that these templates do not work for non-templated derived classes. I will update this answer when I find the solution, so a unified syntax could be used for all cases. The closest thing that can be done is just using some fake template parameter. Note that it still must be named and passed to the CRTP machinery. For example:
template <typename Fake = void>
class D : public CRTP::Base<Interface>::Derived<D, Fake>
friend typename CRTP::Friend<Interface, D>::Base;
void f() {}
Note that A, B, C & D are declared as class. That is, all their members are private.
Follows is some code that uses the above classes.
template <typename... Args>
void invoke(Interface<Args...> & base)
int main(int, char *[])
A derived;
//Direct invocation through cast to base (derived.f() is private)
static_cast<A::CRTP &>(derived).f();
//Invocation through template function accepting the base
B<int> derived;
static_cast<B<int>::CRTP &>(derived).f();
C<void> derived;
static_cast<C<void>::CRTP &>(derived).f();
D<void> derived;
static_cast<D<>::CRTP &>(derived).f();
return 0;
The invoke free-standing templated function works for any class derived from the base.
Also shown is how to cast the derived to the base without the need to actually specify the name of the base.
Surprisingly, this does not depend on any system headers.
The full code is available here:
Comments and corrections are welcome.
I want to do:
template <class Derived=BattleData>
class BattleData : public BattleCommandManager<Derived> {
But obviously BattleData isn't declared, so I tried a forward declaration:
template <class T> class BattleData;
template <class Derived=BattleData>
class BattleData : public BattleCommandManager<Derived> {
But then I get
error: "wrong number of template parameter on the second line, with
I really fail to see a solution to this!
The reason I'm doing this is because I want to be able to use BattleData directly as a class, but I also want to be able to subclass it in which case I have to specify the derived class as the second template parameter.
For example let's say the corpus of my BattleData class is :
template <class Derived> class BattleData: public BaseClass<Derived> {
void foo1(){};
void foo2(){};
void foo3(){};
And I have a subclass
template class SubBattleData: public BattleData<SubBattleData> {
void foo1(){};
I would still want, in some cases, to be able to write code like this:
BattleData *x = new BattleData(...);
I can't even do the following without being able to use default arguments:
BattleData<BattleData> *x = new BattleData<BattleData>(...);
On one side, the reason functions aren't virtualized in the BattleData class is the benefit of having no virtual function. The other reason it doesn't work for me is that one of the parent CRTP classes invokes functions only if they're present in the derived type (using decltype(Derived::function) and enable-if like structures), and fall back to default behavior otherwise. Since there can be a great deal of those functions with a particular design pattern (like a CRTP that reads a protocol with many different cases and processes a case a particular way only if the derived class specify the corresponding function, otherwise just transfer it without processing).
So those functions can be present in SubBattleData and not BattleData, but both classes would work fine if instantiated, yet it's impossible to instantiate BattleData.
You should be able to accomplish your original design goals more naturally than the above. You can't use the actual Derived typename as the default clearly because what you're really trying to write is the following:
template <class Derived=BattleData <BattleData <BattleData <...>>>
class BattleData : public BattleCommandManager<Derived> {
You get the idea. Instead, just use a placeholder like void:
template <typename T = void>
class BattleData : public BattleCommandManager <
typename std::conditional <
std::is_same <T, void>::value,
BattleData <void>,
Disclaimer: I did not compile the above.
Can't you use an Empty class for the second template parameter?
template <class T=DataContainer, class Derived=BattleData<T, Empty> >
class BattleData : public BattleCommandManager<Derived> {
I don't see what you are trying to do. What is wrong with
template <class T=DataContainer>
class BattleData : public BattleCommandManager< BattleData<T> > {
If you specify Derived to be something else than the actual derived class static polymorphism is not going to work and CRTP becomes somewhat useless anyway.
Edit: From what I have gathered this is what you want to in abstract terms:
template <class Derived>
struct Base {
void interface() {
template<typename T>
struct Derived : Base<Derived> {
// dummy so we get you example
T t;
void implementation() {
std::cout << "derived" << std::endl;
struct Derived2 : public Derived<int> {
// hide implementation in Derived
// but still have Base::interface make the right call statically
void implementation() {
std::cout << "derived2" << std::endl;
There is no way I know of that you can make this work. Another
approach would be to use policy classes instead of CRTP. They are
compatible with inheritance and you can achieve similar behaviour.
template<typename Policy>
struct BattleCmdManager : public Policy {
using Policy::foo;
template<typename T>
struct BattleData {
// ...
void foo();
struct BattleData2 : public BattleData<int {
// ...
void foo();
Here is how I solved it:
template <class Derived> class BattleDataInh: public BaseClass<Derived> {
void foo1(){};
void foo2(){};
void foo3(){};
template class SubBattleData: public BattleDataInh<SubBattleData> {
void foo1(){};
class BattleData : public BattleDataInh<BattleData> {
And that way, I can add any other template parameters too. The solution was in front of my eyes the whole time but I didn't see it...
I'm wanting to invoke a specialized templated function by using a pointer to it's base type. I'm not sure if this possible so I'm open to suggestions and/or alternatives. Here is an example of my situation:
class CBase {};
class CDerivedClass : public CBase {};
template<class T>
int func<T>(T &x) { ... };
int func<CDerivedClass>(CDerivedClass &x) { ... };
I have another function that manages a list of CBase pointers and then calls the func() function.
void doStuff()
CBase *foo[10] = { ...... };
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
Is there a way to get the derived type, so that func(CDerivedClass &) is called?
What about Template Subclassing? This idiom allows you to use compile-time polymorphism in C++. The cost of it is higher verbosity (such as specifying the whole class hierarchy up to the current class). In your case:
template <typename TSpec> class Klass {};
template <typename TSpec> struct SpecTag {};
template <typename TSpec> class Klass<SpecTag<TSpec> > {};
template <typename TSpec>
int func(Klass<TSpec> &x) { ... };
template <typename TSpec>
int func(Klass<SpecTag<TSpec> > &x) { ... };
The "Visitor" pattern comes to the rescue in this case. It enables polymorphic behavior in an algorithm implemented outside the class. Some support code is required inside the class, but new algorithms can later be added, existing algorithms modified, etc., without affecting the class.
Alternative solution : from your example, it's obvious that you just should to use a virtual method in CBase, so you just have to define a virtual function in CBase and an overriding function in the derived class.