Implementing an Interrupt driven Sampling Profiler - c++

I am trying to create a sampling profiler that works on linux, I am unsure how to send an interrupt or how to get the program counter (pc) so I can find out the point the program is at when I interrupt it.
I have tried using signal(SIGUSR1, Foo*) and calling backtrace, but I get the stack for the thread I am in when I raise(SIGUSR1) rather than the thread the program is being run on.
I am not really sure if this is even the right way of going about it...
Any advice?

If you must write a profiler, let me suggest you use a good one (Zoom) as your model, not a bad one (gprof).
These are its characteristics.
There are two phases. First is the data-gathering phase:
When it takes a sample, it reads the whole call stack, not just the program counter.
It can take samples even when the process is blocked due to I/O, sleep, or anything else.
You can turn sampling on/off, so as to only take samples during times you care about. For example, while waiting for the user to type something, it is pointless to be sampling.
Second is the data-presentation phase.
What you have is a collection of stack samples, where a stack sample is a vector of memory addresses, which are almost all return addresses.
Each return address indicates a line of code in a function, unless it's in some system routine you don't have symbolic information for.
The key piece of useful information is residency fraction (usually expressed as a percent).
If there are a total of m stack samples, and line of code L is present anywhere on n of the samples, then its residency fraction is n/m.
This is true even if L appears more that once on a sample, that is still just one sample it appears on.
The importance of residency fraction is it directly indicates what fraction of time statement L is responsible for.
If you have taken m=1000 samples, and L appears on n=300 of them, then L's residency fraction is 300/1000 or 30%.
This means that if L could be removed, total time would decrease by 30%.
It is typically known as inclusive percent.
You can determine residency fraction not just for lines of code, but for anything else you can describe. For example, line of code L is inside some function F.
So you can determine the residency fraction for functions, as opposed to lines of code.
That would give you inclusive percent by function.
You could look at function pairs, like on what fraction of samples do you see function F calling function G.
That would give you the information that makes up call graphs.
There are all kinds of information you can get out of the stack samples.
One that is often seen is a "butterfly view", where you have a "focus" on one line L or function F, and on one side you show all the lines or functions immediately above it in the stack samples, and on the other side all the lines of functions immediately below it.
On each of these, you can show the residency fraction.
You can click around in this to try to find lines of code with high residency fraction that you can find a way to eliminate or reduce.
That's how you speed up the code.
Whatever you do for output, I think it is very important to allow the user to actually examine a small number of them, randomly selected.
They convey far more insight than can be gotten from any method that condenses the information.
As important as it is to know what the profiler should do, it is also important to know what not to do, even if lots of other profilers do them:
self time. A useless number. Look at some reasonable-size programs and you will see why.
invocation counts. Of no help in finding code with high residency fraction, and you can't get it with samples alone anyway.
high-frequency sampling. It's amazing how many people, certainly profiler builders, think it is important to get lots of samples. Suppose line L is on 30% of 1000 samples. Then its true inclusive percent is 30 +/- 1.4 percent. On the other hand, if it is on 30% of 10 samples, its inclusive percent is 30 +/- 14 percent. It's still pretty big - big enough to fix. What happens in most profilers is people think they need "numerical precision", so they take lots of samples and accumulate what they call "statistics", and then throw away the samples. That's like digging up diamonds, weighing them, and throwing them away. The real value is in the samples themselves, because they tell you what the problem is.

You can send signal to specific thread using pthread_kill and tid (gettid()) of target thread.
Right way of creating simple profilers is by using setitimer which can send periodic signal (SIGALRM or SIGPROF) for example, every 10 ms; or posix timers (timer_create, timer_settime, or timerfd), without needs of separate thread for sending profiling signals. Check sources of google-perftools (gperftools), they use setitimer or posix timers and collects profile with backtraces.
gprof also uses setitimer for implementing cpu time profiling (9.1 Implementation of Profiling - " Linux 2.0 ..arrangements are made for the kernel to periodically deliver a signal to the process (typically via setitimer())").
For example: result of codesearch for setitimer in gperftools's sources:
void ProfileHandler::StartTimer() {
if (!allowed_) {
struct itimerval timer;
timer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
timer.it_interval.tv_usec = 1000000 / frequency_;
timer.it_value = timer.it_interval;
setitimer(timer_type_, &timer, 0);
You should know that setitimer has problems with fork and clone; it doesn't work with multithreaded applications. There is try to create helper wrapper: (wrong one) but I don't remember, does it work correctly (setitimer usually send process-wide signal, and not thread-wide). UPD: seems that since linux kernel 2.6.12, setitimer's signal is directed to the process as whole (any thread may get it).
To direct signal from timer_create to specific thread, you need gettid() (#include <sys/syscall.h>, syscall(__NR_gettid)) and SIGEV_THREAD_ID flag. Don't checked how to create periodic posix timer with thread_create (probably with timer_settime and non-zero it_interval).
PS: there is some overview of profiling in wikibooks:


How to calculate std dev, quartile, ... with benchmarking a code?

I wrote some functions to benchmark a function/piece of code. I do it like this:
start = timer
for(1 second)
call fun
stop = timer
And then I have a MEAN (AVERAGE) time: (stop-start/iterations), right?
Single call is too 'short' to measure, so how can I calculate from this type of measurement, std dev, quartile, etc ... ?
Standard deviation and quartiles both deal with the distribution of values in a group.
With only one measurement, these become trivial or meaningless. Since there's only one measurement, that value is the mean, the minimum, the maximum, and the mode. Since none of the measurements deviate from the mean, the variance and standard deviation are zero.
You'll have to find a way to measure the time precisely enough. You'll need the times for individual calls to fun in order to get any meaningful standard deviation etc.
This question may contain useful hints, and I'm sure there are quite a few platform-specific high-resolution timers out there as well.
In general, due to the processing speed and the troubles obtaining micro and millisecond resolutions, most performance measurements are based on a large number of iterations.
For example:
Read start time
for 1,000,000 iterations do
perform function
read end time.
The duration is the end time - start time.
The average execution time is the duration divided by the number of iterations.
There are other reasons for using the average time: interruptions by OS, data cache misses and maybe external factors (such as hard drive accesses).
For more exact measurements, you will have to use a "test point" and an oscilliscope. Write high pulse to the test point before the iterations and write a low pulse afterwards. Set the oscilloscope to capture the duration. If your oscilloscope has statistical functions and storage, move the test point writes to before and after the function execution.
If a single call is too short to measure, then why do you care how long it takes?
I'm being a bit facetious, but if you're on Intel Linux, and your process is pinned to one core, you can read the CPU's timestamp counter (TSC), which is the highest resolution tick you can get. In recent Intel CPUs it ticks very solidly at the nominal CPU frequency independent of the actual frequency (which varies wildly). If you Google for "rdtsc", you'll find several implementations for a rdtsc() function that you can just call. You could then try something like:
uint64_t tic, elapsed[10000];
for(i=0; i<10000; i++) {
tic = rdtsc()
elapsed[i] = tic - rdtsc()
That might get you within shouting distance of a maybe kinda/sorta semi-valid values for individual function calls, from which you can then produce whatever statistics you want (mean/mode/median/variance/ The validity of this is seriously open to question, but it's the best that can be done with anything like your method. I'd be much more inclined to run the whole application under perf record and then use perf report to see where the cycles are being expended and focus on that.

Interpreting GPerfTools sample count

I'm struggling a little with reading the textual output the GPerfTools generate. I think part of the problem is that I don't fully understand how the sampling method operates.
From Wikipedia I gather that profilers based on sample functions usually work by sending an interrupt to the OS and querying the program's current instruction pointer. Now my knowledge about assembly is a little rusty, so I'm wondering what it means if the instruction pointer points to method m at any given time? I.e. does it mean that the function is about to be called or does it mean it's currently executed, or both?
There's a difference if I'm not mistaken, because in the first case the sample count (i.e. times m is seen while taking a sample) translates to the absolute call count of m, while in the latter case it simply translates to times seen, i.e. a mere indication of relative time spent in this method.
Can someone clarify?

timers, threads and compiler misbehaviour

I'm having trouble with something and couldn't find any answers about it, as I don't even know what to search for. I have a done a timer class using QueryPerformanceCounter, from my application, I launch a second thread object that has its own instanced timer and I just have an infinite loop getting delta time from the timer and using it to output the number of loop iterations per second.
I've noticed that it was giving me weird values so I started printing delta time and found out it was coming as 0 sometimes, so I went inside the method that returns delta time and did some testing. This is my deltaTime() method:
double MyTimer2::deltaTime()
//std::cout << "timenow=" << (double)timenow.QuadPart << " currentticks=" << (double)m_currentTicks.QuadPart << std::endl;
double m_deltaTime = (double)(timenow.QuadPart - m_currentTicks.QuadPart) /* 1000.0*/ / (double)m_frequency.QuadPart;
m_currentTicks = timenow;
if(m_deltaTime < 0.000001)
return 0.0;
return m_deltaTime;
So, I put a breakpoint on "return 0.0;" and what happens is that it gets there most of the time, which is not correct. However, if I uncomment the printing code and run, I will never stop on the breakpoint. So in theory, my printing code is making it work correctly, whereas if I remove it, things stop working as they should! How is this possible, why is it happening and how can I fix it? I've tried _ReadWriteBarrier() unsuccessfully.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I need a high-resolution timer for physics simulation!
A couple processor generations ago, QueryPerformanceCounter() would read the CPU's cycle counter (e.g. rdtsc). Using this method, the number of ticks from successive reads would never be zero. The resolution was equal to the CPU clock rate, e.g. 3 GHz.
Modern processors have two characteristics which make the cycle counter useless for timing. First, you have multiple cores, which each have their own cycle counter. Threads can migrate between cores, and if you read the cycle counter from two different cores, the difference would not be related to elapsed time. It could even be negative. Secondly, you have dynamic clocking based on load (both underclocking to save power and overclocking for performance). Intel calls these "SpeedStep" and "Turbo Boost", respectively. When the cycle rate isn't fixed, there's no way to convert from ticks to time.
So, QueryPerformanceCounter now uses a dedicated piece of hardware called a High-Performance Event Counter (HPET), with a resolution of several MHz. Importantly, there's only one regardless of how many cores you have, and it doesn't change speed dynamically. But, since the resolution is lower, it is now possible to read it twice between ticks, in which case you'll get an elapsed time reported as zero.
In practice, this isn't a problem. If you need timing more precise than what the HPET can provide, then a general purpose computer is not suitable for you. Timing in the nanosecond range will be severely affected by interrupts.
What could possibly be the purpose of this block?
if(m_deltaTime < 0.000001)
return 0.0;
It has no value, it simply screws with the results, telling you the time was zero when it actually wasn't.
First of all, your timer is wrong: it consumes your CPU intensively. On the single core machine it will slow down all the system. If you want to create a timer and target Windows, you can use timer functions.
Then, every not negative value, returned by your deltaTime() function is valid. While you hosted not in real-time operating system, every operation can take arbitrary amount of time. One iteration can take about tens cycles of processor ticks, or tens years. No one guarantee.
Third, about experimental results. It seems that if context will be switched once between two consecutive time measurement, you get value about 0.016s, if not, you get value bellow 0.000001s that is floored to 0s.
As it was said, printing to console is relatively heavy operation and you actually always get context switched when you enable it.
While QueryPerformanceCounter seems to offer great resolution, it traps you. You will never get actually high resolution timer, unless you work in real-time OS.

QueryPerformanceCounter and overflows

I'm using QueryPerformanceCounter to do some timing in my application. However, after running it for a few days the application seems to stop functioning properly. If I simply restart the application it starts working again. This makes me a believe I have an overflow problem in my timing code.
// Author: Ryan M. Geiss
class timer
void tick(double interval)
if (time_.QuadPart != 0)
int ticks_to_wait = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(freq_.QuadPart) * interval);
int done = 0;
int ticks_passed = static_cast<int>(static_cast<__int64>(t.QuadPart) - static_cast<__int64>(time_.QuadPart));
int ticks_left = ticks_to_wait - ticks_passed;
if (t.QuadPart < time_.QuadPart) // time wrap
done = 1;
if (ticks_passed >= ticks_to_wait)
done = 1;
if (!done)
// if > 0.002s left, do Sleep(1), which will actually sleep some
// steady amount, probably 1-2 ms,
// and do so in a nice way (cpu meter drops; laptop battery spared).
// otherwise, do a few Sleep(0)'s, which just give up the timeslice,
// but don't really save cpu or battery, but do pass a tiny
// amount of time.
if (ticks_left > static_cast<int>((freq_.QuadPart*2)/1000))
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
Sleep(0); // causes thread to give up its timeslice
while (!done);
time_ = t;
My question is whether the code above should work deterministically for weeks of running continuously?
And if not where the problem is? I thought the overflow was handled by
if (t.QuadPart < time_.QuadPart) // time wrap
done = 1;
But maybe thats not enough?
EDIT: Please observe that I did not write the original code, Ryan M. Geiss did, the link to the original source of the code is in the code.
QueryPerformanceCounter is notorious for its unreliability. It's fine to use for individual short-interval timing, if you're prepared to handle abnormal results. It is not exact - It's typically based on the PCI bus frequency, and a heavily loaded bus can lead to lost ticks.
GetTickCount is actually more stable, and can give you 1ms resolution if you've called timeBeginPeriod. It will eventually wrap, so you need to handle that.
__rdtsc should not be used, unless you're profiling and have control of which core you're running on and are prepared to handle variable CPU frequency.
GetSystemTime is decent for longer periods of measurements, but will jump when the system time is adjusted.
Also, Sleep(0) does not do what you think it does. It will yield the cpu if another context wants it - otherwise it'll return immediately.
In short, timing on windows is a mess. One would think that today it'd be possible to get accurate long-term timing from a computer without going through hoops - but this isn't the case. In our game framework we're using several time sources and corrections from the server to ensure all connected clients have the same game time, and there's a lot of bad clocks out there.
Your best bet would likely be to just use GetTickCount or GetSystemTime, wrap it into something that adjusts for time jumps/wrap arounds.
Also, you should convert your double interval to an int64 milliseconds and then use only integer math - this avoids problems due to floating point types' varying accuracy based on their contents.
Based on your comment, you probably should be using Waitable Timers instead.
See the following examples:
Using Waitable Timer Objects
Using Waitable Timers with an Asynchronous Procedure Call
Performance counters are 64-bit, so they are large enough for years of running continuously. For example, if you assume the performance counter increments 2 billion times each second (some imaginary 2 GHz processor) it will overflow in about 290 years.
Using a nanosecond-scale timer to control something like Sleep() that at best is precise to several milliseconds (and usually, several dozen milliseconds) is somewhat controversary anyway.
A different approach you might consider would be to use WaitForSingleObject or a similar function. This burns less CPU cycles, causes a trillion fewer context switches over the day, and is more reliable than Sleep(0), too.
You could for example create a semapore and never touch it in normal operation. The semaphore exists only so you can wait on something, if you don't have anything better to wait on. Then you can specify a timeout in milliseconds up to 49 days long with a single syscall. And, it will not only be less work, it will be much more accurate too.
The advantage is that if "something happens", so you want to break up earlier than that, you only need to signal the semaphore. The wait call will return instantly, and you will know from the WAIT_OBJECT_0 return value that it was due to being signaled, not due to time running out. And all that without complicated logic and counting cycles.
The problem you asked about most directly:
if (t.QuadPart < time_.QuadPart)
should instead be this:
if (t.QuadPart - time_.QuadPart < 0)
The reason for that is that you want to look for wrapping in relative time, not absolute time. Relative time will wrap (1ull<<63) time units after the reference call to QPC. Absolute time might wrap (1ull<<63) time units after reboot, but it could wrap at any other time it felt like it, that's undefined.
QPC is a little bugged on some systems (older RDTSC-based QPCs on early multicore CPUs, for instance) so it may be desirable to allow small negative time deltas like so:
if (t.QuadPart - time_.QuadPart < -1000000) //time wrap
An actual wrap will produce a very large negative time deltas, so that's safe. It shouldn't be necessary on modern systems, but trusting microsoft is rarely a good idea.
However, the bigger problem there with time wrapping is in the fact that ticks_to_wait, ticks_passed, and ticks_left are all int, not LARGE_INT or long long like they should be. This makes most of that code wrap if any significant time periods are involved - and "significant" in this context is platform dependent, it can be on the order of 1 second in a few (rare these days) cases, or even less on some hypothetical future system.
Other issues:
if (time_.QuadPart != 0)
Zero is not a special value there, and should not be treated as such. My guess is that the code is conflating QPC returning a time of zero with QPCs return value being zero. The return value is not the 64 bit time passed by pointer, it's the BOOL that QPC actually returns.
Also, that loop of Sleep(0) is foolish - it appears to be tuned to behave correctly only on a particular level of contention and a particular per-thread CPU performance. If you need resolution that's a horrible idea, and if you don't need resolution then that entire function should have just been a single call to Sleep.

Best way to test code speed in C++ without profiler, or does it not make sense to try?

On SO, there are quite a few questions about performance profiling, but I don't seem to find the whole picture. There are quite a few issues involved and most Q & A ignore all but a few at a time, or don't justify their proposals.
What Im wondering about. If I have two functions that do the same thing, and Im curious about the difference in speed, does it make sense to test this without external tools, with timers, or will this compiled in testing affect the results to much?
I ask this because if it is sensible, as a C++ programmer, I want to know how it should best be done, as they are much simpler than using external tools. If it makes sense, lets proceed with all the possible pitfalls:
Consider this example. The following code shows 2 ways of doing the same thing:
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
typedef unsigned char byte;
swapBytes( void* in, size_t n )
for( size_t lo=0, hi=n-1; hi>lo; ++lo, --hi )
in[lo] ^= in[hi]
, in[hi] ^= in[lo]
, in[lo] ^= in[hi] ;
byte arr[9] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' };
const int iterations = 100000000;
clock_t begin = clock();
for( int i=iterations; i!=0; --i )
swapBytes( arr, 8 );
clock_t middle = clock();
for( int i=iterations; i!=0; --i )
std::reverse( arr, arr+8 );
clock_t end = clock();
double secSwap = (double) ( middle-begin ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
double secReve = (double) ( end-middle ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
std::cout << "swapBytes, for: " << iterations << " times takes: " << middle-begin
<< " clock ticks, which is: " << secSwap << "sec." << std::endl;
std::cout << "std::reverse, for: " << iterations << " times takes: " << end-middle
<< " clock ticks, which is: " << secReve << "sec." << std::endl;
return 0;
// Output:
// Release:
// swapBytes, for: 100000000 times takes: 3000 clock ticks, which is: 3sec.
// std::reverse, for: 100000000 times takes: 1437 clock ticks, which is: 1.437sec.
// Debug:
// swapBytes, for: 10000000 times takes: 1781 clock ticks, which is: 1.781sec.
// std::reverse, for: 10000000 times takes: 12781 clock ticks, which is: 12.781sec.
The issues:
Which timers to use and how get the cpu time actually consumed by the code under question?
What are the effects of compiler optimization (since these functions just swap bytes back and forth, the most efficient thing is obviously to do nothing at all)?
Considering the results presented here, do you think they are accurate (I can assure you that multiple runs give very similar results)? If yes, can you explain how std::reverse gets to be so fast, considering the simplicity of the custom function. I don't have the source code from the vc++ version that I used for this test, but here is the implementation from GNU. It boils down to the function iter_swap, which is completely incomprehensible for me. Would this also be expected to run twice as fast as that custom function, and if so, why?
It seems two high precision timers are being proposed: clock() and QueryPerformanceCounter (on windows). Obviously we would like to measure the cpu time of our code and not the real time, but as far as I understand, these functions don't give that functionality, so other processes on the system would interfere with measurements. This page on the gnu c library seems to contradict that, but when I put a breakpoint in vc++, the debugged process gets a lot of clock ticks even though it was suspended (I have not tested under gnu). Am I missing alternative counters for this, or do we need at least special libraries or classes for this? If not, is clock good enough in this example or would there be a reason to use the QueryPerformanceCounter?
What can we know for certain without debugging, dissassembling and profiling tools? Is anything actually happening? Is the function call being inlined or not? When checking in the debugger, the bytes do actually get swapped, but I'd rather know from theory why, than from testing.
Thanks for any directions.
Thanks to a hint from tojas the swapBytes function now runs as fast as the std::reverse. I had failed to realize that the temporary copy in case of a byte must be only a register, and thus is very fast. Elegance can blind you.
swapBytes( byte* in, size_t n )
byte t;
for( int i=0; i<7-i; ++i )
t = in[i];
in[i] = in[7-i];
in[7-i] = t;
Thanks to a tip from ChrisW I have found that on windows you can get the actual cpu time consumed by a (read:your) process trough Windows Management Instrumentation. This definitely looks more interesting than the high precision counter.
Obviously we would like to measure the cpu time of our code and not the real time, but as far as I understand, these functions don't give that functionality, so other processes on the system would interfere with measurements.
I do two things, to ensure that wall-clock time and CPU time are approximately the same thing:
Test for a significant length of time, i.e. several seconds (e.g. by testing a loop of however many thousands of iterations)
Test when the machine is more or less relatively idle except for whatever I'm testing.
Alternatively if you want to measure only/more exactly the CPU time per thread, that's available as a performance counter (see e.g. perfmon.exe).
What can we know for certain without debugging, dissassembling and profiling tools?
Nearly nothing (except that I/O tends to be relatively slow).
To answer you main question, it "reverse" algorithm just swaps elements from the array and not operating on the elements of the array.
Use QueryPerformanceCounter on Windows if you need a high-resolution timing. The counter accuracy depends on the CPU but it can go up to per clock pulse. However, profiling in real world operations is always a better idea.
Is it safe to say you're asking two questions?
Which one is faster, and by how much?
And why is it faster?
For the first, you don't need high precision timers. All you need to do is run them "long enough" and measure with low precision timers. (I'm old-fashioned, my wristwatch has a stop-watch function, and it is entirely good enough.)
For the second, surely you can run the code under a debugger and single-step it at the instruction level. Since the basic operations are so simple, you will be able to easily see roughly how many instructions are required for the basic cycle.
Think simple. Performance is not a hard subject. Usually, people are trying to find problems, for which this is a simple approach.
(This answer is specific to Windows XP and the 32-bit VC++ compiler.)
The easiest thing for timing little bits of code is the time-stamp counter of the CPU. This is a 64-bit value, a count of the number of CPU cycles run so far, which is about as fine a resolution as you're going to get. The actual numbers you get aren't especially useful as they stand, but if you average out several runs of various competing approaches then you can compare them that way. The results are a bit noisy, but still valid for comparison purposes.
To read the time-stamp counter, use code like the following:
__asm {
mov tsc.LowPart,eax
mov tsc.HighPart,edx
(The cpuid instruction is there to ensure that there aren't any incomplete instructions waiting to complete.)
There are four things worth noting about this approach.
Firstly, because of the inline assembly language, it won't work as-is on MS's x64 compiler. (You'll have to create a .ASM file with a function in it. An exercise for the reader; I don't know the details.)
Secondly, to avoid problems with cycle counters not being in sync across different cores/threads/what have you, you may find it necessary to set your process's affinity so that it only runs on one specific execution unit. (Then again... you may not.)
Thirdly, you'll definitely want to check the generated assembly language to ensure that the compiler is generating roughly the code you expect. Watch out for bits of code being removed, functions being inlined, that sort of thing.
Finally, the results are rather noisy. The cycle counters count cycles spent on everything, including waiting for caches, time spent on running other processes, time spent in the OS itself, etc. Unfortunately, it's not possible (under Windows, at least) to time just your process. So, I suggest running the code under test a lot of times (several tens of thousands) and working out the average. This isn't very cunning, but it seems to have produced useful results for me at any rate.
I would suppose that anyone competent enough to answer all your questions is gong to be far too busy to answer all your questions. In practice it is probably more effective to ask a single, well-defined questions. That way you may hope to get well-defined answers which you can collect and be on your way to wisdom.
So, anyway, perhaps I can answer your question about which clock to use on Windows.
clock() is not considered a high precision clock. If you look at the value of CLOCKS_PER_SEC you will see it has a resolution of 1 millisecond. This is only adequate if you are timing very long routines, or a loop with 10000's of iterations. As you point out, if you try and repeat a simple method 10000's of times in order to get a time that can be measured with clock() the compiler is liable to step in and optimize the whole thing away.
So, really, the only clock to use is QueryPerformanceCounter()
Is there something you have against profilers? They help a ton. Since you are on WinXP, you should really give a trial of vtune a try. Try a call graph sampling test and look at self time and total time of the functions being called. There's no better way to tune your program so that it's the fastest possible without being an assembly genius (and a truly exceptional one).
Some people just seem to be allergic to profilers. I used to be one of those and thought I knew best about where my hotspots were. I was often correct about obvious algorithmic inefficiencies, but practically always incorrect about more micro-optimization cases. Just rewriting a function without changing any of the logic (ex: reordering things, putting exceptional case code in a separate, non-inlined function, etc) can make functions a dozen times faster and even the best disassembly experts usually can't predict that without the profiler.
As for relying on simplistic timing tests alone, they are extremely problematic. That current test is not so bad but it's a very common mistake to write timing tests in ways in which the optimizer will optimize out dead code and end up testing the time it takes to do essentially a nop or even nothing at all. You should have some knowledge to interpret the disassembly to make sure the compiler isn't doing this.
Also timing tests like this have a tendency to bias the results significantly since a lot of them just involve running your code over and over in the same loop, which tends to simply test the effect of your code when all the memory in the cache with all the branch prediction working perfectly for it. It's often just showing you best case scenarios without showing you the average, real-world case.
Depending on real world timing tests is a little bit better; something closer to what your application will be doing at a high level. It won't give you specifics about what is taking what amount of time, but that's precisely what the profiler is meant to do.
Wha? How to measure speed without a profiler? The very act of measuring speed is profiling! The question amounts to, "how can I write my own profiler?" And the answer is clearly, "don't".
Besides, you should be using std::swap in the first place, which complete invalidates this whole pointless pursuit.
-1 for pointlessness.