Rolling out own permission app or modifying django permission - django

I am working on a project which needs a separate admin interface. The django admin interface is for the super super user, there will be companies who will sign up for our app and then they will have their own admin interface. Everything is set and done despite the permission. We want model level permission that's what Django provides.
What I did is:
class CompanyGroup(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=254)
permissions = models.ManyToManyField(Permissions)
Now this list all the permissions of the site itself. So, Should I start working on my own permission app or I can modify django Permissions to provide object level permissions for only some models.

Try one of the several existing 'row level' / 'per object' permissions apps for Django:
...there are probably others, those are just the first two in Google
We are using django-guardian in current project at work, seems fine.
I am assuming that you need to control access to sub-sets of each model's objects, depending on which company the current user belongs to (i.e. you don't want people from Company A to see items from Company B). For this reason you need row level permissions.
You probably also need to limit the permissions of all 'company users' to only certain actions:
You do not need to create a CompanyGroup class.
Instead just enable the admin site, log in as super user and create a django.contrib.auth.models.Group which contains the global permissions applicable to company users.
then ensure when you create any new company user logins that they are added to that Group


permissions in django for the group of users

In my wen application i mad different login for different person like for HR ,for engineer ,for owner using django user creation form , and authenticate them using Django authentication ,now everything is work very well i am able to add user from the front add
but the problem is that everyone get same power and authority , i can change it from the admin penal but it will not be beneficial for my client/user I WANT ALLOW DIFFERENT KIND OF PERMISSIONS TO DIFFERENT GROUP OF USER(daynamicaliy with using django penal) show How can i do that.
(i'm beginner so its request to all of you to give answer in some detail format)
If you refer to the docs here, there is already a default system where you can add or remove permissions to a specific group of users. What you should do next is to create different subclasses for different types of users.
So your models will look something like this eventually:
class User(models.Model):
# just keep whatever you had here
# Engineer and Manager will both be subclasses of User
class Engineer(User):
# add whatever permissions you have
class Manager(User):
# add different permissions
In this way, you will be able to apply custom permissions to different groups of people.

I need help in designing a database (and signup and login on base of their role )in which there are three user

I want make sign up and login on the base of their role there admin can add users and approved the request of other two user so that they can login.When user click on the sign up the user see sign up page accorading to their roll and same for login .
Django implements a pretty decent authentication framework inside it, so you already have things such as Users, Groups and Permissions to work on. All of those being managed easily by the admin page.
What you want to do is to assign a set of groups/permissions to a newly created user to determine its role and then build a frontend that manages the different kind of users in terms of templates. If you want an user to have itself validated before start using your page, refer to the is_active attribute of the User object.
Read for more information:

django staff users manage their own users only

In my Django app a user can register to the site and receive staff_user privileges from the admin.
After that the staff user can create and manage some other users (normal users) using default django admin site.
Now, I would like to let the staff user see and manage only the users he created from the admin site, I don't want him to see other users created by another staff user.
how can I do that? I imagine I need to modify right?
Don't modify the admin site.
In general, you have the following tools available:
Create groups
Add users to groups
Create custom permissions on your models, to indicate certain actions
However, what you are asking: Now, I would like to let the staff user see and manage only the users he created from the admin site is not possible in django-admin.
The Django-admin site is only intended as a glorified development tool for fully trusted users, not as a customizable app for end users.
If your project requires an admin site with any of the following ...
Customized administraion functionality.
Exposure to any user that is not completely trusted.
... then I'm afraid you have to create your own custom app.
You can replace the stock UserAdmin with your own which overrides queryset() and does the filtering. The bigger issue is what to filter by. The default User model does not store a "created_by" in the model instance. So you would need to add this information whenever a User is added.
How best to do this depends on your Django version.
Django 1.5 introduced a "Configurable User model" which makes this very easy.
In earlier versions you would either have to monkeypatch the User model, or store that information in a separate "user profile" attached 1:1 to the User.
Regarding the trusting of users (which wasn't a topic but I feel the need to comment on thnee's answer) in the Django admin, check out the links in my answer here: Should I use Django's Admin feature?

Differences between various permission levels in Django

As far as I know, there are 3 permission levels available to use in django (whether by django itself or by using 3rd party apps).
1) Model-based permission
2) Object based permission
3) Row-based permission
It would be great if you tell me the exact differences between these 3 levels of permission system.
Not sure where you got that info, but it's not even remotely correct. Django technically doesn't have any permission system. The auth contrib app adds a system of "permissions" but it's optional and could be replaced entirely with something else. The admin app (also a contrib package, and optional) uses auth, so if you're talking about the Django admin, or using the auth package with your own app(s), then we can talk.
In auth, you have Users, Groups and Permissions. Users come in either "superuser" or "regular" user flavors, and every model in your project gets three Permissions automatically when you run syncdb (with auth included in INSTALLED_APPS): can_add, can_change, and can_delete. Users marked as "superusers" (is_superuser == True), can take any action on any model. Other users need to have Permissions explicitly assigned to them. Further, Groups may have Permissions assigned to them, and then, any User assigned to that Group inherits those permissions.
So, a user could have no ability to do anything with any model, some combination of add, change or delete capability with some or all models or complete access to do anything with any model. There's no concept of "object-based" permissions, in the sense of an "instance". You can either either edit every instance of an model or none. There's also no concept of "row-based" permission. A row in the database table is merely an instance of the model, anyways.

I'm having difficulty working out how to do permissions for my Django models? (not admin)

I have a range of models for my Django project. Everyone with a login has a Profile. A Profile will have certain permission access to the different parts of the website... Be able to view or edit certain accounts in the Account model. Be able to view or edit certain accounts in the Module model. Be able to delete or be blocked from accessing other Profiles. etc. People with Profiles do not access the normal Django built-in admin, it's all a custom website-side area where all of this stuff will take place.
Django's built in permissions stuff didn't seem to cover this sort of module/row level permissions. I was thinking of having a simple Permissions model with Profile and Permission Type foreign keys in them. Then all the things I want to be accessable only by Profiles with permissions will have a many to many to this Permissions model. But I'm not sure that's how to go about it?
What is an ideal way of doing permissions for the profiles to restrict access to rows of other models?
Check out Florian Apolloner's Django Advent post on Object Permissions. I found it to be a decent way of doing object-level permissions.